There’s an old joke that the world’s thinnest book is “Great Jewish Athletes.” But really, there’s a much thinner book than that: “Great Jewish Physicists Before Einstein.” And that’s where we kick off this week’s installment of Jewsday Tuesday.
If there were ever a single year when science was totally transformed, it would have to be 1905. That year, known as “Annus Mirabilis,” a Jew published a set of four papers wherein he demonstrated the truth of atomic theory, laid the foundations of quantum mechanics, formulated the theory of relativity, and demonstrated the equivalence of mass and energy. This would be enough for four different people to have become scientific legends for lifetime achievement, but it was the work of one Jew in one year. And a Jew who had to work in isolation, since university appointments were not generally extended to those of Hebraic tribal identities. Einstein had no role-models to show him that Jews could do physics, there were no diversity programs, no affirmative action. So clearly, there was no way for him to succeed because he wasn’t taught by people who “looked like him.”
And yet he persisted. To say that these four papers completely transformed physics is an understatement. They had the impact of Newton and Maxwell combined. And of course, there’s cycles and irony here, and that’s this week’s story.
During the Annus Mirabilis, as just about every other year, prominent scientists were honored with the awarding of Nobel Prizes. And in physics for 1905, the Nobel was awarded to Philipp Lenard for his work on cathode rays and the photoelectric effect. Lenard had been able to demonstrate that cathode rays (the basis of how pre-LED video picture tubes work) consisted of a stream of negatively charged particles rather than electromagnetic waves. Further, he showed that these negatively charged particles were much smaller than the size of nitrogen or oxygen molecules of air. He referred to these particles as “quanta,” but that name gave way to the modern appellation of “electron.”
Lenard also worked with the photoelectric effect, an unexplained phenomenon where electrons were ejected from metal surfaces when those surfaces were bombarded with ultraviolet light. He used this as an improved way to generate cathode rays for his experiments, and in this process found that (surprisingly) the ejected electrons did not fly faster when he increased the intensity of the UV light but just got more numerous. Changing the frequency of the UV light was the key to changing the speed of the ejected electrons. The reasons for this were totally mysterious, given the state of knowledge of physics at the turn of the century.
Lenard’s reputation was that of a first rate experimental physicist – his experimental setups and quality of data were superb and highly ingenious. But like a great pitcher who can’t hit, his abilities at experiment did not translate to similar aptitude for theory. It took an Einstein, literally, to figure out why Lenard got the results he got and to make it theoretically clear, quantitative, and predictable. And that analysis is what got Einstein his Nobel about 15 years after Lenard got one – Einstein’s was not for relativity but for explaining Lenard’s photoelectric effect.
So…. 1905. Lenard gets a Nobel. Einstein totally overturns the world of physics. Here’s where things get weird.
Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect directly led to quantum mechanics. And for the rest of his life, Einstein could never accept quantum mechanics and did everything he could to figure out ways to show that QM was nonsense. Unfortunately for him, QM has passed every experimental challenge ever thrown at it, and his thought experiments about QM’s inevitable paradoxes in fact only strengthened his hated theory when experiment verified them.
Weirder yet: Lenard deeply resented his brilliant experiments being explained by this upstart Jewish nobody. He embarked on a single-minded lifelong crusade to discredit anything and everything that Einstein had done, contrasting the hated Jew Physics (his actual term for it) with the beautiful and traditional Aryan Physics (also his term). He was also active in movements to ban or severely restrict the use of English and English terms in physics texts and university settings. Then Hitler appeared. Lenard (with the help of fellow Nobelist Johannes Stark, he of the eponymous Stark Effect, which ironically gave more experimental support to the hated Jew Physics QM) enthusiastically embraced the Nazi party, led the effort to remove Jews from university positions, and replaced any faculty that supported modern physics Jew Physics with politically correct Aryan Physics advocates.
Lenard became Hitler’s chief science adviser, and his only failure in the political realm was his inability to destroy Werner Heisenberg, one of the founders of QM (and he would have succeeded if it weren’t for you nosy kids Heisenberg’s childhood friendship with Heinrich Himmler). In the scientific realm, of course, he utterly failed to dislodge Einstein’s theories from physics outside of Germany and discredit that hated Jew, though he did manage to transform Germany from the world leader in physics to a total non-entity for decades thereafter.
Lenard’s legacy is obscurity and fringe “scientists” who have gone to impressive lengths to disprove relativity (Here’s an example of 100 scientists beclowning themselves – remember this the next time someone tells you about that 97% thing), which has in our day mutated into an interesting alliance between crank “scientists” and frank anti-semites.
Einstein’s legacy is a reputation as one of the smartest humans to ever live and almost the entire basis of what we know and understand about physics a century later. Following Einstein, it’s fair to say that Jews have dominated physics in disproportionate numbers, and one contributing factor was the Lenard-and-Stark-led purge.
I’d score this one a win for (((us))).
“Jew Physics”
You know who else tried to twist reality according to anti-Semitic concepts?
“Lenard became Hitler’s chief science adviser”
Oh, never mind.
Until the Christmas Eve Accords, where, over a plate of the good General’s chicken, they ceded control of physics to the Chinese in exchange for Mahjong.
Einstein was a quantum denier! But a great scientist. And what do we have now? Neil Tyson Degrasse? Billy Nye the freaking love Science Guy? The enlightenment is over, back to the caves!
Goes to show that you need deniers to keep people honest. Einstein’s distrust of QM was probably a very good thing for the robustness of the theory. It’s good to have someone very smart trying to poke holes in your theory.
Exactly. EPR paradox was very useful. In the same sense that Einstein was the Roadrunner to Lenard’s Wiley Coyote, so was QM in relation to Einstein- the harder he poked at it, the stronger it became.
And I can’t blame the guy for not accepting it so quickly. It’s some weird stuff, and this guy understands the math behind all of this. I get into self conflict when I was sure there were 3 beers left in the fridge and there’s only 2. Spooky action with my beer.
