Happy Wednesday. Conspiracy theories and lost millions here today. I’m not saying James Harden shat the bed last night, but he definitely made a mess of the end game — twice.
- I’m not always thankful for the TSA, but given the level of violence on planes recently, maybe folding knives are better not flying in people’s pockets. (TW: Autoplay)
- I’m no conspiracy theorist, but Trump meets with the highest-level Russians of his presidency the day AFTER he fires COMEY?!! My favorite part is that the Russians were completely surprised by the news.
- Jeebus, the WaPo is reporting on Nebraska local politics? And a narrow Dem loss? Its participation trophy journalism. Cheer up Dems, the Stupid Party will live up to its name and you’ll make some ground back eventually.
- I like the cut of this guy’s jib.
- Better to have “lost” $650M than to have never made it at all, amirite?
Have a little AC/DC.
Now off to actually check out the linkage.
I suck at HTML, but here goes.
This dude is literally Hitler.
You know who else called themselves Hitler?
Adolf Hitler Campbell has a weird mushroom soup ring to it.
Adolf Hitler Defazio or Adolf Hitler Fonzarelli are better.
How about Adolf Hitler Finklestein?
Adolf Hitler Newman.
What, me genocide?
Adolf Muhammad Hitler
Adolfus Hitler Rufus
Tough words from a guy whose team just got whacked.
They got farther than I thought. I’m just glad the blackhawks got beat down by them in 5.
You’ve been waiting for me to comment…lol. I luvs u too.
Hillary Hitler Clinton.
Pfft normie
It’s Hitlery Clinton
Speaking of mushrooms, I had the most wonderful mushroom lasagna from Zelino for lunch today!
Man I feel sorry for their kids.
Yeah, especially when he tells them to go upstairs and take a shower.
Am I a terrible person for laughing very hard at that?
If so, am I more or less terrible than Gustave?
I have met Gustave in person, and I can attest that he is literally Hitler.
I lol’d.
See you on the highway to Hell, Mike.
You know who else was able to exercise their right to free association?
Wedding cake bakers?
No, wait, that’s different. Somehow.
Shikha Dalmia?
Shhhh…she’s lurking here.
apparently, a few people are.
We’re very popular for being a bunch of dumb republicans.
I chortled hard.
I also found that funny. Glad it wasn’t just me ?
well, the russians have to act surprised, don’t they?
I thought they were trolling the reporter that asked the question. No one is enjoying this fiasco more than the Russians. Actually, probably the Chinese, too
Right? If I were Putin I’d be popping champagne everyday watching his enemies go at each other, with him doing basically nothing.
Not quite the self surgery I expected given the lead up, but still, pretty bad ass.
Leonid Rogozov laughs at these amateurs.
Leonid can laugh at whomever he wants.
Its over Johnny It’s over
What? I have removed stitches more times than I can count, my own and others. Disinfect, snip, pluck.
My comment! My beautiful comment! I’ll reiterate. Barring the use of hand-held mirrors I have never bothered a medico to remove stitches. Hydrogen peroxide, boiled nails nippers and sturdy tweezers. Fuck waiting in line and paying someone to do what I can for free. If anyone stares at my lock-jaw then I just give them “the look” like a fat chick in a bikini at slut-walk.
Oddly enough, the same steps for castration.
Why is that odd?
This. The only time I had it removed professionally, the sutures were on my wrist and I am not left-handed.
Me too, Once I saw how it was done, I’ve saved myself trips to the doctor and just removed them myself.
Trump really is the boulder thrown into the swamp
Have a little AC/DC.
Why should we want ack dick?
Because it’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll
Something about Big Balls?
My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hon.
Easy tiger. That’s tomorrow’s thread.
All the social papers say I’ve got the biggest balls of all.
•I like the cut of this guy’s jib.
That guy was not about to cut his own jib. He was just gonna take out some sutures.
His reading of the constitution might be a little different than mine.
The “Fuck you, got mine” subsection of the “Fuck you, that’s why” clause.
I don’t know about BEST, and I don’t know about “constitutionally”, but I do think they are obliged to remove sutures they covered having installed by statute.
Although I certainly agree the VA should pay this, I was expecting the “operating on himself” procedure would involve getting the sutures, not removing them. I’ve removed my own stitches before, and it’s about one and half steps beyond removing a band-aid.
I’ve always removed my own sutures if I could reach them without the use of two mirrors. Hydrogen Peroxide, boiled nail nippers and a splinter-worthy pair of tweezers. Who the hell goes to the medicos for such a lame-ass procedure? I’m still here and if anyone looks funny at me for my lock-jaw I’ll just stare them right back down like a bikini-clad fat girl at a slut walk.
A real vet would shoot his stitches off. Pussy.
As a VA employee, I can tell you this is the viewpoint of about half the Vets here. Seriously, they’d loose their shit if we got rid of the valet parking here.
Valet parking? That is a joke right? My sarcasm meter can’t detect that one.
I’m like a staph infection: dead serious.
They started paying this company to do it while they were building a parking garage and like every other .gov program it endures in spite of its necessity.
The VA is one of the biggest Team Red welfare boondoggles.
“Oh you spent 5 years repairing trucks at Fort Leonard Wood from 1994-1999? You are a Hero Warrior of Freedom and Liberty, and there’s a dozen different ways to funnel taxpayer cash to you and your family!!!!!!”
I am not sure if service 94 to 99 will get you VA coverage, but I know what you mean.
Most services the VA provides is not service connected.
I have some similar stories, the parking business is crazy.
One of my favorite things to do is point out to so called conservatives that they are just as big wasteful gov cheerleaders as the progs.
My parents and I knock heads on this point.
WaPo Headline: West Virginia journalist arrested after asking HHS Secretary Tom Price a question.
Actually, the reporter was arrested for breaching the secret service security cordon, which a veteran reporter should know better than to try. Much derpbook outrage and mischaracterization.
But, he still #persisted and that pleases the #resistance
The Democrats aren’t going to do very well in 2018, are they?
Judging by the petty internecine purity tests referenced in the Nebraska lynk, I doubt our supply of prog tears will run out anytime soon.
