History is a funny thing- things which are truly world-changing rarely hinge on a single man and a single moment. Had Gavrilo Princip, for example, not pulled the fateful trigger that hot summer day in Sarajevo, World War I would have still happened, just triggered by something else. Bismarck had presciently observed, “One day the great European war will come out of some damn foolish thing in the Balkans,” and indeed the flow of events there was inexorable.
But here, I will tell of one of those moments that truly was sui generis, a huge change in the course of the world’s history, determined by one man and one moment. And it was one of the more outre incidents in the history of Jews, who represent a vanishingly small proportion of humanity.
Tisha B’Av is a day of mourning in Judaism, the traditional anniversary of the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusalem. As so often happens, its significance metastasized, and before too long, much in the manner of our national portmanteau of Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays, it became the anniversary of the destruction of the second Temple, the anniversary of the quashing of the Bar Kokhba revolt against the Romans, the anniversary of the Moses-era Israelites being barred from Canaan until their generation had died out, the anniversary of… well, you get the idea. Something bad happens to the Jews, it’s Tisha B’Av. Wanna bet that if Keith Ellison gets promoted to DNC Chairman, it will be on Tisha B’Av?
In any case, Tisha B’Av has an aura of portent. In the year 1626, on Tisha B’Av, a child was born to a former chicken salesman turned British agent in Smyrna (then Greece, later Turkey, then Roman, then Greece, then… anyway, now it’s Turkey) named Mordecai Zevi and his wife Clara. The child was named Sabbatai. As was the custom in the day, L’il Sab Zevi was sent to yeshiva for training in the Talmud (which to the Torah is analogous to case law to the constitution). L’il Sab was about as receptive to this training as I was when I was sent to yeshiva (i.e., not very), but unlike the young me, L’il Sab had a great affinity for the Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism.
As he grew into his teen years, he was married to an arranged bride. There’s no record of what she looked like, but one can only imagine, since they were granted a divorce because of non-consummation. I remind you that this was a teenage boy. So his parents tried again- same result. At this point, he likely came to the conclusion that his parents had no eye for a pretty Jewess and no further attempts in this direction were made.
Two more bits of superstition converged: the British concept of millenarianism fixing the date of the Second Coming at 1666 and the tortuous computations of Kabbalistic scholars that 1648 was the magic year (since you had to have a First Coming to qualify for a Second one, amiright?). Zevi, who no-one could accuse of lack of ambition, announced that he, in fact, was the long awaited Messiah. And he did so in a beautiful troll, the pronouncement of the Tetragrammaton in Hebrew, something only allowed to the High Priest in the (at that point non-existent) Temple. This caused him to be driven out of Smyrna, though some noted that he hadn’t been struck by holy lightning from above.
From Smyrna, Zevi next settled in Constantinople (not Istanbul) and apparently convinced the Kabbalah scholar Abraham ha-Yakini of his divinity. Ol’ Abe, once convinced, did two things to advance the narrative: first, he encouraged Zevi to really publicize his Messiahship. And second, in order to shore up Zevi’s claims, Abe forged some ancient documents which “predicted” that a guy named Sabbatai born in Smyrna would be the Messiah. Abe well understood viral marketing.
As part of the marketing, Abe convinced Zevi to decamp to Salonika, at that time a center for mystical Judaism. Zevi made a big splash there, setting up publicity stunts like marrying the Torah in a public ceremony. The local rabbis were not amused and Zevi found himself on the run. Exactly what his path was is unknown to us, but he ended up in Cairo, where he brought a rich fellow named Raphael Yusef Ḥalabi under his sway. Halabi is a familiar type to us, someone with more money than brains (his money was mulcted from the Turkish treasury, perhaps through the Halabi Foundation?) more than a bit of nuttiness. Halabi was the proverbial pigeon just waiting for the right guy to pluck him, and Zevi was definitely the right guy.
Well funded and with much publicity and buzz, Zevi thought that Cairo wasn’t the place to be for a Messiah, and moved himself to Jerusalem, a more fitting location. Mindful of the two towns who rode him out on a rail, Zevi was more low-profile this time around, but used the quietus to set up the dominos. He groomed himself as a personality, a celebrity, known for singing, religious performance (people were more easily entertained in those days), ostentatious worship, and yes, giving candy to the kids.
