JC, as a fellow Jew, I know exactly how you’re feeling. But never mind that, let’s shovel some links at these heathens who read their phones during church (I’m looking at YOU, Swiss!). OK, admittedly those ministers do tend to rattle on a bit when they sermonize, so I have some sympathy. Anyway, on to today’s news.
Item One: After eight years of Obama dropping bombs across the Middle East and Africa with no particular declaration of war, The Nation has suddenly determined that increasing the bomb total hitting Syria is an impeachable offense. What could have changed to make them realize this? It couldn’t be Team Blue hackery, could it? No, no, perish the thought! Must be a coincidence.
Item Two: The War On Black Hair continues. I think that after yesterday’s story and now this, we have seen the pattern for this week’s “outrage about nothing in particular, but we have to stay in practice.”
Item Three: After figuring out that Premium doesn’t make things run any better than Regular Unleaded, the Air Force is starting to convert to civilian fuel for its jets. The burning question is whether it can still melt steel beams.
Item Four: An AeroMexico jet hit a utility truck at LAX. Apparently they were trying to avoid an Air China jet that was in the wrong lane. And it turns out the AeroMexico pilot had no insurance.
Items Five and Six: Recommended reading. And this may even be better than music.
After figuring out that Premium doesn’t make things run any better than Regular Unleaded, the Air Force is starting to convert to civilian fuel for its jets.
Can we taxpayers pay extra for the stuff without ethanol?
You can at Stewart’s.
(They also sell actual half-gallons of ice cream.)
(Oh, and scroll down to the bottom to read that some localities apparently don’t allow the selling of non-ethanol gas.)
Let’s give Stewart’s the Air Force contact.
Just for the record, jet fuel is basically kerosene.
But does it melt steel beams?
Only if it oxidizes rapidly.
That article is 3 years old.
What’s wrong with 3? DO YOU HATE CHILDREN???? You MONSTER!
I for one don’t read my phone in church, because I don’t go. But if I did go to church I would probably sit in the back and scroll through glibs anyway. More interesting tha whatever most preachers are saying.
I think it’s been 20 years since I went to a Mass that was neither a wedding nor funeral Mass.
I actually enjoyed the few Masses? Mass’? I’ve been too, the Catholics keep it in a reasonable time frame, and I appreciate the idea of the structure that the Church represents. I was raised Nazarene, and later Baptists, good lord those services could drag on for hours.
I’m generally OK with the idea of going into a church and having a nice quiet place to meditate. But there’s also a lot of nonsense in the Catholic Mass, especially the “Share your germs along with Christ’s peace” section.
When I went to Mass in Germany back in 1989 when I visited my relatives there, I was pleasantly surprised that that portion of the Mass was removed.
Since I was not a baptized Catholic I just sat in the back, with my GF (who was Catholic) at the time and watched. It was a smaller church with a lot of elderly, so the peace of Christ part was mostly handshakes and back slapping.
I liked that part the last time I went to a Mass. Hated it as a kid, but… I don’t remember it ever being anything more than handshakes. Maybe those little bowls of water are for germaphobes to wash their hands on the way out.
They should have a wipes dispenser in the pews.
What about lotion? Can’t have wipes without lotion…
Could always ask the pries if he has a spare bit of lube.
Yeh, I hate sticking my hand out to some kid who had his stupid hand stuck up his nose the whole time leading up to it.
Yet people get so offended when I put on nitrile gloves…
There’s also the horrendous post-Vatican II music.
pssst… Latin Mass. No sign of peace, and better music. And the Latin makes you feel smarter.
I’m trying to remember the last time I was in church. I think it was nearly 20 years ago. I’m going to make a guess that the only thing that has changed is that gays are no longer going to hell. Besides that, I’ve already heard everything they have to say.
These days it is straight white men that are going to hell..
And it turns out the AeroMexico pilot had no insurance.
If you’re going to make the jokes yourself, what are we supposed to do?
We are merely here to appreciate them, obvs.
So I don’t know if it has been covered here yet, but all my prog friends are freaking the fuck out over Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia. Like, it’s getting to the point of a fever rant with some of them.
They have no other response to anything anymore. Everything is deserving of a freakout.
Yep, peak derp and peak TDS are myths to sooth the weak.
To some extent this is a function of too much media. When the most effective way to get clicks is to be the most shrill, the most hyperbolic writer in the game, eventually they all take that approach. The American public is apparently ripe for being whipped into a frenzy and the capitalist media is taking note. I blame decades of public education.
(Yes, I used capitalist media ironically)
I wish that bubble would burst already.
The only freakout I’ve seen is that Trump apparently bitched about Michelle Obama’s lack of a head scarf two years ago, but Melania and Ivanka didn’t wear one either.
Why are they freaking out over Trump in Saudi Arabia? He didn’t bow to anyone?
Something like that, combined with the hypocrisy of a man who wants a travel ban and accused the Saudis of masterminding 9/11, bascially if he didn’t meet them , he’s a bad diplomat and if he did then he’s a hypocrite. He can’t win.
“He can’t win.”
That’s it in a nutshell. Trump may be a douche, but if the guy found the cure for breast cancer tomorrow, he would be demonized by these fucks for having waited this long to do so.
More likely they would accuse him of specifically curing that one so he has an excuse to grab peoples breasts, and then demand his impeachment because no president has ever done anything sexually improper in office.
You know as I read this I wanted to burst out laughing, but then, some part of me realizes that this could very likely be precisely the reaction from these loons.
Damn, OMWC, those are some great comments on the links. ????
The Nation now…
The Nation a few months ago, not altogether approving but…
I know I should expect this sort of thing, but it still bothers me every time I see it. How is it that more people are not calling them are this sort of BS? Or is it that people are simply withdrawing support in more subtle, harder to recognize ways?
This tells you everything you need to know about people who read The Nation (or any other partisan rag) to signal their team loyalty – which is to say the overwhelming majority.
A while back I used the phrase “the ideologically non-conforming community” and Gilmore scoffed. But I think the primary thing I have in common with, for example, the people in GamerGate or The Red Pill or Actual Neo Nazis is that none of us are really buying the mainstream tribal shit that the Teams are selling. I think it’s extremely rare for people to not be primarily motivated by tribal loyalty.
Unauthorized war will not be cool again until the Dems get back into power.
So much this.. and when a donkey does it, it is not war, it is kinetic something or other, because war is evil, and progs don’t do that supposedly.
Nice little hot take on the modern Sovereign Citizens movement, though the SPLC still gets quoted as a source for some reason.
Interesting, but he’s a one-topic sovereign citizen? Free gamboling only? I want to sovereign citizen all the things!!1!1!!
It’s a gateway though, much like pot, one hit of that sweet, sticky freedom and in a few years he’ll be a full blown ancap.
Fucking fascists.
BBC: Why Swedish workplaces aren’t as equal as you think
The main reason for this imbalance is that traditional gender stereotypes prevail, despite decades of legislation designed to even things out, says Ms Lundeteg.
We will force them to be equal whether they want it or not!
We’re not going to be equal until all men have tits.
Chuck Schumer? Is that you?
Chuck is more equal than most.
Chuck gets Dark Money from Big Bra
A set of moobs so heavy that not even light can escape?
Will women be forced to learn to read maps?
You know how Ragnar is reacting to this?
Getting high and choking a Chinese prostitute-princess to death?
Spare me the bullshit
You must take away choice to give people more freedom to make their own choices. –Sweden
That’s not just Sweden, it is prog thinking in general, JD.
On the plus side, more than 80% of mothers work and Sweden leads the industrialised world in terms of public sector gender equality
Damn, if that’s the plus side, I don’t want to see the minuses.
My experience is that most women who work would rather stay home, and most women who are staying at home would rather work. It’s not really any different than how most women with naturally curly hair are going to straighten it and most women with straight hair are going to get a perm. The grass is always greener over there.
“if you ask most women in Sweden I definitely don’t think that they are satisfied.”
I think I can help with that. That doesn’t sound like an equality problem.
Metro-sexual dudes don’t cut the mustard..
WSU researchers need volunteers to smoke marijuana for study
This mouth swab came back positive for Funion dust.
They have to pay 30 bucks an hour to find volunteers 21 years of age or older to smoke marijuana in Pullman?
