I know most of you want me to get back to nothing but (NSFW) sexy otters for Fur Fridays, but beloved commenter Pope Jimbo sent in a story that I just couldn’t pass up: Unsuspecting Woman Brings Therapy Dog to Local Furry Convention.

Before last weekend, Cheryl Wassus had no idea what a “furry” was. So naturally, when the Motor City Furry Convention chose Pets for Vets (a nonprofit that pairs dogs with military veterans) as its charity of choice, she assumed that she and Link, her one-year-old Bernese mountain dog, would be spending the day at an animal event. She wasn’t wrong, necessarily — it’s just that the animals were maybe slightly more anthropomorphized than she had envisioned.

Seriously though click through and read the whole interview, it’s charming as all get out. Also the Dog’s name is “Link” and there’s a Legend of Zelda shield in there.