The Democrats have observed how successful ‘Stupid’ is in winning elections, so they’re tacking with the wind.
Probably not. Which is hilarious because the AHCA looks to be crap and the media will pour it all on the repubs. But the left, unless the straighten up real quicklike will end up running a bunch of virtue signalling navel gazers who will crap the bed in every swing state and win big in deep blue megatropli.
Everyday it feels more like The Greatest Troll Job in US history. And the Left has no choice but to react.
Why does a HHS Secretary warrant Secret Service protection?
Because Trump. No, seriously. Have you seen how violent they’ve gotten with DeVos?
Nope. They had protection before this administration.
My mistake. Your rationale makes more sense
All cabinet secretaries get SS protection because they are all in the line of succession for the president. Which is even scarier than them having protection.
I agree that they are overprotected and over privileged, particularly HHS and Education.
You’ve obviously forgotten what happens when the Cylons attack, and the Sec of Ed ends up as President.
sounds like a
greathorrible book.Well he had to get his question out there didn’t he. How else would we know if domestic violence would be considered a preexisting condition? Unfortunately he was detained before asking the logical follow up question, why in gods name would domestic violence be a considered a preexisting condition?
I’ve said it enough times, but if you told me five years ago the most pressing issue of our time would be Red Scare 3.0, without actual communists, and Russia would be the most pressing and concerning foreign issue for the United States I’d think you were batshit insane. Now I still think you’re batshit insane to treat Russia as Machiavellian supervillains and Trump as some traitor, but it’s the mainstream.
While Clinton selling uranium to the Russians and Bernie honeymooning there is memory-holed
“He deserves his three houses” I was told the other day.
I mean for someone who has sacrificed his whole life to public service, Think about how much richer he would be if he had gone into the public sector.
How about he consolidate his houses into just one, a nice long stay in a nuthouse.
And everyone throws a curtain over the massive influence the Chinese authoritarian state has over Western media and government officials that pales in comparison to Russia’s, to say nothing of their hacking efforts.
*Reverse that, Russia’s influence pales in comparison to China’s.
That’s why I get all my news from Taiwan.
It almost seems at this point like he’s deliberately fanning the smoke to make the media look even more stupid when they fail to find any fire. At least, that’s the 7D chess hypothesis.
It isn’t the mainstream, it’s actually about ten percent of the US population, only half of which really believe this shit. The media pitches it and the vast majority of the public ignores it. I know what you’re getting at though.
I’d draw parallels to the JFK assassination. It looks like that Trump’s victory has had a comparable impact in the Democrat/Media/Establishment circles. Back in 1963, quite a few people could not comprehend how a young charismatic Democratic President of the U.S.A. was assassinated by one man, who was most certainly a man of the Left with years of living in the Soviet Union and admiring Fidel Castro. There was a desperate need to believe in the most sinister conspiracy with the most evil domestic enemies behind it. They are still at it. Only a few years ago, at the 50th anniversary of the assassination, the NYT (or maybe WaPo) published a long article about the climate of hate toward JFK created by Republicans in Dallas, Texas by November 1963.
The Russia-hacked-the-US-election conspiracy theory attempts to reconcile Trump’s victory with the view that the “smart” set had before November 8 that it was utterly impossible.
When 1980s call, you fucking answer it!
And yet WaPo can’t actually be bothered to give us the numbers. Wikipedia says 53-47 to the Republican, and that the city council was 4-3 Democrat before yesterday’s elections.
From the WaPo article on the Omaha mayoral race:
“Democrats fighting in typically Republican territory”
Umm, no. Although it’s supposedly non-partisan, the mayors 2001-2013 were Democrats. Furthermore, in 2008, the electoral vote centered around Omaha (& Lincoln) went to Obama. But, hey, go with the narrative.
IIRC, the district in question went +2 to Trump in 2016. Basically a toss-up.
Yeah, it encompasses, among other things, three substantial university areas, poor neighborhoods, large Latino immigrant communities, and most of the African-American community in Omaha. But, I’m sure WaPo saw “Nebraska” and thought, “flyover hick country, check.”
Of course, the snarky counter-narrative would be that, once again, progressives voted against a woman in favor of a white male.
They need to justify another failure somehow
It’s actually more interesting than that. The race first got national attention in the papers because the Dem is a Pro-Life Dem, and one of the 6 rational people left at the DNC said, “Hey, maybe winning in places like Omaha is a little more important than purity tests, and maybe an Omaha Dem doesn’t look like a San Fran Dem, and maybe we need to open the tent more considering how we’ve been getting our asses handed to us nationally.” That person was subsequently laughed out of the room, and the candidate nearly lost DNC backing during the campaign.
It could have been a race where Team Blue decided to get it’s shit together and begin making compromises to finding electable candidates moving towards 2018, but instead they decided to Prog Harder.
Bernie Sanders was actually the guy who rejected the purity test and campaigned for the candidate. What does it say about your party when an aging socialist is the moderate?
Bernie’s politics are as loony as can be, but he is NOT a stupid person about things like this. This is what makes him dangerous to people who actually believe in true conservatism or libertarianism.
That’s interesting on the DNC as, according to anecdotal reports I received from people I know there, almost all the TV ads & mailers were from the Dem.
So in other words, Fake News.
re: the CNN ‘russian’ story
I really liked the red-backdrop picture of Trump in front of the Kremlin, with the images of concerned-looking Yates and scowling Flynn. It just needs “Albert Broccoli Jr. Presents” on it somewhere.
The nerve of that guy!
Shorter CNN: We’re real news, you guys! Because even if we’re wrong, we’re just quoting the experts and using our favorite qualifiers “overwhelming consensus”.
Is there an actual consensus? Last I could tell some anonymous source said there was a consensus. Did the heads of all the intel and law enforcement agencies give press conferences?
NYPD cops forbidden from breaking up noisy parties
Waah waah waah. Go fuck yourself.
I’m guessing noise complaints are an opportunity for them to exert their power against people that most of the public doesn’t care about. Of course they’re pissed about losing that.