The doobies harsh the meth buzz.
Gonna go ahead and start filing for a research grant, see if I can’t hop on this train.
What would you know about any story from yesterday? As one of (((them))) you weren’t supposed to be using electronics at all. Yet you lecture Swiss about his activities during church. For shame.
He’s got a Shabbos Goy
SP. The perfect shiksa.
So Trump’s Saudi Speecj apparently had portions leaked, and it sounds relatively reasonable, can’t wait for the spin on it.
The Church I attend.
Sunday always comes too late.
It’s already yesterday.
Some myrrh seems appropriate for a Sunday.
Worth the wait. Great song.
One of my favorite 80s bands. I know they’re still around (and still pretty good) but it just doesn’t live up to their early period.
Mine too. I’ve seen them many times. Love that song.
Another classic.
I really like the Church. Lots of great memories associated with them. My favorites are Antenna and Metropolis
That whole album is brilliant. Their peak IMHO.
Yeah, Heyday was great. Priest=Aura is my favorite, though.
Timeloose, if you’ve not already, give it a listen.
I hate to admit that I actually stopped paying attention after “Gold Afternoon Fix” and never listed to anything later except some of their last 2 albums. It’s on my iPod so I’ll get around to it some day.
I have Priest=Aura. I like it as well. There are less personal memories associated with it how ever.
+1 Reptile
Postal Service Deleted Customer Complaints Around Christmas
Nearly 70% of social media complaints on Dec. 23 ‘flushed’
Can’t say I’m terribly surprised. I try to avoid using the post office as much as possible. Never Have I seen a bunch of less motivated people in my life. They work in a dying industry, are aware of it, but keep clinging of only for the sweet benefits.
Unless they have one testicle and ride a bicycle. Then they’ll go the extra mile.
-7 Tour De France titles.
Wanna write to us? Buy a stamp and put it on a letter. Which we will round file.
They’re too busy waving from such great heights.
Sheriff David Clarke plagiarized portions of his master’s thesis on homeland security
It’s all over for him now.
Oh boy! That’s gonna shut him down for sure. For real though, there are so many sketchy things about this guy, and this is the latest thing they choose to harp on?
He’s no worse than Martin Luther King.
CNN is by far the worst of all the cable news networks. They honestly think people don’t notice their little, manipulative slights? It’s more intellectually insulting than MSNBC.
But putting American citizens on trial by military commissions merits a yawn?
“We are at War. Homegrown radicalization has the enemy inside our borders. Islamist-radicalized Americans are not criminals. They are enemy combatants. Our criminal justice system should not prosecute them. Military tribunals should process them.” – Cop Under FIre, p. 162.
Oops, “war” shouldn’t be capitalized.
You always capitalize references to divinity, no?
Actually, not always, I’ve been told.
Well, it’s not like torturing inmates to death did, so I’ll take anything I can get with him.
The lefty media always seems to throw out the plagiarism accusations as a standard first move. They did it to Neil Gorsuch recently for a passage in which he described a medical scenario (so of course there are going to be similarities). And I think it was the NYT who ran a hit piece on Clarence Thomas saying that they ran all the justice’s writings through “linguistic software” and found that Clarence Thomas had a one or two percent lead on all the other justices for similar text (even though legal documents tend to have a lot of exerpts from other briefings) and therefore he’s a plagiarist extraordinaire.
I think that comes from the academic background that many of these people share, where plagiarism= career death, so naturally writing from experience they think that most other people are going to make a huge deal out of this as well.
Nothing makes an appellate attorney happier than having the judge plagiarize his brief.
It’s not cat butt, but….
People are strange indeed.
Showed my wife the articles about Syria and the kids’ hair.
She started freaking out wondering where the hell people have been for the past 16 years and stated we’re not having kids unless we can find a private school that isn’t run by morons.
Maybe I’ll get her some flowers “just because.”
My culture is reflected in a ten-inch mohawk.
Heh I should have said writhing snakes.
Native American or punk American?
Whichever one is more offensive. Guessing the former.
Prog in the office was reeeing about Syria bombing, and absolutely refused to believe that it began under Obama. Like, full on, “No, your source is wrong.” Pulled up multiple articles from fall 2014 when the bombing started. “No, those must be mistaken.”
There is no God but the State, and Obama is his Prophet. There is no God but the State, and Obama is his Prophet.
Hey, the NYT didn’t report it, so it can’t be true!
I actually pulled up articles from the Times and the Post, because she’s like one of the full on “whatever they print is true” idiots.
“Progressives” always insist that any news source that reports something disfavorable to their narrative is “unreliable” and “biased”. But if you question THEIR sources (such as Slate, Salon, Mother Jones, or DailyKos) they’ll insist that these sources are “reliable” and “respected”. You can ask for their reasoning behind why these sources are better than others, but they’ll just keep repeating “reliable” and “respected” (maybe “award-winning”) as though it’s self-evident. If you show them something from one of these news sources that contradicts the current narrative (like coverage of Obomb’ya waging war in Syria years ago) they’ll just insist that it’s “out of context”, “misinterpreted”, or just resort to a good old fashioned ad hominem.
You want some preaching on[for/to/about] the heathens? Here you go.
The Devos outrage continues!
Before I read the link I thought you were talking about the band. I should get more sleep.
I mis-typed it too, should be DeVos, so there is that.
Stop bailing out defaulted loans from the Treasury, then many of these people won’t have be able to get the loans in the first place, ergo no worries about paying them off.
And if the treasury doesn’t bail out defaulted loans, the borrowers should be able to use bankruptcy.
Betsy DeVos is quickly turning into my favorite Trump cabinet pick for all the progressive grief she’s causing. Next best thing to shutting down the Department of Education.
The fucking “teacher pay!!!” thing is a perfect example of the Big Lie, repeated over and over again. Teachers in all three of the big school districts in my area are clearing an average of 45k a year. Is that a princely salary? No. Is it a living wage in my low cost of living area? Hell yes. Are you making 45k for 9 months of work, banker’s hours, and guaranteed weekends off? Hell yes you are. If you can’t run your life on 2.5 grand of take home pay per month, you don’t need a raise, you need a fucking budget.
The idea that teacher’s are underpaid is nothing but propaganda. I hate the NEA more than the police unions.
Starts at $81K+ in NYC with a master’s and 8 years experience.
Cry me a fucking river.
I can see the argument to an extent with serious COL areas like NYC or SF. I don’t live in such an area, so I don’t really know what a reasonable middle class wage is in those areas.
But where I live, 45k for teacher’s hours is a very fair wage, and claiming they are underpaid is simply untrue.
Assuming both parents work, it’s a perfectly livable salary in some nice suburb in NJ or LI. But naturally they will complain that’s it not enough for a single parent to raise four kids in Brooklyn.
“Is that a princely salary? No. Is it a living wage in my low cost of living area? Hell yes. Are you making 45k for 9 months of work, banker’s hours, and guaranteed weekends off? Hell yes you are.”
Are you represented by a public sector union that prevents you from getting fired for anything except the most horrid misconduct? Yes.
Is your job security and pay rate totally unconnected with your actual job performance? Yes.
Even if the salary appears low, the VALUE of that job is immense.
Her and Pruitt are my favorite cabinet picks so far. I wish that Puzder made it through as well, but you can’t win everything in life.
How about private service loan forgiveness? It’s called getting a job and paying off your debt.
We’re knee deep in an escalating proxy war in the Middle East and have been for some time. It’s lining up much like it did during the Cold War, with the United States on one side backing its allies–Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia–and their enemies in Syria, and Iran being backed by Russia. There are ongoing hostilities in third party countries, for instance, in Yemen, where Saudi backed interests and Iranian backed interests–like they wee North Yemen and South Yemen during the Cold War.
The U.S. is in danger of being sucked into this mess–from drone strikes in Yemen to the Revolution turned civil war in Syria.
You know what would be really great? . . . if the Trump administration could forge a working relationship with the Putin regime and work together on things like ISIS. I mean, sure, it would be great if we could just go all Ron Paul on the situation, disengage, and withdraw. No doubt, our efforts often make things worse regardless of intentions. But if going all Ron Paul isn’t one of the options on the table (after all, Trump isn’t a libertarian), then forming a working relationship with Russia is probably the next best option.
