- California Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez introduced a bill to make California a “shall-issue” state.
“It is our Constitutional right to defend ourselves,” said sponsor Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, a
Trump is calling contractors to discuss height requirements for his wall as we speak.
Republican from Lake Elsinore. “Californians should not be subjugated to the personal beliefs of one individual who doesn’t believe in the Second Amendment. If a citizen passes the background check and completes the necessary safety training requirements, there should be no reason to deny them a CCW.”
- Denver police officer Julian Archuleta forgot to turn his bodycam off. Hilarity ensued.
- Making catapults great again.
Mimes are law.
Actual hilarity ensued. That was a deep breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
I’m having a fucking stroke
The other nun couldn’t reach that far.
aye carumba
How far will that shall issue bill go?
any update on trump actually making the whole of the us a shall issue?
I like to imagine it showing up in some Friday afternoon news dump that the MSM completely misses while stroking out over some Russia spy bullshit. Then, like a month later, shit hits the pants.
Lake Elsinore? I love their beer!
Take off, hoser
+1 Expired chocolate milk
Hey any of you gun weirdos recommend a good CCW?
I enjoy my M&P Shield. Nice little single-stack option that doesn’t print much–or at all, if you’re mindful.
Appreciate it big dog
No problem!
Mr. Riven carries the Glock equivalent–I forget which model number.
The best CCW option is the one that you’re actually going to carry. I don’t know who said it, but it’s the best advice I’ve ever gotten on this topic.
I haz a sad you don’t remember who said that.
The best CCW option is the one that you’re actually going to carry.
And the one you know is going to work in possibly a high stress situation.
Everyone’s level of familiarity and training is different, but the revolver works as long as you can remember to pull the trigger.
I have an S&W M&P 9 shield. It’s a good little gun for carry. I don’t carry it because I don’t have a carry permit yet, but it’s small enough to be hardly noticeable. I’ve carried it once or twice while hunting, and it wasn’t any burden.
I am looking too. The g19 is the compact 9mm, I’m looking at that and the M&P that Riven has.
I have a EAA/Tanfoglio Witness 9mm compact with a steel frame. I’m willing to trade a little weight for durability, and you can convert it fairly easily to 10mm, .38 Super, .40 S&W, or .45 ACP.
Tanfoglio, eh?
Smacks of competition shooting to me.
If you have a paper plate mask and is trying to rob him from 20 yards away he will kill you.
Nah – you can actually snag one pretty cheap if you keep your eyes open. They do have fancy match grade ones for like $1500, but that’s hardly mine. I paid $300.
Riven, if you catch this: I cannot recommend EAA enough. I had a full size, steel frame 9mm that was one of the bestest guns to shoot. Everyone who laid hands on it loved it. I had to sell it some years back, and the friend-purchaser still owns it (and, refuses to sell it back, dammit).
They are usually inexpensive guns. I have a full size polymer fram in .40 right now. A bit different feel, but a great gun.
Shield is a good choice. I have a Ruger sr22(it will still hurt someone) because it is smaller. I want a NAA 22 mini revolver cuz it’s cute.
OMG. RIGHT?! Those little mini revolvers that NAA makes are just so damn cute. Debating taking one and making it a thigh-holster-carry option. Shield is waaaay too heavy.
I want one so bad… but I won’t buy before I try, so… I wait for my local range to get one on rent.
I’ve shot one. Surprisingly accurate less than 7 yds. It is really just a last resort but i work in an office and it would make a perfect pocket gun.
That’s exactly what I’m looking for–a “backup” on-body option in case my purse-carry Shield is too far away.
1) What are your requirements?
1a) What is your threat environment?
2) With what cartridge are you most accurate?
1) Something inexpensive and lightweight
1a) I work in the hood in Atlanta
2) 9mm
The Tangfolio/EAA Witness Polymer Compact is actually a solid option in this case if you’re not super concerned about size. They offer compact enough at the 300 dollar price point (MSRP is around 5 IIRC but I’ve regularly seen them in stores for 3) I think you’d be hard pressed for better. As always, the M&Ps are a fine alternative if you’re not into the Glocks. Both can be had in smaller form factor (single stack) than the Tangfolio, but you will pay more and for your threat environment I’d want something with more capacity. As a personal rule, I don’t dick with my carry triggers and I prefer the stock M&P trigger to the Glock. I like the Tangfolio triggers but I’ve not purchased one.