I suspect the law is such that the citation would be made to the landlord, and that repeat violations would provide said landlord a basis to attempt some sort of suit against the tenant.
but i’m just spitballing. I have no idea. the times i used to have parties in a walk-up apartment, the rule was “when the neighbor calls the cops, its time to stop” which is why i always invited the neighbor and got them super-drunk
Keep you enemies close, and your pesky, meddlesome neighbors closer.
“More people will be shot and assaulted
Police will have to wait outside for party-goers to leave, moving the shooting and assaulting to the sidewalk?
Where it’s easier to say he reached.
The bizarre constraint is the result of costly, successful lawsuits against the city by homeowners who complained that cops barged onto their properties without a warrant
I would thinking ringing up the local magistrate and putting him on speaker while at the scene of the noise violation would be sufficient to get a warrant, and would also piss off the local magistrate sufficiently to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
This is the beginning of a slippery slope that ends with the Fire Dept not being able to show up when there is a Disco Inferno.
Wow, this got nothing. You were robbed.
No kidding. If something ever needed a narrowed gaze it is that.
I would argue the opposite.
A return of Mensur would be quite entertaining. And maybe would make some idiots think twice.
You know what will make airline passengers calmer? Yep – smaller seats packed closer together.
Every bad thing that happens to the big airlines makes me happy.
I could end the skyjackings tomorrow. All you gotta do is arm all your passengers.
I think I was Archie Bunker in my former life.
What are we supposed to use to defend ourselves from airport security personnel with?
A phlegmy cough usually does the trick. They just waive you on through.
Do you WANT a Planet of the Apes? Because that’s how you get a Planet of the Apes. (In the new movies, anyway.)
+ 1 “Paging Dr. Rambo III, Paging Dr. Rambo III“
They are desperate for *anything* to show that there is some political gains to be had from Trump’s lack of popularity
no matter how trivial, they will latch onto it and wave it from the rooftops that this is a watershed moment that signals the public’s discontent with the tyranny of the Secret Nazi President
It’s true. They will comb through every election from Congress to Dog-Catcher in order to find some indication of the coming sea-change. So far all they have found though is team red victories, or really tempid team blue victories nothing that could be seen as a populist uprising against Trump at all. (outside of Berkley anyway)
As goes Omaha so goes the rest of the nation.
I knew the midwest was weird, but damn son.
Trump himself might not be popular in a literal sense, but I’ll take a quick guess and say that other than healthcare, the vast majority of citizens approve of his other policy ideas, especially in regards to taxes and immigration. If he continues to make strides on other policy, the GOP will probably be fine in 2018.
Trump is popular in much of the country outside the big coastal cities. He personifies the hatred they have towards DC.
Trumps lack of popularity, is it being revealed by the same polls that showed Hillary had a 98% chance of winning?
Dear Securities and Exchange Commission:
If you’re going to expect me to know about a change to the Form 10-Q, you should fucking mention something about it on your website. Say, I don’t know, on the Form 10-Q you post on your website and tell people to use.
Love and kisses,
Hahahahah! Yeah, right!
The other day, I filled out this form and faxed it in (yes, seriously, faxed), as per usual. Have done this exact same thing probably hundreds of times. Five minutes later I get an angry phone call. Apparently I’m supposed to email this in now. Does the form say that? Nope. Does the form even have an email address you could send it to, in case you don’t have access to the height of 80’s tech? … Nope.
So I got my ass chewed for not knowing something I couldn’t have known because no one bothered to actually update the form. When I pointed this out, I just got chewed out some more. Good times!
Form ID?
Eh, it was a propriety form from the broker-dealer I work for. So, technically not something to the SEC, but we report to them, you bet.
Just wondering. The Form ID is the form you file with the SEC to get EDGAR codes for a company or an individual filer. About a year ago they abruptly went from “fax us the form” to “you have to e-mail this form or file it online”.
The form ID here is MAF1194, but, again, I think that’s proprietary.
The AP front-page headlines at the moment include =
The NYT print edition headline was “Trump fires comey amid russia probe” or russia concerns, some phrase like th at. But they had to get in RUSSIAAAA
They prefer to call it a Russian “matter“
Eddie Bait: The Democrat in the Omaha mayoral race was not sufficiently pro abortion for many in his party.
Justin Raimondo RAGE WATCH
^ Raimondo has a tiff with Glenn Greenwald. RAGE LEVEL: BITCHY
^ Raimondo is pissed about another Reason article. RAGE LEVEL: OH NO YOU DIDN’T
I might be repeating myself, but why exactly does anyone care what Raimondo thinks?
he sorta had some relevance back when the WoT was actually a political flashpoint.
As of right now, the “Antiwar” coalition is…. uh, a couple of dudes who keep asking, “Why the hell are we in Somalia again”? Basically nobody. The progs didn’t even know how to react when Trump bombed Syria, because moments earlier they’d been chiding Trump for “ignoring the deaths of children”, not to mention that both Hillary and Obama immediately made statements saying, “I’d have bombed too, only like better because he sucks at it”
the best they could come up with was to point out that Trump has previously said that bombing syria was dumb. Which was true, but hardly sufficient to feed some morally-superior outrage.
His constant bitchy remarks are pretty funny. Plus, I know you’re not a fan, but I kind of like his consistent anti-war position (same reason why I like Greenwald). He went off the deep end in supporting Trump, though.
which is weird because he’s sniping at the guy like they’re ex-girlfriends
meh, i don’t really have much of an opinion other than he looks like Nick Gillespie’s angry cousin and hails from White Plains.
I’m convinced that Gillespie and Raimondo are clone tank brothers a la Judge Dredd.
GG is an intriguing mixture of absolute brilliance and gradeschool level stupidity. For the most part I wish him well though.
Agreed. He’s a principled man
Serious question: I keep seeing Libertarians swoon over Greenwald. In what way is he not a Chomsky socialist?
He is, but he fervently defends civil liberties. He’s honest and that has earned him a lot of crap from the Left. Anyone who defends civil liberties and opposes interventionism is OK in my book.
Sargon is similar.
First search result for my hobbyhorse say, no, they are not.