Beer weevils.
They are akin to whiskey weevils. You know them, pour a drink, turn your back, and the whiskey weevils have emptied the glass.
Known fact.
… Hobbit
As an aside, he’s probably correct once you start understanding some of the debate at the 5th Slovay conference. De Broglie offered a deterministic method for understanding the behavior of subatomic particles but the equations were too difficult to handle computationally at the time, probabilistic quantum mechanics was the compromise model. Things have changed we’ve go better computers now, and as a result we’re finding hydrodynamic quantum analogs that are lending outside support to de Broglie-Bohm models.
tsuyu no yo wa
tsuyu no yo nagara
sari nagara…
Meh, Tyson and Nye aren’t exactly considered giants of the scientific community.
They’re just popsci entertainers. If either one of them ever bothered to try giving a lecture to the folks working at someplace like CERN, while they probably wouldn’t be shouted down, they would probably be outright ignored at most, or greeted with a lot of rude hand gestures by actual scientists you’ve probably never heard of. Even the guys in charge of just wiring the place up would look down on Bill Nye, oh hey, he has a BA in engineering, “Hey look out, we got us a bad ass over here.”
BA in engineering
Surely not. I would lose even more respect for him (not that there is any left) if it wasn’t a BS.
Although, technically, mine isnt a BS. It was a BNE not a BSNE.
But that is nitpickity. It sure as hell wasn’t a BANE.
You can get an arts degree in engineering? How does that work?
Einstein effectively took Maxwell’s equations at face value and said “This means what it says it means, even if the results are bizarre.” Everyone else had been trying to explain away the ramifications of Maxwell’s work.
Reality is that which continues to exist in spite of your disbelief…
Since the comments are moving slowly, lets do some off topic.
12 Gauge pump or SU 16 for a trunk gun. Which one and why?
Urban or rural?
Urban, but not tight urban. Think surburbs with long straight streets… or just look up the east valley of phoenix since thats where I live.
Depends on how close you want to engage, imo.
Well I am assuming that worst case scenario is a ferguson or katrina style event, and I am trying to get back to my house. Probably anything beyond 100 is unlikely and anything beyond 200 is unthinkable, but I could see some 50-100 scenarios pop up which makes a shotgun less than ideal. Shotguns are cheaper, easier to feed, and a lot better under 50 yards though. They are also more intimidating if I have to threaten my way through a crowd.
In that case go with the 12. Sink a few more bucks into a good choke. Every shotgun is a law unto itself. Play around with the chokes and you can get 3-00 pellets in a man-sized area at close to 100 yards if you are lucky. For that kind of thing I like #4 buck. You get a shit-ton more pellets per shot and they are big enough to be lethal with only one or two hits. Each one is approximately equal to a single .25 auto at close range. Remington makes a 3″ hot load that has 41 #4 buck pellets in it. Winchester makes a 3″ hot load with 15 pellets. Both loads can be had cheap at walmart. You can light up some shit with that. Or just buy in bulk.
If that is too much recoil just go with the shorter 2-3/4 rounds. Don’t get police or combat shit. Get hunting loads. The police crap shoots about as hard as you get shoot a wrist rocket. Hunting loads are made to knock down critters tougher than people.
If you need range alternate your loading buck/slug/buck/slug/buck/slug. You might be surprised how accurate a slug can be out to a couple hundred yards.
The pump gun is more reliable. For some reason no one has ever discovered guns tend to malfunction more often when you really need it not to. Pumps are easier to clear jams and have fewer to start with. Also, have something for backup.
I’ve only really been to Glendale so not familiar with the area. If your not going to need a shot past 50 yards, shotgun should be good. Less worry about over travel as well.
Glendale is very similar to east valley so you can use that as a baseline. There is an unlikely but not impossible chance I would need to go out past 50. Slugs would get me to 80-100 but certainly not past that.
Just need to practice:) I’m sure you could do better with some optics.
That’s definitely not 200 yards. I have shot slugs at 100 yards and that’s more what that looks like.
Uh…yeah. Slugs can be made to really reach out. You need some range time.
I would go 12 ga for bedside gun, .308 for trunk gun.
308 is too much gun for where I live. I wouldn’t be making shots past 2 or 300 even on the worst days.
Well then I think you already answered your on question. 200-300 yards is way too far for a shotgun. I wouldn’t say .308 is too much gun though. You could have to shoot through something.
You could have to shoot through something.
Like a school? Go for the 88 magnum then.
You shouldn’t oughta shoot me, FM, my mother shot me once…
7.62×51 delivers significantly more energy than 5.56×45 was perhaps the takeaway, presuming you find a platform comfortable enough to haul around.
I like my sig 716. Recoil very tame.
Someone shooting at ypu from behind a car door would be another scenario where you want more power
M193 will punch through a car door like paper.
There you go. 556 and good ammo
AK pistol in 7.62×39. I have an Arsenal SAM7K and can hit silhouettes out to 300 meters with iron sights. Plus it’s fun as hell to shoot cases of surplus ammo.
Set of dueling pistols. So you can settle road rage incidents in style.
Is it weird that I’ve always wanted a set of rifled double pistols?
I was leaning toward a 12 gauge but I am really now leaning toward the SU 16. It is light weight, cheap, very unassuming, and it folds in half so I can keep it locked to the spare tire or in a backpack.
12 Gauge
I wouldn’t over think it. Get what you want. They’ll both take care of business in an urban environment.
Also, whichever one you choose, two years from now you’ll want something different
I’d go shotgun. The people you’re worried about probably don’t know the effective range of a 12 gauge; they certainly don’t know your effective range. A shotgun looks and sounds like bad news. Also, consider the situation that would require you to get through a riot with a drawn weapon. At this point, your adrenaline is pumping hard, there are multiple potential threats at varying ranges. The shotgun’s already ready to rock, and it’ll intimidate the shit out of people; a collapsible backpack carbine takes time to set up.
