Well, yesterday sure was chock-full of interesting things. Budget showdowns. Balls retracting on certain Speakers Of The House. And Russians. They’re always there, playing puppet-master to the American (and now French!) politicians in their endless quest for world domination mediocrity.
Well, let’s at least get started on a few things…some of import and some not. You decide. Here are the links.
Buckle up, buckaroo! Reality TV personality says they may consider run for office. The person has not ruled out switching parties even though the person has typically been a Republican. But the person says their priority will be to help their group. Just make sure the person stays off the road while campaigning, ok? There are men and women out there trying to get places without being run over by another person.
Rand Paul doesn’t hold back. Too bad the rest of the Senate seem to be gutless cowards when it comes to standing up for their constituents and saying the greedy bastards in the FedGov take too much of their hard-earned money and piss it away.
Nicolas Maduro: the honey badger of South American politics. He don’t care, the crazy little fuck. He don’t give a shit.
I wonder if the Sacramento Bee also thinks we should pay ransoms when someone commits a kidnapping. Or establish Sharia Law like ISIS wants us to do. Or if any other group out there should give up their God-given rights because somebody else threatens violence if they exercise it? Because that’s basically what they’re saying: when someone threatens violence because you’re doing something they don’t like, you should give in to them otherwise you’re selfish. The Jewish community leaders and ACLU (from back then, not now) in Skokie, IL would be rolling in their graves if they saw this cowardly display from a media outlet that likely wouldn’t exist in a world dominated by the anti-fa dickheads they are siding with here.
Russell Westbrook’s amazing season comes to an end. Courtesy of the Houston Rockets, the man that broke an incredible record (and the other guys that happened to be on the court watching him carry them) will be watching the rest of the playoffs.
22) Greasylocks and the Three Nazi Bears
One day when Greasylocks was traveling through the forest on the way to an Antifa demonstration at Berkeley, she passed a ramshackle cabin.
“I bet some gun-toting deplorables live here,” she thought. “They’re probably out hunting even now. Ima go in and fuck some shit up.”
So she went in the house. Now didn’t Greasylocks know better than to go in a house that wasn’t hers? No, because private property is a tool of proletariat-crushing capitalists, you shitlord oppressor.
Now in the cabin Greasylocks found three plates of Wienerschnitzel: a big plate, a medium plate, and a little plate. She took a bite from the first plate and immediately spit it back out. “Ugh, meat! I bet this isn’t even free-range!” So she picked up all the plates and broke them on the floor.
Next Greasylocks found three rocking chairs: a big chair, a medium chair, and a little chair. She sat in the first rocking chair, but noticed the TV was turned onto a NASCAR race. “Disgusting! These freaks are actually entertained by internal combustion engines choking Mother Gaia with their petroleum-spewing pollution!” She picked up the littlest rocking chair and smashed it into the screen.
Finally, Greasylocks came to the bedroom where she found three beds: a big bed, a medium bed, and a little bed. She laid in the littlest bed, took a puff on a joint, and went to sleep.
While she was sleeping, the three Nazi bears returned home, carrying the carcass of a seven-point buck. They hung up their guns in the gun rack and sat down to eat dinner. “Holy shit, somebody threw our plates on the floor!” the big Nazi bear said.
Since dinner was ruined, they decided to sit and watch the Toyotacare 250. “Goddammit, somebody smashed our TV!” the medium Nazi bear said.
No dinner, no TV, well, at least the three Nazi bears could get a good night’s sleep before work the next morning. “Hey, some greasy-looking skank is sleeping in my bed,” the littlest Nazi bear said.
“Cool,” the other two Nazi bears said.
Just then Greasylocks opened her eyes and saw some totes unwoke Nazi bears standing around her bed. Fortunately she’d been prepared for just such a moment and had worn her weighted boxing gloves. She jumped out of bed and landed a couple jabs on the face of the littlest Nazi bear. Then the littlest Nazi bear punched her in the nose and knocked her the fuck out.
Nice:) I love happy endings!
I hope they decide to eat her for dinner, but only after they pickle her in some serious vinager to kill of the parasitic infestation and multiple strains of VD she is sure to have…
Needs more mauling, but otherwise perfect.
Don’t know if it showed up in the days I was away.
I find this technology fascinating. The next step would be to work towards an earlier and earlier transplantation time until you can grow the whole organism from scratch. Though the initial implantation and umbilical formation stage would be an obstacle that the technology in this form does not have the capacity to address.
Still, the capacity to extend gestation for a month after removal from the mother is fairly significant.
Wait, that’s for developing them live? I thought it was a really cool sous vide setup for veal.
I’ve been trying to come up with a response beyond “I laughed at that and don’t know if that makes me more awful”
In 10 years we’ll be using it on premature humans. In 30 years it’ll be unusual for women NOT to have the fetus removed at 20 weeks and put in an artificial amniotic sac.
And people will still be bitching that abortion is an inalienable right.
Its an article of faith, apparently.
Well, then the “progressives” talking point will be that the artificial womb is an “abomination”, or “an affront to Mother Nature”. What could be worse than that.
Whether it’s a right or not (I believe it is, but I get that other people don’t) it doesn’t obligate anyone else to provide it any more than my right to dental surgery doesn’t obligate you to pay my dental bills or a dentist to perform the surgery.
WTF? You mean these damn millennials can’t even finish a damn abortion? Pathetic.
They’ll still want abortions.
In my opinion this tech will substantially change the abortion debate, but it won solve it. In my reading of Roe vs Wade, if this tech becomes viable it would be a legal requirement for women getting an abortion to do so, since the SC ruled that he woman’s right to privacy lets her have an abortion (i.e. end the pregnancy) but this must be balance by the state’s interest in protecting potential human life. (I’ll pause for a moment for you to finish snarking about the state’s value of human life.) If tech were available that allowed a woman to end the pregnancy and allow the fetus to keep developing this ruling seems like it would require its use unless the Court twists itself into crazy pretzels to justify how they are overturning precedent without actually overturning precedent (again.)
This raises a few new problems though. First, this would be substantially more expensive to finish the development of the fetus than to just stick it in a trash bag. So who pays? In our current system the taxpayers mostly pay for them and libertarians (rightfully) complain, but what if the expense jacks up but it lets the fetus develop into a human? I’m guessing rhe SoCons are going to suddenly be alright with paying for abortions and the Progs will suddenly be outraged at having taxpayers pay for the development instead of just the righteous abortions.
Then there is also the issue of what happens when the baby successfully develops. Who cares for it? America’s adoption system sucks right now; will it get reformed? Will these become wards of the state? Will these orphans be sold off to the monocle factories as is proper?
What I really dread though is the inevitable Malthusian outrage that saving the fetuses is murdering the planet. Nevermind that developed countries need mote babies because our reproduction plummets, think of the
children rainforests!Given that the overwhelming majority of socon’s opposition to abortion has nothing to do with the sanctity of life but rather a belief that those damn ho’s need to be punished for their immoral baby making ways I honestly suspect this technology will not make too much difference
Have you spoken to any of us, or are you jumping to conclusions about our motivations?
Well, he did specify socons, not all abortion opponents.
Unless you define ‘SoCon’ as something other than a contraction of the term ‘Social Conservative’ he included me in the generalization. (I am also fiscally conservative, which is where a lot of my overlap here comes from, and my experience with the incompetence of government has inclined me towards social pressure being the perferred method of teaching and enforcing moral good)
I didn’t realize you were a socon, my mistake.
So in brief, what do you believe as a “social conservative”?
I believe that one should not unjustly terminate a life, and that the actual parents are unwilling and/or unable to care for the child that resulted from their decisions, effort should be expended in finding someone who is both willing and able to give the child the chance at life rather than leaping to the quick “kill the kid” solution.
So just that one issue? Although I think I might have phrased that question wrong.
I’m afraid being at work precludes writing a manifesto of beliefs, so I stayed within the longer context issue for the thread.
Yes, my entire family are socons and I was raised in a socon church.
Note the parsing on the sentence is not that individual socons oppose abortion primarily because they believe it punishes the whorish women but but rather for the majority of them it is the prime driver of their opposition
If that is what they actually said, then you knew some awful people.
Punishing the child for the sins of the mother – be it by killing them or forcing them to remain with a person unwilling and/or unable to properly raise them is by no stretch the moral choice. I don’t doubt that people who’ll punish the child to punish the mother exist, I just know that there are as many if not more who adopt a “love the sinner, hate the sin” approach and would not want to hurt the kid should the mother be unfit.
Lets put it this way. My family started attending that church less than 6 months after it was founded. My Sister was 2 at the time. When she got married at the age of 21 the Pastor refused to perform the wedding because there was going to be dancing at the reception, they mouth the words hate the sin not the sinner but in reality they rejoice the fuck out of those sinners “getting punished”. You should see the mental gymnastics they go through to justify police violence
What does a pastor not wanting to participate in a ceremony where there will be dancing have to do with the parishioners or pastor himself wanting to punish sinners?
Did he also say that she wouldn’t be welcome in his church or that her marriage wasn’t a blessing? Or did he just say his convictions prevent him from participating in an event he wished her well in?
Sounds to me like this guy was a lot more tolerant than, say, a group of progressives that would shut down a restaurant for not wanting to participate in a wedding for moral reasons.
That might be a wee bit of an exaggeration?.
You really think so? Because the overwhelming majority of pro-life people I have spoken to about this issue, and I feel this way as well, is that once an artificial womb can be created, these children that their mothers want to kill will now get a chance to have a life and a home (once the shitty adoption laws are fixed).
I’m not pro-life per se, but I also think that if you can line up a mother who is unwilling or unable to care for a baby with a family who wants to adopt, that’s a win-win. If you can widen the window of opportunity wherein that match can be made, why wouldn’t you?
Some of them it absolutely will.
The pro life folks however are fairly well split between otherwise liberal Catholics and socons, the Catholics would be perfectly happy to pay to use these artificial wombs, the Socons will continue to bitch about personal responsibility and insist that the government not be funding these things or paying to raise the kids.
Simple fact of the matter is artificial wombs will not eliminate the root problem which is that in our modern world children are no longer an assert but a cost and as long as people are getting pregnant with kids that they cannot afford to raise all artificial wombs do is shift the argument from the meaning of life to who is paying for all these kids to be born and raised to the age of 18
From context it appears that you are using ‘socon’ not as a contraction of ‘socal conservative’ but as a pejorative for a subset of social conservatives. Would you mind defining the term as you are using it?
By “split”, I takenitnyou mean about 50/50.