Sargon is a net positive. But he gets awfully sanctimonious about democracy and the righteousness of welfare payments. His take downs of libertarians and Americans in general were so amateur and childish that I was embarrassed, it was so painful I had to walk away like it was an episode of the office when Michael Scott was doing something awkwardly dumb.
Difference between the two is, if Sargon ever got to power, Amanda Marcotte or Jessica Valenti would be free to do what they are doing now.
If Greenwald ever got into power, Sargon and I would be in the same cattle car getting shipped to re-education camp.
You may be right. But I give so few fucks about Greenwald that I hardly know who he is beyond the words of people I do follow that talk about him. I regularly listen to Sargon though, he might the most lefty person in existence whose opinions I believe have any value.
I have chronic ear issues and lately I’ve been using Fluticasone proportinate USP (Flonase) nasal spray. It’s helping the ear thing and it has cut down on my snoring and I’m sleeping a hell of a lot better.
I want to keep using it but the wife says it’s dangerous for long-term use. And after the ear thing is finally gone she wants me to stop and switch to magnesium. Magnesium?
Any advice?
What specific problems do you have? The only thing I’ve ever heard magnesium recommended for in relation to ears is tinnitus.
Liquid buildup behind the ear drums.
I’m assuming that your eustachian tube is blocked then? Flonase or another steroidal nasalspay would reduce swelling and allow the ear to drain. Magnesium won’t do jack for that. There are little long term side effects from steroidal nose sprays, bring it up to your doctor and get them to agree with you. The only other option would be high doses of an NSAID, and they’ll be a lot worse for you long term.
Or surgery. That’s what I did. Our had done, rather. I was too young to make my own medical decisions. Not really recommended for adults.
Oh, and source about long term safety:
Nice! Bookmarked.
I had tubes as a child and was in the hospital for two days. Now it’s a fifteen minute procedure and you go home right away. But the doc wanted to see if it would clear up without doing that as my ear canals are very curved and makes the procedure more difficult than usual.
I’ve had four surgeries on my ears. Two tubes, a skin graft to restructure my ear drum, and a widening of my eustachian tube. On the up side, I’m only half deaf instead of completely deaf.
Cool! Thanks a lot. Arguing with my wife in what she thinks is one of her spheres is a long, arduous event fraught with emotional traps.
This will help.
I certainly think you should just tell her to make you a sammich while you snort your meds. Give her a slap on the ass for good measure.
Get a sharpie and write “Magnesium – For Nose Use Only” on the side of your spray and you are golden.
Just do want you want and avoid the argument.
Is it such a big part of your day you can’t can’t conceal it? Just put it in your car or something.
I hadn’t though about clandestine use. We have different schedules so there’s plenty of time for me to snort as I please.
Pop your ear drum.
Healing crystals.
Seriously, though, good luck appeasing your Mrs. Maybe consult a doctor snd then just say you’re following medical advice.
Vaginal healing crystals for the wife. Learned all about ’em in the morning lynx.
Do I insert them….?
You are a creepy sea vagina, so yes?
And be sure to document your treatment with pictures for us here.
I’ve been to the doc, he recommended the spray. I usually don’t take anything other than Advil or aspirin but now I find a thing that works and she want’s me to give it up…
I have a followup in a few weeks I’ll ask him of course but know I’m trying to build an info base.
know*nowi don’t think magnesium does shit for chronic sinus problems. Some people think it prevents colds.
i’ve used flonase off/on for years. Its a steroid that prevents inflammation. i think it has side-effects from *over*-use, but i don’t think there are problems with long term use provided you stay within reasonable dose range and arent’ combining it with other things.
Oral corticosteroids can have severe effects when used long term but I’m not sure about the nasal spray. I’d be curious to hear from someone who knows too (been using spray for allergies).
My dad was prescribed Flonase, but it gave him headaches and he didn’t stay on it long-term. As I recall, the only warnings about long-term use were to do with the drug inhibiting your ability to fight infection and an admonition to tell your doctor or dentist about it before having surgery.
I’ve been using it for 9 years for allegies. It is some good stuff, I used to sneeze a couple hundred times a day when it got really bad with pollen. Everything else made me want to go to sleep. Aside from the explosive diahrrea, strokes, hallucinations, bladder incontinence, uncontrolled vomiting and loss of smell I hardly notice any side effects.
You claim those are side-effects, but I think we all know that you just found a handy excuse.
I’m not sure what magnesium would do in this case. Is she telling you to use a magnesium salt in a netti pot or something? Or take it? If she’s telling you take supplemental magnesium orally, just gently remind her that it’s a saline laxative and regular, prolonged use of saline laxatives will cause problems down the line.
No dummy, you shred it and burn it in your ears.
I thought that was what lithium was for
She just said magnesium. No context of use. Of course I have no interest in shitting myself.
Eh, depending on the amount you’re taking it’d be a relatively mild effect. Magnesium salts of some kind are what makes Epsom salts and saline enemas effective, but the doses are probably quite a bit higher than whatever your wife is suggesting in either of those cases. That said, there is a tale of someone drinking an entire (Costco) flat of Smart Water, which uses a higher than normal amount of magnesium in its salt mix and then shitting themselves like a fire hydrant…caveat emptor and all that.
Face to face with sheep placenta.
No thanks, I’m still a little woozy after seeing that guy operating on himself.
I’m crossing my fingers that this is sarcasm. The “RUSHENS HAKd THE ELECTIONZ OMG!!!” narrative is already starting to gain traction among the remnants of the Old Commentariat which is laughable. I know there’s a lot of left libertarians there who are more inclined to heed the words of butthurt Democrats, but c’mon this story was just as believable as is was a week or so after the election after the “fake news” excuse for Hilary’s loss didn’t pan out and was in fact appropriated by the right…. which is to say that it’s not believable at all.
It’s going to be some great political theatre.
Except no one wants to go see the comments.
As a terminal smartass I find Trump’s meeting today to be hilarious. Whether intentional or not, he couldn’t be doing a better job of fucking with his detractors via a vis Russia than he’s doing right now.