It did not escape Zevi’s notice that 1666 was rapidly approaching, so it was time to make his move. As usual in Progressive communities, a financial crisis reared its head in Jerusalem. Zevi said, “No worries, I got this,” and went back to Cairo to hit up his old sugar daddy, Halabi, for fundage. Halabi coughed up. I mean really, the Messiah asks you for money, you’re gonna say no? While he was back in Cairo, he spotted some jailbait named Sarah, who apparently was a hottie and a slut. Zevi sensed another marketing opportunity, as well as a way to drain the decades of back-up, and he married her. In fact, he married the hell out of her, and with high-profile trim at his side, his fame increased yet again. Every Jim Bakker needs a Jessica Hahn.
Zevi brought the riches and his 16 year old hottie back to Jerusalem and on the way, stopped in Gaza and met the man who would be the John the baptist to his Jesus. This fellow, by the name of Nathan of Gaza, styled himself as the reincarnation of Elijah and started proclaiming Zevi’s messiah-hood.
On Zevi’s arrival in J-town with the loot, he instantly became a celebrity, a savior of Jerusalem as it were. Having the trophy bride with him didn’t hurt. Not unexpectedly, Nathan’s proclamations and Zevi’s assent royally pissed off the Jerusalem rabbis and, you guessed it, Zevi found that discretion is the better part of valor and got out of Jerusalem more or less intact to head back to Smyrna.
His fame and his supporters preceded him. Traveling through Gaza, Aleppo (“What’s an aleppo?”), and finally Smyrna, Zevi picked up thousands of followers, and in Smyrna, modestly declared himself Messiah in a most public way. And just in time, it was 1665, only a year to go. Zevi was a sharp operator and very quickly became the boss of Smyrna, usurping the incumbent rabbinate and replacing them with his cronies. His following increased rapidly, with people getting rid of their possessions, and making the trek to Smyrna from all over Europe and Asia Minor. Even luminaries like Spinoza heard of this phenom and touted the return of the Jews to their restored kingdom.
This was serious shit and Zevi’s popularity was exploding. And when that happens, you know there will be a reaction from those already in power who could possibly feel threatened. Zevi had displaced important rabbis, declared that, with his coming, the rituals and obligations of rabbinic Judaism were ending, and that the rule of political authorities over Israel would soon be replaced by his spiritual authority. Zevi’s publicist released the following statement:
The first-begotten Son of God, Sabbatai Zevi, Messiah and Redeemer of the people of Israel, to all the sons of Israel, Peace! Since you have been deemed worthy to behold the great day and the fulfilment of God’s word by the Prophets, your lament and sorrow must be changed into joy, and your fasting into merriment; for you shall weep no more. Rejoice with song and melody, and change the day formerly spent in sadness and sorrow into a day of jubilee, because I have appeared.
This did not go unnoticed by the Sultan, who “suggested” that Zevi come to Constantinople (not Istanbul) to discuss the matter. This was aw-reet with Zevi, since he had prophesied that the Sultan would crown him by placing the Sultan’s own crown on his head, so off to Constantinople (not Istanbul) he went.
Now, you don’t get to be Sultan without having a streak of deviousness and ruthlessness, and this Sultan was no exception. Zevi landed in Constantinople (not Istanbul) and was almost instantly arrested. You don’t get to be a Messiah without similar deviousness, and through use of bribes, Zevi managed to get the country club treatment, and during that time, his publicists spread tales of miracles performed. Sort of the Streisand Effect- trying to suppress him only made him bigger. Zevi milked the publicity by continuing to troll in a high profile way (for example, a very public violation of the Paschal sacrifice).
At this point, the Sultan thought, “Enough.” He had been tipped off about Zevi’s viral marketing and decided to do a bit of a high profile troll himself. Zevi was brought to him in a very public manner, and when he arrived at the Court, it was filled with what passed for VIPs and the media in those days.
“Zevi,” said the Sultan, “I’m giving you a choice here. You can put a turban (not mine!) on your head symbolizing your conversion to Islam. Or we could bypass all that and just take off your head. Which is it?”