It is probably of little use to you but I EDC a P229 or, attire dependent, an M&P9c. I chose these platforms because, in their baseline configuration, I simply shoot better with them than with their competitors.
Wow, thank you. Looks like I’ll have to do some range time soon.
Indeed. Can’t miss fast enough to stop the threat as they say.
Sorta OT: Much of the Tangfolio stuff is interchangeable with IMI/IWI/Magnum Reasearch platforms and both are lineal decedents of the CZ 75 family. For example, I had difficulty sourcing magazines for my KBI era Jerichos until I realized that my SP-01 mags were a drop in fit.
do you like the CZ?
Absolutely love it. I’ve been kicking around sending it over to CZ custom for trigger work only because the stock trigger isn’t quite as nice to me as the Jericho trigger for whatever reason. I’d probably carry it if I could ever figure a way to get a full frame to work with my suit. I don’t know what they go for now days but I picked it up sometime around when they first released the SP-01, I thought at about $600 it was way too good of a deal to pass up.
I should add though, my one real gripe with the CZ is the ergonomics of the slide. It is far more difficult to grip and rip the SP-01 than the P229 which, when considering malfunction drills, makes a difference to me.
A Glock 26 works well for me. If you have a small build, the single-stack G43 may conceal better.
I used to carry a lightweight Commander-style 1911 (A S&W 1911PD), but once I went Glock…
I looked at the 43, but If I’m only able to carry 6 9mm, I’d prefer a wheel gun.
I found I couldn’t shoot it as well. My friend bought one to carry, so I had a chance to spend some hours with one. At the range, I just didn’t click (hah) with it. Recoil wasn’t bad, the trigger was okay…but I just didn’t make fast hits with it.
As far as wheel guns go, a S&W 642 is my go-to when I need a pocket gun. There are huge advantages to the internal-hammer .38 when it comes to fighting at contact distances. Related to a comment above, if your main worry is being snatched off the street and held for ransom/tortured/whatever, then a snubby revolver should be in your pocket.
A nice basic Kel-Tec P-11 is a kickass carry gun. Its cheap, pretty reliable and has a heavy hammer in case you ever get worried about bump-firing it.
Sig P938.
with a good paddle holster it is very comfortable. You hardly know it is there. I dont go anywhere without mine.
River LCR . Get the 357. More steel, a little more weight helps with the snappy recoil.
Moderate me! First comment.
I like Sig, Glock and Springfield as far as reliability and quality (durability, balance, accuracy, features, trigger pull, etc.).
With ONE IN THE CHAMBER (and train to it). And 9mm for # of rounds in the mag.
Everything else about specific models gets into other, more personal questions like what size gun fits you like a glove, do you want more rounds in the mag or more hitting power, can you hide it without printing with your body type, etc. It’s really a custom tailored decision.
Thin as a rail. tall. My guess is single stack?
It’s really a shopping experience. You have to find out what works for YOU, and what you plan to wear while carrying, yadda yadda. If you’re tall and thin, you may be able to hide one of these or these easily. Or else maybe a sub-compact.
I end up in a baggy flannel a lot, so I assume I can get away with more than some other people.
I do like the simplicity.
That is nice.
I’d have to shoot one to see if I could get a followup on target with a micro MAG, but it’s got an ergo-looking Hogue grip.
Yup. If you have an outer layer of clothing untucked, it’s a definite advantage for concealing MOAR GUN.
It’s good to know. I’ll see if I can get my hands on all at once. Comparing his harder over time.
You can load with I lighter 38 for training. There is a winchester winclean that I use can’t remember the grain. Easily fire 50 or more rounds and won’t notice. 20 rounds of 357 130gr and a couple hours later you be pumping gas with your left hand. The sights are a little strange, but these are for close range use. You think of it less as aiming and more shooting and the ergonomic grip compliments that style.
True. Conversation worthy of a whole post sometime.
When I went to take the CCW , everyone but me had a semi-auto 22s. I was the only one through just 40 rounds who didn’t have a fail to fire situation. And when that snub nosed 357 goes off, nothing downrange is continuing to move in your direction whether you hit meat or not.
Making catapults great again
A wall? Nay, I will get mee strong in horse and men and make sure the
SweveMexican is kept from His Imp. Maj. HRE./Sydnam Poyntz off
South Carolina man with white supremacist ties planned a shooting ‘in the spirit of Dylann Roof’
You know he’s crazy, he’s got 3 first names.