I still think the “sign executive order opening national parks up to drilling” on the day after Earth Day was his best troll yet.
Goddamn Johnny Derp is fucking retarded. I honestly can’t imagine anyone being so completely stupid when it comes to money. He makes trailer park lotto winners look like models of fiscal restraint and long term planning. You should only have to make one 20 million dollar salary to be set for life. 650 million in career earnings should make bankruptcy an impossible future.
That’s what makes him an artiste as opposed to a plain old actor.
The $30,000 a month wine budget made me shake my head. Not to mention, how many homes does one dude need? If they are investments or rentals I get it, but I am not sure that is the case with him.
If I earned what Depp earned, I could maintain several very nice homes. Ixnay on the 40 person staff and stupid-assed art purchases. Very good original oil paintings can be had at the home and garden show for a couple-hundred bucks.
Bear in mind Johnny Depp, after a very unstable childhood, dropped out of high school sophomore year to be a rock star, and then found nearly overnight success as an actor just a few years later. It’s a toxic combo with people like that where they never have adult obligations and responsibilities so they never learn how to deal with them.
Ah, British Columbia. Just when I thought our fuckups have been enumerated, we add a fresh, new one:
Minority government in BC – maybe – we won’t know for weeks – current idiot remains in charge until then
Out of 87 seats, Wets won 43, Commies 41 and Idiots 3. But, this doesn’t include absentee ballots. And Commies have a lead of 9 in one riding. So maybe Wets will get the thinnest majority possible.
And supposedly, the Idiots and Commies, although natural allies, have conflict at the top, so maybe Idiots will just get Wets to give them their due (fucking over car owners and cancelling a few economically viable projects would be my bet).
In more local news, my Libertarian vote meant nothing, as the Commie candidate took over 60% of the votes cast. The ‘other’ category (Libertarian, Independent) polled 3%.
WTF is a wet?
The Illiberals.
In the good old days, Thatcher called wobbly mushy middle of her party Wets.
I needed a derogatory term for our Liberal Party, which is not at all conservative, but isn’t made up of Socialists, Marxists, Socialist Democrats, and all the other wonderful diverse lefties that populate the NDP.
Oh, and “Idiots” refers to Greens, for what I hope are obvious reasons.
The ‘other’ category (Libertarian, Independent) polled 3%
So things have improved significantly!
To wit =
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Pennsylvania woman who says she had an eight-year affair with author Norman Mailer has lost a defamation lawsuit over a Mailer biography that describes their relationship as “strictly sexual.”
I’ve seen a little bit of hat Depp story. What a maroon. Elizabeth Warren probably thinks being an undisciplined dumbass who spends like there’s no tomorrow could be cured by more financial regulations on banks and money managers.
Well, to be fair; if Liz sends the IRS to take 99% of Depp’s money at gunpoint, he wouldn’t be able to spend like such an undisciplined dumbass.
Yes, then it will be spent by the undisciplined dumbasses in the government, a much better solution.
Yes, but we’d have job training programs at $4,000,000 per job instead of a picture spray-painted by Banksy.
Once again, Taiwanese Animated News shows they are head and shoulders above other outlets, this time handling the Comey farce with aplomb.
I feel like they’re biting Secret Nazi President’s style
Damn, that is some funny shit.
I can’t quite tell… is that a hadouken or a kamehameha at the beginning there?
Needs more Bar Girls.
Ah, British Columbia.
Speaking of which, I saw the mayor of Vancouver (I think) boasting about their new “unoccupied residence” tax which is supposed to keep those wily Chinamen from parking their money in Canada and taking all the affordable homes off the market. That’ll fix it.
Yes indeed, my good sir.
Because, and let me tell you, this was a shocker that no one could foresee, the Devil Foreigner Tax that was supposed to collect vast amounts of money from all them furriners buying up our houses didn’t collect much, it was time for professional retard to take charge.
I am glad our retardation is getting recognition it deserves – I think for once we managed to beat Seattle to idiocy!
Is your mayor cancelling his re-election campaign because multiple young men came out claiming he paid underage teen boys for sex in the 80’s?
You’ve got a ways to go.
Look, we have not one but TWO, that is, 2, pieces of retardation we got to first.
You gotta let us have this, man. Usually we just ape whatever Seattle does (e.g. public bike shares). The Foreign Devil Tax and its relative, Foreign Devil No Live Here Tax, are our own!
Oh, and the joyous day when Seattle and/or San Francisco choose to copy those, when we can finally repay them for all the joy they sent our way…
Thinking about Depp reminded me of this.
“To my wife, Rose, who spent money like there was no tomorrow, I leave one hundred dollars and a calendar.”
Venezuelan Protesters Adopt New Tactic: Throwing Bags of Poo
It’s a poopular uprising!
They have poop? Not as hard up as they claim, are they?
“I’m no conspiracy theorist, but Trump meets with the highest-level Russians of his presidency the day AFTER he fires COMEY?!! My favorite part is that the Russians were completely surprised by the news.”
I’m past sick of this crap already. Fist of all, McCain needs to either just switch parties already or fall down a flight of stairs. Second, does Comey work for Trump, or not? Is it something unprecedented to fire the head of the FBI? Third, fuck you Democrats, you hypocritical pieces of human excrement. Comey was the fucking devil when he accused Hillary, now he’s a Saint when Trump fires him.
I never thought in my wildest imagination that I would still have to be defending Trump at this point in time.
TDS is a term that I didn’t like at first. The longer time drags on, the more clear that it becomes that TDS is fucking real. People are so delusional that a guy like John Podesta is tweeting his hatred and blaming of Comey and the left nods in agreement, then seven hours later he is tweeting his solidarity with Comey and the left just nods in agreement as spittle runs down their cheek.
I don’t mean this flippantly and this is not hyperbole, the left (and many libertarians) are genuinely, actually, really, completely delusional about issue with no less than six degrees of separation from Trump.
I’m guessing most of those ‘libertarians’ are actually Cosmos. Nick Gillespie must have went through a thousand pairs of underwear since Trump was elected.
I’m pretty sure he was clever enough to switch to Depends by January.