From my experience and what I have read elsewhere, the split is more like 99/1. With 99% of anti-abortion people supporting unborn people as human beings with rights. The other 1%…well, I’ve never met a single anti-abortion person who was against it as a means to punish people for “bad behavior”. Not a single one, sorry.
Simple fact of the matter is artificial wombs will not eliminate the root problem which is that in our modern world children are no longer an assert but a cost
By “modern world”, do you mean since the beginning of time? Because I wonder how far back on a timeline you’d have to go to find children being a net asset to a family that brought them into the world.
and insist that the government not be funding these things or paying to raise the kids
Ah, so anyone who doesn’t think the government is supposed to buy elective surgery or pay to raise people’s kids can’t view abortion as taking a life. They can only oppose abortion out of sadism.
You do realize how ridiculous that is, don’t you?
As an adoptee I don’t see our shitty adoption laws getting fixed any time soon. As a society we have this notion that every child should be with their biological parents, or more specifically, biological mother. In reality a biological mother can be an essentially good person but just not equipped mentally, emotionally or physically to be a good mother but regardless of that her desires take precedence over the best interests of the child. Couples who adopt domestically are put through the wringer before they are allowed to adopt, which is fine because there are a lot of nutcases out there, but it encourages people to seek out easier ways of obtaining a child. Add to that the fear that one or both of the biological parents might show up down the road (I’ve known two couples it has happened to) and take the child back and you really can’t blame parents who adopt overseas or use surrogates. Further, we have this attitude that there is something inherently “wrong” with adopted children. We are told that we aren’t “whole” and that we will always be searching for what is “missing” in our lives. Anyway, it is the same screwy ideas we have about motherhood that leave fathers out in the cold on custody cases.
As someone with and adopted kid that would otherwise been dead tissue, I resent this characterization. My objection is twofold. My kid wouldn’t be here today and I don’t want to pay for people to avoid the consequences of their behavior. Skanks and hos can be whatever they want to their hearts content. Just don’t make me pay for your stupidity. And yes, that applies to practically everything else I am made to finance at the barrel of a government gun that is not part & parcel of my contractual obligations spelled out in the constitution.
Not a SoCon myself, but I know a hell of a lot of them, and all the ones I’ve ever spoken to about abortion all agree on the sanctity of life.
What exactly are you basing that statement on? I remember Obama saying he didn’t want his daughters “punished” with a baby but I don’t recall anything even remotely similar ever being said by any of my fellow pro-lifers. Children, planned or otherwise, are a blessing, if not for their biological parents then for the parents who adopt them. Granted, fifty-nine years ago when my biological mother became pregnant with me she didn’t have Planned Parenthood right around the corner to “fix” her problem but I would like to think that wherever she is she went on to have a happy and productive life just as I did with my adoptive parents. And while I may not be the Alpha and Omega in everyone’s eye I would certainly prefer that you not refer to me as a “punishment”.
“So who pays?”
18 years, 18 years
She got one of your kids, got you for 18 years
I know somebody paying child support for one of his kids
His baby mamma car and crib is bigger than his
You will see him on TV any given Sunday
Win the Superbowl and drive off in a Hyundai
+1 prenup
Doesn’t do you any good. A prenup is only applicable to the parties of it, not children. So you’re gonna be on the hook for child support according to the state code, not whatever you and the other adult agreed to.
Trust me on this. I stood before a judge and said “my ex and I agreed on $X a month for support, which I’ve been paying for the last two years” and she replied “I don’t care. The money is for the children, not for her. So you’ve underpaid by $20,000 (approx). Would you like to pay her today in cash, a check or would you like to set up a payment plan to take care of these arrears over the next 60 days?”
Not a Kanye fan?
Lyrics following the lines posted by JATNAS:
She was spose to buy ya shorty TYCO with ya money
She went to the doctor got lypo with ya money
She walking around looking like Micheal with ya money
Should of got that insured got GEICO for ya money
If you ain’t no punk holla We Want Prenup
We want prenup!, yeah
It’s something that you need to have
‘Cause when she leave yo ass she gone leave with half
Eighteen years, eighteen years
And on her eighteenth birthday he found out it wasn’t his
That is pretty cool. Seems like it would eventually be much less expensive than current methods, too.
“Reality TV personality says they may consider run for office.”
Aw, is somebody jealous of all the attention Trump is getting?
My new Chelsea Clinton tattoo is healing up nicely
Oh Gawd! Kill it with fire, the tattoo, that idiot artist, all of it. I have a deep respect for tattooing, as an art. That is offensive to art, politics and class. Agh!
No ragrets, Only God can Jugde Me
God is judging, all the gods.
Not even one letter? 🙂
See, this is the problem with hipsters. Irony only works if people realize it’s ironic, and eventually time erases the context, so you’ll wind up being a 50-year-old with some stretched-out portrait of some broad on your arm. It goes from “Funny gag that proves you’re edgy” to “Proof positive that you have a history of poor judgement and no foresight”.
It proves that they have poor judgement now, they don’t have to wait till they are in their fifties.
Well said sir.
The Jenner thing is not too surprising, attention, as i understand is addictive.
Also, what are the odds that Berkley burns down during or after Coulter’s speech?
If it’s up to the BPD to keep order – during.
True, though I remember reading somewhere that there were bringing in an LAPD advisor or some shit? Was that my imagination or is there person in question just telling them how to avoid a riot and nothing else.
an LAPD advisor
Mark Furman?
I doubt that’ll happen this go around. Apparently there’s been a head-cracker called in to consult on the goings-on and they’ve vowed to make sure the PD are allowed to do their jobs. Not to mention the pants-shitting from anti-fa about Coulter hiring old Blackwater mercs for security.
You know, the whole goddamn thing could be alleviated if they passed a city ordinance banning masks on adults.
There oughta be a law? Et tu Sloopy?
I don’t see a law like this infringing on anybody’s rights to be out in public.
Ok, restrict the law to public gatherings then.
Here’s your solution: immediate open carry. Bam. Maybe literally.
definitely literally.
What I see as a solution is this: you have barricaded areas where police check IDs and collect signed waivers from anybody entering the area that says they are willingly entering an area where certain levels of violence may take place. You can have areas for different levels of violence, like some will allow bats, some chains, some knives and formthe teally brave a no-holds-barred zone.
Anyway, you establish these zones around town and let people protest where they feel most comfortable. That’ll let there be a free exchange of ideas and it’ll also let the people spoiling for a fight get what they want.
Ok this law I can get behind. “I’m not in the mood for a 2-way range today. Officer can you direct me to the MMA zone?”
free exhange of
ideasleadsYou could just simplify all of this with THUNDERDOME.
As long as it’s burned down I don’t really care about the specifics.
“attention, as i understand is addictive.”
It is? Hmmm.
*draws curtains*
This week on the glibertarian after school special…
Army veteran who filmed herself tying her service dog to a tree and shooting it dead while LAUGHING with her boyfriend is charged with animal cruelty
was she an MP?
Sick fucks.
Whoa, a borderline attractive woman in the military is insane??? Something doesn’t add up
The rifle tattoo on her chest sorta kills it for me.
The rifle tattoo on her chest sorta says it all.
I’ve heard women like this are crazy in bed and give great BJs. Just the rumor, though
Just be wary when they ask to go on a walk with you.
FTA: Rollins was being held on $10,000 bail and Heng on $5,000 bail, but after an outcry by animal lovers, their bails were raised to $25,000, according to the Justice for Cam Facebook page.
That’s not what bail is supposed to fucking be for! Goddammit, this kind of shit makes me so mad. It’s used as a tool to punish suspects before trial, not to determine flight risk and set bail accordingly.
I’d pay money to kill her. The greatest cruelty of this world is that there’s no amount of torture you can inflict on people like this that will undo what they’ve done.
The greatest cruelty of this world is that there’s no amount of torture you can inflict on people like this that will undo what they’ve done.
That’s really well said.
I think the greater cruelty is that the State thinks an arbitrary disposition of an individuals property is a criminal act, but what do I know, I’m just a glibertarian.
Also, I’m gonna need a heads-up before you post stuff like that again, because now I’m tearing up and fantasizing about tearing that chick’s jaw off.
Calling for trigger warnings? et tu, Bill?
Dude, it’s puppies. Puppies, bro. Everyone has a line.
Looks like she done caught a nasty spell of the PTSD – probably didn’t wash her hands before eating!
I know it’s the Daily Fail, so how can anyone expect better of them, but sweet creamery butter this girl does NOT have PTSD. If you read the original story from the Fayetteville paper, she’s obviously a scammer (although you have to read between the lines). She and her ex-husband adopted the dog from a shelter. It was not some specially trained service animal. She, being a scamming bitch, claimed it was such a dog later on, but she doesn’t have PTSD. She was a “multimedia illustrator” in Korea, not anyone kicking down doors and getting shot at.
I think the thing that gets me the most about this story is that, having adopted two pits and fostered, hell, somewhere around 30, you don’t know what unconditional love and absolute trust is until you’ve adopted a dog from a shelter. In the moments before that poor dog was killed, he was probably confused and scared and looking to that worthless cunt for some kind of reassurance. When you’re on the other end, fostering dogs and screening potential adoptees, you live for the pictures people send you of the dog you fostered running around in the yard with their kids, or laying down on the couch watching a movie with them, that sort of thing. Your nightmare scenario is that you miss something and the dog gets adopted by someone like this. In fact, we always let people know that if they ever had second thoughts, just call us and we’ll take the dog back.
you don’t know what unconditional love and absolute trust is until you’ve adopted a dog from a shelter
Or, you know, had kids. Like, human ones.
Until they become teenagers, of course. Then any love becomes extremely conditional. And the trust goes from absolute to wary and grudging.
Dogs never change.
Reminds me of an old joke of how your dog loves you more than your wife. To prove it, take both of them, lock them in the trunk of your car, then drive down a bumpy offroad area. An hour later open up the trunk and see which one kisses you and which one hits you.
On my previous car, my trunk had an emergency release catch inside it. On my current car… I have a hatchback, you can climb into the interior from the cargo area.
Not clicking the link. My little Holley was a rescue dog as well, so I can confirm the unconditional love bit. Betraying the trust of a dog is, imho, like betraying the trust of a mentally disabled person. It’s the lowest of the low.
They are fucking scum.
They shoot horses, don’t they? Maybe the people who did it were assholes, but how is that different from shelters putting dogs “to sleep”?