For me, I live in Maryland, so I can’t keep a gun in the trunk. If I did, it would be a Glock 19, because I’m already in an SUV and I’ve never met anyone who can stop a moving vehicle. And if they can, then I definitely want to be in a running car rather than on foot.
I already keep a p320 on me at all times. This would be for those rare occasions that a pistol isnt going to cut it. This gun would live in my car 24/7 either in the trunk or under the seat.
As I’ve said elsewhere… guide your selection on the following:
1. What is your threat environment?
2. What are your tactical objectives?
3. What are your support elements?
4. What are your logistical exceptions?
At some point one of these is going to turn deadly. Sounds like the mayor is setting that city up for a huge lawsuit.
A lot of people say “See aren’t you glad they don’t have guns?!” but I think giving each side a few shooting irons would up the stakes enough that they would mellow the fuck out. We had a similar protest/counter protest here in march, except both side brought loaded rifles. Guess what? Nothing happened. No fights, no shouting, nada. Why? Cause no one wanted to get fucking shot! DUH!
“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” – Robert A. Heinlein
Ann Coulter is going to speak in a open plaza on campus in a couple of days. Shit’s going to go down I have a bad feeling.
If Ann is seriously injured I think it will trigger a turning point. You can only use violence so much before the other side hits back. They have started to do this but the ante might get upped this time.
It will make the left double down against the first amendment. They’ll say something like ‘well, this is the reason why we can’t just let people say whatever they want!’. But it will also make the rest of the country pay more attention.
Berkeley is a public entity, not a private one. I don’t see how they can claim they have a right to restrict free speech.
You know who else staged an incident of politically-motivated violence and destruction for the purpose of instituting totalitarianism?
Joseph Stalin?
(if you believe Kirov murder conspiracy theory, that is)
George Bush and the lizards?
Gabby Gifford?
George Bush?
My small male dog. Unfortunately for him my large male dog foiled his schemes.
Berkeley is a public
Berkeley is a joke in your town.
They are already saying that. Now days, if you say something some asshat will react violently to, it is hate speech.
Th..that’s crazy talk!
There are countless cautionary tales like Lenard. Every one of them bear striking similarities; clinging to dogma, ad hominem approach, seeking political favor. One only has to look at history briefly to see who the people who made a real difference were and what they did to make that difference. It really isnt that hard. Even if you dont do anything great at least you stay sane and can hold your head high.
I tried warning those fucking idiots at that other site not go sell out. In 20 years no one will remember who they were or how many cocktail parties they attended. What a shame.
In all fairness, no one knows who they are already.
I was about to say…someone around here already pointed that out. They sold out and got nothing in return. The cocktail crowd still sneers at them behind their backs. Proggies cant be appeased. They are exactly like a HS click. They might let you tag along if you play your cards right but it is only for their amusement. You will never really be one of them.
“Proggies cant be appeased”
Well, there you have the gist of it.
Well, for what it’s worth, I’m on my third caipirinha. And I like to think that I’m entertaining enough for three.
Do you put anything except for limes in those? Just curious.
Sounds like some guy with the initials MM.
“God doesn’t play craps!”
-Einstein poorly quoted
“Gravity is important.”
It’s not just important, its the LAW!
Wasn’t it dice? I think Einstein’s religion was part of what kept him from accepting QM, stuff like ‘spooky action at a distance’. But QM is some really weird stuff when you try to reckon it with classic physics. But he was obviously a deep thinking guy, so no wonder he struggled with it. Nothing can exceed the speed of light, yet entangled particles can communicate instantly across light years.
It’s dice. I just wanted to be funny.
*hangs head in shame*
Write a letter to your jail house lover first.
TOO SOON! Jk, It’s never too soon for suicide jokes.
It’s interesting because in a sense they “communicate” (there’s no hidden variables), but that doesn’t violate relativity because no information or energy can be transmitted that way.
I’ve never got that “no information part”.
Say, you send one half of a pair of quantumly entangled particles of with a space craft looking for a habitable planet, with the instructions that, if you find a habitable planet, change the spin on your particle. Then, if the particle left on earth changes spin, you know that the ship found a habitable planet, right?
No, it doesn’t work that way. Once you’ve done an initial measurement on that particle, you know that the other particle is the opposite spin when it is measured. And at that point, the wavefunction that entangled them has collapsed. Change your particle’s spin all you like, no one at the other end will ever know.
Yeah, I kinda figured that was the answer. Sigh.
*Gives up on plans for instant quantum telegram
The simplest explanation I’ve seen*: when you “change the spin”, you break the entanglement.
* = It might be wrong
Measuring it breaks the entanglement? Or just messing with it? It’s almost like the programmer of the simulation is fucking with us.
Measuring it doesn’t break the entanglement, but measuring doesn’t communicate information.
Ok, I get it. But how do the particles stay entangled after they’ve moved far apart? What keeps them entangled? The entanglement part seems to infer that they are somehow communicating, passing data state between them, regardless of whether you can successfully manipulate them so as to change the state of the entanglement.
To illustrate, you measure the spin of the same, entangled particle twice. It changes slightly between measurements. But your own act of measuring it changed it. You have no idea if the other side was responsible for the changes or you were.
Tiny little aliens.
Hyp, the concept that measurement inescapably changes the state of the thing being measured is a central rule of QM. As Feynman points out, you can’t understand “why,” it’s just the way the universe is set up.
I know about wave/particle duality and how measuring affects that. I wasn’t clear on it also affecting things at the sub particle level? I may be confused here, I have to read more. I tend to think about everything in terms of objects, properties, relationships…
I understand why. It’s because fuck you, that’s why.
How is it possible that data is not being transferred? Maybe I’m looking at it as a corn farmer would look at the engineering of bridges. But, if I have an entity, in this case a particle and I have an attribute of that entity named ‘spin’, and then my particle over here on my desk changes it’s spin to the opposite direction and the particle over there on the desk of OWMC also changes spin and this happens every time, I’m assuming that data has been exchanged, because otherwise, one particle cannot know what the other is doing.