Now here is that moment. If Zevi had decided to sacrifice himself, he would be, in the words of John Lennon, bigger than Jesus. He would be martyred, sacrifice himself for the world, spawn resurrection stories, and be the founder of what could be the world’s biggest religion, supplanting much of Christianity and Islam. One man, one moment.
And the fact that we’re not surrounded by Zevi-ists and that he’s not exactly a household name in the 21st century kinda gives away what he chose. Zevi, always looking out for Zevi, decided that maybe the turban would be a good look for him. He kept his head on his shoulders, and was “retired.” He of course spread the rumor that this was all part of the plan, but his career was over, his followers were disgraced, and the sultan was barely talked out of killing all the Jews just to prevent any more of this nonsense. Zevi was eventually banished to Albania, where he died shortly after from causes that are lost in the same obscurity where Zevi ended.
One man. One moment. If the choice had been martyrdom, every football player who scored a touchdown would be making beheading gestures instead of the sign of the cross.
Would his followers have a better record on not being as awful as Isis?
That damned Sabbatai, so much talent and yet he never made anything of himself, unlike his brother. Did I tell you about his brother? He’s a doctor you know. He’s got a nice practice.. its fancy, but not fancy schmancy.
“I am uncomfortable with the thought of this Jewish ritual.”
I hope this wasn’t OMWC.
A glorious tale of trolling and counter-trolling. Truly, Zevi may not have been a Jewish Messiah after all, but people of Kekistan will embrace him as one of their own.
I’m sure his mother just thought he was a very naughty boy.
Thanks for the history lesson. It’s really helping me get in touch with my (((roots))).
Listen to my a story about a messiah named Zev
a Jew profiteer, barely kept his fuckin’ head
and then one day he was looking for a rube
and up through the ground come a Halabi dupe
Oy vay, that is, sugar dad, gold robe
Well the first thing you know old Zev’s a millionaire
The Jew folk said, “Zev move away from there”
Said, “Israeli is person you oughtta be”
So he packed up his bags and moved to Galilee
Well done, sir.
Do I get a gold star?
I read that with my rap voice, so you get a gold chain with a Mercedes Benz hood ornament.
Female rapper, right?
*narrows gaze*
Are you proud of yourself for that joke, straffin’?
Honestly, though, I laughed.
Not unproud.
Intro from “The Fresh Priest of Tel Arad”?
The Tel Aviv Hillbillies.
But yeah, seriously, that was really damned good Staffinrun.
So the second coming happened, but the son of god choked. I know some people who are going to be pissed.
So the second coming happened, but the son of god choked.
On uncut dick?
Constantinople (not Istanbul)
You too, OMWC…
*narrows gaze*
OMWC has a Chuchillian tic?
Dammit, pirates stole my ‘r’.
Trump cuts all health care aid to international groups performing or promoting abortion
“Originally a ban covering roughly $600 million in family planning money, the Trump policy now applies to all international health care aid doled out by the U.S. government — nearly $9 billion.
“The administration said the same amount of money will be paid out but will go only to groups that pledge not to perform or promote abortion as part of their family planning activities.”
The Dems meanwhile want to dip into the Treasury and give money to abortion-performing organizations because they do stuff besides abortion.
By their logic, all a terrorist group needs to do, in between blowing up nightclubs, is to open a few soup kitchens, and they’ll get federal aid.
Did you just compare abortion clinics to soup kitchens? Ewwwww.
No, I compared a group like Planned Parenthood to the Kill Infidels and Give Food to Poor Muslims Association.
“You don’t want to give them money? Why do you want poor Muslims to starve?”
“What if they pinky-swear to have a separate account for their Feeding Poor Muslims Fund, and the money you give them will only go into that account, not into the Suicide Bomber Account?”
Basically, the UN. Just funnel money to something with a nice sounding name and let the recipients use the funds for terrible stuff.
+1 Holy Land Foundation
I wonder if anyone will ever look into any sort of moneys going to other supporters of Hamas in recent years, Money on pallets in some sort of plane. I wonder.
Speaking of Jewsday Tuesday, you’ll never guess where Secret Nazi President is going!
Hint: He’ll have a “wail” of a time.
./jackie mason
When Jackie Mason says I’m ethnically insensitive…
“You’re borrowing my material! I should be charging interest!”
Very funny.
