This naked mole rat is not thinking about you.

This naked aardvark is not thinking about you.

This naked rabbit is not thinking about you.

This naked possum is not thinking about you.

This naked hedgehog is not thinking about you.

This naked parrot is not thinking about you.

This naked chimpanzee is thinking about you.
You have problems SF
And we love you for them.
Of course, as long as he stays far away.
I want that possumso much
Would be cooler if it were the size of an elephant. Would keep it in my front yard.
A lot of things would be cooler if they were the size of an elephant, so no argument from me, there!
I’d keep all of these as pets, much to Mr. Riven’s exasperation, I’m sure!
Still working on the capybara angle.
Lol. Good luck:)
Capybaras look delicious. I’d go for a trip to South America, but I’m afraid Venezuelans probably ate them all already.
They’d probably eat you if you went as well.
You are a masochist Riven.
Also, capybaras are the stinkiest critters alive. They also make good bbq.
Elephants would be cooler if they were the size of a possum, or at most a medium sized dog.
House hippos!
I call him Stampy.
I lol’d
Hmmm, someone watched 90s Canadian PSAs…
That PSA is still so sweet and charming, all these years later…
Aw so cute I want one
I was shown the delightfulness a few years ago by one of your people. Who regrettably has turned into a Superprog so i don’t talk to her anymore.
So a hundred duck-sized elephants, or one elephant-sized duck.
Elephant sized duck!
“Why do we even have the Inverse Square Law???” /Atomic Robo
That possum looks like the alien that probed me in a dream I had.
At least, I think I dreamt it.
alien that probed me
Go on…
That young lady has a bright future in a certain segment of the entertainment industry.
It looks like it has been dead for 2 weeks.
Get your own damn possum and shave it.
Look, you’ve probably never tried to catch a possum, so I’m just going to tell you. It’s harder than it looks.
That’s even uglier than a regular possum. I used to rent a place where moths would fly into the screen, and then possums would come up to would feast on the free dead bugs. After watching possums up close, they’re slightly cuter as roadkill.
My god it’s proto-STEVE SMITH.
That chimp got guns. What’s creepy is the Evil Eyes with the smile
Chimps are evil. Most primates are.
Yeah those eyes are fierce. Would not want him looking at me like that.
Mr T
Those chimp arms are the guns from my yute. **SIGH** What I wouldn’t give to get those back again . . .
He skips leg day.
I like it when people repeat the vegetarians-can’t-get-enough-protein myth.
I ask them how Gorillas get so muscular eating almost entirely vegetarian diets.. they wave their hands.
Maybe they should point out that gorillas are a different species with a very different digestive system.
The new defensive end for the Raiders.
Naked rabbit so wise
Rabbit>possum>parrot>aardvark >hedgehog>mole>chimpanzee
This article is disturbing. But not as disturbing as this:
Trump, we could work together!
Those critters above are certainly more attractive than Chuckie.
That is more of Obama’s “We should compromise, all you have to do is obey my commands.”
Stupid political commercial. Just another reason not to vote for guys named Bryce.
It’s an automatic that anyone named Bryce or Brent is an asshat.
A guy named Brent is building my pool. I hope he’s not an asshat.
You are a sick, disturbing and truly frightening man SF. Do not change. The alt-text made me weep and laugh at the same time. Are you Cthulu’s child?
I’m hungry.
That parrot looks almost ready to go into the oven.
That parrot just looks ridiculous
First he quits Jennifer, then Angela, now booze and pot. Come on man.
Actors lie for a living. Believing anything they tell a popular magazine is… optimistic.
“I’m personally very retarded when it comes to taking inventory of my emotions. I’m much better at covering up,” the star added.
D00d, you’re not supposed to “take inventory” of your goddamned emotions — you’re supposed to have them. You’re not a fucking Costco, fer chrissakes.
What are emotions?
Relocations of digital information.
I keep my data secure so I don’t have that problem.
Well, he’s moving in the right direction.
And yet, still a dork.
Interesting…apparently you can have some Asian ancestry and still be a “white girl.”
I suppose “white girls” is a more titillating headline?
And is that his 53-year-old alleged ex-girlfriend posing for the camera?
I wouldn’t have believed it except that it’s the Daily Mail.
David Garrow claims he found some juicy stuff on Martin Luther King, too.
Plus he wrote *Liberty and Sexuality,* portraying Roe v. Wade as the glorious culmination of a sexual/legal revolution.
Well, we all know King plagiarized his Ph.D. thesis.