She killed a dog who was placed in her care at her request for entertainment. Shelters euthanize dogs when they start running out of space. People shoot horses when they don’t believe they can recover from a painful injury. There are sort of three classes of morality there, and however you may feel about the one in the middle, I don’t understand how someone could see casual animal cruelty as equivalent to euthanizing a horse with a broken femur.
If one is purely outcome-based in their assessments….
I’m not saying what she did was moral. I just don’t see how sudden death is particularly cruel.
Also, raising pigs just to kill them is a legal business, and killing cats and dogs (unless I’m guessing one has some sort of license) is a crime, doesn’t seem consistent.
Interesting point. I think that people are more outraged by the intent, not the outcome. Someone raising pigs for slaughter doesn’t (generally) have malicious intent, this lady obviously did. Also, feelz.
Outrageous, only cops are allowed to do stuff like that.
Bigfoot family missing from Beaver Township
STEVE SMITH bears no patience with false idols?
Poppy likes idols. Do you like idols?
Eh, um, uh. (turns and walks away, whistling causally)
Democrats running for office: Clooney, Michelle and Jenner It.
Book it.
Sit back and watch the fall of a party.
A narcissist, wookie and brave hero walk into a bar…
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don’t forget Luke Skywalker walked in with those three as well.
It’s the bubble thing. They might get elected in Cali, they might get elected in NY. They wouldn’t get a vote anywhere else, so they could maybe get a senate seat on socal but no way could they go any higher. Even that might be giving them too much credit
Jenner will likely run as a republican.
Where will she run? That could set up an interesting election.
Jenner already said Jenner might look for a location to run in where Jenner could have success. Or that Jenner might just continue to work through the foundation that Jenner established to help Jenner’s people.
Who knows what that freak will do. But I can assure you it will involve parting suckers from their money.
bob dole, bob dole….. bob dole
The Decathlon is more than running, you know
Say what you will about former Prime Minister Tony Blair (who was and still is a major sleazeball and authoritarian) but he understood what needed to be done to make the Labour Party electorally relevant again after being out of power for nearly 17 years. One of the things he did was adopt some of Thatcher’s tenets along with telling the socialist trade unionists to fuck off and that their privileges pre-Thatcher will never ever come back. He also with some respect understood that in order to stay electorally relevant, he had to grow the middle class and allow businesses and individuals to create wealth in order to pay for the expensive social services. While their tax rates and amount of social entitlements they had would make most Americans vomit, the UK was still better for businesses and individuals than their Euro counterparts.
I’m not saying that Blair is this awesome guy and I’m not even saying that he was good for the UK but what I am saying is that he understood how to reform his party and that is sorely lacking with the Democrats today. All they want to is plunder, increase government power, cater to the fucking SJW’s, and tell white people to fuck themselves. They have no interest in actually winning for a while because their party base and leadership are a bunch of delusional assholes.
I went to a hockey game with a long-time friend of mine (that happens to vote democrat) and he was telling me some story about how he was impressing a business partner by talking about “how horrible white people are”. I was literally sitting right next to him like, “dude you do realize that I’m white, right?”
The dude is half Sioux, like his mother actually lived on a reservation and she is the daughter of a chief. I’ve never talked shit about his ancestors. It’s insulting and rude.
Democrats are fucking retarded. I haven’t talked to him since.
I tell my Democrat friends that identity politics and the SJW’s bullshit will be the ruin of their party, if they don’t get those assholes out of their party soon.
My Democrat friend lays Hillary’s loss on the SJW’s feet. That is to say: your average American doesn’t care about tranny bathroom rights.
That’s absolutely true. The Dems were cruising along just fine when they were the party of gubmint helping out the workin’ man. Once they started to shift to the party of white guilt and war against the cis-hetero shitlords, it started to go to shit. I remember a conversation over lunch between my wife, her parents (rural Texans, registered Democrats) and a friend of the family when the NC bathroom law was a thing. I was in the “Who cares who goes in a bathroom, but it’s not the Fed’s business what NC does, more or less”, camp. She was in the “It’s a discriminatory law with no basis in reality” camp. They were in the “I was a cop, people are scum, there are two genders, and I’m changing my registration this weekend” camp.
I live in a pretty heavily democrat area near D.C., and when that N.C. bathroom bill was going on, a lot of the people at my work were very much making fun of the people that were making a big deal out of it.
In fact, a lot of people here seems pretty opposed to the idea that people should be able to use whatever bathroom they want. Most of the people upset by it have kids.
Leading Democrats sounding the charge against the white middle class, campus Marxists decrying bedrock Constitutional provisions, major media figures breaking into tears when their preferred candidate loses and throwing hysterical tantrums on a daily basis… remind me again how they think they’ll pick up seats in 2018?
Oh, yeah… stupid party.
I dated a girl like that. Telling me how awful white people were (she was half Chinese, half Mexican)…
I pretty much said exactly what you were thinking: “I’m white. We’re fucking. What does that say about you?”
She just replied, “Oh, you’re like an honorary brown person.”
Yeah…we didn’t date for very long.
Running The Numbers On Mortality Rates Suggests Obamacare Could Be Killing People
Imagine how many they could kill if the got control of all healthcare.
So much this….
The eugenicists are not as open about their agenda as they used to be, but they think that at least half of the rest of humankind should be turned into fertilizer to make Gaia happy again..
Ahem. (Note the TNS has two parts, interrupted by some comments on the first post)
deaths caused by drugs, alcohol, assault, suicide, and accidents—in short, anything that is not due to an internal illness
And which category would cirrhosis fall under?
That’s a good question. I wonder whether there’s a distinction worth making between people who plant themselves in the grave quickly enough that cirrhosis isn’t a factor, and those who manage their addiction long enough that it is. Functional alcoholics are still functional and, to my mind, not strictly suicidal. But someone for whom drinking is their day job with no hope for promotion is a different animal altogether.
WTF did Groovus go?
Fannie Introduces ‘Innovative Solutions’ Allowing Student-Debt-Laden Millennials To Buy A Home
something bubble something crash
what a friggin’ racket
They’re merging bubbles at this point, good lord
I wonder if there’s a way to work the stock market bubble in there too?
sure there is, package these as an ETF.
Will we cry when they actually do this and tell us it is a great idea?
Seems legit.
Too legit?
Yes. Too legit to quit.
Lookit Tarran, in his baggy pants!
I was able to get a mortgage with some student loan debt. In fact, because I’d been steadily paying it down and was within eighteen months of paying it off (at the time of the loan) it helped to show that I could manage my finances and was not a risk to the bank in terms of lending.
Oh, wait, they’re planning on piling more debt on irresponsible spenders based on cargo cult economics about how home ownership and good fiscal health are correlated therefore owning a home must help improve fiscal health rather than be a result of proper planning.
See, when you add a bunch of debt of different types it makes things more stable. That’s what diversification is.
I had no problem getting a mortgage by myself with about $40k in student loan debt. I had to be more modest on the house I bought, but it wasn’t a problem.
You didn’t milk the system for what it was worth man… shame on you.
I have a shit ton of consumer debt (around a quarter mil) , mostly student loans. I was able to get a conventional mortgage on a house. Of course, I had a 20% down payment and a 29% debt-to-income ratio, but math is capitalist oppression, so we need more programs to put poor people further in debt.
Sounds like forced placed insurance will rebound as the foreclosures pile up again.
–Student Loan Cash-Out Refinance: Offers homeowners the flexibility to pay off high interest rate student debt while potentially refinancing to a lower mortgage interest rate.–
So they are creating a system by which you can transform non dischargable debt into dischargable debt?
Can’t see any way that will be abused
Until Fannie Mae claws back their portion from the mortgage holder. So the borrower is freed from his student loan burden and that debt is transferred to the bank.
Repeal the home mortgage deduction too! Distortionary upper middle class entitlement. A first home is property like any other, not some sacred domestic temple handed down from God. If you need to rent you rent. If you can only afford a smaller house you can only afford a smaller house. Not the government’s job to be manipulating consumer decisions to serve the “ownership society” deity from the vast, delusional cargo cult Americans worship as “the free market.”
On a related plus side, I’m seeing a bit of coverage lately of the ugly effect of lumber protectionism on the domestic housing industry. I only recall one similar piece in the recent past–after Obama slapped new tariffs on Chinese tires, the mainstream media did cover the devastating effect it was having on small automotive businesses. Very refreshing; usually it’s all about the devastation that free trade visits on middle America.
What makes me even more mad is that I can no longer deduct my student loan interest from my taxes since I make over $80k/year. Then the government gets all upset because young people like me can’t afford a mortgage… meanwhile they’re giving mortgage interest deductions to baby boomers and gen x’ers that have a much higher net worth (and likely a higher income too) than me.
Fuck these people.
If you married somebody with similar income, welcome to AMT land and kiss all your deductions goodbye. Does that make you feel better?
Oh god, true that. But I also think marriage is a scam, so you know, fuck that.
Repeal the home mortgage deduction
… and replace it with lower tax rates for everyone.
I’m assuming you just left that part off.
Indeed I did not. Perhaps your ideology is that one tax policy should automatically be preferred to a second if it is weakly lower (i.e. if taxes are lower for some persons and higher for none), but that is not mine.
For me these are distinct desiderata: that taxes are low; and that they do not distort consumer behavior for paternalistic or cronyistic reasons. So yes, if I were a Congressman and a bill came up that simply repealed the deduction with one line, I would sign it in a heartbeat. Would I prefer to also lower taxes on everyone? Of course! But I would prefer to repeal the deduction than do nothing, even if that would mean no one would pay lower taxes, and some would pay higher. The home mortgage deduction–the relative concept–is an inherent evil. It is not just that nonhomeowners are paying too much in absolute terms, though that is of course true. (And true of homeowners too!)
If Trump’s proxies decided to introduce a bill tomorrow that gave every American a $500 tax rebate for staying a night in a Trump hotel or resort, I would vote against it, sorry to say. Ditto if he announced a tax break for choosing coal, or buying an American car, or whatever. And if Trumpcare came to my committee and the only thing I could do to it were to strip the tax breaks from it, the incentives that have rightly been called insufficiently distinct from the Obamacare penalty, I would do so. And I will be fucked if–having repealed Obamacare, having established an interstate coverage market, and so forth–I would not leap at the wet-dream chance of repealing the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored insurance, should a simple repeal come up for a vote. That little provision alone was essentially the “original sin” of American healthcare–the early seed that took us away from consumer-based healthcare into the present monstrosity. It is pure, market-destroying evil. Am I going to cross my arms and say, nope, I will not repeal it because that would be a “tax hike”? Sorry, fuck no.