But I think you’re saying that matter that has mass cannot be transferred in this way, so the speed of light is not violated. Is that right? Sorry, not a physicist. Does light have mass?
I know it seems like magic, but because I am learned in science I know it’s actually witchcraft.
That depends on whether light is a wave or a particle. 😉
oops. Didn’t mean to post that.
I’m not a physicist, so this might be anywhere from “kinda wrong” to “not even wrong”, but…
The entagled particles are not locked in a dance of opposition for all time. They are entangled when you measure them. If you change them, they’re not entangled anymore.
Mass-energy-information are all in a sense the same thing. None of it can be transferred faster than c.
In the case of the separated particles, if I measure my local particle to be spin up, I know instantly that a measurement at the other end will yield spin down. But the act of measurement itself is what collapses the wavefunction. The particles were only linked because of the conservation of spin from the decay that created them. Do the measurement, and changing the spin only involves locally-supplied energy (e.g., a magnetic field) and that’s a whole new wavefunction and set of conservation constraints.
QM is just not at all what you can visualize, and that’s the thing that bothered Einstein.
If stuff like that interests you, Volume 3 of the Feynman Lectures is something to work through which will enlighten and delight.
And for pedants out there, indistinguishability is the main complication I’m skating past.
“even without getting the math, you can follow along”
I’ll definitely be checking it out.
Heh, threading, what is that?
“If stuff like that interests you, Volume 3 of the Feynman Lectures is something to work through which will enlighten and delight.”
Thanks, it doesn’t just interest me, I’m sort of obsessed with it. Which is bad in that my math skills are light years from that level.
The math isn’t really that bad (nothing beyond some basic calculus and vector stuff), and the way he explains it, even without getting the math, you can follow along about how nature does totally mysterious shit. Lots of very clear diagrams and superbly explained experiments.
When the waveform collapses, can you tell from both sides? I’m guessing not because otherwise communication of a sort would be possible by “measuring” or collapsing the waveform in some fashion to the bits in an array of tangled particles. One time only of course.
Terrible airline. VERY small seats.
Never crashed.
*rocks back and forth*
How can you even know if it arrived?
Amen. If you are going to go shitty Australian airlines, JetStar all the way. Their beer is colder and the flight attendants not so pissy.
*narrows gaze*
I thought a quantum was the smallest amount you could narrow your gaze.
And yet he persisted.
Oh, you.
Speaking of 97% consenus, check out the like to dislike ratio on Bill Nye’s rap video with speaking vagina girl.
I showed that to a friend and just watched him roll around in visible physical pain. #DigitalSadism
I think people may have finally noticed the Emperor has no clothes at this point.
Think you just gave Jesse a title for his next Manly Monday.
I think I already referenced that with Prince Harry’s pale ginger ass, no?
I love the way that Nye looked even more angry than usual in the photos from that march. And the funny thing is that the more angry he looks, the more retarded he looks.
He doesnt realize that every time he loses his temper he is saying “OK you fucking win”.
Why does he even have such a dog in this fight? Is he doing any research that needs funding? I doubt it. Is it just a desperate plea for legitimacy from a former star of a kid’s show who no one gives a fuck about anymore even if they know who he is?
He is a darling in proggie circles. He wants to stay that way.
He’s in the entertainment business.
We should have a caged death match between him and Coulter. I don’t want to watch her eat him after it’s over, gross.
Cocktail parties! Duuuh!
The latest police violence “and nothing else happened” video, this time from Charlotte, NC
I have to hand it to internal affairs for the most predictable language ever. Is Dunphy working for them?
What strikes me most is that they don’t offer any actual explanation. They just utter select words and canned phrases like totems of power. Their tactics are basically: obfuscate and misrepresent until you overcome any opposition.
I’d like to make a law that says everytime a police officer or affiliate uses the term ‘totality of circumstances’ they have to smash their thumb with a hammer.
It’s like jocks with sports clichés.
Great Jewish Physicists Before Einstein.”
Whatever OMWC, everyone knows that advanced (((scientists))) took alien tech from Egypt to guide (((them))) out of Egypt:
And continued to manipulate the (((people))) throughout (((their))) history by taking up great prophets:
And just generally to dick around with their spiritual leaders such as Ezekiel and Nicolas Cage.
*unboxes new Farraday-mesh cap*
Nic Cage you say…
How advanced could it have been? It just burbled “Recalculating” for forty years
Oh, come on. Everyone knows that Hawass is one of them nationalists, like Trump. He actually believes that the Egyptians build the pyramids without advanced alien technology! And you know they had wireless technology. In all the years that they’ve been excavating there, they haven’t found any wires! Wireless technology!
Hot take by sad beard. Is he a troll or really that dumb? What grasp of policy is he talking about? He certainly doesnt
“The Trump/Le Pen comparisons are incredibly unfair to a woman who, like her or not, actually has some understanding of the issues”
Is he a guy that overrates his ability? Ive noticed this with vox
I thought Sadbeard jumped off something after Trump. Glad to hear he’s still around, always good for a laugh.
Could someone who knows, please ask Sadbeard to explain the issues in French politics? Because I bet he can’t.
I bet he knows jack shit about France. He barely knows his own fricken country.
This morning on the teevee I heard some proggie dickhead say “I am worried about the ways Trumps positions are affected by his relationship with Vladimir Putin.” This went unchallenged. What relationship? Describe this relationship in detail. Where do they meet? How do they communicate? What are they talking about when they do communicate? What does each hope to get out of it?
The Russia canard (big lie) has been repeated so many times now that they just take it as a given that everyone believes it. This seems to be every proggie OpEd ever. Lots of insinuation, assumption, and murky assertions, zero foundation. They are master liars and when pressed about it will gladly admit such.