He couldn’t be a Presidential assassin with 4 names, so he had to settle for this.
My sides are in orbit.
See, this is one reason why I named my girls what I did. They only have one first name between the three of them. And that one’s a middle name!
Why is it that so many violent white supremacists are… shall we say, less than shining examples of the white race?
Lots of Mtn Dew and poor diets.
He should have turned the gun on his parents first for what they did to him.
Denver police officer Julian Archuleta forgot to turn his bodycam off. Hilarity ensued.
To be fair to the cop, given precedent (for example, those cops who stole and ate edibles from that shop in California), he might’ve figured he could do that on camera and not get in trouble.
Women Plan America-Wide General Strike
It must be nice to be able to afford taking a day off work in protest.
Abstaining from jobs and domestic duties? Might as well call it “Ex Wives Day”, amiright?
Jezebel’s article about it had some hilarious comments.
Much infighting about what the point even is.
Mrs. Grouch is gonna get a kick out of this one when I tell her about it. She has already made abundantly clear how much she hated the vagina march, but this is going to send her flying off the handle!
My wife recently got back to work and I showed her this link. I’ve never seen such a disgusted look on someone’s face.
What is this wimmenz strike supposed to accomplish? Does it allow men across the nation to get some peace and quiet?
“Of course dear, take the entire day to protest, you’ll probably need some time to decompress after with your friends too.”
/charters fishing boat to the Gulf Stream.
/Sends RBS check for his portion of boat…requests two poles and some lures.
This guy gets it.
Wait, I thought those types of women refused to do domestic duties in the first place?
The chores still exist, that alone is violence against women.
Lysistrata had a better idea. Not to mention a better cause.
Does that mean Banjos won’t eat the breakfast or dinner I happily make her?
Also, I can’t think of a better strategy to get your point across than blocking roads. It really gets people to agree with you when you either make them late for work or you keep them from being with their family after a long day.
They should be doubly sure to block buses, ambulances and fire trucks!
Real protestors stand in front of fast moving intermodal trains!
International Women’s Day.
The jokes on them! Women are *supposed* to take off work (if possible) on this day so’s their husbands and SOs spoil and pamper the crap out of them. It’s supposed to be a, “Thank you for being you,” type of day, internationally speaking.
I sent Dr. ZG to a swanky health spa for massage, rest, and relaxation last year, with all chores done by professional cleaner for the day. Then we went to the perfumery, and then a night of dinner and dancing.
I hope to do this again this year.
Wow. What did your wife think about taking the cleaner out for dinner and dancing?
Who is gonna make the sandwiches?
Dwarf planet Ceres boasts organic compounds, raising prospect of life
manlet planet
Most assuredly, none of these links are thicc
Be patient, my friend.
Check in, say, an hour from now.
*synchronizes watch*
Are those green meatballs on a stick?
I’m guessing nem nướng̣?
Maybe dango or whatever it’s called? Japanese balls-on-a-stick?
Takoyaki with the right fixins is the king of BALLS snacks. There, I said it.
Curried fishball street food.
Where’s my Trump/Russia freakout links? Hmmmmmmm?
This is why no real journalist will ever take us seriously. Too much pew-pew, not enough QQ.
Trump’s wall is definitely redefining the which-is-better, a girlfriend or a catapult contest.
Is this thing on?
Breaker 1 – 9 for a radio check?
After Concealed Carrier Shoots & Kills Cop’s Attacker, State Sends Powerful Message About ‘Good Samaritans’
*scratches head and thinks back to criminal law review videos from two days ago*
defense of others =/= “Stand Your Ground”
Viewing it in the most colloquial fashion, defense of others imputes a victim’s self-defense right to a third party. Considering that the cop was pinned down and had no reasonable retreat, they couldn’t even incorrectly say that “Stand Your Ground” was imputed to the third party. It would be just plain old fashioned self-defense.
Here’s the inside story. The law that gives you a bench hearing in which the prosecutor has to prove a reasonable suspicion that you did not believe your or another’s life was in immediate danger of loss or harm was part of the Stand Your Ground package. So even though this IS plain old self-defense, the prosecutor declined to provide any case at the bench hearing. That being so, the person is now IMMUNE to prosecution, ever, for this action.
God dammit, I hate that “civilian” bullshit. Here’s a newsflash, Deputy Bardes and whoever that reporter is: EVERY PERSON INVOLVED IN THIS STORY IS A CIVILIAN.
i call this out every time i catch it.