The government has no business using tax policy to distort consumer choices, period. It also has no business collecting more taxes than it needs to operate its core functions, but that is an equally important but distinct matter.
This may be the first time I have wanted to applaud an internet person’s rant.
I am opposed to the government collecting more money than the already ample amount it presently collects. Government tax revenues have grown out of pace with inflation and population growth combined. The government does not need more money. You misrepresent my position by conflating creating new tax deductions with not ending existing tax deductions. I have no problem with ending the tax deduction. But then the tax rate needs to come down. Any policy which intentionally gives even one extra dollar to the government from private purses is encouragement of the government’s spending habits, which are worse than its distortion of consumer choices. Supply-side economics may be dysfunctional but it is still morally and economically superior to demand-side economics. There is no such thing as ceteris paribus in government policy; every choice must be considered in the context of its iteraction with the known and predictable workings of government.
For the sake of transparency: if the choice is precisely and only between the government spending directly on a particular thing, or the government handing out a tax deduction for that thing instead, then I will always and everywhere come down on the side of the tax deduction. As bad as it is, it is less bad than the alternative. I would much rather neither happen, but if that is not an available choice, then the tax deduction is superior. It is better that the government distort the market than that the government take over the market.
I think this is the rare case when you are both absolutely correct. I would have to side with K-Bo simply for the fact that anything that keeps money out of the government is good, but Diego is absolutely correct that the mortgage deduction is a strange form of class warfare that should be abolished.
As a homeowner who purchased a house in 2007 at 6.5% and ended up having to wait years for home prices to come back up to get my loan to value ratio in the proper range even though I have made every payment on any loan I have every had, I will say this.
United Nations Investigating to see Obamacare Repeal without Replace Violates International Law
The United Nations has contacted the Trump administration as part of an investigation into whether repealing the Affordable Care Act without an adequate substitute for the millions who would lose health coverage would be a violation of several international conventions that bind the United States. It turns out that the notion that “health care is a right” is more than just a Democratic talking point.
A confidential, five-page “urgent appeal” from the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights in Geneva, sent to the Trump administration, cautions that the repeal of the Affordable Care Act could put the United States at odds with its international obligations. The Feb. 2 memo, which I obtained Tuesday, was sent to the State Department and expresses “serious concern” about the prospective loss of health coverage for almost 30 million people, which could violate “the right to social security of the people in the United States.”
It’s like they want to lose their US sourced funding. I say we oblige them.
“That’s a nice budgt you have there. It would be a shame if you suddenly lost a quarter of it.”
They’re serious aren’t they? Do they really want to poke the bear? This is how Trump give the UN the middle finger then
So wait, I’m confused. I know Trump has talked about us pulling out of the UN. But why would the UN try to help him sell his proposal to the American people? Because that’s exactly what’s gonna happen here. And if we pull out, there goes a lot of their funding for bullshit make-work-for-connected-Euros programs.
No one ever accused the UN of being too clever
Or anything but a crime syndicate more interested in representing the will of some of the most despicable people on the planet…
How many divisions does the UN have? /Ghost of Stalin
Well, there’s the rape division, the child molestation ring, the civilian abuse brigade…
Don’t forget the highly decorated Stay In Barracks When Someone Is Shooting Battalion.
Genocide Assistance Battalion (Dutch)
Communicable Disease Brigade (Fijian)
Which one specializes in child porn and trafficking? Is that the French?
The French handle the porn, but the trafficking is contracted to the foreign legion.
Quite a few. Incidentally, Stalin’s pulling out of the UN is a good example of how it would be used if we did the same. Whack the UN bureaucracy and nonsense and put the rest on a short leash.
They can fuck right the fuck off.
See, this is the problem with the UN. It’s great when it sticks to the original purpose of being a couple’s therapy clinic for nation-states. Once it starts to become a world government, it goes right to shit. It’s like taking the worst HOA in the world and projecting it on a global scale.
From what I can tell the UN’s usefulness ends at its existence. Probably a great thing for world peace and understanding to have a central place where diplomats from every country are permanently gathered. Nothing of the pompous self-importance it gives itself beyond that mere fact, as though it has ever distinguished itself as something more than that, has done much good for anyone in the world.
Yeah, I think filling a room full of bureaucrats and expecting them to not try to meddle in politics is a little like filling a room full of dogs and expecting the fried chicken to be on the counter where you left it.
The UN went afoul when it decided not just to foster peace between great powers but also to try to solve all the world’s ills. Some fights need to be fought, some social problems need to run their course, and some bad ideas need to be allowed to fester pour encourager les autres. There is furthermore an analogue here with “regulatory capture”, something like “despotic capture”, where a desire to rid the world of its ills, but a lack of will to carry it out with overwhelming force of arms, inevitably results in the organization becoming host to the evils it originally sought to remove.
The UN went afoul when Wilson called it the League of Nations.
I would certainly agree that the idea behind the UN and its predecessor is flawed from the start.
There are some useful associated organizations – ie. IMO – that work well for assembling representatives to put out large, general, common-sense agreements with large numbers of international participants – but those are few and far between and I think most of their best work was about 30-40 years ago.
“And if I refuse?”
“Then we will send you a very strongly worded letter telling you how disappointed we are in you!”
Imagine what Trump could do with that NYC real estate.
Give them a couple of hours to pack their shit, grab their families and get the fuck out? Or is that too generous?
And revoke all their diplomatic immunity. The ticket revenue would be a massive boon to NYC.
For The Left, Socialism Denial Is Holocaust Denial
We’re supposed to remember the horrors of the Holocaust so we’ll never let it happen again. But we haven’t done the same for the horrors of socialism.
Dave WeigelVerified account @daveweigel
A moment of silence, please, for the victims of Denmark’s national health service.
It’s amazing how many people talk down to others about things they are clearly uneducated about
To quote Moe Wanachuk, “That cunt is no good”
The black book of communism means nothing to these people, just the Top Men
Early-stage socialism denial involves claiming that allegations of horrors and atrocities in socialist regimes are false or overblown. Late-stage socialism denial involves claiming that whatever nation was the shining paragon of socialism two years ago, before TSHTF, was never actually anything of the sort.
Why do you think the left has spent over 7 decades trying to convince people that fascism was not another kind of socialism doing its thing, but something right wing? It allowed them to have cover for collectivism basically being murderous and ruinous things.
That’s what they taught when I was in High School. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party were right-wing fascists.
Cognitive dissonance seems to be something that never bothers these people. When I pointed this out in the elective college history class I was forced to take as an engineer, the prof had the temerity to tell me that the Nazis were not real socialists. Si I asked him if that was because they were not as good at killing most of their own people as the communists, and the guy almost had an aneurysm. Marxists hate it when you point out how many people their religion has killed, imprisoned in misery states, or downright disadvantaged.
What is it called when socialism denial is combined with socialist apologetics? I have honestly seen, on multiple occasions, these arguments or some variation thereof be espoused by the same individual:
1. The USSR/PRC/Cuba/DPRK/etc were not true socialist/communist countries but instead were examples of “state capitalism” and that explains all of their problems
2. The “social democratic” countries are examples of “socialism done right” in contrast to the above
3. But the USSR/PRC/Cuba/DPRK/etc were still good for trying to be socialist and, of course, much better than the U.S.
It’s a special breed of cognitive dissonance.
Best of cheesy former Yugoslav war songs
Some of these are great. I dig the shitty VHS feel
Damn, these are actually pretty good. I dig that Slav folksy stuff though.
Globe&Mail columnist sends her 3-year old son to ballet for acting too much like a boy
Never too early to start breeding parental resentment.
The classes may only last a year or two, the hatred and neurosis will last a lifetime
This was my exact thought as well.
I believe Ernest Hemingway’s mother did something similar. I wonder if strident feminists are inadvertently raising generations of womanizing testerone-fueled adventurers?
Does socialized Canadian medicine cover life-long therapy?
Is she familiar with Mikhail Baryshnikov? As it turns out, a lot of chicks dig men with a six foot vertical who built like Bruce Lee who essentially do pistol squats for a living. Apparently he was pounding Jessica Lange’s ass in the 80s and he didn’t even speak English.
::good edit faerie hope he did ok::
Um, edit fairy, aisle 9?
Not quite what I had in mind, but an artistic turn of phrase. The sign of a good editor is the ability to free the author’s voice from the shackles of composition.
I like it, despite the lousy grammar leading up to the money shot.
Hah, that was my reaction – the activity may be considered girly, but the dudes who do it are fucking ripped.
They’re lean and ropey. Which is very popular with the ladies as a whole, though quite a bit less bulky than what we think of as ideal aesthetics.
KK can we get a ruling?
My thoughts every time I’ve seem a professional ballet company – “if that guy is straight, he must be drowning in spectacular pussy.”
I wish my already-campy-as-fuck ass had been the least bit interested–or skilled–at ballet as a kid. You can get your ass beat, yeah, but you also get crazy play, since there ain’t many male dancers and even fewer straight ones. Probably best to eventually take your game and graduate to nondancers though, since your colleagues all smell like chimneys and have barf-rotted teeth.
It’s like gymnastics. I knew two dudes in high school who did gymnastics all four years. They were both ripped as shit but didn’t have the jock stigma, so they had nearly the whole social spectrum of high school girls at their disposal.
Aw man! I look exactly like a gymnast physiquewise, and I’ve been getting asked constantly whether I’m one my entire life and always have to say I couldn’t turn a cartwheel. And I always regretted not doing it (although I really don’t see how I was ever in a position to be exposed to it). Now I feel even shittier. (Looking the part ain’t bad either, but I’m sure it’s nothing like actually being one.)
+1 Warren Beaty in Shampoo.
Christ, what an asshole.
I want to put my 3 year old in ballet, because it will help his coordinatino and because he’ll thank me at 14 when he can dance and he knows a bunch of female dancers.
You should put your kid in Judo or BJJ. It will help his coordination and he will thank you at 14 when he has the self confidence that comes from being able to wreck everyone he knows.
Lean strength and flexibility also puts said son in a good position to impress the shit out of future sex partners. Have banged and been banged by a tall scruffy ginger ballet dancer. To quote Martha: It’s a Good Thing.
Oh, I recently found my long missing Nikon, and got the battery charged up. On the memory stick I found the pictures I’d taken at the Anti-SAFE act protests. It was nostalgic in several ways – 1: the only protest I’ve ever attended, 2: the memory of how the press both blatantly lied about the number of participants and tried to smear them regarding damages to the rain-soaked park (it was raining but OGS denied a change of venue to an interior space. Also that park is routinely re-seeded after winter, so the damage was erased by regularly scheduled maintenence), 3: the SAFE act coverage led me to this community.