Yes. I refrain from the No True Scotsman schtick because I think overall they might very well be libertarians, just obsessive about open borders and willfully blind about the desirability and equality of all mankind. There’s an egalitarian streak in some libertarians that will not die until Europe is smoking ruin that stands as an example to everyone else. Once Eurabia is realized and Europeans are an endangered species, I think the whole open borders thing will be a dead letter. Evidence of the senses trumps theory. Still it’s a high price to pay to be proved right if you ask me.
It’s a big tent. As long as they ain’t Commies. Or Secret Nazis. But where would one even find a Secret Nazi these days…?
Any Republican will do.
Their haircuts give them away.
The best was the late night clapping seals for Colbert applauding Comey’s firing, not knowing that Comey had gone from Goldstein to People’s Hero.
Hey, I’m impressed they left it in instead of creatively editing…
I doubt they knew they were doing it. Self-awareness isn’t exactly their strongest attribute.
TDS? I’m not sure but I think I may have been the one who came up with that. It just popped out…gave birth to itself in the middle of one of my rants over at TSTSNBN early in the campaign. It might have been in response to one of their authors insane fits. Within a month it was being used by all the commentariat and soon after on the teevee. Either that or parallel generation.
Either way I am endlessly amused by it.
I give thee credit.
Is it me or are comments not loading?
So the conspiracy that Trump is a secret Russian spy Manchuria candidate appears to be popular. As far as I can tell without a lick of evidence. It’s probably the wildest conspiracy to gain major traction that I can remember.
Not sure how this will play your because I find it as convincing as other idiotic conspiracies, the the popularity hasn’t worked to hide the stench or retardation from its adherents.
Man I hate to get all personal, but do any of you have spouses who are progressives?
I can’t talk about any of this stuff with my wife. I want to teach her more of my beliefs. How do you guys talk to your progressives spouses if you have any?
I want to teach her more of my beliefs.
He said angling for a divorce.
That’s fair.
I don’t have a progressive spouse, but I do have a couple close friends who I would miss if our political discussions ever got too heated.
When we do talk politics… I just try to get them to follow their ideals through to their disastrous conclusions. And I try to humanize their targets. My dad thinks that all drug dealers belong in prison, despite basically everyone in my immediate family being a user. Then I point out to him that, since I buy for him, that technically makes me a dealer. “Well, Riven, only technically, gosh!”
“Well, gee, Dad. I thought law and order was all about technicalities. You know I’d go to jail for a long time if I got pulled over after buying for you and Mom, right?”
Made some pretty decent inroads on him with that one, actually.
See that’s what I struggle with, humanizing the opponents.
It helps if you’re the opponent, frankly, but they’d just never realized before you slap them in the face with that knowledge.
Also helps if you can see her opponents as human beings, too. When folks get really down on their opponents and have absolutely nothing good to say about them, I point out that there really aren’t super villains in real life. Everyone has good and bad qualities/traits. I’ve found a lot of people soften their stance when you suggest that their opponents are likely just as nuanced in their arguments as they are, themselves.
“My dad thinks that all drug dealers belong in prison”
Including pharm companies, doctors, and liquor sales people?
I wouldn’t mind seeing my local pharmacist spend a year or two behind bars for their customer service.
Well, obviously not those ones. Those are the right kinds!
Actually, pharm companies are the worst kind, together with their cronies in Congress, their crummy doctor street dealers, and their masters, the FDA. You should invite your dad to watch Dallas Buyers Club with you.
Practice until you can put three in a quarter at a hundred yards. That’ll do.
You rangeist!. Most engagements are inside of 25m. You promote unreasonable accuracy standards that are LITERALLY MURDERING TRANSGENDERED PEOPLE OF COLOR.
My wife is a nascent libertarian with a very bad case of TDS. I used to be able to discuss politics with her; last night when I said that Comey being fired was no big deal she said I was making the same arguments as the Trumpites on her Facederp page.
I had a similar conversation last night. “People wanted his head literally 8 hours ago are now angry he got fired because Trump did it. Was it maybe the best decision? Probably not. Are all the people that are angry about it the same people who were angry he hadn’t been fired yet? abso-fucking-lutely. It’s all dumb political point scoring and no substance.”
I get the National Reviews emails and read them. Jim Gerahghty, who’s not a stupid man, was tut tutting that he just fired him, that there wasn’t the usual leaks and rumors and innuendos so everyone important in DC would know before the plebs. No, Trump just fired the guy. How gauche. As though the FBI Director is some kind of employee who can just be dismissed like a peasant.
Oh and apparently Trump still hasn’t appointed a BATF head or Marshals head. Oh no!!!!! How will the Republic survive?!?!?!?!?!?
These people still do not get it.
No, Trump just fired the guy. How gauche. As though the FBI Director is some kind of employee who can just be dismissed like a peasant.
Yes, that was my take last night. Most of the Committee Chairmen who are pissed off are pissed that they weren’t properly consulted and didn’t get to make themselves look powerful in front of people who want the latest gossip.
That’s really it. The way Trump did it, some dude tweeting Pepe memes probably found out before various media members. That is the real crime here: the story is supposed to break over a taxpayer funded lunch, from a Congressional aides lips to a former Harvard classmate’s media credentialed ear.
The fucking peasants are not supposed to know about Great Happenings before the courtiers do.
I recall a #SyriaGasAttack Twitter thread that literally in the same day went from posting memes saying, “TRUMP IS LETTING ASSAD MURDER CHILDREN BECAUSE #RUSSIAN CONTROL!!!” to saying, “TRUMP IS TRYING TO START #WWIII WITH RUSSIA BY BOMBING SYRIA!!!!”
there is never the slightest bit of dissonance. for them, at least.
You make sure to make fun of republicans too, so she doesn’t think you’re making fun of HER.
I avoid politics. I don’t think my wife is progressive which means she probably isn’t because progressives can’t shut the fuck up.
However if you’re the major income provider then I would drop hints to her that the state fucking you and your check is fucking up her mealticket.
I think that’s why married women are less progressive, they realize the payouts that sounded good in college are costs in life.