Environmentalism is a cult.
There are mountains of trash, around 200 hundred abandoned vehicles, and who knows how much human waste left behind.
Here’s a local blog post with a short video showing a close-up view of what is happening there.
*Groooooaaaann* These people depend on public services so much they won’t even pick up their own trash. Jesus Christ, these people have no real concern for nature. They Fucking Love Nature TM.
Fun fact: I had posted an article about that earlier today and a prog friend told me it was “fake news” because the sources were “all DAPL stooges”
fuck sakes.
Fake news when it doesn’t fit the narrative, maaaaaaaaaaaaan.
Did they leave voluntarily or were they evicted?
They left voluntarily.
The video has been removed 🙁
Republicans Are Already Trying to Raise Taxes
I’m shocked. Shocked!
Alright, I’m not that shocked.
Gosh, that takes me back to my younger, foolish days when I believed that the GOP genuinely wanted limited government.
Someone posted this and this in a Reason thread on the subject earlier today. They’re worth reading, but the short version is this: the border adjustment would change how businesses conduct transactions between subsidiaries, potentially eliminating a strategy whereby foreign subsidiaries pay less to import from American companies or charge more to export here. This arrangement helps lower their domestic profits on paper, and thus their corporate tax liability. To quote Vox:
I think is someone uses the term ‘border adjustment’ in earnest to me in person they are getting a head slap and me screaming in their ear “Call it what it is. It’s a tariff. “
The Vox piece goes on to explain why it isn’t a tariff. I’ll be honest, at a certain depth my eyes start to glaze over, so I’ll leave it to you whether you find the distinction reasonable. The main takeaway I have is that the proposal is pretty wonky and a lot less insane than is being suggested by its critics, and that it could be used to lower the corporate tax rate, making the whole profit inversion business naturally unattractive. I can’t help but think that’s a good thing.
I dont know enough about it to know if it is good or bad but calling it by a harmless sounding descriptive to avoid calling it what it is makes a red flag pop up for me.
Smoke em if you got em.
Don’t have to tell me twice.
See my reply to the post immediately above this one.
Is anime girl avatars going to be a thing now?
Honestly, yours (Miranda from D. Gray Man?) is what made me figure I could get away with it.
John Titor (Suzuha) from Stein’s Gate. I thought I was being obscure but I can’t even place yours.
I’m actually very disappointed in both of you. But you are free do be silly anime girls as I am free to harshly judge you for it.
says the suicidal waffle.
-says the guy who puts his car on here.
I don’t take shit from glorified pressed batter.
Sinon is much cuter than a damned waffle.
Enough with the alt-right shit!
HM, I knew French Mulatto Gentleman. And you sir are no French Mulatto Gentleman.
Sharena from Fire Emblem Heroes is best girl.
I thought Reason covered that a decade ago.
Secondhand smoke deaths were obviously overcounted by a factor of 100 or more.
This was in Slate
So even the busybodies are learning about dilution.
By we, I assume they mean “Science Journalists,” “Air Quality Regulators,” and any other group I have left unnamed that similarly never bothered to read the actual publications on the matter.
Idk about this. Pretty sure there was scientific consensus on this! All the moralizing leftist busybodies who fucking love science certainly behaved as such. We were the ascientific morons, killing those around us.
I find it incredible that it is profitable to import marijuana from Mexico.
It’s profitable to import cigarettes to NYC. Except when you get choked to death for it.
At least the cop got home safe.
img tag fail
I think we’re supposed to fill in the blanks.
OT : Don’t know if you guys heard, but I’ve heard on the intertubes that that annoying always screaming rich guy, PewDiePie, is now a Nazi. I’ve watched a few videos trying to make sense of those accusations, but I still don’t get why how or when. I’m not gonna take any chances, ’cause if that guy is some Nazi, we must all be Waffen SS concentration camp guards or something. I think we should all move to a safe space like Brazil or Argentina.
Twitter is freaking out.
That, and how to spell his name, is all I know about PewDiePie.
What the hell did he say?
I posted about this a couple days ago. You must be a newbie, as opposed to us veterans who have been here since Sunday.
I’ll shamely admit being a noob here, even if I was following the live tweet of Obama’s first election on that other site. (Not sure that helps my street creed).