Whenever I am on a quick jaunt to the great city of London I am reminder how totally not great the mobile internet is in England. Also no signal whatsoever in the Underground. I guess I am spoiled by blazing fast the net is in ol Bucharest
You don’t really want to be distracted from your surroundings in places like that. Keep an eye on the people around you, they’re dangerous.
I once met somebody who’d spent some time in Nigeria. He commented that in Lagos, movie theatres always keep the lights on. I asked him why, and he said, “Because nobody wants to be in a darkened auditorium full of Nigerians.”
Exactly. That’s why the last time I went to see a movie there, I made sure to leave every dollar I with a bank before I went in. Now I need to get it out of the country. Can you help?
No shit. I went to London almost three years ago now, and I still carry my wallet in my front pocket.
I have always used a front pocket wallet. Current one came from REI with RFID block for $15.
My roommate got me an RFID-blocking wallet a year or so ago and I figured it was probably just a marketing ploy, but I’ll be damned if I have to take my TAP card out every time I want to get on the train instead of just patting my wallet on the stile.
I have never gotten the whole back pocket wallet thing. It distorts the pocket, it’s uncomfortable to sit on, and it’s dangerous. What are the advantages, I have always wondered?
I don’t know, I keep mine in my shirt pocket because the pants pockets are inconvenient (read: uncomfortable) for someone who spends their workday seated at a computer.
I have one of these.
Highly recommended. You won’t even notice it’s there. Small enough so you can’t go George Costanza on the bit.
I reading from the Good Book for all you filthy heathens.
You can order a copy on her website.
You too, can attain enlightenment and cleansing brother, for only $16.00.
(reminds self to always clink on youtube links incognito).
Y’all are going to really mess up my feed…again.
Eight ball in the side pocket, three cushions, behind the back; no more poor babies
It’s true that abortion access, as well as contraception and other reproductive health needs, may not motivate the working-class voters who helped send Mr. Trump to the White House. But any woman who has had to decide whether she could afford to keep a baby will most likely be able to tell you that economics is deeply embedded in her choice. To pretend that these issues are different and that one can be abandoned for the other is disproved in countless women’s lives.
Women fuel Democratic victories and are at the forefront of organizing against the Trump administration. Their votes and activism are more necessary than ever. It’s both smart economics and smart politics to take a firm line on reproductive rights.
S/he/it doesn’t even bother with a fig leaf of “teach poor women not to get pregnant”. Elimination of the inconvenient has a proud tradition. Margaret Sanger would be proud.
That may very well be true, but had she embedded economics in her decision to get off the pill and have sex with some dude au naturel she wouldn’t be in that situation to begin with.
I know many people who have had kids that were unplanned who weren’t ready to have children. In every. single. case., these are people who have a history of terrible decisions based around irresponsibility, lack of impulse control, and often times were high as shit or in the midst of a week-long bender at the time of conception. The ones who had the kid, went “Wow, that was dumb of me, I better straighten myself out,” have gone on to have pretty successful lives. The ones who had the kid and thought of it as an act of God or random chance, who were even then still completely incapable of taking responsibility for their own decisions, continue to ***spoiler alert*** make shitty decisions and blame other people.
Personal responsibility is so passe.
What do you think productive tax payers are for if not to underwrite the stupid choices of entitled people, huh?
The problem with this is it assumes that birth control is 100% effective.
Maybe not a majority of unplanned pregnancies but somewhere close to it are cases where some form of birth control was used and failed (either because it was inadvertently used improperly, an interaction with a second medication, or it just failed as even used perfectly none of them are 100%) and it is not always single people it happens to.
My wife has managed to get pregnant on just about every form of birth control known to man, 4 kids and 2 miscarriages later I took matters into my own hands and got snipped to make sure there wasn’t a 5th kid that I knew we couldn’t afford (we really couldn’t afford the 4th one either but working in IT it just means we aren’t as financially comfortable as we would like and not we’re destitute) .
The fact of the matter is even bringing up the personal responsibility angle makes you just look like an asshole who thinks kids are a punishment for irresponsible behavior, There is a very strong argument to be made that getting an abortion (that you pay for yourself, ether directly or indirectly through insurance you paid for) IS taking personal responsibility for your situation.
Fair enough, but I’d say that believing that you have a right to have sex, which typically carries a non-zero chance of pregnancy even with contraception, that trumps the responsibility to care for the ensuing child (or pay for the abortion of said child, or go through the adoption of said child) is irresponsible. And the real problem here is that the goal posts are being moved by calling subsidized abortions “access”. Everyone has access to abortion, per Roe v. Wade. That doesn’t convey a right to have someone else pay for it.
So much this. Do whatever you want to yourself, just don’t make me have to pay for it.
Maybe not a majority but about 1 percent.
–“Over three million women in the U.S. each year experience an unplanned pregnancy, but this is not, however, usually due to failure to attempt contraception. About 90 percent of sexually active women use some form of contraception. The 10 percent of women who do not use contraception account for approximately half of unplanned pregnancies, but the other half occur in women who were attempting to use some form of birth control.”–
No, approximately half of all unplanned pregnancies resulted from some form of birth control failure, it might be a little over half and it might be a little under half but it is somewhere in the 55 – 44% range for birth control failure and no birth control
The fact of the matter is even bringing up the personal responsibility angle makes you just look like an asshole who thinks kids are a punishment for irresponsible behavior,a
And bitching about the personal responsibility required due to the biological facts of having sex makes you sound like a SJW. If someone really, really can’t afford a baby, maybe they should avoid doing the one thing that creates a baby. Anything less than that is merely risk reduction, not prevention.
Fucking tags… Hopefully y’all can figure it out
The unsaid assumptions in the ‘her body her choice’ argument are that the woman is not responsible for getting pregnant and that the baby is a non-entity with no rights. It is fucking disgusting.
Women fuel Democratic victories and are at the forefront of organizing against the Trump administration. Their votes and activism are more necessary than ever.
I really hate this kind of collectivist thinking. “Women” is not a monolithic bloc who all believe and act the same way. Women are individuals. It seems like such an obvious statement, but so many people talk into its trap. Yes, more women vote democrat than don’t, but not all or even a super majority. They have different interests and values because they are different individuals! “Women” don’t support abortion; 50% of people who are women support abortion (compared to 41% who don’t.) “Women” didn’t vote for OMG first women pres isn’t it time we had a vagina in the white house; 52% of people who are women voted for Clinton. People, not blocs! How is this so hard to understand?!
What cracks me up is that the guy writing that collumn is a dude. Hey Bryce, you don’t speak for all women. You can’t speak for all women. No one can. Stop trying.
SJWednesday – Cultural Appropriation Edition
Sexy nuns hardest hit.
In solidarity I propose that Hillary, and Nancy Pelosi wear a Burkha, preferably forever.
Two grannies, one sack?
Some bricks, a zip tie, and a deep river?
Why do you hate our nation’s waterways?
Who said it would be one of our nations waterways? The Saudis bought it, I say they have to deal with it.
I hope Gaga told that bitch to fuck off, that hijab of any sort is not a sacred garment. It’s just cloth that you use to cover your body, for whatever modesty purposes you happen to see fit. Muslims do not own the act of clothing oneself.
Fuck the European anti-PC-asskissing crowd’s tendency to overstep into ripping burqas off women’s bodies and calling it “liberty” (though that’s probably the best grasp of the concept you can expect when you grow up in Europe). Let’s not become like them. But I do have to say we are probably doing it wrong when Muslim women living here openly throw around burqas as something we should be ashamed of being accused of not celebrating and honoring, rather than something they are a bit sheepish over.
I had a discussion a few years ago with a couple friends, one of whom is Turkish. At the time, both of them (also both very proggie/lefty), were in favor of various countries’ bans on burqas and other head coverings. I wonder if they’ve changed their tune now that the acceptable thinking is that burqas are, like, cool n shit. I was the only person in the discussion that thought women should choose whether they want to wear one or not.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I understand is that for Muslims wearing burqas is a modesty thing, like Western women shielding the eyes of the innocent from their mighty nipples (lot of Euros don’t have a problem with it though). If Muslim women think it’s immodest to wear burqas, whatever. If they don’t and someone else tries to force it on them, then I have a problem.
Which actually brings up the question of oh mighty government regulating modesty: should people there be law against people, say, walking around public naked if they want? It doesn’t violate the NAP, and I can’t really think of a libertarian reason why there should be.
At one point, Turkey and a whole bunch of other countries had banned wearing head coverings in the workplace (can’t remember if it was just government jobs or private employers also). My friends at that time were in favor of the ban. They thought women needed the benign hand of government to tell them head coverings were oppressive and outdated.
Now that lefty thinking has gone full circle, and burqas are totally acceptable, I just wonder if those same friends have changed their tune to go along with the crowd.
Meanwhile, I still think it should be a woman’s individual choice.
Hope that makes more sense?
Not arguing about progressive circular reasoning anti-logic. I’m more interested in if the government should have any role at all in regulating “modesty.”
That is because there no libertarian reason on NAP principals. From a US constitutional perspective, if you take First amendment rulings at face value, public nudity is actually protected speech.
That entire article is — unsurprisingly — solid-gold retarded.
“This year’s Met Gala theme China: Through the Looking Glass was just begging for cultural appropriation, which led many starlets to play it safe with minimal references to China. Emma Roberts, however, earned herself Twitter backlash for wearing chopsticks in her hair.
Chopsticks in the hair is one of many broadly “Asian” styles tried on by Western dressers (for what it’s worth, chopsticks aren’t even a Chinese hairstyle — hair sticks have been used in many countries, and Chinese chopsticks are only for eating).”
So wearing chopsticks in your hair is appropriating Chinese culture because wearing chopsticks in your hair isn’t Chinese.
I can’t even keep up anymore. As someone with some Irish heritage, can I say that green novelty glasses with pots of gold are cultural appropriation? What if my daughter’s wearing them, is it actually ok, or is it worse, like a black person owning a “Mammy” novelty salt shaker?
As far as I can tell, appropriating European cultures doesn’t count.
Mia Khalifa (SFW).
But you can find her in a burka that is very NS.
Threading fail.
“It is not something you can wear to your Halloween party.”
Uh…yes, it is. I dont know why anyone would want to, but yeah. It most certainly is.