He did a lot of bad stuff. But he wasn’t shot for that, he was shot for opposing Jim Crow.
I decided to film myself while reading that article.
I knew better, but I clicked once again. Damn.
You can be half white and still be the first black president. The precedent was already set.
Calls from the opposition leaders for Canadian Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan to resign after ‘stolen valour’ incident where he claimed to be ‘the’ architect of a major assault in Kandahar rather than ‘one of’ the architects.
By the by, Bezan claims the military doesn’t trust Sajjan, but that’s not really correct, it’s more that the military doesn’t trust the Trudeau government and thinks they’re a pack of clowns (I mean, moreso than when the military always bitches about Ottawa). It doesn’t matter who you replace him with, they aren’t going to like it.
“the military doesn’t trust the Trudeau government”
Who could blame them.
I don’t trust Trudeau, but that’s because the Canadians here have poisoned my mind against him.
Let me help you there Eddie.
Thank you, he should reflect that if his swingin’ mother had been more prolife there would be no Justin today.
Oops, if she had been more *prochoice.*
Yeah, Justin’s basically an authoritarian prick, just like his dear ol’ Dad. But he’s sooooo dreamy . . .
I find it impossible to suppress a desire to undreamy him a bit. My wife likes a good walking stick so over the years I have cut some very nice hickory, cherry and walnut for her. Commanding people’s conscience by fiat? ‘Authoritarian prick’ is putting it lightly.
As one person said after hearing how much of an idiot he is without much argument, ‘oui, mais y’beau.’
Perhaps he should …
(puts on sunglasses)
… Sikh new employment
Like Minister of Energy, where he could work on wind turbans?
These puns make my head spin.
I’m just kirpan it real.
your puns have no jab to them
Wind turbans?
Is that some kind of headgear with a windmill in the front?
New Zealand police dog.
Many typos in the above hover text. Also, you missed the best/worse of them all: The naked bear! Look at it. LOOK AT IT!
For God’s sakes why?
I googled naked bull. Whoa
*genetically modified bull* images
I googled naked cow and got this..
I googled ‘shaved bull’ and I think I got a picture of Warty.
Yep. So cool
All the parts of the cow that matter.
Alternatively, the prime rib from last Christmas of which I was so proud. Not, sadly, my most recent attempt at slow-baking a piece of meat, then flash-broiling on the crust, but on Christmas this thing was a work of beauty. The picture quality isn’t the best, but the taste was surpassing good. 10/10 would slow-bake again.
Where’s the cap on that thing?
Tell me you kept it for yourself.
What is a cap.
Hork… that looks like a dude in a naked bear suit.
That chimp has great triceps
Just read the alt-text on the photos…weird, wild stuff.
“read” past tense, as in *I* just read etc.
I don’t read SugarFree prose. Not even hover text.
Waiting for his game reviews?
No, I’ve just continued a longstanding policy I’ve had since I first encountered his work.
What’s a sroctum?
It’s the point directly between the scrotum and the rectum.
I think we already have a perfectly good word for that.
That word is old. Taint what it used to be.
I called molerat from the ersatz clitoris pic. GET ON MY LEVEL.
All I see are shaved scrotes.
Scrotus is a pleasure to beat.
Stop the presses:
“DETROIT, May 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Known for products like its DEEP!DEEP! Dish pizza, Little Caesars is announcing a promotion that combines two classic pizzas in one box. Little Caesars HALF-N-HALF combo includes four slices of our classic Pepperoni DEEP!DEEP! Dish pizza and four slices of our 3 Meat Treat, a customer favorite topped with pepperoni, sausage, and bacon, with a DEEP!DEEP! Dish crust. Starting May 1, this HALF-N-HALF will be available until May 28 at Little Caesars restaurants nationwide for only $9, plus tax where applicable, at participating locations.”
Slow news day?
Most commercial pizza is just a loaf of bread with a little sauce on top and a light sprinkle of condiments.
“OK, fess up, where did you get our stolen trade secrets?”
That’s far too generous a characterization for Little Caesars.
Lately I’ve been making my own pizza. Pretty much same description, but heavier on the toppings & less of the bread once I got good at manipulating it.
Pizza is one of my favorite foods. My daughter briefly worked for Little Ceasars in hs and I had option on free pizzas whenever I wanted which was never because Little Ceasars is terrible.
Tranny on Tranny action. Actually, SFW.
I figured mechanics having fun. What you linked was disappointing.
It’s almost incomprehensible. It’s a buzzword slap fight.
I figured it was the old fart who accidentally hit the gas at the car auction, killing several people.