It reminds me of a story of Henny Youngman and Jackie Mason, So, they were both working in AC. A Jackie Mason and Henny Youngman were riding the casino elevator down, when a guy steps into the Elevator.
“Hey, you’re Henny Youngman. Any chance you could put in an appearance at my nephews Bar Mitzvah?”
“What’s it worth to ya?”
“I’ve got like $40 on me.”
“OK, That will buy you 20 minutes.”
And Henny Youngman slayed amongst old Jewish people in the Bar Mitzvah crowd.
The thought of Henny Youngman and Jackie Mason working is air conditioning is funny.
Completely unrelated to the topic but I know there are some coders lurking in here. I’m trying to get into the cyber forensics field (private sector). Long story short aside from SQL, I have limited coding experiencing consisting of college intro to Java and HTML courses. I’m a tech geek so I know I can pick it up easily. Any suggestions where to start?
By this point there should be an FAQ on the site
I even asked myself not so long ago. mainly because i knew others had.
Any suggestions where to start?
I like to start anything dealing with computers, and online interaction with a beer. I drank all those, and failed on my shopping list today and forgot soda water, so now I am having tequila, sweet and sour mix and grand marneir. I can give good table saw purchasing advice if you have that hobby. I have to copy and paste HTML. I am one of those people.
Knowing how to copy/paste is half the battle.
I was taught there were only 3 original lines of code ever written.
A conditional Hello Time loop.
Ha my father in law has a wood shop his advice has always been if it’s made in Germany and is really expensive then it’s what you want to have.
The best table saw I know is a Powermatic left tilt contractor saw if you have to move it every now and then. Otherwise I recommend a Delta cabinet based saw. A Beisemeyer fence is a must. Fuck the krauts. Although they build on a good cabinet system. The 32mm system is superior to our wing it face frame shit some cabinet makers pull out of their ass over here.
Ok, I had to rethink my fuck the krauts phrase. I have maybe ten Bosch tools. Routers, drills, circular saws, sawzalls and the like. I retract that statement. Good stuff.
What’s his take on the radial arm saw? Hard to get a decent one for cheap any longer, everyone using chop saws like crusty plebeians.
Are you taking about designing forensics software or actually doing the forensics, because of its the later I think it’s probably more important to know how to use the tools that are out there than programming. I’m sure you can find a lot of free stuff online concerning data recovery and the like, including tools. Not sure about any programs (auto correct really wanted orgasms instead) out there but I’m sure there are.
They list some tools here
Watch this dude absolutely trigger the girl in black. I love that guy.
Is there a Cliff notes version of the Gen Flynn thing because I thought taliking to Russians was legal, and I’m not even sure improper. But I read somewhere the FBI is trying to get a grand jury together. I’m lazy and don’t want to plow through all the partisan hackery to figure this out.
I’m not much better off than you, but from what i gather its that he lied to federal investigators, specifically about this incident =
there are also some questions about what he was doing over the course of 2016 on behalf of other ‘clients’. see =
He has had a small, homebrew consulting business since retiring, and i think when he transitioned to the Trump campaign late in the year he was potentially still engaged with some clients. It made his vetting disclosures… maybe incomplete.
Okay, thanks.
The international broadcasters I listen to are all breathlessly reporting the anonymous third-hand source as absolute fact.
Woke students rebuke racist speaker who is plotting to enslave them and sell them in the New Orleans slave market – at least I think that’s it
Who would buy them? They’re worthless.
So: Trump gets impeached, Pence takes the reins. What are the downsides here? No more fucking amateur hour, we get business as usual GOP for three and a half years, probably eight once things settle. If anything, the Dems would have blown their load early, giving Pence a good long stretch to build confidence in the newly consolidated Republican party. And who knows what, in the interim, plays out politically. I can’t think libertarians are served any worse under Pence than Trump. Especially if, in the shakeup, Sessions gets the boot. His Russia scandal is fake as hell, but fuck his drug warrior attitude all the same. Pence probably isn’t any more cordial toward potheads, but he’ll be pretty shook after the post-Trump shakeup and looking for some allies. Maybe he sees the light on that front. Obamacare’s a done deal. No appetite to bite at the reform apple, and between the subsidies and pre-existing coverage and surprisingly popular provisions like the 26-y/o child coverage aspect, it’s not going anywhere. I doubt he gets much traction on immigration reform, since the Trumpkins who got onboard for that shit would bail on the party once Pence took over. It was a bullshit issue anyway. Which leaves us with: tax reforms, which will probably get bogged down appeasing Dems, who will probably win the house in 2018. And: business as usual. Better than Clinton, but only just. Hooray.
is this one of those alternate-dimension things like Man in the High Castle, where Democrats run congress?