Watched part 1 of the Einstein show on Nat Geo (Genius). It’s essentially a movie about Einstein, told in backward and forward segments between his young life and later life. Pete Campbell from Mad Men makes an appearance as a smarmy consular officer from the U.S. Embassy (is there any other kind?). That poor dude is typecast.
Anyhoo, the show is a mix of Einstein’s personal dramas and science. I wish there were more science and less sex (especially old Einstein fucking his secretary – that’s what SugarFree nightmares are made of). But the focus is generally on the science. They use a lot of cutaways to visualize his ideas about light and time. There is, of course, the political backdrop in the “older Einstein” segments, as the Nazis consolidate power. In one scene, a little brownshirt chases down Einstein and asks for his autograph.
Last night’s episode ended up with young Einstein meeting Maleva Maric for the first time (that was a fantastic scene where she utterly puts him in his place, talking about Empedocles), and older Einstein GTFO of Germany.
I didn’t find it engrossing, but it was quite good and worth a DVR. I’ll continue to watch. It’s really hard to make Einstein’s life non-interesting.
Think your last sentence is correct. Not great, but definitely worth watching.
Thanks for the review. I DVR’d it myself, on the chance that it was worth picking up.
Today in Bill Nye’s Netflix show, when he’s not laughing at weird vagina raps or hosting ice cream orgies, he’s advocating for China-style population control, because the population bomb is real and this would work out so well.
That policy didn’t even work in China.
He went full Erlich. You never go full Erlich, man.
Never go full Erlich!
Wow. He’s off the deep end now.
Damn it, there is no satisfying these people, not until we are living in some fucking Maoist green state
Watermelons. Green on the outside, commie red on the inside.
I just terminated a vendor who had a $2.5 million a year account with us. It sucks because it affects their employees. But, my zod, people who won’t work with you to improve results sure do start making calls and promises once they actually receive a termination letter. I’ve had more contact with this company’s senior management in the past 48 hours than I have over the past six months.
Squeaky wheel, etc. My team has flat out refused to work on projects with consultants because they’ve uniformly produced terrible products and gone on to provide absolutely no support, meaning that instead of being able to make a web product from scratch that meets all of our criteria, we have to take twice as long to unfuck the code spaghetti we got from some Pakistani intern who never met a jQuery plugin he didn’t like, and STILL pay them twice as much as we’re making. Once these fuckers get on the GAO list, they can print money without producing results, and they know it.
I routinely start contract renegotiation by sending a termination letter on the current contract.
I usually don’t have to do that because of the nature of our business and my options for vendors. One of them rejected a fee update a few months ago, so I did send them a termination letter. I got a call within a few seconds of the esign going out that they decided to accept my terms.
I imagine this is what will happen when we fire our web vendor in a few months. We already had a Come to Jesus with them back in December, and they have not improved. If you own your own proprietary, non-open-source CMS, the fuckin thing better work.
Sometimes I wonder if we are already living in a socialist workers’ paradise. I do an awful lot of business (for my company) with a ton of vendors and I’m constantly amazed by how little interest they show in keeping me happy. So many vendors will not return emails or phone calls, deliver products late, and a whole host of other stupid behavior. Then they are STUNNED when I stop doing business with them. Look jackass, after the 5th times I tried to GIVE you $50,000 and you won’t fucking talk to me, then it’s time to move on.
What business are you in?
That’s what all the sex workers say!
But any woman who has had to decide whether she could afford to keep a baby will most likely be able to tell you that economics is deeply embedded in her choice.
In retrospect, this probably has a much greater effect among the upper middle class than among the unenlightened masses. It’s one thing to tell your case worker there’s another client on the way, but the specter of having to drop out of Dartmouth and miss out on that Vogue internship really stings, if you’re a certain sort of liberated progressive go-getter.
SJWednesday – Openly Racist Edition
Where the white woman at?
+1 Rape as a political act
I don’t like white women because they drive like shit and hope for the best. That, and the SJW ones dress like spinsters and suck the fun out of everything. The rest are pretty cool, I guess.
What is the best race of female drivers?
In don’t know. Is there stall a race somewhere in the Amazon rain forest that haven’t seen cars?
That’s a tough one. I’ve found in my experience that Latinas tend to do pretty well. I think the key is the lack of belief in a safety net. If you believe as I do that mutual consideration and proper etiquette is the tissue-thin barrier that separates us from sporadic murder sprees, you tend to drive defensively, and that seems to be a trait held fairly closely by native Spanish speaking ladies. Strangely, Asian women seem to be up there, too, which contradicts what I’ve read from others in these forums. Maybe it’s a regional thing.
There also seems to be a socio-economic divide. Poor white people seem to be reasonably conscientious drivers in comparison to white yuppies, who drive like assholes. Again, though, regional influences predominate. The closer you get to Baltimore, the worse the poor white folks do. I’m surprised there are any cars left in Glen Burnie, for example.
Maybe not…
He’s not doing it right!
Or something..
So some of them are the good ones, then?
I wish I could try this test without looking like a fucking lunatic. Any white person who would be “understanding” of my telling him I don’t like white people is a condescending piece of shit. I’d love to know who those people are right off the bat.
I mean, within the rich diversity of white people there are certainly segments of them that get on my nerves, but since I am myself a white person I think I can say this by Section 3.25a of the Social Justice Code.
You better go back and check your statutes.
Section 1.1a clearly says that “a white man can’t say shit about shit”.
I was going to quote the thing, change white to black, and Taylor to Beyonce and then ask what would happen, but F it.
hah! I did that but didn’t bother changing the name.
When I say I don’t like white women, it’s not in reference to any specific white woman
This is interesting to me. I don’t really mind if you single someone out and say, ‘i don’t like this person’, because you are taking about individuals. But It seems like to this writer, she feels like she is softening the blow by staying that her hatred isn’t directed at anyone particular.
Whenever I meet a white woman who’s not baffled by it, we instantly become friends. Those are the white women I like
Sounds like battered women to me.
Yeah. That sticks out. I can hate the guy who mugged me, but hating all of his same race, religion, etc doesn’t square.
Thought experiment:
When I say I don’t trust Arabs, it’s not in reference to any specific Arab.
That’s probably fine, too, right?
I was about to quip that I certainly don’t trust that slippery street rat Aladdin. But then I remembered that Aladdin and every other character in the story are in fact Chinese. That detail didn’t really receive a lot of attention in the movie.
To be fair, they’ve got a low trust culture. It probably is fine as a blanket statement.
I don’t like hateful bitches.
Whenever I say that, hateful bitches look at me like I just decapitated Taylor Swift. If I’m being honest, their reaction is part of the reason I say it. But rest assured, it’s not the only reason.
I don’t like hateful bitches because I’m not particularly fond of the construct of pussyhatdom or what it represents. I also don’t appreciate those who are complicit in annoying the shit out of me and benefit from it. When I say I don’t like hateful bitches, it’s not in reference to any specific hateful bitch (aside from maybe Taylor Swift). It’s a declaration that hateful bitches pose a very real threat to my sanity, and I don’t have to embrace that threat with open arms. You have to earn my fondness. This goes for several other groups, obviously, but for some reason hateful bitches seem the most baffled by it. Whenever I meet a hateful bitch who’s not baffled by it, we instantly become friends. Those are the hateful bitches I like.
Isn’t this true of literally every human on Earth? I’m not instant friends with everyone I encounter. It takes a while to build up to a relationship with anyone to the point of “fondness”. Why does this snowflake think she’s so fucking different?
To earn her fondness you have to engage in self-loathing, that makes her a little bit different.
It is apparently a lot easier to earn her fondness based on skin darkness.
What makes her think I want her “fondness?”
Not wanting her fondness makes you a racist, sexist cis-hetero-supremacist shitlord.
“the construct of whiteness or what it represents”
That is so mighty fine derp you found there.
“Some of my best friends are white.”
Will drinking a gallon of bleach kill me? I don’t know, I have no experience! And you don’t either, so don’t oppress me!!
It will, at the very least, make your digestive tract more white, which I don’t like.
So she’s saying no can speak definitively about, say, guns and gun control unless someone has had experiences with them?
With guns, they have a corrupting aura that means only people that have never handled them can speak on the issue.
Using “folk” and “body” in that context is the number one sign that the author is phony ass idiot. Number two? Writing for HuffPo
Glass half full, at least she actually exists.
Black folk like to say “folk.” That’s not pseudoacademic- or activist-speak; it’s general black culture. But indeed only self-important assholes add the word “bodies” to their references to persons to make their political rhetoric sound more weighty.
It is very much activist speak in 2017. Folks/folk is definitely a term used by black people and others, but people like the author use it as a signal of faux authenticity.
Educated, middle class black people saying folk in that context is the equivalent of their white counterparts saying “y’all”, or whatever the local second-person pronoun of choice is when trying to organize the proletariat. It shows they are “down with the cause” even though they aren’t really a part of the group in the way they think they are.
It’s the verbal equivalent of the natural hair movement. Sure, that is their natural hair and people wear it like that for all kinds of reasons, but when it’s done by people like the author, it’s clearly a rejection of the systemic white oppression of black bodies and particular black queer and woman identifying folk . And that’s what makes it ridiculous
A 95-year-old grandma has become the internet’s latest fashion modelling sensation
Too bad Almanian isn’t here to weigh in on his GILF preferences.
You know what other Austrian whose fashion sense people talked about?
Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Paul Hogan?
*beady stare*
So two English football clubs (West Ham and Newcastle) have been raided and at least one person has been arrested.
The raids were apparently done by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs officials, apparently for income tax fraud.
(Seems like they were finding ways of luring French players over with creative ways of lowering their tax burden. The revenuers won’t stand for that.)
I’m the worst.
I wonder how many points they will be docked?
Newcastle has clinched 2nd and promotion back to Premier, but enough of a penalty fast enough could knock them down into the playoffs.
I would guess any penalty would be next season though, so just might aid in their relegation back.
I can’t see anything happening like that. Points usually only get docked for a team going into administration and/or outrageous behavior by the entire organization or their fan base.
This’ll end up being a couple of teams getting caught up with a rogue agent or something. And it’ll all be legal through a loophole that will be closed and the people exploiting it shamed out of their careers and attacked by the legal apparatus for other things. (Think pharmaceuticals recently)
Besides, the FA wants Newcastle in the EPL.
I was going to say Hugo Boss, but he’s not Austrian.
Maxmilian Schell?
Captain Von Trapp?
Tundra wins, because Falco.
The ’80s were a wonderful time.
Think you for not linking to that other video.