That is… really specific.
Not a scratch on the other cars though, so there’s that.
*Sounds similar to: If you accept gay marriage, why not incest?
That was my exact thought. And I gave myself the same responses I always do – apples & oranges, fight your own battles, etc. These kinds of analogies rooted in social “science” are useless.
Why *not* incest?
Take for example the case of two sibling children raised apart as adopted single children, who meet each other as adults, become involved, and later find out they are siblings. For me there is no “ick” factor due to them not knowing, and no abusive family dynamics due to not being members of the same family. So what exactly is the problem worth pointing a gun at them to prevent?
What compelling state interest is there in preventing them from marrying or even reproducing? There is a measurable increased risk of certain types of birth defects, but the same is true of reproduction over the age of 30 and I don’t see anyone arguing for prohibiting that…
Many hills to choose dying on. I’ll be rooting for you, albeit from the top of the private property rights hill.
What if they just grew up together, knew each other as siblings, continued to love each other, and got married? What’s wrong with that?
If I continue to be lavish with the characters, am I going to run up against some limit and start writing telegraphically as at HyR?
In general this is presumed to result in “fucked up family dynamics” but I agree that logically there is no reason for the state to care. I phrased my hypothetical to avoid this objection, which most people who can get over the logical arguments like “what if they’re infertile” immediately bring up.
I agree that incest rights is not likely to be the next woke civil rights fight.
I like the way NY Magazine suggests that it would have been OK to go after the professor if she actually opposed “trans rights.” The outrage machine was only wrong because it targeted the wrong person.
But the outrage machine knows what it’s doing.
Their cause *is* endangered by any honest questioning, however “pro-trans” it might be. It’s such an absurd cause that it cannot stand the touch of reason in any degree, however small. Therefore it is necessary to reject reason and shout down any sign of dissent.
It’s ok to say a black person is really white if they don’t tow the Lion on all leftest derpology, but a white woman can’t call herself black.
Every time they say “They aren’t really black”, they’re saying race is a social construct. So I guess Clarence Thomas gets to be black again since they changed their mind.
Snake eating it’s own tail. Don’t interrupt it.
To repeat something I said on the other site, this is like the Bolsheviks fighting the Mensheviks. Dismissing it as “lol two radical weirdo organizations fighting” is, IMHO, naive.
These internecine feuds rarely work out like a fight of the Kilkenny cats – the more retarded and evil side generally wins and then proceeds to seek out new targets.
“As fashionable as it is in some academic circles to refer to certain arguments as “violence,” it’s important to pause for a second and reflect on how misguided and counterproductive this sort of framing is.”
Yes, please. More of that. I want to see this tide shift.
I recently started a new job at a nationwide auto parts distribution network, and someone a few cubicles over is always on the phone talking about “trannies”… “Did you pay for that tranny?” “Oh, you wanted a tranny instead?” “How many trannies did you ask for?” I chuckle every time she says that.
OT: http://www.eclipse2017.org/2017/communities/states/MO/Lathrop_700.htm
Well how about that. I briefly lived in that town nearly 20 years ago.
Two days after my niece gets married. I don’t think she’s planning her honeymoon around the eclipse, however.
Isn’t she though,…isn’t she?
*adjusts tin-foil hat*
I tried to find a place in Sun River, OR for the eclipse.
No way it’s going to happen.
Head East, young man, at a slight northerly slant. I know you can afford the excursion. 😉
Everything near Yellowstone was booked too.
Depoe Bay and sleeping bags.
Hey, so that discussion in PM Links about ‘neutral liberal vs biased conservative’ news sources came to mind for some reason…
Le Pen and Macron clash in crucial French election debate
Without mousing over the URL, guess the source.
“Brilliant French technocrat.”
Them and their feitsh for Robespierre.
A certain overfunded and up-its-own-ass public broadcasting company.
And it isn’t the CBC.
Just replace the first ‘C’ with a ‘B’!
The rest of the world – where “nationalism” is still a thing that isn’t a dirty word – must be SMDH at this bizarre turn that the West has taken.
The rest of the world? Yes, I know that place. A nasty corrupt shithole. I’d recommend you stay away.
The total opposite of welfare state is welfare EU?
I always mouse the hyperlinks first.
What do you guys notice?
Riiiight. Youtube isn’t cracking down on non-progressive channels. Sure. But a kid telling Trump to fuck off. A-okay.
What a bunch of derelict jerk offs work at Youtube.
I think the reason he wants to ban comments is because he’s embarrassed about how few there are now.