It’s better than invading Syria, like John McCain and the neocons would have us do.
It’s better than engaging in an escalating proxy war.
Watch, the people in the media who condemn Trump for escalating the proxy war through arm sales to Saudi Arabia will be the same people who have damned him for trying to form a working relationship with Russia.
. . . as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.
He had the perfect opportunity to do so, too, after Obama severed ties with Russia. Trump could have both de-escalated the tension and really stuck it to the left as not being a war-monger.
But, I suspect he got in there and the neocons/Wilsonianites got in there and swayed him over pretty easily.
Why would he throw that card away? War sells.
I guess I wasn’t explicit enough–my bad.
Trump has been trying to forge a constructive relationship with Russia since before he came into office. He campaigned on doing that.
Trump’s efforts to form a constructive relationship with Russia were undermined by the FBI and Obama administration before he was elected, and Trump’s efforts to form a collaborative relationship with Russia to fight ISIS have been undermined ever since by John McCain and the neocons in the Republican party.
Remember it was John McCain who gave the Russian dossier to Comey (before Trump was inaugurated).
Trump shares intelligence with Russia on ISIS targets in Syria, and the press goes ape shit–as if that were a scandal or something?
This investigation of the Trump campaign and their ties to Russia is all about running interference to make it impossible for Trump to work with them.
That’s the whole point.
McCain and the Neocons want to invade Syria someday–preferably sooner rather than later.
The Democrats and thrilled to see anything that they throw against the wall stick.
That’s what this is all about.
Trump has never stopped trying to forge a working relationship with Russia on ISIS, etc. If we were able to do that, much of Russia’s support for Iran might even evaporate–we’ve seen that happen before when Russia didn’t veto UN Security Council resolutions condemning Iran for violating the NPT and using that as a justification for imposing crippling sanctions. Suffice it to say, any decline in hostilities between the U.S.’ proxies and Russia’s proxies will necessarily involve the President of the United States working with the President of the Russian Federation.
Watching the press eviscerate Trump for trying to do that is sickening.
Watching the press go after Trump for selling arms to our proxies in Saudi Arabia (maybe, in part, because he can’t deal with the Russians directly because of the press) is likewise nauseating.
Watching the press played by a neocon like John McCain–because he’s going to the wall to do what he can to keep an invasion of Syria an option–is grotesque and absurd.
I want to know where John McCain got the Russia dossier. Putin has been cleaning house in his intelligence community because of the release of the dossier. I think it’s reasonable to suspect that McCain got it from Russian deep state interests who didn’t want to see Putin making nice with the U.S. for the same reasons the deep state in the U.S. doesn’t want to see Trump making nice with Putin.
If I wanted to read up more on Trump’s deal with the Saudis, without a lot of the TDS (not opposed to something critical about it, as long as it seems well-reasoned, since I’m not very informed about it,) where would be a good place to do so?
You want to know what’s in the deal or why he’s making the deal?
Understand, we’ve had massive military investments and assets in Saudi Arabia since before the Cold War ended. We cozied up to them after the Iranian revolution in 1979 for fear the Mullahs would make for both the oil fields and Mecca. It’s just like we did with backing Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran. We’ve been building strategic assets (military airports out in the middle of the desert and such) since 1979 as a bulwark against Iran.
“The U.S. built and administrated numerous military academies, navy ports, and Air Force military airbases. Many of these military facilities were influenced by the U.S., with the needs of cold war aircraft and deployment strategies in mind. Also the Saudis purchased a great deal of weapons that varied from F-15 war planes to M1 Abrams main battle tanks that later proved useful during the Gulf War.[20] The U.S. pursued a policy of building up and training the Saudi military as a counterweight to Shiite extremism and revolution following the revolution in Iran.”
That basically gets it right. And the logic behind these arm sales are basically the same. It’s ultimately about Iran.
I don’t know what’s in the deal, exactly, but we’re probably talking about jets and things the major defense contractors are building. Lockheed and others had a nice spike the other day. I’m not sure all the details have been released yet. They may have only agreed to some broad outlines in principle.
Both, I suppose, though you’ve explained it pretty well.
While I understand the logic behind this deal, I can’t help but have a sinking feeling that we’re repeating Afghanistan and Iraq over again. I know the Saudis are our biggest trade partners in the area, but what with the oil market being what it is…
Could just be me being paranoid. I suppose the Saudis need us as much as we need them right now anyway.
Actually the bulk of this deal is likely the sale of a modified version of the Navy’s beleaguered LCS ship class modified to serve as frigates for the Saudis that are looking to replace their older French built ones and ammo resupply for the shit the Saudis have been dropping in Yemen. I believe the Saudi AF already did their upgrade deal and went with European offerings there because the US wouldn’t sell them the F-35.
Just for the record . . .
The ex-KGB official who is thought to have been responsible for the dossier and either leaked or should have prevented it from being leaded is widely assumed to have been killed by the Kremlin for his part in releasing the dossier–and getting it to John McCain.
There have been a dozen or so Russian spies that have turned up dead in the wake of the Trump dossier release–all thought to be about Putin cleaning out what we would call “the deep state” if it were in America.
Chin-scratchers, assemble!
As President Trump stumbled from crisis to crisis this past week, he reminded the country of a lesson it didn’t really need to learn: A president’s greatest asset is trust. Once he has lost it, he can’t govern. Mr. Trump’s serial recklessness may change not just the course of his presidency but also the office itself. Whatever happens to him, it’s not too soon to wonder what will happen to the presidency when he’s gone.
For decades, the power of the executive branch has been growing, a trend that Congress has encouraged, both actively and by default. And the courts, the other check on the executive, have often been willing to defer to the president’s prerogatives.
America is broken, and Trump broke it.
This was raised the other day. Somebody put forth the hope that Trump’s shenanigans would induce people to lose some part of their idolatrous faith in the Office of the Presidency. I am not confident. The article is pretty much a lament that such a thing might happen, and a new President worthy of our slavish sycophantic devotion will come along (presumably after Trump and Pence have been disposed of) and we won’t be able to allow him/her/it to trample the Constitution willy nilly. I remain confident a Saviour will be found, at whose feet the progressives at places like the NYT will happily worship.
“With the courts and the intelligence community increasingly arrayed against him, and Congress now investigating his campaign and actions in office, Mr. Trump finds himself in a much diminished presidency. If he remains in office for an extended period in this weakened state, it’s possible that Congress and the courts will essentially put the presidency into a kind of constitutional receivership until his term ends.”
Once we get a responsible, sensible President like Hillary, then we can restore all the Presidency’s usurped, inflated powers!
I’m the one that said that. To be honest, I’m hopeful, but the more I’ve thought of it since the more unlikely I’m suspecting it is.
It’s really only a matter of time before the country starts deifying rulers a la the Caesars. The cult of personality required to gain and wield political capital is already fairly significant. At some point we might as well go whole hog start having festivals, games, the whole panem et circenses thing. I too wish that Trump would wreck any respect the office may carry, but that won’t happen, they’ll, as you said, just keep searching for another lightbringer to restore respect to the office.
I don’t think that the vast majority of Trump voters were voting for him because they saw him as some god or anything. They were mainly trying to get Hillary as far away from the office as they possibly could, and succeeded.
I don’t think they were either. I do believe that whoever gets the team Blue nod to run against Trump will have to have some sort of Prog Cult blessing.
The further the Democratic Party drifts into the intersectional pyramid and the more that they embrace Socialism and Cultural Marxism, the more likely that their followers will act like cult members. Par for the course.
“America is broken, and Trump broke it”
I think these progs who are making claims like this, they must live in another universe. They were living in a country that was some sort of heaven on earth and then Trump was sworn in and BAM! Hell on earth!
This is really weird because I swear I cannot tell even in one tiny way in which the USA is better or worse now than it was last year. It seems exactly the same to me.
You haven’t been buying into the “Trump has ties to Russia” story though.
IIRC, that hadn’t started as of this time last year. It’s only really since the election that it’s been going strong. For the average idiot who believes there’s overwhelming evidence, all hell’s broken loose.
Actually, the less productive the White House and Congress is, the better off we are. I just worry sometime that others don’t think the same way that I do.
Do nothing Congress. We need more laws now, we don’t have enough already!