My choice was not incidental.
Mrs. Mises?
Hugo Boss?
But, my zod, people who won’t work with you to improve results sure do start making calls and promises once they actually receive a termination letter. I’ve had more contact with this company’s senior management in the past 48 hours than I have over the past six months.
There was just an interesting nyt article about “legit” investment firms going to their more notorious “activist” cohorts for tactical support. The example used was Whole Foods.
Last year, as Neuberger Berman’s roughly $200 million investment in Whole Foods Market languished, the firm quietly approached some hedge funds and urged them to agitate for change at the high-end grocer.
Two weeks ago, Jana Partners took up the fight.
Jana — an $8.5 billion hedge fund behind some of the most high-profile recent corporate shake-ups — announced it was the second-largest shareholder in Whole Foods and blasted everything from the financial nuts and bolts to the scheduling of employees and even the behavior of top executives. In a flash, Whole Foods’ shares jumped 10 percent, adding millions of dollars to the value of Neuberger Berman’s stake.
“Get some leg-breakers in there to set those guys on the straight and narrow.”
The United Nations has contacted the Trump administration as part of an investigation into whether repealing the Affordable Care Act without an adequate substitute for the millions who would lose health coverage would be a violation of several international conventions that bind the United States. It turns out that the notion that “health care is a right” is more than just a Democratic talking point.
“I’m glad you called. I’ve been meaning to get in touch with you, anyway. It’s about your rent…”
“…more than just a Democratic talking point.”
There is no shortage of commie shitbirds outside of the US. They can all line up and kiss my ass.
Speaking of burritos, Chipotle earnings came in strong last night after trading.
“Chipotle beat analysts’ expectations for both revenue and earnings, increasing sales at existing stores by 17.8% on average.”
It’s happening!
It’s happening!
The Chipotle bowel movement?
I swear, Chipotle is like the Nickelback of restaurants–except Chipotle’s reputation is completely undeserved.
The ingredients are fresh.
The steak is even spicy!
It’s a burrito freshly made to order–what’s not to like?
Dammit, Ken. Now I want some
Norovirus is no big deal.
You can get a shot for that at Wallgreens or something.
You take some, what’s that stuff–Dayquil!
If it gave you crabs, then I might be worried.
Actually I ruled out Chipotle (the restaurant) when they were ‘Proud’ of using ‘organic’ ingredients. It told me I’d be getting higher prices for the same or lesser quality because “virtue signal”.
“Organic” means different things to different people.
To people who have developed extreme food sensitivities, it means they probably don’t use any for of soy–and Chipotle doesn’t (except in their tofu).
And their prices are probably better than what you’d find elsewhere. Oz for oz, I don’t think you’re paying much more than Taco Hell or Hel Taco, and I think a lot of that probably has to do with real estate and payroll costs. Strip mall locations are less expensive than stand alone restaurants and you can run a location with minimal staff.
That being said, Subway has a similar model, and, oz for oz, I dob’t think Chipotle is much more expensive than Subway.
Beyond humor and crassness, I don’t have a vested interest in bashing them. My statement about my reasons for having put them on the “don’t bother” list is accurate. Besides, the only one I know of shares a parking lot with a DiBella’s. Which is what makes the reference to subway make me laugh. Technically the “fresh ingredients custom assembled to order” is the same model used at DiBella’s only they make Subway taste like pure distilled disappointment. You can do it wrong even with the same formula.
To me, for example, ‘organic’ means anything constructed on an atomic carbon framework.
The one time I ate at Chipolte I thought it was just okay. But I’ve had better burritos in my life.
There is this little place in a strip mall, where the staff speaks with broken English, that makes the best Mexican food I’ve ever had. The burrito is loaded with the most delicious beef and cilantro. *sigh*
Yeah, “authentic” Mexican food is the best. Every neighborhood in LA has a place like that. But compared to other fast food places?
KFC comes in a bucket so you can puke it back up. McDonalds makes you feel like you were kicked in the stomach.
Oh, and FWIW, all the time I spent living in Mexico, I never came across an “authentic” Mexican restaurant. I’ve come to believe authentic Mexican food is like General Tso’s chicken–“Chinese” food that only exists in American restaurants.
I must be the only person on Earth who thought the food in China was not all that different than the Chinese food in the U.S.
It depends on what you’re used to and where you go, I guess.
I bet dim sum seems more or less the same everywhere.
If I go to a Hunan place or a Cantonese place, the food is quite different.
I suppose Chinese takeout is pretty much the same everywhere.
I ate Shanghai, Szechuan, full banquet, Peking duck, Uighur, and many others while I was there. There were some differences, but they had dumplings and stir fried meat & veg over rice just like we have here. The Uighur was my favorite because it was just like Turkish food, but it was served over noodles instead of pita.
Uighur please.
Actually Chineese food is very different in New England than it is anywhere else in the country for some reason
Sounds like somebody hasn’t discovered Chik Fil A yet.
Here, fast food Mexican that’s better than Chipotle. Yeah, it’s a local chain with three locations, but I’ll bet a lot of towns have places like this.
Yeah, it’s not a national chain.
Albertos in San Diego is like that.
Everyone wondered how they managed to keep their prices so low.
Turned out they were taking their illegal alien staff and raiding the avocado groves in Fallbrook at night.
Now (last I heard) they have a Sheriff’s unit that does nothing but patrol avocado groves to fend off . . .
Hey! An Authentic Chinese Guy (RoC) invented General Tso’s (to feed to Americans)
I had an authentic Chinese roommate in college. Judging by the meals he cooked, authentic Chinese food is about 75% rice with a handful of some vegetables and a bit of meat or fish.
We always had frozen cuttlefish in the freezer, though, so that was a bonus.
That cuttlefish was to use as bait or chum?
There’s a a fusion Greek/Mexican joint called Ceasar’s nearby that’s sketch as hell, open 24/7, and serves the best carne asada burritos I’ve had. Chipotle’s got nothing on it. (Although I do think I’m rolling the dice every time I go there.)
I had greek take-out in DC once that was fucking delicious and authentic.
I was shooting fountains of black water out of my butthole for three days.
Oof. That BLOWS.
Pretty much every burrito I’ve ever had in my lief I’ve enjoyed more than Chipotle. They are better than the ones from 711, though.
Again, that’s Nickelback talk.
The ingredients are fresh. Made to order. You pick what’s on it yourself!
How can you not like something with fresh ingredients that you pick yourself?
Because other than the 711 burritos, every one I’ve had has been fresh and made-to-order, and they’ve been better than Chipotle?
Even compared to places like Moe’s and Qdoba?
I don’t think anyone is saying that Chipotle beats a good local mexican restraunt they are saying it beats all of the entries in the fast food category and at least most of them in the fast casual category and I agree with them on that
I don’t know that I’ve ever eaten a TB burrito, TBH. Nachos, chalupas, etc., yes. Not a burrito, though.
Thank you.
Now I’m going there for lunch today.
Wow. That’s some explosive growth! It was time to shit or get off the pot, and Chipotle did it! There wasn’t simply one run on their store here or there – that took multiple runs. Also, some other diarrhea euphemism just isn’t coming to me right now.
Their location on Hershey Highway is especially successful!
A lesson for you all that I need to learn because I’m too fucking stupid to live:
You see this URL?
If the #comment tag is at the end, even if your comment box is at the bottom of the page and you’re not replying to anything, your reply will show up as a threaded reply to that comment.
Bookmark this for Gilmore.
I think Gilmore relishes the gamble.
DADDY NEEDS A NEW PAIR OF SNARK, COME ON 10s! (posts garbled HTML in the wrong place)
I don’t think that’s actually true, btw.
you get that URL anytime you post a comment. It doesn’t say anything about where your *next* comment is going, just where the last one went.
Devious bastard
Republicans are likely to embrace the plan’s centerpiece, substantial tax reductions for businesses large and small, even as they push back against the jettisoning of their border adjustment tax. The 15 percent rate would apply both to corporations, which now pay 35 percent, and to a broad range of firms known as pass-through entities — including hedge funds, real estate concerns like Mr. Trump’s and large partnerships — that currently pay taxes at individual rates, which top off at 39.6 percent. That hews closely to the proposal Mr. Trump championed during his campaign.
But Mr. Trump’s decision to extend the corporate tax cut to real estate conglomerates like his own will give Democrats a tailor-made line of attack.
“Yesterday, we learned President Trump wants to slash the corporate tax rate, even though corporations already dodge most of their tax responsibilities while making record profits,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of the liberal Americans for Tax Fairness. “Today, we find out it’s even worse. In trying to slash taxes for ‘pass through’ business entities, Trump is seeking to dramatically reduce his own tax bill.”
That fucking Trump. It was all an insidious plot to lower his taxes. Talk about your 3-D chess!
I’m going to run for President so I can pursue strong dollar policies so I can afford that two week vacation in Acapulco I’ve always dreamed of.
In spite of your repeated refusals to click “Reply”, you’ve got my vote.
even though corporations already dodge most of their tax responsibilities
Come again? We are taking about the US? Oh I see the difference, I thought he was talking about reality.
Americans for Tax Fairness.
Fuck you, pay me
Drunk man knocked down 300-pound robot in Mountain View
yeah… hard to understand…
I didn’t even see it in person and I want to knock it over.
I’d like to introduce you to the smoking pile of plastic that was my alarm clock.
I bought my alarm clock for $15 at WalMart in 1996 and the thing’s still going strong. It’s indestructible.
Hey, I remember Larry Beil from Sportscenter!
How effective could this thing possible be at preventing crime if a random drunkard can take it down?
“on a livestream of his show on InfoWars this weekend Jones claimed he slayed 150 women by the time he was 16! And, according to Jones, “that’s conservative.””
He’s a serial killer???
And cannibal. That’s why he’s never been caught.
Eh…..it’s not any less believable than anything else Alex Jones says.
Heh. It’s funny because it’s true!
Too Much InfoWars.
If you’re going to lie, lie big.
Then when he was about 17 the women started not wanting to have sex with him anymore. Depressed, Jones investigated why they were no longer crawling to him. And that’s when he discovered the horrible truth…
What, did you think he actually found 150 human women to sleep with him?
“Man, these lozenges are delicious.” *Pops 3 in a row into mouth*. 5 minutes later…
“Fuck, my stomach is killing me.”
*Reads package: Excessive consumption may cause stomach irritation*
Break a finger. You will forget about your stomach irritation in a flash..
Regarding the main page photo of the model with the yellow outfit.