I should hope so, the best (and likely) arrangement at current time is for Trump to serve his four years. Trump getting knocked out by impeachment (unlikely) or god forbid assassination would validate and drive the left into frenzy while also pushing the Trump bloc into overdrive. Giving the populists their pony for awhile at least calms them down, suddenly pulling it away while the left elevates itself is a nice start to a civil war. Not to mention, you know, deposing the candidate that is the majority of the military’s pick.
my point was just that impeachment requires a majority vote in the house
why would a GOP-majority house undermine their own party’s dominance in washington over a grab-bag of baseless bullshit?
Every lefty-outlet on earth is currently frothing over the idea of impeachment. almost none seem to bother noting that its just so-much political fantasy unless they magically convince 20+ GOP reps that its a swell idea.
And they only have to pull it off about 20 times before somebody with a D next their name became president.
Exactly. its a gigantic political gesture that accomplishes absolutely nothing.
Democrats seem to think that teasing their base with thoughts of impeachment is some hotshit plan for ‘motivating’ them.
What it really is? is setting the bar so high that its dooming them to failure.
The Republican Party loves having a Democrat in the White House: they can pass laws that are guaranteed to be vetoed, rattle their sabers, pretend they would totally for real really really do X, Y, and Z but gosh darn it, we can’t get it past the President. Make sure to vote GOP in the midterms, if we can just get 400 Congressmen and 70 Senators, gosh darn it we will only let the Democrats have like….40% of what they want. Maybe. Probably not.
The Democratic Party exists to advance their agenda and enrich their members. The Republican Party is only there for the latter.
“The Democratic Party exists to advance their agenda and enrich their members. The Republican Party is only there for the latter.”
And that’s why – if you put a gun to my head and made me choose R or D – I’d choose R. Sure, cronyism is still bullshit no matter who does it, and Republicans do have a strong anti-libertarian streak, but they don’t compare to the Democrats at all on the whole “New Soviet Man” social engineering bullshit.
If they took bets on which party would progress quicker to concentration camps and eugenics, my money would be on the Democrats every time.
And five hundred times the whining about the administration being anti-gay because Pence is fine with conversion therapy.
Oh, that must be what the “progressives” I know were referring to when they said that Pence wants to force gays to undergo electroshock therapy.
Impeached for what?
From what I can tell, trying to compel Comey to quit investigating Flynn. And, like many FBI investigations, what fucks Trump isn’t anything necessarily criminal, it’s impeding their own investigation of possible criminal activity that itself proves criminal. And I’m starting to see why we don’t let the uninitiated into public office: it’s because a wrong move is easy to make, and is often their last move.
Anyway, fuck the guy and good riddance, if it proves true. Could you imagine Cruz making these mistakes? Yeah, sure, everyone loves to hate Cruz, but Ted wouldn’t be in the amateur-hour penalty box tonight.
Any investigations that were going on are still going on regardless of who is the head of the FBI. That is a stupid argument made by partisans. How can one impede an investigation that is still ongoing? And fuck me, it is a stupid investigation to begin with. Seriously? Trump colluded with Russia to get elected? Did some of his staff like Flynn have dealings with Russian types. Yes. Did some of Clintons staff have dealings with Russians. YES. They all fucking talk to the Russians. And most likely, the same fucking Russians. The whole Russian thing is so stupid it broke the stupid meter months ago. What is so illuminating about it all is how the left has grabbed onto it. I have lost all faith in honesty.
I am probably one of the few who does not hate Cruz here. I actually believe he is a person who looks beyond his personal beliefs in favor of personal liberty. I might be wrong, but I haven’t seen examples.
Nobody cares what Trump is guilty of. It’s what Trump can get impeached for. He makes himself a magnet for this horseshit. He could get himself impeached for a plausible charge of obstruction. And that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
If Trump is impeached on any of the bull sheet charges currently floating around or anything similar, then his supporters would be justified to rise up and overthrow the establishment scum. There would be no reason to pretend that there’s any kind of rule of law in the country.