I’d like to order up a 6 month investigation of every House Rep and all the people on their staff, please.
Audit the House!
Most Americans are horrible transphobes
We won’t rest until those numbers get down to zero. Might have to get some backs up against the wall, but it’s all for the greater good.
These types of articles remind me of the South Park episode where Cartman teams up with Cthulhu and starts destroying hippies, WHole Foods, and synagogues, but continues claiming that “it’s all for the greater good.”
What the everloving fuck? This is the hill they want to die on?!
What, are you some kind of transphobe?
By that redefinition, goddamn right I am.
Huh. Well then, I guess most people are some sort of -ism now. In a few years, there won’t be any action that is not some sort of terrible action in the eyes of progs.
isms are not good, after all.
That’s not a woman, that’s a man baby!
I’m so crazy, I won’t even date a dude.
How about a dude with a vagina?
I laugh whenever I read about a lesbian getting screamed for being a transmisogynist bigot for not wanting to fuck a MtF that’s still packing meat heat. It’s a feminine penis, you see.
Global warming caused by….
…wait for it….
Peer-rjournal journal publishes hoax attributing climate change to penises.
We conclude that penises are not best understood as the male sexual organ, or as a male reproductive organ, but instead as an enacted social construct that is both damaging and problematic for society and future generations. The conceptual penis presents significant problems for gender identity and reproductive identity within social and family dynamics, is exclusionary to disenfranchised communities based upon gender or reproductive identity, is an enduring source of abuse for women and other gender-marginalized groups and individuals, is the universal performative source of rape, and is the conceptual driver behind much of climate change.
I assume any paper that uses the term “problematic” is a hoax.
This is like that guy in Oregon who was never told about Trump’s election.
Well, according to mainstream feminism, penises are the cause of pretty much all the evil in the world.
*gives penis thumbs-up*
What are you implying ZARDOZ was wrong?
At least in that narrative, the gun is good.
Comments are, as usual, the random cacophony of parrot screeching, but I particularly liked this one:
JAR North Carolina 9 hours ago
The silver lining of this presidency is that it may galvanize the democrats into bold action. It is time for a few modernized constitutional amendments to bring the country into the 21st century.
Eliminate the electoral college; presidents to be elected by popular vote
Repeal Citizens United – Corporations are not people
Repeal the 16th Amendment (income tax) and make a wealth tax
Protect individuals privacy – covers our own bodies and our information
Reasonable gun control
Repeal the Great Compromise and eliminate the Senate or divide California and New York into 4 states each.
“Hey, it’s raining cats and dogs. We should declare martial law and go confiscate everybody’s guns and drain their bank accounts.”
If you did divide California and New York into four states each, how many of them would vote Republican?
They’re absolutely convinced they have some sort of supermajority of the population on their side. I hear it from my progressive friends all the time. The echo chamber is so strong that they don’t realize how much this is blowing up in their faces.
The progs tend to keep themselves out of power; they self-gerrymander themselves into their little echo-chambers in the big cities and are unable to understand that you have to appeal to people besides themselves.
Rest assured, the progs will draw the lines very very carefully.
New York could be split into four reliably blue states if they put at least one borough of NYC in each, something like (Manhattan; Brooklyn/SI; Queens/Long Island; Bronx/everything to the north).
Otherwise, you’d have NYC being bluer than everything but DC, and bunch of very purple stuff. Trump carried Long Island by a little under 10,000 votes out of 1.3 million, while Hillary carried everything north of the Bronx by about 73K out of 3.6M (a little over 2 percentage points).
Well, since they’re eliminating the Senate and the electoral college – it won’t matter. Majority rule FTW.
Great, now my rage tic is back. Of course, I don’t think JAR, realizes that if there were a convention called that repubs would dominate it. Why does he/she/xer not realize this? Because they’re an idiot.
Truly, JAR is stupid enough to be referred to as a ‘they’ – condensing the stupidity of a group of morons into a single consciousness.
Your mistake is to think he expects there to be a constitutional convention that follows the rules laid down for such an event. No, what he wants is basically a bunch of progs putting together a manifesto/new constitution, it being rubber stamped, and you shutting the fuck up and going along with it, if you know what is good for you. Heck, he doesn’t mention it, but his new constitution will have plenty of room for interpretation around reeducation camps and such.
Fair point. But that’s an even bigger pipe-dream, at least for the short term
After decades of the pipe-dream policies from these people where everyone but they can see the unintended consequences, why do you think they actually wouldn’t go ahead and do something like this if they felt they could get away with it?
Another thought: If you’re going to divide California and New York, why not Florida and Texas?
I mean, I know why not, but both of those states have higher populations than New York right now.
I also liked the comment about how Americans are too “careless” with their votes, which means we should encourage more people to vote. Because MAGIC!
Scientists and lawyers draft the first legal manual for space warfare including rules on firing lasers and attacking satellites
Saw that, looks interesting, I may have to write up an article on that for y’all.
Do it. Looking forward to it.
Hugo Drax has a sad
Sounds great. I wish they would have came up with ruled governing the internet in 1776
Time to bring back the Nazis’ space mirror idea? Or does that violate the WMD clause on the Space Treaty?
Not technically, since the only named weapons are nuclear, chemical and bio. By the same token orbital bombardment with traditional kinetic deivices is also allowed. But this new treaty talk appears to be focused on filling in the gaps that exist.
If you did divide California and New York into four states each, how many of them would vote Republican?
My suspicion, based on living in upstate NY while in high school (early 70s)-
if you split NY four ways, you’d get three reds and a blue.
California, depending on how the lines were drawn, would likely be a wash (2 and 2).
It depends on which states the NYC suburbs – once red, now blue – wind up in. If they did it by region you’re right but if they do it by population you’d probably get 2 and 2.
Like I said upthread: if the progs draw the lines, it will just be four states artfully arranged to be 60/40 blue/red.
I might try that as an exercise. But it won’t be easy, because outside of the orbit of NYC, New York is basically Pennsylvania. You can put one big city in each state but in every case they will be greatly outnumbered by the folks outside.
And the progs would still screech about illegal evil Team Red gerrymandering. It’s part of the narrative, too, that the only way Trump won was because of all that gerrymandering the Red did (and never ever did any themselves, of course)/
Three year old articles in the links? OMWC is (((phoning))) it in this morning.
This was actually something FdA showed me in response to this story about the military jet fuel slush fund. I really should have posted both links, but I was ducking lightning bolts from a very pissed off goyish god. Yahweh was apparently on break and didn’t intervene.
I thought we weren’t supposed to actually click and read the links?
Holy Mackerel! Back in 1989 I was given an Article 15, resulting in two weeks of painting rocks around Battalion HQ, just because I used henna to color my hair red.
Stupid. In hand-to-hand fighting you don’t want anything your opponent can grab ahold of. The military should just shave everyone bald.
I get the feeling that the military isn’t much about fighting anymore.
+1 War Room
What are you talking about? They’re fighting racism and sexism!
It is worse than you think – we’ve been fighting some of the stupidest people on the planet for 15 years and the military is now conditioned to thinking this is how it is (and therefore will be in the future).
Isn’t that the cliche? We’re always getting ready to fight the last war.
I suspect that is only true for the winning side.
Our leaders are adamant that current combat experience has no value. It should be noted however that our leaders grew up in a military with zero combat experience and certainly no near peer fighting for a long time so they’re basically saying their no combat experience is better than some.
Not basic, apparently. Brother’s still in and has command over a platoon, and he said it’s usually their job to straighten most of the new guys out now. They can still get away with quite a lot though.
Reminds me of stories when I was a wee private about how soldiers used to wear short haired wigs over their natural long hair in the 70’s (maybe early 80’s too).
Anothyer genius appears:
Dick Mulliken Jefferson, NY 9 hours ago
One thought looking far ahead: We could use further independent vetting for candidates prior to choosing a nominee for either party. Clearly this has to be independent of Congress and the administration, but a semi permanent national commission could be established for the task.
But the idea of a ‘constitutional receivership is fascinating. I’d love to hear more speculation on this notion.
Bring back the smoke filled room!
Progressivism, FTW!
I think Iran vets its candidates to make sure they’re not infidels or whatever.