You may also be shocked by the way liberal universities pass of certain data as facts, totally unchallenged, with absolutely nothing to back it up but some random surveys. And these are people representing organizations of higher learning, often very elite organizations. Does anyone believe that 1 in 5 college women are raped? Not harassed, not the victims of unwanted sexual advances, but RAPED. What the fuck planet are these people living on?
Dude. We have been over this. It isnt 1 in 5. It is 5 out of 4.
Write that down.
It’s about time they nuke these places from space, because they’re definitely more dangerous than Syria and Somalia combined.
I don’t know, with ears like that, he may be better off in the NSA.
Here he is
For a civilian govt we sure have a lot of people with stars on their collars running it.
Don’t you want to me protected?
We’ll be part of Central America before long.
Dear God he looks like those caricature paintings you get at the state fair.
His ears aren’t big, his head is just small.
Is he adjusting his glasses, or is he dramatically pulling them off like in the movies?
“what do you make of it?”
Is there a Schwach Effect too?
This question also applies to medieval knights:
Wouldn’t a metal body suit chafe…down there?
Real men enjoy chafing down there.
That is the quantum mechanics of derp that Einstein should have proved.
He did prove it. He came here, didn’t he?
That works pretty well western. For some reason a lot of people seem intent on replicating that experiment by prosecuting deniers and extorting money from companies based on their opinions. Where will the ejected sane land this time?
I don’t know. But I hope it is warm. Surely there is a South Pacific island destination looking to harbor sane people.
Oh sorry, not south Pacific. Still a tropical island paradise.
I would love to go to Cuba if it wasn’t a communist shit hole. I heard it has areas similar to the FL keys.
The correct answer is ‘Galt’s Gulch’.
La Isla Bonita.
I’m not sure you can undersell the importance of calculus. I mean, Einstein is great and all but, without Newton and Leibniz you don’t get anywhere, calculus is necessary condition for Einstein. Really, for all modern mathematics and science based thereon.
This is true, and unlike Einstein there aren’t random inconsistencies at the lower levels of the material.
Wait until you get to Gödel.
I think I see what you did there.
The only incomplete information I have is how long I’ll be kept waiting for Godot.
I’m not sure you can undersell the importance of calculus.
Oh I can. I can’t even spell calculis. I never got past the geomatrees, and the algebras.
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”- Sir Fig Newton, paraphrasing some other old dead white dude.
I recently found out that my husband of 10 years is one of (((them)))! He was tested through Family Tree DNA a few years ago with no such result, and as their worldwide database grows (including DNA from archeological finds and permitted exhumations), they refine the results and send updates.
Turns out he’s a tiny fraction (~2%) Sephardic Jew. Since a bunch of Sephardic Jews had to flee Spain in the late 15th century and a bunch of them ended up in Northern Italy where his paternal lineage is sourced, it fits into the realm of possibilities.
It’s probably the most interesting of the DNA results we’ve gotten back. (Aside from his being 25% Irish. That was a surprise.) So now I can enjoy Jewsday Tuesday on another level, and he gets to tease me about being a shiksa.
I’d tell a joke about a Jewish Irishman, but I think James Joyce already told one.
I have never been able to bring myself to read that book, despite it being named one of the greatest works of literature ever. Or maybe that’s why I haven’t read it.
I couldn’t read through it, but I listened in the car while a friend played parts on audiobook. I don’t think I got through the whole thing.
There’s some sort of plot and conspiracy going on between you guys with black and white avatars, isn’t there? There’s a secret code, right? And you thought no one would notice.
You cracked the code when you joined us with your stylish facial hair and almost black and white avatar. Now we just have to figure out what to conspire about.
I thought leaving everyone alone was our plan for world domination. Shouldn’t we be conspiring about that?
Oh, now we’re supposed to conspire about something?! Fuck off slavers!!
I thought the part about leaving everyone alone comes after we take over the world.
Now is the part about building our robot army.
Hyperion has the right idea, I’m afraid.
Unfortunately, Libertarians are so independent, it’s inherently difficult to get us to herd up together and accomplish something politically. Even though all we want to do in politics is shrink government until we can realistically be left alone.
Now I need another drink. 🙁
“Unfortunately, Libertarians are so independent, it’s inherently difficult to get us to herd up together and accomplish something politically. Even though all we want to do in politics is shrink government until we can realistically be left alone.”
Joins hayek in another drink, then directs down the hall to ‘Herding Cats 101’.
Glibertarians should try having a weekly Book Recommendation thread where we can share books or ask for recommendations on certain topics. I have read several that were shared in the comments at The Other Site and was always happy with the recommendations. I only have one unread book left on my Kindle, so I have to get something queued up.
We have recipes.
Yeah, the recipes and mixed drinks are always fun. Just want to add a book thread now and then.
Yeh I got one.
Suck my dick.
I just need someone to illustrate.
Wow. You Canadians got so mean after Zoolander was elected
“Wow. You Canadians got so mean after Zoolander was elected”
Someone promised them that the USA would elect a worse president. Sorry, Trump isn’t really Hitler, yet, and Hillary lost.
You’re right. It’s been very stressful with Prime Minister Cuck.
Please suck my penis.
That’s better.
Do you like dense-stuff, or light-prose/quickreading?
Do you like serious or funny?
“Do you like serious or funny?”
With many much dicks.
/skips off.
A little of both. I take my Kindle on travel, so sometimes I need a light read, and sometimes I enjoy something that takes a lot of concentration.
I don’t know why I have mostly given up on fiction in the last 10 years. Just haven’t really seen the point I guess, especially when there are so many great non-fiction books that I will never get around to reading!
With many much dicks.
Raymond Chandler novels then?
I also assumed you were talking fiction.
Non-fiction mostly. I like history, and I’ve been reading The Sea Wolves which is a history of the Vikings. Before that I read Lost to the West, the Guns of August, and The Big Short.
I like books on human genetics and prehistory, like migration routes and that sort of thing. The Horse, the Wheel, and Language is an obscure but good one.
Any suggestions are welcome!