Yep, especially after the entire Clinton scandal. It gives a full justification for rebellion, and I wonder which candidate the majority of the military supported (to the extent that bloody Johnson was more popular than Clinton in most ranks, outside of naval officers for some reason). Trump impeachment is basically a recipe for a disaster, best case scenario is that the political process is completely delegitimized (which has plenty of obvious baggage), worst case is active civil war.
I mean forget the military for just a second. There are over 2.6 million Trump voters in Virginia and Maryland. If 1 of every 10 of them heads to DC, that’s 260,000 protest marchers. Now, if 1 out of 10 of those protest marchers brings a weapon, that’s 26,000 armed supporters within a day’s drive of Washington.
He is a magnet for it. I think he likes it. He is a different sort and I don’t get it. I am no Trumpkin, but I am glad he is there and not Clinton. I am not seeing how him being impeached over some bullshit made up thing is anywhere close to being a good thing though. If that happens, our system is pretty much bullshit.
See, Trump himself has a habit of saying shit he shouldn’t. He breaks the narrative set by the rest of his administration. But he’s not actually doing anything out of the ordinary. The media and Democrats are spinning it as such, but not a single god damn thing here is even close to unprecedented.
If the FBI gets a grand jury together to go after Flynn for lying to them about whether he *spoke* to the Russian ambassador, than what the hell could anyone possibly say that is even semi-rational to explain why they didn’t charge ANYONE within Hillary’s orbit? Her staff were caught lying multiple times. Comey’s solution? Hand out immunity deals like an old pedophile trying to seduce a child.
What we are seeing here is a political hit job. And it’s not about Trump or his antics. It’s about the fact that the ‘deep state’ and the establishment just really, really don’t like him. They’re throwing anything they can at the wall to see what sticks. And they’re going after him for shit they normally give their pals a pass on.
I mean, seriously, look at this bullshit from the NYT’s:
Lynch fucking met with the husband (a former president) of a subject under investigation, and these people *still* denied there was ANY need for a special prosecutor. Not to mention all the denials for any such thing before that under Obama.
I think some people have forgotten just how the media covers Republican administrations versus Democratic ones. Because the hysteria wasn’t much better under the more ‘normal’ Bush administration.
Comey’s solution? Hand out immunity deals like an old pedophile trying to seduce a child.
I fail to see the issue here.
Trump’s two mistakes:
1. Not firing Comey on day 1. The whole wait until he ties up some bogus investigation into Russia thing was always a stupid idea.
2. Firing Flynn. He gave the left their first scalp, and it was way too fucking early. And over…nothing.
You never apologize to the left. You never give them what they want.
This is of course totally different from what Obama and Lynch did with the Hillary Clinton investigation.
If Trump gets impeached and convicted, that’s basically one giant step toward open revolt of a good 40% of the country. That’s an announcement to the country by the Deep State and the political class that your vote only counts if you vote for one of two establishment politicians, and if by some crazy set of coincidences someone from outside the Beltway Consensus actually gets elected POTUS, then he will be removed by said Consensus so that the people are able to be properly governed by their betters again, as it should be.
At least it will be made crystal clear who’s calling the shots in DC. Silver linings.
By this time, I’d rather have a Republican crook in office than a (hypothetical) honest Democrat.
I doubt, of course, that the choice will be that stark. Where would they even find an honest Democrat?
Here’s what I’d do.
If it turns out that Trump obstructed the laws, I’d schedule an impeachment vote in the House…right *after* the vote on whether to impeach the pro-abortion judges for obstructing the laws protecting human life.
If the House won’t impeach the judges, that will be a precedent that obstructing the laws isn’t a big deal, and Trump will be off the hook for the moment.
My grandpa used to say that you can always tell a democrat because they have shifty eyes:)
I don’t know about that. Given WaPo published a hit piece on Pence today, I don’t think anything would change. They’d go after him too. Maybe the attacks would change character, since I don’t think Pence would be as careless, but they wouldn’t stop. #resistance would keep going. once the administration’s opponents are emboldened by such success, why would they stop? And Jfc, if the Dems win the House in 2018, they’re gonna double-down because they would think the Speaker is next in line.