Many states vet 3rd party candidates to make sure they jump through various arbitrary hoops.
The star chamber will surely never fall into the hands of nefarious actors.
The historical Star Chamber started out as a popular court which went after powerful criminals. You know, without the corruption and procedural technicalities which block the conviction of the guilty.
Didn’t the inquisition work the same way?
Spanish inquisition was worse, I’m afraid.
Because no one expected it? (Yes, I went for that low hanging fruit. I’ll see myself out.)
Since it’s Sunday, and you bring up the Inquisition, might as well get to work converting the Jews.
I assumed that the link was going to be this: https://youtu.be/l3SC2EDwsW0
Yes, creating a secret cabal of enlightened individuals to gift us with approved candidates will in no way confirm the worst fears of every American who has even an inkling that the government has too much power.
Only our betters can choose who is ripe to lead us to a glorious tomorrow! If we can’t go full Roman Empire can we at least go Holy Roman Empire, like after Westphalia? A distant emperor who cares little about his empire? It tastes the same as what these people what, but at least it’s more honest.
OK, smart guys, how else are we going to be sure that our cabinet picks aren’t Russian spies or secretly conservative?
Da comrade – the Central Committee is never wrong!
We already have that. It’s called the Commission on Presidential Debates.
The disappointing but unsurprising results reveal a sad truth about the transgender rights movement: Cultural acceptance has tended to lag behind formal recognition.
It’s as plain as the nose on your face. Transphobia is an incurable mental disease, and it’s time to seriously consider truly effective efforts to deal with this tragic epidemic. Like… you know… euthanasia.
I suspect plenty of trans people are much more likable than the ones in the media – but the ones you see in the media…sheesh…
1977: Transgenderism is a severe mental illness
2017: Transphobia is a severe mental illness
Because psychology is just as valid as medical science.
It’s hard to make people understand that psychology is going to be a screwy science (barely worth of that name) as long as they are unable to perform experiments in which they control for every variable.
The “science” is muddled and uncertain when you’re dealing with something as variable and mysterious as the human mind. There are just too many factors that lead a person to turn out the way they do, and we have only identified a tiny fraction of them.
When you get into “social sciences”, this uncertainty is multiplied since they are dealing with huge aggregates of human minds. This is why it’s so ridiculous to hear “progressives” make statements like “I read a study that showed that Republicans are better at convincing people that their policies are good for the poor even though they’re not”.
Come on now. Don’t be ridiculous. We still have a whole host of public accommodation laws we can force down everyone’s throats before we start putting people against the wall.
No matter how tolerant people pretend they are, when time comes to put up or shut up and suck on tranny dick, I suspect that the real number who would do it is well below 20%, actually.
Yeah, that number seems a little off. Say, by 19 points.
I have two not-so-close friends who are real transgenders (not like the above-linked Justin Dennis, who they consider a “transtrender”, because all he’s really doing is cross-dressing).
Both of them approve of the “BAF/BAM” designation (Born as Male/Born as Female), and they’re both quite realistic about just how much they can hope for from the general public.
The BAF says the best “he” can ever expect is to live as a convincingly ‘feminine’ male in a world where he doesn’t get assaulted, and to hope for a day when he can find a trans-accepting partner, but “he” isn’t holding out much hope. The BAM hasn’t fully transitioned yet (and I think “proto-she” is a bit more mentally anguished about the whole situation) and suspects ruefully that “she” is going to have to find an acceptive lesbian to scissor with forevermore. Justin’s video was the catalyst for a few very funny email exchanges focusing on Aerosmith’s and Lou Reed’s lyrics amongst others.
For both of them, the concern about how they’ll get their rocks off seems to be greater than their concern over how society in general treats them – and that’s probably because they’re NYC residents and they’re unlikely to meet anyone who isn’t mandated by city statute to treat them nicely – and they acknowledge this quite openly, but without seeming *fearful*.
I hope that all works out for them and they don’t get transferred to less tolerant places.
Shabir Ahmed: the Rochdale sex gang ringleader who blamed white community for not looking after girls
He isnt exactly wrong. If it were up to me I would shoot everyone involved in that, and that includes the cops and pols who let it happen.
The funniest thing about that The Nation article posted is that it cites Public Policy Polling to show 48% of voters support impeachment while only 41% oppose it.
They hold some kind of nationwide vote on it.
They should…
Here’s the Secret Backstage Trump Drama at Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents
Also, just found this gem of an article where CNN explains why the reaction to Clinton firing the head of the FBI who had investigated his campaign and Trump firing Comey are like totally different and stuff:
Got that? No? Good. Just know that it’s completely different. In contrast, even.
There was also like totally no social media back then so you can’t really blame the media for being quieter about it all.
It’s terrible what happened to those girls but can we knock it off with the ‘braids are part of African-American culture/identity’?
Hair styles have been around for centuries and centuries and we’ve all borrowed from them; including braids that aren’t even African at their root – don’t excuse the pun.
If only there were some way to avoid having your children subject to charter-school rules you don’t like…
Actually got into a debate about the idea of cultural appropriation with one of my wives friends, she contented that dreads were a black/african thing and she could never condone a white person wearing them (keeping in mind that she is a very white person), I explained that in history other cultures had also had the hair style and that its a fucking stupid idea anyway since new cultures are created by blending old ones. If nothing is new and nothing is allowed to mix then we end up dead ended in a museum, I don’t think she got it though.
It’s not really that surprising, when you consider peoples complete ignorance of history, that they think modern cultures have always been the same.
The thing is, she’s a fairly smart lady, a teacher, in fact (spanish), I could hold a good conversation with her about recent history and even some earlier stuff and she could at least hold her own. For her and many others like her it doesn’t even matter what happened in the past, it’s all about structural racism and punching down. I wish I could enjoy the company of some of my wife’s friends, or my own prog friends, but I have to be careful about what we talk about since the wrong topic can set them off. For that reason I socialize very little with people who I would other enjoy hanging out with.
I usually just avoid political/social topics unless they bring them up first. At that point, well, they asked for it.
I once told a friend I was drinking with that I don’t talk about politics in social circles. She proceeded to gush about Hillary anyway (this was about a year ago). You just can’t stop some people.
I enjoy debating it with other people. Most people put so much emotional investment in it though that they get so upset if contradicted, which is usually why I steer clear except with family members.
Female coworker I socialize with is the same way, and I had a similar situation. I had to look her in the eye and say really slowly “LET’S CHANGE THE SUBJECT UNLESS YOU’RE SERIOUS ABOUT GETTING INTO POLITICS”.
Needless to say, she didn’t, and we’re only just back to being civil with each other, and sinking a few in Bobby Van’s.
I don’t. I’m not an especially good debater.
Rhywun – I love talking politics in social circles because I don’t take different opinions all that seriously, and I treat it as casual entertainment. The problem is that TDS has made many otherwise normal and loving people in my life into unhinged lunatics.
I’m with you, Rhywun. Terrible at debating. Any time I’ve gotten into one, some time afterwords I always think “Damnit, why didn’t I bring XYZ up?” Or I’ll feel like I might’ve accepted the other person’s premise during the debate that I don’t actually accept. This is why I’ve never seen the point of watching live debates. It’s all about who can make themselves appear to have made the best points or gotten in the best zinger, not necessarily who has the actual facts. Kinda hard to factcheck during a live debate.
@Elite Elite
I’ll admit, I struggle with forgetting to bring points up, which is partly why I enjoy getting into debates, so I can use the other person to hone my skills as well.
I love a good debate, even did it in college for a while and won some awards. I can’t debate politics with these people though because all the rhetoric they understand is repeated talking points and fallacies that would have gotten me called out in a real tourney. It’s the pigeon-chess rule, you can’t debate stupid or bad faith. I avoid it unless pushed, then I unload both barrels and watch people get twisted up, mentally shuffling through talking points, when that fails the convo usually ends, or devolves until I quit out of frustration and the other person declares victory.
I wish politics was just talk but these people vote for people and laws that reduce my liberty and steal my income.
Does she think non-Western polititions and businessmen should be forbidden from wearing business suits and ties?
What about black women who straighten their hair?
It’s a double standard thing. YT ‘white’ people don’t have a culture, only theived memes from other people groups, other groups can take freely from white culture since it doesn’t really exist, but any time a white person borrow from a POC it becomes problematic because power dynamics.