She’s starting to see that now that she’s working again. I was the only income source for a couple years and that’s what tipped me to being a libertarian. I think she’s under she auspice that being libertarian means I’m some neckbeard woman hater. ( I am only one of those things)
Woman hater?
Fukken bitchez
“I think that’s why married women are less progressive, they realize the payouts that sounded good in college are costs in life.”
Yup. As soon as they realize that the free day care, free after school programs, and oodles and oodles of free other “programs for children” are literally coming out of her families bank account, and that they don’t actually qualify for those benefits, that’s when they start voting with their husbands, who grasped the fact that they are the Sons of Martha far far earlier in life.
It’s why the Dems are so huge on public education. They need those kids to come out of high school little warriors. They need them ready to volunteer, vote, and shame their peers into lockstep leftism. They need that continuous influx of young idiot voters who’ve never actually worked a job and noticed how much money flies out of their pocket every month.
I know some people make it work, but my political philosophy is so closely aligned with my other moral and ethical stances that I would have an extremely hard time compartmentalizing them from someone I’m ostensibly going to spend the rest of my life with. Hats off to the ones who can do it.
This is all solid advice, especially coming from Riven. Thanks all.
You spelled Bob wrong, but you’re welcome.
My wife is not a libertarian, she’s like some species of rightwinger though, but also a feminist. Day by day I’m beating the feminist out of her, figuratively speaking. It literally took me years to convince her that women making 77 cents for every dollar a man makes is a bullshit statistic. And still I’m not sure if she believes me or wants me to shut the fuck up about it.
My wife was a socialist when we got married. At least she ‘thought’ she was. I’ll blame most of that on where she was born and raised. At first, and this is always a good idea, I did NOT talk to her about politics. In fact, we dated for 2 years and I NEVER even once talked to her about politics and she didn’t bring it up. But if she would have, I would have changed the subject.
After we were married, I saw that I had to do something. I felt it to be my duty. After all, how can you claim to love someone and not want to cure them of the ‘lefty’ affliction? I have to tell you, it was not easy and it took a lot of patience and caused a few arguments, which I really don’t like. And now? Well, I cured her. She’s no longer a socialist, she’s a full on Trumpet, lol. But at least she’s now a capitalist Trumpet. I’ll take that for now while I work on the full libertarian conversion. These things take time and patience, you will not win this quickly, but you can win. Patience, weedhopper.
My wife was raised in a verrrrrry socialist environment, but she gradually went rightwing after she saw what Muslims were doing to her home country and how the welfare system feeds the swarm. She went from hating Geert Wilders to singing his praises at every opportunity.
She’s no longer a socialist, she’s a full on Trumpet
Casting no aspersions, but it’s not such a big jump as either Trumpkins or Trumpocalypsts would like it to be…
No, she’s a solid capitalist now. The issue is that she’s all down with Trump’s hardline law and order rhetoric.
I would call her a SoCon, except that her best friend is gay. She thinks drugs being illegal though, is totes ok. I have a lot of work to do, but the conversion to capitalism was the most important part.
My wife was just general prog, having grown up in a progressive town. But being Tallahassee, it was also very Southern. What I started her with were the Free-Range Kids stories of very normal parents getting absolutely fucked over. Get her mama-bear instinct going. Now she just thinks I’m cynical about the general competence of government but not crazily so.
My wife works for the State and is a moderate Dem.
We don’t talk politics and even after more than 15 years of marriage, she still conflates Libertarian with some sort of Crazy Live in a Compound in Montana clutching an M16 in one hand and the Constitution in the other wanting to tear down the entire government and live in Mad Max land.
So we just don’t go there. It works out well.
“…she still conflates Libertarian with some sort of Crazy Live in a Compound in Montana clutching an M16 in one hand and the Constitution in the other wanting to tear down the entire government and live in Mad Max land.”
Uh… yeah! That’s crazy talk!
*Nonchalantly slides ‘Molon Labe’ AR15 and pocket constitution out of view, looks around nervously*
Find something she absolutely believes in to her heart, then show her how the cause she supports harms it. For instance if she loves the environment keep accidentally finding news piece is about how the EPA kept polluting the environment, and conversely how people have volunteered to help it free of coercion from government. By doing that you may either a break her mind completely, or be get her to open her mind one of the two.
That’s a fantastic idea.
I’m not married to one, but the last girlfriend was a prog. She wanted to get married, so we no longer date but remain friends.
The last political discussion I had with her I asked for clarification on some idiotic prog thing she posted to FB. I simply asked her to explain it and politely poked holes in her explanation until she saw it was hyperbolic progressive nonsense.
I doubt the woman will ever be anything but a progressive though. She has a few chips on her shoulders. I miss her though. She was Thicc in the good way.
My wife is as bad as I am.
“Who owns you?”
*offended expression*. “What?”
“Look, I’m not trying to be offensive. It’s not a rhetorical question or an insult. I’m serious. Think about it and I want a serious answer.”
Not very difficult by showing logical ends that the only acceptable answer is ‘me’
“Ok. So your mind body conscience are your property and the fruit of your labor is yours. Try squaring that with any aspect of anything but liberty. Shit I’m wearing out pecking at this iPad. I’ll try again later. I have had pretty good success with this line of attack.
My wife isn’t a progressive but is certainly not a libertarian. Oddly enough it was an episode of The Apprentice which turned our discussions on such things away from active disagreement.
I simply ignore her or point out a time Obama did the same thing Trump did, not fail to attend his daily intel breifing.
Like* damn, I cant type today.
I don’t have a spouse, but I have close relatives who are dedicated “progressives”.
When politics comes up, it’s usually because they’re complaining about some shitty thing that the Republicans did. What I usually do is reply, “yea, that’s pretty bad. Even Democrats do that. Did you hear about the time that Obama did—” and relay something similar that Democrats did (you can ALWAYS find something almost identical).
What’s difficult is when they start talking about the underlying theory stuff, because “progressives” have a lot of principles that are totally incompatible with any type of liberty, such as:
– Healthcare is a right
– Economic prosperity is something generated by the government
– The government has the right to regulate anything (except abortions)
– In a free market capitalist system, the rich would just get super-rich while everyone else ended up in a barren field digging for potatoes with their fingers
– etc. etc.