He’s had a habit for a long time of just throwing out racist/anti-semetic terms because his followers are a bunch of edgy teens who get off on that shit. Then he paid a couple of Indian guys $5 to dance around holding a sign that said “Kill the Jews” (they had no clue what it meant). There was a whole uproar over that. Then he said some more dumb stuff in the same vein. Then Disney and YouTube both dropped their partnerships with the guy.
He’s no Nazi or racist (he’s just an idiot), but he’s been lying down with dogs for a long time, and that tends to cause fleas.
That’s the thing to me, he looks and sound like an inoffensive person. Yeah I don’t like him, I find him annoying, but why would you got after him unless you want to shoot in your own net? It’s just ridiculous. They just seem to be shooting all over the place now. At one point, it’s gonna get back at them.
Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait for it to happen, but the stupidity of it… baah I just don’t get it.
PewDiePie is not a Nazi, he’s just the perfect example of the idiocy that emerges when you combine low brow youtube with a Swedish sense of humour.
Here’s Youtube’s most famous Jew explaining what the hell is going on.
PROTIP: It’s nothing but clickbait MSM mendaciousness.
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
It’s become impossible to differentiate between the beliefs of modern college liberals and parody.
UC-San DIego students protest visit from “oppressive” Dalai Lama
And because of that, stupid stuff like this happens and people actually take it seriously.
Man the Chinese really hate some Buddhism.
IIRC, the PRC is ok with indigenous Chinese Buddhism as much as they are ok with any religion. The are specifically hostile towards religious movements they consider a threat to the state – Tibetan Buddhism which is practiced by those damn Tibetans who want independence, and by those Falun Gong weirdoes.
Eddie bate/bait – the PRC also has/had this thing where they were demanding the right to veto the Vatican’s appointment of bishops to bishoprics in China.
Falun Gong
Great now you’ve put us outside the Great Firewall of China. How will we ever grow in new markets now?
I think we’re still OK in the other of the two Chinas.
Interesting. I had no idea.
they were demanding the right to veto the Vatican’s appointment of bishops to bishoprics in China.
Never let it be said that the PRC never overreached on an issue.
“FREE TIBET” bumper stickers aren’t hip anymore?
What replaced them? Darfur?
Standing Rock and Beyonce.
Darfive, it’s worse than Darfur
I miss victor borge.
Coexist stickers.
(by the way: I still need an edit button. Missed putting my additional sentence “And because of that, stupid stuff like this happens and people actually take it seriously.”)
You’re welcome.
Love you.
Whoops. Did you want the additional sentence before the block quote?
Somewhere, Dalmia smiles
It’s obviously culturally oppressive to the Chinese not to allow them to completely wipe out Tibetan culture, or warp it into some idiotic manufactured communist-approved version like they did in China.
Imagine thinking China has the superior culture
In Chinese Communist Party speak, one of the worst sins a foreigner can commit is “伤害中国人民的感情”, which is a government press-release stock phrase that translates to “hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.”
Dear the Chinese People:
Sir John Titor III, Baron of Abelridge.
Dear People of China:
Your driving sucks.
Some Random Jew
China — Child Run Over Twice by Two Trucks
The language of social justice means whatever it’s speaker wants it to mean by design. The fuckwits who came up with that strategy never thought it would be used against the wrong people.
Wisconsin students demand free tuition for African-American students
It’ll be nice to see current Packers and Bucks players finish their degrees finally.
They can’t afford tuition?
I’m being smug asshole and saying those are the only black folk Wisconsin has. Also, that baby looks like they’re having a great time.
Me and my 3 boys taking a selfie in the beer aisle.
Haha what a cute kid.
Ask him the baby’s name. It’s quite perfect.
Ahem. Nickname. It’s not on his birth certificate.
What’s his nickname?
Trust me, it’s well earned.
LMAO what?!
RELEASE: Full text of CIA orders targetting French presidential election including Hollande, Sarkozy & Le Pen
I’m guessing that the proggies will get right on investigating our intelligence community for trying to tamper with another country’s election.
Depends. Can the DNC use it to cover up their incompetence and otherwise exploit it for crass personal gain?
They’ve got sit-ins, walk-outs, late-night-cryathons, and procedural motions to file in order to delay all the cabinet picks and the Supreme Court pick too. Who’s got time to point the finger at the CIA now that some of the factions within it are on their side and playing king-maker?