Yeah, fuck ’em.
Dreadlocks/braids actually started in Greece, they should knock off the European cultural appropriation.
The funniest thing about that The Nation article posted is that it cites Public Policy Polling to show 48% of voters support impeachment while only 41% oppose it.
What this country needs is a revitalized political model, like instantaneous popular telephone voting on the crucial issues of the day.
Impeachment? Minimum wage? Corporate tax rate? Let the
mobpeople speak!Tillerson is on FOX. Anybody who says that guy is not qualified to be Secretary of State is nuts. He is one well spoken and diplomatic m*therfucker.
When his name was announced, a guy I know was freaking out because “He’s a billionaire businessman who’s been doing deals with Russian energy companies for decades!!!! YARGLE BARGLE!!!!””
God forbid the SecState be a guy with experience in negotiating complicated contracts with people from other countries, finding common ground through an exploration of mutual interest. We can’t have that.
And a guy rich enough that Clinton-style corruption would be a pay cut.
Yeah, a lot of the TDS I encountered over Tillerson was just like that. The thing is Clinton who had little to no experience outside the Beltway was somehow qualified, despite doing much shadier things in office with the Russians than Tillerson ever did as the CEO of a company with interest in exploiting Russian mineral resources.
They literally do see government “service” as the highest aspiration and as a moral good. It’s a fundamental clash in worldview, in values, in philosophy. I see a guy like Tillerson, I see a guy with proven ability and competence, taking a government job. They see a moronic greedy grasping buffoon, because they really do have the Marxist view that CEOs just do nothing all day but golf and harass their secretaries, who’s taking a job he has no idea how to perform, because he’s not a government expert who’s spent 20 years shuffling paper.
They worship the State, and to a true believer, the high priests are the best people and everyone else are just heretics trying to erode the people’s faith.
That sums it up pretty well. To earn the position of CEO at any company, much less one like Exxon/Mobil is one helluva an accomplishment, especially since, I think that Rx started out at the bottom, and worked up. That should be great story, then he goes to State, bringing all the drive and gets shit on by people who couldn’t handle a fragment of the workload. The sooner the prog priesthood collapses in sectarian war the better off we’ll be.
Yeah, RexT did start off as an entry-level engineer, an unusual story for a top executive. He really is the political elite’s worst nightmare, someone that actually worked to get to where he is today.
I think that he might be the best Sec. of State hire in decades (there has been some really bad Sec. of States over the years). Being able to negotiate and do business in shitholes is a very strong trait for a position like that IMO.
People immediately went on Wikipedia and edited his article to have pictures of him in Russia with Russians.
I’m a little confused by the last line in this story.
Next to last line
Yeah, the rest of it makes perfect sense.
Well did the person want their balls or not? Why are they trying to reattach them?
Was it here someone posted the other day a chart of gun violence in a chart?
Gun violence or murders? I bookmarked this last week.
That’s the one! I found the link too!
Huh. Overlay that with a red/blue map and see how it matches up.
Yeah, there are some more interesting takeaways from this sort of thing that could be made beyond “areas with a lot of people have a lot of murders”.
Especially those where law abiding citizens are not allowed to even own a fire arm for example…
Peak Derp,
“It really is quite offensive,” said Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood, president of the California State Sheriffs’ Association. Youngblood told the Los Angeles Times he objected to lawmakers “wanting to direct law enforcement how they want us to work.”
Liverpool phoning it in on the last day. Pro-tip: this is why you are not a contenduh.
Thanks for the anti-jinx.
So nervous right now.
I spoke too soon. Nevertheless this hot-and-cold is a perfect crystallization of
their seasonthe entire time I’ve followed them (7 years).If Mane hadn’t have missed all that time for the ANC and hadn’t have gotten hurt, they’d have finished second at worst.
And if Coutinho hadn’t have gotten hurt they’d have finished third without a doubt.
Either way, they’re in the ECL. And Arsenhole aren’t.
Perhaps Liverpool and Arsenal will meet after Liverpool washes out of the CL.
Seriously, as good as some of the players are, they just don’t have the consistency needed to be a top team.
It will be interesting to see which of them if any get vacuumed up by the usual suspects over the summer.
They’ll be stronger in the fall. They’ll shore up the defense and Mane, Coutinho and Firmino will work together to get further on the same page.
I look for them to challenge for the title next year. They would have this year barring the Mane situation and the Coutinho injury.
A sob story to gnaw on for your Sunday brunch.
After decades of rising college costs and tepid income growth, student debt has become a drag on graduates’ hopes and a threat to economic growth.
The cost of a four-year college education, adjusted for inflation, is two and half times as much as it was in the 1978-79 school year, while median family income has increased only 20 percent.
The total amount of student debt pales in comparison to mortgage debt, so it does not pose the same threat to the economy that the housing bubble caused. But it does weaken economic growth and foster inequality, a further scourge that crimps spending and investing and impedes broader prosperity. Households headed by young college-educated adults without student debt have about seven times the median net worth of those households with student debt, the Pew Research Center found.
Better administration of government repayment plans could help borrowers in the short run. But a more enduring solution is to increase wage growth by enabling white-collar and service-sector employees to bargain collectively, making more salaried workers eligible for overtime pay, ending discriminatory practices that result in pay disparities based on race and gender, and tightening up the visa system that lets companies in technology, finance and other white-collar fields use cheaper foreign labor to fill jobs or replace workers in the United States.
The alternative is a society and an economy where even many college-educated workers cannot get ahead.
What say ye, gentlemen and ladies of the jury? Willful ignorance? Intentional obtuseness? Outright mendacity? Or mere pedestrian stupidity?
Never assume evil, when stupid fits the bill.
Not necessarily an either/or proposition.
+1 Stupid/Evil Duopoly
I usually take the reverse position. Most of the evil policies like these are put forth by smart people who know damn well it’s BS.
I dunno, most people don’t tend to see themselves as evil, but like to put themselves in a philanthropic light. There’s no bottom to the pit of human stupidity though.
To be fair, I mostly have politicians and reporters in mind.
Everytime some student group demands something, the universities say sure no problem, we’ll just jack up tuition to pay for it. There is no way most college majors should cost what they do. Especially considering you could replace half of the instruction with software.
Everytime some student group demands something, the universities say sure no problem, we’ll just jack up tuition to pay for it. There is no way most college majors should cost what they do.
But somehow, it never occurs to the Wise Men of the NYT editorial board to ask where all that tuition money goes, or what sort of return the hapless victims of the Student Loan Mafia actually get.
If you want to know why Trump has a following despite a lot of problems, here’s why:
“And it means standing together against the murder of innocent Muslims, the oppression of women, the persecution of Jews, and the slaughter of Christians.”
The Saudis are funding and instigating much of this craziness so good luck with that.
I would think there are smart people in the House of Saud who realize that 150 bucks a barrel ain’t coming back. The model for them for the last 40 years has been to divide the oil money into
1. Palace for themselves, natch.
2. Welfare state for the peasants.
3. Terror groups to get the violent young men out of Saudi Arabia to go get killed.
4. Secret police to suppress any of the violent young men who refuse to leave, or who return from the jihad.
That model was predicated on expensive ME oil. Fracking has changed the game. If you follow the money for the green lobby, I bet you a bunch of it comes from Saudi sources. But they couldn’t keep the genie in the bottle long term. The House of Saud has been a useful asset for the Western oil economy for about 50 years. That usefulness is certainly coming to a middle, and arguably to an end.
It sure will be nice when the American taxpayer only has to fund one side of the long war.
But if you fund both sides, you’ll be able to claim you backed the ultimate winner! /sarc
Economic reality will come out on top in the end, that’s true. In the short term, though, they still have the resources to cause a hell of a lot of trouble. You’re certainly correct about the long term-adapt or become a backwater and irrelevant state.
$20 bucks on the latter of the two options.
I wouldn’t touch that bet but, hey, at least they’ll still have Mecca.
I concur, always bet on status quo.
One year of cheap oil is good for the House of Saud – they’ve got massive cash reserves (equivalent to three years of ordinary government expenditures) and cheap oil fucks the people they want to see fucked. Two years, though, is a real problem – and three is a disaster.