Poppy’s mental health has certainly improved in this footage, but physically she has really let herself go.
Poppy’s a little sloppy, as we learned from Seinfeld.
Leave it to the mentally deranged glibertarian rabble to somehow tie that bizarre Poppy thing to 80’s faux-macho machine gun based anti-violence TV.
Or as I probably should have typed: “I pity the fool who compares my show to that Poppy thing!”
Hey, I wish I could claim credit for that randomness but you were the one who connected the two first!
Right. Simple logic dictates: Glibertarian rabble is mentally deranged. I am among the Glibertarian rabble. Ergo… Ipso Facto… Eureka… I am mentally deranged.
It really is right up there with René Descartes “Cogito ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am).
And probably just ahead of his slightly lesser known “Ego rosea, ergo sum spam” (I’m pink, therefore I’m spam)
Dwight Schultz is kind of underrated. He did a good turn as Barclay on STTNG.
Great job in both roles, lots of fun creativity for Murdoch and great subtlety (even showing steady personal growth over time) for Barclay. (Somewhat weird political opinions btw, from my recollection.) Not so sure if he’s underrated; lots of people seem to be fans and appreciate his work from what I’ve seen.
I mean underrated as in “not in more stuff”. But maybe that was his choice not to be a huge character actor. He could be up there with Goodman and Buscemi as far as success.
I agree. I wonder why he doesn’t show up more often. Really talented. I put him in the bucket with Christopher Lloyd and Matt Frewer as intense actors who created iconic characters in TV shows back in the 80’s and then had a drought before rekindling their careers. Funny that they all ended up doing scifi work… which could be related to the intense style of acting.
Looking at his IMDB, he done a shitton of video games. I guess that’s his niche at this point. I haven’t seen anything else he’s done after Barclay.
Neither here nor there, but he guest-hosted, on at least one occasion, the Michael Savage show.
My knowing that is a strong indicator that I am in need of human companionship.
He was probably the most common guest host on the Gerry Doyle show and yeah he was somewhat conservative in his politics which might very well have been at least part of why he didn’t get more work.
You know they’re full of shit when they start saying things like this
“We are advocates of property rights,” said Tracy Raich, owner of Raich Montana Properties in Livingston. “We are not anti-mining. We understand that there are places to mine, but the doorstep of Yellowstone National Park isn’t one of them. The spectacular public lands, agricultural heritage, clean rivers and streams surrounding this area give the region a competitive advantage. The lifeblood of our economy is tied to these high-quality natural resources.”
Basically, they’re a bunch of fucking Luddites who use a lot of lofty conservationist/environmentalist rhetoric to prevent economic development. They’re perfectly happy to sacrifice the economic well being of others to defend their own. And, of course, they are completely oblivious to the notion of diversification. But VIEWS!
Bad piece. Not enough details of the objections the adjacent property owners have to mining. For now they just look like a bunch of blatant rent seekers. (Though it’s not even clear what their stake even is.)
Well, Yellowstone is a giant supervolcano caldera, duh. You go around digging up stuff in a supervolcano and you could blow up the whole continent!
Or, you could provide a slow-release valve for any pressure and defuse the volcano.
And where’s the fun in THAT?
“clean rivers and streams surrounding this area”
Just give the EPA time, they’ll fuck those up too.
Is this news to you? Look up Mom’s Demand Action’s response to ‘Do you support the second amendment?’
From: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/sarah-wynter-is-demanding-action-against-guns_us_58fc077ee4b0f02c3870eb27
Yeah, a group of people 100% Bloomberg funded that literally want to ban ‘assault weapons’ and concealed carry are real staunch 2A absolutists…
Wax worms, fish bait and scourge of beehives, discovered to eat plastic, shit antifreeze.
And they say plastic isn’t biodegradable.
So the million dollar question is whether the worms can actually live on a plastic diet or whether it kills them. I am betting option B.
they just look like a bunch of blatant rent seekers. (Though it’s not even clear what their stake even is.)
That’s exactly what’s happening. They think the entire Yellowstone region should be devoted exclusively to tourism and fly fishing and vacation homes. Any productive activity needs to be squelched (or done in Billings, which is already icky).
*I know a lot of people who hate Billings. They whine about how awful it is to see (and smell) oil storage and similar forms of industrialized gaia-raping. When I go to Billings (not often) I see a place where people are doing things, and making things, and creating wealth. This pleases me.
Vacation homes are productive activity. As is fly fishing (in theory) and tourism.
Food Terrorists. The USA. I could see how this crap would freak them out. Do you really eat this crap?
Nope. We use it to keep the rest of the world off their game. Get in their heads, so to speak.
Lob tater tots into North Korea and they would simply go back to eating their tree bark bi bim bap.
Are you kidding me? Tater tots would topple that regime in an afternoon.
Step one: Buy some potatos.
Step two: Peel.
Step three: Cook in something delicious.
There ya go. You never have to eat tater tots again.
It’s a cultural thing, straffin. Like buying used panties from a vending machine, I guess.
When you come to Minneapolis, I’ll take you here for some truffle tater tots.
True commie killers, those.
Buy any hotdog and get a free PBR
You’ve got yourself a deal.
Buy any hotdog and get a free PBR
That wouldnt be legal in KY. Alcohol can’t be free.
You can do two for the price of 1.
You can’t do buy one get one free.
Just call it a combo deal and mark it at the same price as a hotdog without a drink.
I was just pointing out the stupidity of our alcohol laws.
Miles better than PA, but some of them still suck.
Are you trying to make me hungry?
Also, the fact that I don’t read foreign makes that site lose any context outside of it being a collection of food images.
I thought you only ate gruel.
No, that is part of a libellous claim that I don’t like food that spawned from other commentators having poor tastes in food.
And your thoughts on beer? Tread carefully.
I don’t drink it, but I do bake a killer bread with it.
I was sent this by a friend this morning… has… has Bill Nye lost his fucking mind?
It this the “I’m Poppy” replacement? I finally figured out Oregon man.
He just unintentionally did the Parks and Rec NPR lesbian skit.
Just giving you the biz, Beav. That videos has been posted at least 3 times.
Oh, apologies. I saw some chatter about Bill Nye which I tended to ignore. I didn’t know that particular segment was referenced. Remember, I’m uniquely uncool so when the latest twitter outrage hits the fan, I’m still adjusting the fonts on my myspace account.
You just made me go check to see if myspace was even still active.
Apparently it is.
… is there another social networking platform?
Social Networking?
What new spore of madness is this?
But has anyone posted about that Oregon man yet?
I believe it was announced yesterday that Nye’s show (which airs on Netflix) was cancelled.
That’s about the most embarrassing thing I’ve seen on television since Connie Chung sang “Thanks for the Memories”.
I cannot find anything on the tubes to corroborate your statement.
I just employed the Googles to search, and I’m not seeing any cancellation notice from Netflix. If true, that would be huge, since I believe at this point every Netflix original (started there, not rescues) has gotten at least a second season.
Also, even if it were true, it would only be “not renew for a second season”. There is literally no way on this planet that Netflix will not have available any episodes they’ve already made. That’s not their model. as long as they think the show is at all a draw to the service, they’ll keep it. Being HOllywood hacks I’m sure they can be persuaded that it’s only the deplorables who object to the show, anyway, and it would really have to impact subscriber numbers hard for them to not to be “brave” and renew it for S2.
That’s the rub. Very few people are going to cancel their subscription over a single bad show, and I doubt many people bought netflix just to watch ZOMG BILL NYE!
The difference is that Poppy is not in a cult.
Look at this:
Thums up: 657
Thumbs down: 42,229
If my math is not off, that’s more than 98% of people agreeing that Nye sucks.
Good comments also:
Here’s a pretty good review of Nye’s new show.
But either the science guy’s jokes haven’t aged well or his schtick—a zany dad-figure in a lab coat stirring beakers full of colored liquids—doesn’t quite work when he’s bellowing, red-faced, about the dangers of climate change denial, alternative medicine, and the anti-vaxxer movement. While seemingly aimed at the average layman who holds some science-skeptical views, Nye’s new show delivers delivers so little information in such a patronizing tone it’s hard to imagine a toddler, let alone a sentient adult, enjoying it.
It would have been fascinating to hear Jacobson give a detailed summary of his idea for transforming the energy grid—and I’m sure he would have been happy to oblige.
Instead, we watched for an excruciating five minutes as Nye pitted Jacobson against another of his round table guests, energy and environment reporter Richard Martin, to explain at a ten-year-old level why Martin is like, totally wrong and dumb for thinking nuclear power should be part of our energy future, too. The entire exchange was apparently intended to bolster the (not exactly scientific) viewpoint Nye interjected throughout the segment, that “nobody wants nuclear power.”
I like to get my TV science from Michio Kaku. The less I know about an entertainer’s politics, the better.
This is my guy.
Puhleeze, Beaker & Honeydew are flaming commies!
Honeydew? Sure. But Beaker?
No way in hell!
BTW, greatest Muppets moment of all time, from the ill-fated reboot, which was cancelled with extreme prejudice despite it being excellently done.
My day is brighter from this moment forward.
Thank you.
Thanks for the DAC link sloop!
And the hypocrisy link is just too freaking hilarious.
But damn, some of the comments on that Rand link…I’d never been to Breitbart before.
I thought changing the musical genre would get more comments.
I guess I was wrong.
I know jack shit about country, so I thought it prudent to stay mum.
I liked his reference to the FBBs, though!
I see that the Sacramento Bee is cutting and posting content from Southern newspaper editorials from the era of civil-rights demonstrations.
“The agitators – anarchists and anti-fascist groups from off-campus and, in many cases, other cities”
So they know the identities of these masked rioters? This would be useful information for the police.
“Obviously, Berkeley police should do all they can to keep the peace on Thursday. In the meantime, though, it is clear that UC Berkeley sorely needs a clear, coherent policy on scheduling and securing celebrity appearances.
“The university is being used. Coulter, Yiannopoulos and the extremists around them don’t want free speech; they want a taxpayer financed forum for political theater, even if it hurts people and puts 40,000 kids at risk.”
I know, the University of California can pass a rule against partisan political events on their campuses!
Oh yes, it’s the people advocating free and peaceful exchange of ideas who are putting people at risk and not the riotrs screaming for them to shut up while burning free speech flags, trash recepticles, and portable generators.
Vacation homes are productive activity. As is fly fishing (in theory) and tourism.
That is undeniably true. However, we are dealing with people who believe “economic activity” should be restricted to only things they approve of, and which enrich them alone. Diversification of the economy is bad.