I.F. Stone’s “The Trial Of Socrates”
Its an interesting book because its not 1 thing. Its not really a history – its more of a mystery novel that tries to decode the ‘historicity’ of Socrates. Basically, he takes all the primary sources that document S. life, and tries to determine what was accurate and what was bullshit, and decode the genuine context of his life and work and the circumstances of his death.
for what it is its also very entertaining, engaging, well-written. I know Stone has a reputation as …something other than a classicist, but he must have devoted a decade or two on this topic because his expertise is palpable.
Thank you. I will put it on my Kindle wishlist for later perusal.
I think I will read some candy first, in the form of Shattered.
I’m sensing you aren’t into dick fiction. Fine.
Diamond’s ‘Guns, Germs and Steel’ was interesting and sort of up the alley you describe.
I think Guns, Germs, and Steel might have been the last book I bought in paper format! It was a good one. I circulated it through my workplace.
Diamond’s next book was a little too agenda driven for my taste though.
Have you read any Haruki Murakami? I couldn’t give you a comprehensible plot summary for any of his work, but I always enjoy the journey.
No, I have not. I will investigate…
Murikami would probably been on my short list of “light prose”+”whimsical/sentimental”
I like almost any books that have that combination of light touch/magical realism/sensitivity to character.
I would probably have suggested Italo Calvino at the top of that pile. (Baron in the Trees, or Mr Palomar)
I went on a Murakami tear when I lived in Korea. Starting with Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. I lost my copy of The Elephant Vanishes (a collection of early short stories) and was kind of glad. His early stuff was a bit too experimental for me. Wild Sheep Chase was probably the most accessible. 1Q84 is sitting on my shelf silently judging me for not having read it.
Ulysses fucking sucks, and that is an objective truth about that stupid, shitty book.
“No, no! You just don’t get all the polyglot humor!”
No, fuck you, any English-language novel that requires me to know four other languages and the complete history of Ireland shouldn’t be ranked as one of the best English-language novels of all time. Not to mention the story itself sucks.
It’s trash.
Thank you for saving me the trouble!
i’m not going to make a “pro” case for ulysses. I gave a pretty negative take on it a while ago here.
but it doesn’t suck because it failed to amuse you. its not really worth reading outside of an academic context. that doesn’t make it trash. its just not a book intended for casual readers looking for immediate gratification.
its sort of like Tarkovsky’s movies. I find them unbearable and insulting, and generally contemptuous of the viewer’s time. (he takes 10 minutes to shoot elements that most directors would consider disposable) But if you’re a film student, they’re a goldmine.
Pro Tip: Read one episode, then read a summary, I used Shmoop, it helps. Hate it or love, Joyce was a genius.
thats basically the way people address it in classes. every chapter is an entirely new game. there’s a companion work of ‘footnotes’ which is longer than the book itself. i think if you’re into decoding abstruse literary exercises like Foucault’s Pendulum-meets-Gravity’s Rainbow-meets-Sound+The-Fury, etc. then its the apex of that sort of wonky-lit. If you’re not specifically looking for that sort of thing, its a ridiculous waste of time that isn’t worth it.
I never dug it all that much. I think Dubliners is actually one of the greatest works of short fiction ever written, but Finnegan’s Wake etc. i think is some stupid literary chain-yanker.
I think Dubliners is actually one of the greatest works of short fiction ever written,
Wholeheartedly agree. Dubliners is one of my favorite short story collections. But I did not like Ulysses.
I fucking love *Jew* science!
What’s the Jew science behind wiminz wearing long sleeves all year but wearing skin tight skirts and high heels?
Female Appreciation Principle (FAP). It’s SCIENCE!
I’m so stealing that.
i don’t know about this science stuff. Seems dangerous.
I know. Stay home and make pierogis with me.
Rex Applegate (a lot of practical experience in real gun fights) discusses this in ‘Kill or be Killed’. He found that 00 buck could kill out to 500 yards.
The more I think about the Ann Coulter thing the more significant it seems. She is a master at trolling the left. She is a performer that is for certain. But If she does show up in an open plaza and speak, especially if she is injured, she could be a real, no-shit free speech hero. She is putting her ass on the line here. She has some serious stones (yes, and an adam’s apple). She could go from an act to an actual hero. The line has to be drawn. Who woulda guessed Coulter would draw it?
The reason the alt-righty types are focusing on Berkeley is because they know the locals are the most hysterical over-the-top leftists in America.
iow, they know they’ll get “a show”
the black-bloc antifa nutters are guaranteed to cause a scene. And doing so simply feeds the right-wing grassroots media which loves to show what complete asshats the left are.
and it will force people in the more-mainstream left to comment on it. and they’ll increasingly (like people like Robby do) split hairs and be like “well, they all suck!”, but any layperson would see that as just trying to apologize for fanatical leftist communist freaks.
basically its a no-lose proposition for the Right-media, imo. and the dumbass SJW/Antifa morons are just feeding them exactly what they want.
I don’t think coulter will get injured; but if she is, i wouldn’t be surprised if it were set up to enable her to get injured. Charles Murray wasn’t in Middlebury intended to rabble-rouse. But she sure as shit is.
I agree with your entire analysis. In the end the takeaway will be that the left are radicals that violently lash out at anyone that disagrees with them and that Ann was a hero for standing up to them. If they will hit Ann, they will hit me. That will be what everyone will be left with. It will be that simple.
To Be Sure (TM), Coulter is a trolly troll, and from her standpoint, why not, it sure works. She is simultaneously someone who raises serious issues, though one needs to fact-check her because her enthusiasm often outruns her accuracy.
Have I socially-signalled enough that I don’t always agree with her?
I have to say, though, I’m impressed at how she found a market and keeps exploiting it…I thought her act would get old, but now she’s actually more with-it, with her Trump support and her attracting attention (and presumably book sales), than many of the younger cool set.
And the remaining sane lefties (if there are any) are going to have to decide if they’re on the side of Coulter and the Constitution…or not.