Was trying to reply to SIV below
It’s writing of this quality that earns you a hefty advance from a major publisher
2016 @forbes 30 Under 30 List.
Christ, what an asshole.
2016 was the year Forbes ranked on chest measurement.
He… is joking about wanting to ban comments on Reason?
The comments section on Reason already banned itself, in part over him?
Based on his most recent article, he’s getting shit on hard, and it’s not the same quality as it used to be. Everyone abandoning the Other Site has left only a couple sane, old commenters surrounded by either the usual trolls, new ones, or right-leaning people I suspect are coming from the facebook group or elsewhere. As Sugarfree pointed out, if they wanted to improve their comments, the best case scenario would be blocking them now, so the trolls lose interest, and then reopening a couple months down the road.
Or how about rediscovering their libertarian roots and knocking it off with the cocktail party intellectualism relativism?
You know it’s bad when Canadians start to notice.
The All-Seeing Eh? is closed, mostly.
The iowahawk quote about “taking over the institution and wearing its skin’ is applicable here, but I think that Reason is interested in a different market than the general libertarian population. It was telling to me that their immediate response to the election was “and now it’s time to ally with the progressives, FOR GREAT JUSTICE!” when the overwhelming general libertarian response was “thank god, the progressives aren’t in charge anymore, but we’ll deal with this shitshow.”
Allying with the progressives is poison. They outnumber us, control the narrative, and tend to attach progressive agendas onto issues that they vaguely line up with libertarians on. Don’t trade small victories for long term defeats. Some people get that. Reason doesn’t.
Today on Twitter, Katherine Mangu-Ward (of that other site) calls the ACLU out on their hypocrisy and that they ignore the freedom of religion and the freedom of association. ACLU gives mealy mouth reply that shows they don’t give a shit. Other twitter users respond with “lol dumb libertarians”
Then don’t associate with one another?
Is this a test?
Yeah, and your answer was wrong. The correct answer is that whichever deeply-held principle is more retarded, wins and gets to domineer over people with less-retarded principles.
And yet they can still kiss my ass. Most people know they’re retarded. Most of my friends who are Democrats don’t even know these people exist.
You are far closer to right than you imagined.
Interesting stuff but a quibble with the assertion that organic food is “not much more expensive”. Half the selections at my supermarket are woke and that shit is expensive.
Here’s something I don’t get. I’ve never gotten a straight answer to it. Every time I’ve asked a prog friend about it the answer has been “BUT WHAT IF THEY’RE THE ONLY SERVICE PROVIDER IN A 10,000 MILE RADIUS???”
Let’s say, hypothetically, that I’m a gay man. I’m getting married. My husband-to-be and I go to Christian Bakery, Inc. to get a wedding cake. The proprietor of the bakery lets me know in no uncertain terms that he doesn’t approve of gay people, or gay marriage, and doesn’t want to bake the cake.
Why do I want to give my money to somebody that I know hates me? Why do I want to use the mechanisms of the state to force that person who hates me to take my money?
The point is to punish them. If they lose more money than the cake costs, you win.
If a group acquires the means to push people around, some members of that group will use those means to push people arouns.
So you can drive them out of business?
and hear the lamentations of their women, right?
Your heteronormativity has been noted, shitlord. They want women and men, and everyone in between, to lament.
It’s about making the person comply with your demands. The economic reality doesn’t factor into it JB, it’s about forcing people to accept your viewpoint or beliefs and rubbing theirs in the dirt. It’s pure scumbaggery that reveals quite a bit about their attitude to people around them.
I asked Tony the very same question that JB asked while at the other place about a month ago and his answer was pretty much that. Spite, pure and simple.
I like how you phrased this, and may steal it to use in the future. Sometimes it’s difficult to find just the right way to express how a certain situation is fucked up, in a way that normies will understand.
Because other peoples forced labor is your human right.
From SIV’s link below:
You are not entitled to the product of other people’s labour, that’s called slavery gang.
I echo everyone’s sentiments here.
They’re despicable people with faux-principles.
It’s all about ‘I’ll show you’ and the government is all too ready to partake in such goonery.
Some body working here hates guys so much he wouldn’t even burn one for money.
Yeah, it sounds fishy
First I was impressed by KM-W’s courage, and then she had to go and cuck out.
Why do they do it?
Those cocktail parties better really be something.
I don’t know why people descend to the gutter that is Twitter.
I read it because a lot of people whose blogging and commenting I enjoy(ed) choose to post their stuff there. I’m not going to follow them to facebook.