The Biden Rule robbed them of any real complaint they have about their “stolen” SCOTUS seat. The nuclear option robbed them of the filibuster against the cabinet. Hillary and the DNC tried to pick their opponent for them, giving him tons of free press. Undoubtedly, they also had their RINOs vote for him in the caucuses wherever they could. They shot themselves in the foot, cried that the second amendment permitted them to do it, and then shot the other foot in frustration.
It’s all so highly entertaining.
Honestly 0, this is one of the best sum-ups i am seen.
I find it delightful. It’s been one shit-show freak out for months now. Self-identifying Democrats are starting to look around and say, “Guys… maybe… we should think about this.”
Keep putting Dan Rather and Wasserman-Schultz out there. Go on. It’ll be fun, guys. Let’s organize another march for over-privileged wankers crying over not getting three whole months paid vacay when little Piers Liam Darikius was born, or government-funded scientists, or some other shit no one below $50k per year gives a rat’s ass about. DO EET. It’ll be great!
Weren’t they also considering Keith Ellison at one point?
They still are. I’ll bet the over on his chances. Much cleaning up of his background going on.
I was so hoping they would give it to Ellison. I am holding out hope that they still may do it.
Please Dems, make KE head of the DNC and have him in front of the cameras every day as the face of the Dem party.
What CB said. Srsly, Zero, that’s a tasty opening. You should post some longer-form stuff here.
Just saying, bro.
Talking like that, I don’t think I’d get invited to any cocktail parties.
So we already got angry emails? cool, cool.
“This site was so much better when Postrel was in charge.”
For a site called Glibertarians!
Wait, actually the site name is entirely accurate.
Where is Jesse’s article?
at the top you can click on jesse’s name. that’ll bring you to the page of all of his articles.
Mr. Marinelli’s Wild Ride, or the Making of a New-York-born, Russian Advocate for a Sovereign California
same handle here as on the mainland.
What got you interested in profiling the guy?
This article got floated on my news feed. I clicked through to the video and thought “man I’m more concerned about bro influence than Russian influence.” but as I read up on it it went from cute quixotic political campaign to a bizarre. I figured since I was 10 or so articles deep, and pestering my friends about how weird it all was anyway, I might as well get some content on the new site.
Interesting. I don’t really see why it’s scandalous that Russian groups would evince some interest in seeing the US political scene massively disrupted, except that Russia is a lefty trigger these days.
From ADR’s perspective helping this guy makes total sense. Even Pravda glowed about it being a cheap way to rattle the US Gov. I find him much more interesting than the Kremlin angle, Although that certainly does add some color to the whole story.
Just one.
so far…
what did it want?
The sender, hailing from the CNP, felt like I’d made too strong of a connection between Marinelli and the party. I’m not sure that he’d noticed that I’d included a link back to the party’s site denouncing him or that earlier references to their relationship had been loaded with references to poorly sourced wikipedia bios and puff pieces. I’m glad for the email. There were spots where the phrasing could’ve used more polish and he included some details which made the relationship more interesting.
That’s not so bad. I thought it would be a how dare you kinda thing.
There was some stern language about me misrepresenting things, but after I pointed out what I’d said and the context, and offered some changes that were legitimately more clear they seemed pretty friendly, and let me know they were willing to talk if I ever wanted to present their platform.
I think they’re a bit tense since he’s sucking all of the air out of the room media attention wise and he’s potentially still referencing them like he’s involved.
Fair. I can see why I’d be a little edgy in their position.
So did anything come from that Russian sub business?
Not that I know of, and there likely won’t be anything. This is standard practice, like flying nuke-capable bombers at the North Pole and cruisers ‘accidentally’ slipping into U.S. waters. It’s just a poke in the eye for geopolitical points, the U.S. does it all the time as well.
Yeah that’s what I thought. Obviously if you’re paying attention you’ll realize Putin’s posturing isn’t working out all that well for the guy.
You mean Jersey Mike’s?
Is this in reply to me? If that is Jesse then yes. I’m still getting used to this site.
No, it was to Glitterstorm.
Never had Jersey Mike’s. I can neither confirm nor deny.
Achievement unlocked!
200+comments in the Afternoon Links!
What a coincidence. My septic system also backed up.
Honestly, don’t have a septic tank. My higher-brow humorous insults usually don’t get as much a a reaction as the ones about genitals and feces.
So you’re having a shitty day?
Paging Swiss.
I had to help dig up a sewer line several years ago Fun stuff.
Thursday PM lynx tally:
Some other site: 207
Glibertarians: 241
its not a competition Lafe…or IS IT?!?
/insert dramatic hamster