Here’s a riddle: how do snowflakes do a hunger strike? Like this, eating only when they’re hungry. Poe’s Law must come into play here. And of course, the purpose of the strike is “more free shit.”

In NFL news, the Bengals show consistency. Keep it classy, guys, keep it classy.

I suspect these guys were out for the March for Science. Me, I had no idea that this was science, I always thought my occupation involved nature and how the universe works. “Social Justice” is now apparently in our job descriptions. It does go a long way to explain why AAAS surveys always seem to show overwhelming support by “scientists” for whatever leftist dogma-of-the-day is asked about.

This reporter could have saved some time by interviewing some local convenience store owners and looking behind the register.

I’m guessing root cause here was using cheap Chinese electronic components, which are often total fakes. Advice to Fat Boy: stop trying to save a few bucks by ordering transistors and microchips from EBay.