It’s hard to disabuse them of these notions, but I’ve at least gotten them to admit that government authority often has bad consequences.
Is it just me or are some comments just vanishing into the aether?
From DU:
Apparently they’re getting off on all of this.
So, remember those racist notes at St. Olaf College in Minnesota that caused the administration to cancel class so the students could protest?
I know this is going to shock you all, but it was a hoax!
Such a thing has never happened before!
Over the course of that week, I was fearful, scared and alone, too, in my fear… I guess one of the driving factors behind me committing the act was that I wanted other people to be scared with me.
I heard MU enrollment was down 35% this semester. Protests are working I guess.
I’m thinking I should start a business of racists for hire. The hoaxes show we have a supply problem.
For $100 dollars an hour I will come to your venue and say something totally racist like “all lives matter”. For $200 I’ll listen to your arguments without laughing, and our gold package of $500 I will pretend to repent because you changed my world.
Here’s how it all ends. For $10,000, I will hook your brain up to an AI that will teach you advanced knowledge of any career path you want to go down. I will do in 1 hour, what it will take10s of thousands of dollars and years of hard work to obtain. No lost 4 years of life, no crazy administrators and SJWs putting your future at risk.
Of course, ‘I’ will not do that, but someone will, and soon. Game.fucking.over.
Do you always show up wearing the MAGA hat or do I have to pay extra for that?
Oh, that needs to be a-la-carte. That is solid gold “Civil Rights LARPing” DLC.
MAGA Hat – $10
Customized colors for MAGA hat – $2 per trucker-hat-section
Milo tweet, derogatory, regarding incident – $25 per tweet
CNN Reporter* tweet, regarding incident – $50 per tweet
*No choice of CNN “reporter”
Why are they so upset about Comey? They wanted him fired. Krugman 5 months ago was lamenting how Russia and Comey installed Trump as president. Now he is all upset and agreeing with what senate dems are doing.
I think it is because Trump has caused them some massive cognitive dissonance. They are anti-Trump anything….he does what they want and they don’t know how to respond. The icing on the cake was for a completely different reason than the reason they wanted him fired
Trump should nominate Hillary as the next Director of the FBI just to see what the proggies would do.
I wonder if these women will be able to read this..
Jesus Christ, they’ve really been trying to prep Chelsea Clinton recently–I somewhat doubt that all of her own accord she’s been really trying to raise her personal media profile including a cover-story with disturbing photo in Vanity Fair. I guess a few Democrats have realized the paucity of their national backbench and are scrambling to smear lipstick all over that particular pig.
However, perhaps thankfully for you and me, Chelsea seems to fall more into the “layabout scion” rather than the “raw lust for power” category, or she’d already be in office somewhere. Not that it doesn’t seem like various factions are trying to get her to acquire a taste for it.
“Many women around the world don’t have access to cellphones or the internet”
Yeah, who cares if they live under a brutal dictatorship or are starving to death. The important thing is that they have the intertoobz so they can support the next generation of Clinton corruptocracy. Maybe one day they’ll even be able to help pony up the 500k for a Chelsea speech for Wall Street.
I’m not always thankful for the TSA, but given the level of violence on planes recently, maybe folding knives are better not flying in people’s pockets. (TW: Autoplay)
Huh, looks like the source awards.
I hate, hate, hate polls like this: the questions to ask are not about whether the people support Congress and favor the opposition party, because you will almost universally get negative approval ratings based on those sorts of questions. The question is actually this: in each district, do the voters approve of the representative? I would guess that the vast majority would say yes. Also, these polls strongly oversample Democrats: when I pulled up a sample of the poll itself, I found that the ratio was 34% Democrats, 35% Independents, and 24% Republicans. 1% less Democrats than independents is very, very biased in the left’s favor.
Polls are like instant mini research studies. Designed for one purpose, to get the results someone who is paying for this shit, wants to see. Them there is the facts, amigos.
Yep, the public polls are for pushing a narrative. The private ones are as accurate as they know how to make them.
Spend some time taking polls for beer money on Mechanical Turk and it’s gobsmacking how utterly obvious it is that the pollsters are looking for predetermined results. This cannot be emphasized enough if the poll is coming from some university sociology department.
See also: all the election polls last year.
What’s the hourly on that?
Not great. Highly variable (particularly if you want to get into the scripts to auto-grab juicy HITs) and seasonal. It also declined a lot when Amazon closed off to overseas requesters and jacked up their fees. I don’t work from home off my computer anymore so I’m not sure what the current situation is, and I haven’t done it casually in a while either. For those folks I always seem to run into online that have a job that seems to have absolutely no duties beyond goldbricking all day every day, well…
However, there is some amusement value to being bogusly accused of racism (via some idiotic implicit-association test) and then actually being paid for it.
This cannot be emphasized enough if the poll is coming from some university
sociology department.FIFY. We wants some money. This is what you want, right?
Wait, the Nazi leader was named Campbell?
Well, you can’t really take over Europe when your leader is named “the failed artist previously known as Campbell,” so he had to come up with a new one.
“I like the cut of this guy’s jib”
The article is predictably vague on the details but given the fact that the guy cut himself and went to the ER I will venture a guess this is not Choice eligible. You see, the Choice program is meant for authorized care, meaning you first have to go to a VA doctor to get the referral. Since he showed up at an ER, this is unauthorized care, which under the Millenium Bill could pay for the ER visit privided three conditions are met:
1: Its an emergency. So you better not be showing up with the sniffles.
2: You have no other insurance. Medicare IS insurance and the VA is the payer of last resort.
Since he’s an EMT, I bet $20 he has insurance from his city employer. It doesnt surprise me at all he has no idea how the VA system works, and I’m even less surprised the local rag couldn’t be bothered to even question why his ER visit was denied. Did I ever mention I have no respect for journalists?
Bottom line, government benefits will come with strings, rubber band and bungee chords attached. Count of it.
These* not three.