The oregano was chilling out in a little bowl on the coffee table when the doorbell rang. It was 9 pm on a Saturday night and my Brazilian roommate and I were enjoying Little Big Man after a full day of skiing at Keystone Mountain. “Ding, Dong”. Whoever was there had the patience of toddler. Matt, my roommate, finally peeled himself from the recliner and staggered to the front door. “Hey, man. It’s for you”, he said as he plopped back down into the recliner. “Ding, Dong. Ding, Dong”.
The front door chain was still hooked. I turned the door knob to expose a sliver of the outside world to a sliver of my face. “Open the door. I can smell it from here”. At first I thought the flashlight that had wedged itself into the opening the chained allowed, was speaking to me. Nope. It was the Herb Police. Thanks, Matt. “It’s for you”. Indeed.
The Herb Police had run up on me before. Once, when we were enjoying some basil outside a strip club, an HP officer had rolled up completely unnoticed by us. He was so stealthy that I almost passed it to him for a hit. That HP officer simply said, “You should take that inside”, before pedaling away. The irate HP officer on the nasty end of the flashlight was clearly cut from a different segment of blue cloth.
Of course I unchained the door and let him in because he demanded, “Unchain the door and let me in”. Evidently, an HP officer’s nose is so powerful it can snort an entire 4th amendment. “I could smell the oregano from the street”, and then mumbled something into his shoulder. Great. More HPs are on the way. “You two sit there and don’t move”. So, Matt and I sat on the couch as Dustin Hoffman acted his ass off behind us.
About ten minutes later, three HP squad cars pulled onto my front lawn. The living room curtains lit up in blue and red. Now that our cherry had been popped, six or seven HP officers strode into the house like they owned the joint. The flashlight cop, a buzz cut twerp in his early 40s, directed the
parade and before you could say, “Clown car”, HPs were scattered throughout the house, searching for any paraphernalia related to the illicit herb trade.
“Yes, this is all the oregano we have”, and I pointed at the coffee table. If these pasta haters are too inept to find the plants on the window sill, fuck’em. They dumped the contents of my underwear drawer on the floor, flipped the mattress over and stuffed their chubby claws between the sofa cushions. Disappointed, the HPs began trickling out of the house, one by one. All that and Matt and I wind up with a ticket for possession of a linguini altering spice. “Yes sir. We’ll make the court day”. I hesitated before locking and chaining the door behind him. What’s the point?
Only an hour of my life, but oregano can thicken time. I walked to the window and opened the curtains a crack. “You’re safe. They’re gone”, I said to my gals on the window sill. They were still trembling. Eventually I would have to sit them down and explain to them that evil exists in the world. How hiding from it sometimes isn’t cowardice. But it wasn’t time for that talk now. I let them sleep on the night stand next to my bed that night. Frank and Anne. Sweet dreams.
Another food post?
The repast is the past.
Only half about food. Frankincense and Anise.
You’d have to be high to talk to plants.
But seriously, your first mistake was letting him in. “Got a warrant? Nope, okay see you in a few hours.” *click*
This is just an allegory for Anne Frank, which is to say Trump is literally Hitler.
To be sure.
Probably less than 30 years from being reality on our present course. Good thing you didn’t have too much sodium or large sugary drinks sitting around, amirite?
When he wrote it, I’m sure F. Paul Wilson figured “Lipidlegging” was absurd satire.
I bet that Orwell didn’t realize he’d written a training manual for Congress either.
The WaPo recently had a bit titled “we need a war on secondhand sugar” which was completely serious. It opened with comparing a pregnant woman drinking a soda to blowing smoke in a child’s face and only got worse from there.
We should start a rating system: how many years ago would this serious headline have been in the Onion instead? I rate this one a 5.
We could call it the Onion Timeline Index or OTI.
The record Onion Time Index article was about two months, “won” by this article:
“How many roommates do you have?”
“Oh just about one Brazilian.”
More than one Brazilian will test your sanity.
I’ve had less than one Brazilian give me plenty of trouble in the past.
Mostly they’ll just talk you to death or ask you to bring something impossible for them to Brazil on the plane, like a 70″ TV.
How many zeroes on a brazillion?
OT: The threat that the North Korean government might try to sink a U.S. aircraft carrier came on page 3 of a paper. The first two pages?
“The paper likened the aircraft carrier to a “gross animal” and said a strike on it would be “an actual example to show our military’s force”.
The commentary was carried on page three of the newspaper, after a two-page feature about leader Kim Jong Un inspecting a pig farm.”
Hard to take that particularly seriously.
I almost wish Lil’ Kim was suicidal enough to jump the local carrier strike group. We could finally get the ball rolling on ending his murdering ass.
So I wonder what happens when he tries something that crazy. He launches a missile to destroy the evil American devils and it falls into the sea somewhere shy of 100 miles from the carrier. What happens then?
If the Chinese are pulling at his leash currently (which seems to be the case), it won’t happen. And if it did the Chinese might even militarily back the U.S. invasion in the hopes of installing a pro-Chinese puppet before the South Koreans and Americans roll over the 38th.
The Chinese and the US in an allied coalition would actually be an awesomely surreal event.
What happens then?
US and ROK forces in the region go to high alert for a little while and then nothing else? I mean, how would you tell a difference between that scenario and business as usual in DPRK?
The Norks acting shitty to ROK assets is normal, the Pueblo incident may make it seem like there’d be a minimal response, but attacking an aircraft carrier intended to saber rattle in the age of MURICA, FUCK YEAH screams Gulf of Tonkin scenario.
Maybe; I was just thinking, missile explodes/crashes 100 miles away from U.S. assets, how do you even know that they were the target? I guess trajectory + sigint could eliminate the doubt.
With the way the media portrays such things it will go from “Alleged missle launch lands within 100 miles of US Navy” to “NORK MISSLE SHOT DOWN MOMENTS BEFORE IMPACTING USS . NORTH KOREA DECLARES WAR!” Within a news cycle.
USS *insert ship name here*. I forgot you cant use ‘<'.
Imma say that the launch site would be suffering a bad case of ‘explosives poisoning’ before that missile even left the atmosphere. Something like the strike on Syria.
This is bullshit, dude. Sorry this happened to you, but I’m glad it wasn’t as bad as it could have been.
Not saying this actually happened Riven, but if it did and the incompetent govt lost the paperwork, leaving me totally off the hook, that would be a good thing. Right?
Just don’t try to cross the Canadian border. They had access to a database with a dismissed simple-possession citation from the 1970s a friend of mine was too stoned to remember. The funny thing was he honestly informed them of a more recent paraphernalia arrest (for rolling papers!) that he plead down to littering.