I mean, if the left blows this one, Berkeley may actually risk a funding cut like Trump threatened, that’s how serious it is.
I would advise they show constraint and practice sound judgement here. There is no Obama to protect them now. But they won’t. And if they get sued, there’s no chance that they don’t lose.
I was thinking of those leftists who are in a position to stop what the antifa types are doing.
Will they support police protection for Coulter, and prosecution of anyone who tries to attack her or close down her speech?
Or will they sit around with their thumbs up their butts while their fellow lefties riot and carry on?
How much have you been around leftist academia in the last decade? I think I can with a high degree of accuracy predict exactly what they are going to do. And if you’re not a leftist, you’re going to love it.
Yeah, that’s sort of my point.
The Alt-righties/trumpers know that they force a lot of the ‘mainstream’ left into choosing sides when the Antifa type start going ballistic. So the more they provoke them, they more they basically end up forcing”mainstream lefties” to either try and speak against the radicals (and in so doing, fragment the progressives) or side with the radicals (and in so doing, fragment the moderates)
its one big wedge-play. and it will work, because the progressive left + radicals are all still fuming about Bernie getting the shaft. and the mainstream political Dems are clutching at straws at anything that will try and get them some attention before the midterms.
Its basically feeding the left a lot of rope with which to hang themselves.
Don’t forget that Milo has promised to show up there also. There is nothing the left hate worse than one of their self claimed voting blocs who won’t tow the lion. Hey, the picked a fight, now they’re in the ring.
Did he? omg. There were enough “she’s just provoking us, don’t fall for it!” going around on twitter and stuff, I thought Pinko Larpers might actually not disrupt Coulter, but with Milo there? They won’t be able to resist.
“She is putting her ass on the line here. She has some serious stones (yes, and an adam’s apple).”
Damn, if she comes out as a tranny, it will damage the left beyond repair.
Well all women have Adams apples, it’s just more prominent in some. Her long skinny neck probably doesn’t help in that regards.
But giraffes stare at her longingly.
Hell I’d hit it, although I would be concernef that she might kill and eat me afterwards. Would need to get out quickly
Has anyone posted this bullshit yet?
I am not even in the least surprised. Progs hate themselves and consider themselves lower than vermin.
I consider progs lower than Vermin as well
I concur, Dr. JB.
The Rodenator (or one of the other similar products) is on my wish-list. I have a ton of non government protected pocket gophers infecting my new farmstead. I’ll go at them with traps this year, but hopefully next spring I’ll be blowin’ the little fuckers to hell.
Re Berkeley and Coulter – there’s a Free Speech Movement Café in the Berkeley campus library.
(to be continued)
Yelp reviews
I see a lot of cultural appropriation going on in their menu.
Apparently ‘free speech’ is about bourgeois consumerist faux-environmentalism; not, you know, “speech”
I wonder what would happen if you went to the counter and said, “Could i get the Mario Savio-special, with extra soy?. Oh and a turkey avacado panini”
Real men cut taxes
Damn right.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Lowering the corporate rate, which I have seen rumored, would certainly be a good start.
If you asked 100 people, progressive or conservative, how America’s corporate tax rate ranked against the rest of the first world, how many would correctly say that we have the highest? Would it be more or less than the number of people who’d say we have the lowest?
It should be eliminated completely. It’s really just a hidden tax on consumers. That’s why the government loves it. Same reason they love printing money.
“If you asked 100 people, progressive or conservative, how America’s corporate tax rate ranked against the rest of the first world, how many would correctly say that we have the highest?”
None. I had to prove it to my wife, she absolutely would not believe it.
Cut the tax rate on earnings going forward at 12%. rate the trillions parked overseas being repatriated at 0%. Cut personal income tax to 15% for everyone, no refunds. gut the FDA, EPA, DoE, BLM, Build Nuke plants. Kill the goddamned energy taxes for manufacturing. The economy would take off like a rocket. Our wealth would double in two years. This is easy stuff and I am buzzed as hell. Fix interest rates so that people can put their money into saving and have it mean something. Healthcare is entangled in this as well. Private health cost sharing plans across state lines. Evrey company can sell in every state. Shake that shit up good and make them really compete with each other for customers.
I am a drunk not an economist but I play one on glibertarians and even I could fix 90% of what is wrong.
“I am a drunk not an economist but I play one on glibertarians and even I could fix 90% of what is wrong.”
When I’m elected Supreme Overlord, you have a czarship waiting.
I like the idea of a 15% flat rate, but I’d rather it be a flat 15% consumption tax, with no income tax or property tax. How could progs disagree? In that scenario, the rich will always pay far, far more.
I’d join this cult. Actually, I think I did join this cult.
Rand Paul policies presented Breitbart-style. Not bad.
Higher sodium linked with lower blood pressure
OMG, I am totally shocked!
I’ve wondered for years now if hospitals have been hurting people by automatically putting everybody in Cardiac Care on salt restricted diets. I saw a study that mentioned that very few controlled studies had been done, and the ones that had been were small and of limited use.
I don’t know. I had high blood pressure a few year ago and the doctor told me it was my weight and salt, which I admitted I use a lot of, and I did need to lose weight. So I was put on high blood pressure medicine which I stopped taking and my blood pressure went back to normal after losing weight. Now I’m heavier than I was then (not good) and I eat just as much salt and my blood pressure is normal. Tells me they are just guessing.
Fats not linked to clogged arteries?
OMG, I am totally shocked!
I think most of that shit is genetics anyways.
A lot of it is genetics. But the low fat bullshit pushed here in the USA has always been nothing but bullshit. Cronyism is not a new thing around here.
I know that when Atkins was all the rage, the mainstream nutritionist would typically not argue against his facts, they would just fall back on calories in, calories out. He was saying all of this stuff decades ago. I think he did help turn the tide a little, because after that you starting hearing more about “good” fats and “good” colesteral. Their still not all the way there, but it’s a start I guess.