How many years have we been at 50/barrel?
“And it means standing together against the… the oppression of women”
Oooooh boy… I’m quite interested to see the mental gymnastics that “progressives” are about to do in an attempt to spin this statement as a terrible misogynist tirade.
WHO complains they need more money, turn out they spend 200 million on high-class travel expenses.
(That’s my shocked face.)
And here I was thinking your profile pic served as that.
Is that your “I don’t give a fuck” face then?
Yeah, whatever.
My shocked face just looks like the bleary-eyed fucker that just had to look in the mirror for a quick shave. In other words, not shocked at all.
Here is some cultural appropriation for your sunday
I am going to crank up the volume and make another drink.
Here’s some Germans singing about Mexico, to add to the pile.
You’d think they’d sing about Argentina instead. /Godwin
Closest I can get is Machu Picchu.
Ah well, I know there were a few Nazis who retired in Peru.
A few? When I was down there in the mid-80’s every major city on the continent was chock full of them. They all had ‘german clubs’. They were the only restaurants where you could get real meat and they all had an exclusive section for club members…who were all old nazis. I imagine most of those guys are dead now.
One of my music instructors when I was in high school was Venezuelan, and she had some friends from Peru whose uncles were Nazis. I don’t know how prevalent they were in Venezuela, but it sounds like Peru and Argentina were home to the biggest concentrations of them.
Needless to say, they apparently weren’t very nice people.
I knew some in Bolivia. They were ok sorts…if you didn’t know who they were. Knowing who they were kinda ruined it for me. And them.
“Needless to say, they apparently weren’t very nice people.”
*spits out drink in disbelief*
*This is because I’ve read accounts of some ex-Nazis down in Patagonia who were, by all accounts, very friendly and charmed many of the locals.
Here’s a song about India performed by a Cuban band with an Italian singer:
Here’s a song by an American band pretending to be Ukrainian gypsies singing about America.
I don’t know how people can drink during the day. It just ruins my evening and gives me a nasty hangover to boot.
“I don’t know how people can drink during the day.”
By taking the lid off and turning the bottle up.
Day drinking is the superior form of drinking. More gets done and you can snooze before the graveyard shift begins!
I don’t get how people can drink at sporting events especially when they start early tailgating. I would have to piss at least every 30 minutes. Not worth it.
I rarely drink before 3. It’s fun to day drink every once in a while. I have memorial week off, and my wife will be working so I’ll probably pick a day and start early.
Sometimes I have a glass of wine with lunch on the weekend. But normally it’s just a glass and change at dinner, and on weekends some vodka at night.
You know the lays potato chip commercial, you can’t eat just one. That’s how I am with beer. In for a penny, in for a pound.
“That’s how I am with beer. In for a penny, in for a pound.”
That’s how I’ve been since I started drinking. I can have one drink with no problem, but if I have two or three, I’ll just get in that mindset of thinking that more drinks will make me feel even better… And of course, they don’t, and I feel dreadful the next day.
I think I’m at a point in my life where I really need to reduce my alcohol intake. Cirrhosis is a terrible way to die.
Yeah, I stay away from the hard stuff for the most part. That’s how my Uncle died young. Was not a good way to go. He looked terrible at the end and I’m sure felt worse.
I have the good taste not to like carbonated beverages, so I don’t drink beer.
I don’t like the smell of it, either.
Dead to me. You’re dead to me.
You’re making the mistake of stopping in the evening. Pace yourself and eat enough food.
Yeah, I used to go drinking with a buddy for football Sundays. There is a local bar called Roosters here which I really like because they have a ton of small plate options. So you can get 4 or 5 things spread out throughout the day without ever filling you up while your drinking your 3 buckets.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I love day drinking. There’s the novelty of tying one on when you’d normally be working or doing something productive. There’s the fact that everything’s open, it’s light out, and you’re not typically competing for space with a bunch of people. Best of all, by evening you’re pretty much through, so you pack it in at a very reasonable hour and wake up the next morning at a respectable time with plenty of rest. Most of my friends with kids love it, because when you’ve got a toddler who’s waking up at 6:30 AM come hell or high water, staying out until midnight or later is brutal.
I find the key is pacing. Head towards a good, solid buzz and then slowly taper off. You’re trying to drink at a pace where you’re not going to kind of go from buzzed straight to hungover, but not so fast that you’re passed out at 2:00 PM.
So you’re telling me pounding shots of Sauza silver by noon probably isn’t wise.
I day drink at least one day a week when I play golf, usually on a Friday. I’ll start around 2 and finish around 8 in the card room after we all settle up our bets and talk shit about each other for a couple hours.
Usually get about 10 beers into those days. And they’re better than a weekend or a night in a bar, in my opinion.
Huh. Yesterday Trump was in Saudi Arabia and the rag heads were ecstatic. I just looked up at the teevee and there he is in Israel. Netanyahu is walking on air and grinning like the cheshire cat.
I guess I am not the only one glad that O’dumbass is gone.
Netanyahu is probably very happy that he no longer has to deal with foreign governments attempting to directly influence Israeli elections with taxpayer dollars.
OMG, you mean Putin tried to hack the Israeli elections, too?
Is there no election that supervillain can’t hack??
“We love our daughter and we support her. And No. 2, we need to show the world that there has to be tolerance, and we need to me more inclusive and wrap our arms around one another, even if we have different beliefs,” so the best way to express our tolerance is not to listen to the intolerant.
Pence lifted that speech from…uh…Coolidge? I recognized every word of it (he paraphrased) but I cant remember exactly who wrote it.
I get the notion that Pence is a decent fellow for a pol. For the life of me I cant figure out how the progs think being solid gold assholes is going to win anyone over. They are going to virtue signal their movement right out of existence.
Good riddance.
Civil War memorial rededicated, with new flagpole replacing old rusty one
“MICHIGAN CITY [Indiana] —…”This flag pole is more than a piece of steel. It’s a monument to keep their memories alive,” said Steve Mockler of Wanatah.
“Mockler, a member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, was the featured speaker at the ceremony…”
Why the fascination with the civil war Eddie?
Good question, but it’s a long story.
Lots of it is the sheer historical interest.
Also, for contemporary purposes, inadequate knowledge allows people to draw misguided “lessons” from the experience (“OMG federalism is racist!”)
I find the moderates to be very interesting. The folks who either didn’t care about slavery, or thought it would sort itself out. Many of them were spurred on by some sense of nationalism that didn’t allow the south to secede. Tribalism is innate.
He’s trying to troll people because it’s apparently a source of contention amongst American libertarians.
“a source of contention amongst American libertarians”
Uh…what isnt?
“inadequate knowledge allows people to draw misguided “lessons” from the experience”
Yes, this is true, but most people have a comic book version of all of history in their heads at best, and they are intransigent as hell about it. The old south was tabacky chewin’ whiteys snappin’ bullwhips at colored slaves who toiled all day in the fields while singin’ sad folk songs. The civil war was the righteous vengeance of the slavery hating yankees visited upon the racist nigger-hatin’ crackers in the south. What else is there to know?
It was a source of contention on The Other Site in the same way that deep dish pizza and foreskins are. I think it’s probably less so over here simply because super anti-civil war people like libertymike haven’t transferred over and the super pro-civil war people like Bo (“The most destructive war in American history that lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, including former slaves, should be celebrated!”) disappeared before that.
You know who else took great interest in the Civil War…
Crazy cat ladies?
Genuine lulz. Good stuff.
On the other site it was trolling, now without the same controversy I still find it interesting.
The Pope told him to be fascinated by it.
Cybil Shepard or Sybil Danning?
Missouri Man spits on Jane Fonda.
A debt of honor, other than, you know, spitting on a woman and running away like a child.
The Nation :
You know who I listen to lectures from, on the topic of “respect for the Constitution?”
Chuck Schumer?
What I’m hearing is that apparently you guys need to elect Republicans forever, because it’s the only way to get everyone (at least close to) on the same page in regards to the Constitution and blatant government corruption.
I’m not sure about that. It just switches which side pretends to care about the Constitution. When I pointed out on a Townhall column a while back that Trump’s Syria strike was Unconstitutional the responses I got there were along the lines of “You don’t know what you’re talking about” and “Do you know how long he would’ve had to wait if he went to get authorization from Congress?” Yeah, Constitutional limits are for the other guy’s team, not mine for both party loyalists.