I don’t mean reading it, I mean posting there. It’s just an invitation to get shitstormed by morons.
On the one hand, yes.
On the other hand, using the word “cuck” takes 6 months off my life because of how ridiculously annoying it is.
I have always held KM-W in the highest esteem (still do). I hated to say that, but it’s true.
How about “Diversity?” I can’t hardly hear that word now without wanting to hit something.
What if my strongly-held beliefs have nothing to do with religion?
Then John will yell at you that it *has* to be about religion?
I miss being called a half-wit.
I always thought you were smarter than this, Rhywun
It’s quite a thing to be aggressively passive aggressive.
John did it really well, or poorly
Heh perfect description
Kinda surprised he never showed up here.
@Hammercorps Last I heard he thought he needed to be invited, and no one corrected him on that (for, you know, obvious reasons). I haven’t seen him on the Other Site when I randomly check in for a bit.
It’s weird, too. Sevo seems to prefer to stay over there and wallow in the mud with them…
I asked Sevo. He’s not ready yet.
He’s the Hank Rearden of Reason.
Sevo’s channelling his inner Dagny Taggart.
Let’s see…I’ll go look for the Abominable Snowman, they keep trying to forge their liberaltarian coalition, and we’ll see who finishes first.
Hint…I win, because I’ve already finished…because I got tired of such a pointless chase as the search for the Abominable Snowman.
What about the Abominable Snolibertariamon.
(that made no sense, but this is a post about naked animals so whatever)
I’m going to go with Queen Elizabeth on this one “I would not open windows into men’s souls.”
People believe what they believe. Those beliefs aren’t up for a popular vote. And force has a rather poor track record getting people to change their fundamental beliefs, as any Catholic saint will preach to you.
They’ve wasted their life
“Luke is in the desert and whining” was the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.
Seriously, the thing is genius.
Not buying this.
What kind of rape are they alleging, the statutory kind or the regular kind?
It sounds like they are implying the regular kind which I have a hard time seeing happening here. She doesn’t look like some monster beast that can overpower a high school boy.
I don’t actually know what happened, and it certainly sounds really weird, but I’ve learned that “weird” and “didn’t happen” are two different things.
True. It’s just pretty hard for me to fathem but I guess that applies to a lot of things.
Janitor is usually one of those jobs that requires some heavy lifting, so depending on the boy it’s not outside of the realm of possibility.
That said, looking at the pic, the more likely scenario is that the boy hooked up with her, his parents found out, and he claimed rape.
I’m not saying it wasn’t forcible rape, but I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt.
So it was To Kill a Mockingbird Rape.
How would a person’s life be different if they had four working testicles? Maybe in one sac, maybe two sacs.
Blue balls would suck twice as bad
The theory is that porn is killing men’s sex drives, especially young men. Maybe that’s true. Maybe it’s true of all men.
I think that a lot of men are hopeless romantics in their own minds. And the soundtracks they make for themselves using youtube etc feed into that.
You get all the romantic encouragement and denouement you could want. It feeds into their egos, and it complements their loneliness. It’s satisfying in a way women can’t ever be: it’s a mainline into their egos. Porn satiates one desire, and music caps it off.
Not as good as the real thing but convenient and sometimes convenient fits the bill.
The theory is that porn is killing men’s sex drives, especially young men. Maybe that’s true.
I think there’s at least something to this, at least, based off of my position that banning pornography on ships in the Navy at the same time women were allowed to serve was goddamn stupid. But no, another round of classes lecturing seamen about ‘rape culture’ will just as effective.
See, men? Semen from seamen is not what the ladies want!
Quality stuff right there. Reason is gonna rue the day….
Rue the day? Who talks like that?
Me. Sometimes, but it’s the only scenario where I use the word. It’s a kind of linguistic trope,
We’re only a few years out from growing humans in a lab so a lack of sex drives won’t be a problem.
I wouldn’t say that it’s killing men’s sex drives. I’m sure if you asked the average pornhub viewer if they would prefer an actual BJ to a video of a BJ, 95% would prefer an actual sex act. What porn is more likely killing is a desire for the kind of self-improvement and awkward socializing that would lead to sex.
Fuuuuuuuuck the Penguins
I would frown on the blatant flopping against most opponents other than Washington.
What did those little birds ever do to you? Were you trapped in an ice-bound Antarctic station, fighting off a shape-shifting alien, only to have your Spheniscidae advances turned away?
There’s no Poppy in this thread.
I SF’d the link!
Now I GIlmore’d the link!