It was fucking criminal. For 30 years these assholes were shitting on meat/fat and pushing carbs in their place, and what’s happened to the average American’s weight?
Not at all.
And diabetes?
Be careful with they can be a bit tabloidey.
But I agree with the overall point although like salt above different genetic predispositions are a big deal. For most people they just get bloated and eventually pee the salt out, but with some populations that doesn’t happen and HTN can be a thing.
It’s not like I didn’t know that. But I was just waiting for someone to say something I already believed, so that I could pounce.
Now brushing your teeth is linked to clogged arteries.
Red wine is linked to better heart health, unless it kills you. Just a minute, I have to check who’s funding this shit.
Tim Worstall points out that one of the authors of the study, Aseem Malhotra, gained prominence in the fake charity CASH, Concern Action on Salt and Health, which apparently spawned a similar fake charity on sugar.
Funniest thing you’ll read today – the wonderfully salty tears of antifa thugs
These magnificently ignorant violent douches interchange ‘fascist’ and ‘nazi as if they’re the same.
Well, both or those terms describe someone we don’t agree with, so what’s the problem here?
What’s truely ironic is that they have no problem with dressing up in all black and using black shirt tactics all while calling themselves antifa. I’d call it cognitive dissonance but I’m not sure they’re capable of the cognitive part.
“I’m getting scared for my own safety”
Good fucker. Don’t start shit, won’t be shit. I know these asshats are retarded but if they want to bring the violence and act like thugs, do they think people aren’t going to defend themselves and fight back?
Yes, it’s what they believe. They’ve been taught exactly that after all.
Because they’re the heroes. They’re fighting Nazis for God’s sake!
I think the masks are why I hate them the most. Fucking pussies.
The guy that he’s complaining about being “doxxed” whacked a guy in the head w/ a masterlock in a sock. which cracked his skull. Had he hit him in the eye, he could have knocked it out of the socket. hell, hard enough, he could have caused enough trauma to kill the guy.
and he’s pissing and moaning like, “What if i’m identified!?” maybe = ‘don’t assault people’?
1 oz Cuervo Gold tequila
1 oz Cuervo Silvet tequila
1 oz concord grape juice
Fill a tumbler with ice, pour each ingredient in order over ice. Top off tumbler with Perrier and garnish with lime.
This tastes pretty good.
I wish I was drinking instead of getting ready to go to bed.
I best it tastes even better after 3.
Just mixed up drinko numero dos. Making a big pot of Cincinnati chili. Im gonna eat and drink well tonight my friends.
I grew up on Gold Star, then changed the recipe to create my own.
Making a big pot of Cincinnati chili.
AKA spaghetti with beans.
Oh, and a pound of shredded cheddar on top. That’s how the restaurants do it, at least.
Yep. Giant mound of shredded cheddar. Actually, i gots to go grate a bunch of cheddar.
basically that’s what they used to call a “Transfusion” at country clubs, albeit Tequila instead of Vodka
it was a popular kids drink in the 1980s sans alcohol. Grape juice, club soda, garnish w/ lime.
Nice recipe. I was trying to avoid the cocktail shaker tonight. I wanted more of a layered drink.
My local grocery store had a sale on 750 ml Cuervo bottles @ $7.00 each. I’m not really a tequila guy, but I bought a bunch because that is super cheap. Its been fun experimenting with it though. Made some very nice margaritas last week.
Plus messing around with concord grapes in cocktails. Weird stuff. But fun.
(fast forward in time … cut to “naked man on the side of the road, clinging to two empty bottles in each hand. he has a clown wig on his head and is bleeding from his nose and mouth, and has vulgarities written all over his body in magic-marker”)
I feel like I’ve heard this before.
I was expecting a scene from Shakes the Clown. How disappointing!
Amazing how so many young people’s passion for liberating African children from warlords vanished immediately following that.
its almost as though it were just a fashion-posture, and not actually about the ‘issue’.
It was sexier than donating, fundraising or going and and digging wells, and it was also 100% less likely to have a positive impact on anyone other than the warm and fuzzies you got for having the sticker on your car.
Did those sad face tweets ever bring those girls home? It was resl important at that time, but it’s not real important now. So did those girls get home?
re: the Boko Haram kidnapped women –
i posted a link last year which had a follow up story in the Guardian i think
short story = most of them were forced to ‘marry’ (read: raped) Boko Haram soldiers, and were either now pregnant or had children.
when some escaped and returned to their villages, they were shunned.
some were being helped by aid organizations, but they remain stigmatized. Many actually still supported BH despite their experience; basically indoctrinated. Not a happy story.
Here’s a PBS thing about them
Re: PBS link; that was pretty brutal.
Drinko numero tres was prepared in the cocktail shaker. I added an extra splash of Silver. Its too watery. Maybe a splash of lime juice?
Back to the drawing board…
Did you think Bill Nye’s show couldn’t be more outlandish? You’d be wrong.
I freaking love science, and it’s why I hate Bill Nye.
It’s a Brave New World for ice-cream.
Worth it for those two words. There’s the boggling of even labeling “physics”. There’s the implied “this physics is bad because JOOOZ”, and then there’s the wonder of “Is that how the jews came out so far ahead? Physics?”
I love it. I want a day of celebration where we trot out our TVs, our moon landings, and our nuclear weapons in praise of “JEW PHYSICS”
Oh shit. This is an actual example of how the “I Fucking Love Science” idiots are repeating the shitty past with their goodscience and badscience.
Meaning that “Jew Physics” is presumed bad, while “Aryan Physics” must be good
Jew legs bad, four legs good. Sounds familiar.
I would be satisfied If one of those IFLS explainers would explain how Lysenkoism poisoned scientific debate in the USSR. They were about to usher in a golden age of Scientific Socialism, but because Stalin liked Lysenkoism, that was the official party line for 40 years.
Don’t forget the 70 years of bad harvests.
I figured that would go without saying. Two generations of Lysenkoism didn’t exactly create bumper crops.