“why would they stop?”
You’re right they wouldn’t. That’s why it’s ridicules that so many in the gop suck up to the media hoping that will make them like them. You can swallow bitches but they’re not loosening up on your throat.
If impeachment happened the left would be so absurdly validated they would be insufferable and insane for the next year. Long articles about how the republic has been saved from Rapist Hitler 2.0, followed by articles decrying that his lackeys are still in power. I’m skeptical to the idea that they’d end up winning in 2018 because I assume they’d take this as a chance to double down and continue to promote their crazy, so more identity politics and social justice.
“they would be insufferable and insane”
How would that be different than now?
Now they’re insufferable and insane because they lost and can’t handle it, if Trump ends up impeached it completely validates all their Resistance bullshit and multiplies their smugness tenfold. Then they try to kick the cultural war into overdrive again because they’ll be cocky and lack all self-awareness. So we’ll end up with stuff like how punching Nazis is ok and refusing to bake gay wedding cakes makes you a Nazi.
So it will be like back to the future which is now. Three realms of idiocy that collapses upon itself and halts climate change. The world will never be in harms way again and the skinny jeans utopia will be the people. Let it be written, let it be done.
If Trump gets impeached, it will not be for anything the media is currently yelling about. Who knows, maybe he has done or will do something impeachable, but every smoking gun so far is either not true, or not criminal.
BTW, talking to Russians is not illegal, nor is firing someone who works for you.
I am strongly considering taking bets (for charity, or for the coffers of our hosts) from people who sincerely believe Trump will be impeached.
I won a number of bets from people around me who believed Bush would be impeached over Valerie Plame, I’ll gladly do it again…
The Spurs are down 29 going into the 4th. The most they’ve scored in a quarter is 31 so they would have to do that and score an additional 25-35 to account for the Warriors points.
I’m sure Pop will blame this on Trump’s America.
Isnt this Trump stuff the whole reason for independent council? Because the pres is the head of the justice dept and the,fbi and etc and he cant obstruct justice because they do his bidding? Thus an independent council outside of executive control?
Well, see, that was typically the standard politicians were held to. Pre-Chocolate Jesus and his litany of scandals. Then his agency heads and those underneath them were beyond reproach. Career professionals and all.
So I was just flipping through the channels looking for something for my sick ass to fall asleep to, and I came across Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman on Science Channel. The Science Channel bills it as a show that explores the deepest mysteries of existence. This could be interesting, I thought, I wonder what this episode is about. Oh, It’s “Is gun crime a virus? – Every 17 minutes someone dies from a murderer’s gun; a wave of violence that political debate can’t seem to stop.” What the fuck? There are so many things wrong with this. Is there nothing these people won’t let their ideology take over? I’m glad I don’t actually have Science channel or I be tempted to watch part of it. I’m sure it’s a fair and very scientific assessment.
I had that pitched to me as why the CDC needs to study guns. They say guns can be tracked like epidemics, this was from a doctor. It’s so fucking stupid I almost came down with a bad case of murder.
“So, looking over your chart, you seem to be in excellent health. No reason you can’t live another 60 years.
But I noticed that under Place of work, you listed ‘the corner of MLK and Cesar Chavez .’ Perhaps you could consider a less dangerous job, like long haul trucker, or working construction. If you’re willing take a lateral career move, Pimping is always an option. And while it is not easy, we do have social workers at the front desk to help you fill out all those government forms. “
From my understanding, this is not actually as ridiculous as it sounds.
Urban gun violence, much like infectious disease, is usually something you get from someone you know.
It’s almost as if it were being cultured.
*for some unknown reason breaks into song*
“Mama played the bagpipes, Daddy never slept at night…”
Squeezebox. Hint ” squeezebox is boobs
I thought it was “watching Cowboy Bebop…”
That’s only because you’ve got a filthy mind. This is a gal with a squeezebox.
It reminds me of Freaks and Geeks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9WivuyE_PU
Also, Neal Pert is kind of a shit drummer compared to drummers like Buddy Rich or Gene Krupa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrMBIH2TBpU
This show is very close to my heart.
No love for Elvin Jones or Roy Haynes?