Of course there’s going to be partisan hacks on both sides, but credit where credit’s due, there’s a percentage of Trump supporters (and mainstream conservatives like Shapiro who will criticize the shit out of him) who elected him to actually do things he said (i.e. there was a bit of a flip out amongst some Trump supporters over the Syria bombing) rather than out of some idiotic sense of Messiah worship. I don’t see that on the Democratic side as much, except people like the Bernie bros. who barely count because they’re completely out of touch with reality.
Good news everyone: remember that crazy paper about penises and climate change? Yeah, it’s a hoax.
“The androcentric scientific and meta-scientific evidence that the penis is the male reproductive organ is considered overwhelming and largely uncontroversial.”
That’s how we began. We used this preposterous sentence to open a “paper” consisting of 3,000 words of utter nonsense posing as academic scholarship. Then a peer-reviewed academic journal in the social sciences accepted and published it.
This paper should never have been published. Titled, “The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct,” our paper “argues” that “The penis vis-à-vis maleness is an incoherent construct. We argue that the conceptual penis is better understood not as an anatomical organ but as a gender-performative, highly fluid social construct.” As if to prove philosopher David Hume’s claim that there is a deep gap between what is and what ought to be, our should-never-have-been-published paper was published in the open-access (meaning that articles are freely accessible and not behind a paywall), peer-reviewed journal Cogent Social Sciences.
And the big finish: “After completing the paper, we read it carefully to ensure it didn’t say anything meaningful, and as neither one of us could determine what it is actually about, we deemed it a success.”
Progs can’t tell the difference between their own mental masturbation and deliberate gibberish. And then they wonder why people don’t take them seriously.
The lesson goes zooming over PZ Myer’s head. No, Paul, it’s not merely an indictment of lack of rigor in “science” journalism, it’s a matter of social “science” being nothing of the sort.
It’s my dream to pull one of these hoaxes someday.
I don’t know whether I’d rather write a satirical “research paper” like this, or write a bunch of goofy word salad and pass it off as “postmodern poetry” (a la Ern Malley).
Yeah, it’s a hoax.
In your heart, you know it’s true.
You know who I listen to lectures from, on the topic of “respect for the Constitution?”
Preet Bahrara?
random thought
In 16 years of war, the Taliban have lost about 20k KIA. That works out to about 1200/yr or 3/day from a force of about 60k. So their annual loss rate is about 2%.
It seems to me that they can sustain that loss rate indefinitely. I don’t think there is any chance of defeating them without inflicting much higher casualties. For comparison, the Confederacy’s loss rate at the time of its surrender was around 30%.
side note
The average soldier during the US Civil War was 26 years old, 5’8, and 143 lbs.
A bit different from a typical modern day re-enactor.
You know who else reenacts old wars…
Lego enthusiasts?
It seems to me that they can sustain that loss rate indefinitely.
They’re making more of them, every day.
Approximately 13 million Germans served in the military during the Great War; 2 million were killed, that is, roughly 15 percent.
Seems to me that winning a war requires killing at least 10% of the enemy’s total force.
“I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country.”
Long islands are delicious.
That is all.
I heard a story on the radio yesterday about a 17 year old girl who got a sex change based on the advice of a therapist who treated her for 3 months.
She got a double mastectomy and hormone treatments. Her family supported her and her employer was also supportive. Still, she was unhappy and eventually decided to go back to being a woman. The testosterone messed up her voice and she has patchy facial hair.
The surgeon who invented sex change surgery stopped doing them because so many people commit suicide afterwards.
Walt Heyer is perhaps the most active among the survivors out there, and possibly the most vilified by transgender activists. He is a clear-eyed and gentle man, now in his 70s, who had sex reassignment surgery and lived as a woman for many years. Because of the devastation sown by the gender confusion, Heyer offers information and support in blogs called sexchangeregret.com and transdetransition.
Heyer has also authored three relevant books: “Paper Genders,” “Gender, Lies and Suicide,” and “Trading My Sorrows” that provide resources to understand the destructive effects of gender confusion. He cites, for example, a national survey of more than 6,500 transgenders that asked the question, “Have you tried to commit suicide?” Forty-one percent answered, “Yes.” One need look no further for compelling evidence of widespread transgender and sex change regret.
People with gender confusion are in need of compassion and support. As for the so-called surgery and treatment, it makes blood-letting and leeches look humane.
Some of these parents have kids not old enough to consent to sex, but are somehow able at 8 y.o. to want to change their sex
It’s OK, Bill Nye said so.
Well it doesn’t really surprise that gender dissatisfaction may be the manifestation of some deeper issues of unhappiness that aren’t solved through surgery. The thing I find most troublesome is prepubescent children getting fed the cool slick transgender “fight for freedom.” Then at that impressionable age they want to be part of the cool club and their parents are singing their praises about bravery while pumping them full of hormones that will fuck them up for life.
I have a feeling we’ll look back on the mutilation of these children before they understood the consequences as fondly as we look at leaching and eugenic quackery.
I’m getting an idea about a great new reality show!
380 comments, and not one about the recommended reading. Unfortunately that book is out of my price range, but in “the also viewed” recommendations was one that fit the bill. I went with Knitting with Dog Hair. Now I just need a dog and to learn how to knit.
Come to my house dude. I have six dogs. I use the hair I vacuum up for erosion control. No exaggeration. I have covered half an acre with it.
No shit? You should write a book. Erosion Control With Dog Hair
Erosion Control With Dog Hair: A Furry Romance, part 1
Nobody commenting here has been killed by a large ship, therefore we have all read that book. QED.
I was actually curious as to what the book was about. Is it really about big ships, or is that a metaphor? I didn’t see any excerpts though, and all the reviews I read were just making fun of the book. I wondered if he was marketing that book to the yachting/sailboat crowd who usually have an abundance of money to find out things that are not that hard to find out but will spend $116 on a paper back book if they think it has the tidbit that will keep them from getting steam rolled by a tanker in the dark. Curious minds want to know.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the satirical reviews are exactly what drove the price of the paperback over $100.
I would only spend $100 on a paper back if the pages where cut in such a way as to conceal a bag of weed.
I couldn’t figure out if it was really published although the evidence suggests yes.
The reviews (almost 1400 of them?) were making fun but the first one was gold.
I came across this somehow years ago. It works and all bit it does look like you’re wearing a dog.
Sweaters made from dog hair:
In the “Customers Also Buy”, I got Images You Should Not Masturbate To.
Speaking truth to power
“Deep dish pizza just doesn’t rise to Jesse Spencer’s pie expectations.
“The “Chicago Fire” star, 38, who has spent years in the Windy City filming the hit “NBC” drama, is hardly a fan of the hyped up pizza.
““Overrated,” he told the Daily News Monday, while promoting the show in Midtown. “Sorry Chicago, it’s the only thing I don’t like.””
It fails as a pizza but it rules as a casserole.
True domineering species eat pizza that folds!!!!
I googled, deep dish pizza civil war circumcision to find something to troll Eddie with and this was in the search results. How about that.
740 comments. That was a fun night.
So where is Zardoz’ ass-less drug muling head with some damn day-drinking night links?!!!!?!!?!?!!???
He’s running on Uncoordinated Mammal Time
He was far more prompt as an arms dealer. Just sayin
Maybe he decided to take my advice and diversify.
Well if that were the case I would expect him to move even faster.
Which is ironic. Because he has no arms.
He also revealed a bit of savage penis envy last night.
Where’s Cortez Cortez?
He better not be with Becky. She’s mine! I can see it in her eyes.
I have asked BP where Anita Bonita lives but he won’t tell me. I am pretty sure we are meant to be together if I could only get her alone and explain it to her.
Lord Humungus needs PM links… or else he will cry. And when those tears start flowing, the mask starts rusting.
My national crisis is finally over – Billy Bush has returned.
These old links are past their prime. We nod fresh young hot links.
Did anybody make that hot sauce recipe that playa linked to a few days ago? (or whenever it was) I couldn’t find one of the chili’s in the recipe so substituted a can of chipotles in adobo. I am pretty sure I can strip paint with this stuff. I was sneezing while I made it.
768 pages.