Back to the ol’ grind, eh everyone? How about some links to make the afternoon a little better? Well then – you will just have to settle for these.
- This is about as British Tabloid-y as I can find.
- Um, not the way to handle such a situation. Try “Apartment Finder” instead.
- Stayin’ shooty in Chicago….read the headline and try not to cringe.
- I am getting a ever so slight impression that the author is not a fan of MA’s Governor.
- Germans
interrogateinterview Julian Assange.
So there you are. Oh, a note from the Roller Derby article – you Glibs amaze me – I see something like LT Fish’s article on something I consider a bit exotic… and the comments light up with people involved in the sport directly, or have spouses or such involved. An odd and wonderful lot you all are.
If only Chicago had gun control, it would be a murder-free utopia.
This needs to be an official SLD at this point.
Apple is now 40% more valuable than the city of Chicago.
And do they make guns? Of course not.
That’s awesome, thanks!
One of the truly remarkable untold stories from the 2012 presidential election came from the Democrat side of things. Obama’s inner circle weren’t really happy with Joe Biden, and there was some talk of replacing him. A possible replacement that got a lot of strong positive feedback from his people, surprisingly, was University of Kansas men’s basketball coach Bill Self. Talks got pretty serious there for a while.
They even got the campaign song produced.
You’re the worst. Truly the worst.
He’s evil.
That explains why Biden came out in favor of same sex marriage, while Obama was still ‘evolving’ (ie. checking the polls) on the topic. Genius move on Biden’s part. It was possible for them to replace him after that
Bah. This was the potential campaign song.
This is about as British Tabloid-y as I can find
Is this a challenge?
No! I had limited time, and I know for a fact, the Glibs could come up with much, much, much better.
much, much, much
betterweirderPoint taken, Slammer.
She looks pretty rough for 21 years old. Nice body, but the face…
You know Orlando Bloom isn’t going to sleep with someone prettier and more feminine looking.
He used to be married to Miranda Kerr. She was a very high quality beard
I thought he was a fruit?
He should never have gone paddleboarding nude.
Do you think the manager really found her in Orlando’s room? Like Orlando Bloom and the hotel would let a bar manager browse trough his room.
More like the bar manager saw her attention-whoring on social media and upset she wasn’t sleeping with him. So she’s attention-whoring harder now.
Back to the ol’ grind, eh everyone?
Excuse me? Some of us Commonwealthers celebrate a particular monarch’s birthday today…(not me because my job sucks).
Oh yeah…Victoria Day.
We fought a war so we didn’t have to give a shit about European royalty ever again.
Yeah now we only have to give a shit about American royalty!
Obviously you stay clear of American tabloids… The gushing over various British monarchy members, kids, friends, etc is … shit giving.
There was a Princess Dianna show on TV a few weeks ago – they still haven’t gotten over her. And she was about a 5 with my grandma’s haircut.
The new one is cute, though. Kate, is it?
I love her
That Pippa has a nice can, though
The pictures that will live on in fapping infamy. SFW
How dare you imply Britain is a part of Europe.
It is til they sign the papers, which should happen about an hour after I die of old age.
It’s nice to have a day off, but it’s pretty emasculating to be recognizing the birthday of another country’s monarch. No wonder Canada gets no respect
the birthday of another country’s monarch.
Uh, she’s our monarch too. Whole point of the Commonwealth, she’s the head of state. Military, immigrants and members of Parliament all swear loyalty oaths.
Oh yeah, I forgot that part. Your head of state is the Queen
I don’t think Zoolander is actually gay. And if he were, he’d just be ‘a’ queen and not ‘the’ queen.
I believe it goes something like “I pray one day the missus has a rump as big as the queen’s. “
Also I don’t want no Catholics lecturing me on the idea of pan-national leadership, Papist.
Haha. But, we would never settle for a woman being our monarch. For shame
Where I’m standing I’ll take a Lizzie over Francis the Red any day.
Bite your tongue
Except, three of the best kings Britain ever had were two Elizabeths and a Victoria.
And one of the best PM’s was a Margaret
Who you callin Papist, you Fappist?
I’d like to have a day off. Our fucking managers are trying to guilt us into working Saturday, Sunday. *and* Monday.
Your boss is Bill Lumbergh?
+1 Hawaiian shirt
+1 case of the Mondays.
Worse. I had spare pens in my desk drawer, and those were just removed one night. Apparently management thought the pens were getting up at night and absconding with protected health information.
Has anyone seen Ted’s stapler? It was a red Swingline.
Rereading that, it got about a thousand percent less interesting.
Apparently, Scott Dixon is on the pole for the Indianapolis Five Fucking Hundred. How he got there, I don’t know. Qualifying for the Speedway is an incomprehensible mystery to me now. I liked it better when you just went out there, took your three tries, and that’s it. Go fast (enough), or go home.
the Indianapolis Five Fucking Hundred
Brought to you by Pr0nhub?
Someone has to break Houston’s record.
And Debbie’s record in Dallas.
She can’t survive,
She can’t stay alive
Without your hate….
He also got robbed at a Taco Bell Sunday night. So karma favors your argument.
If anyone is watching on TV, I’ll be at the 500 Sunday. I’ll stick out like a sore thumb, just look for the guy with a baseball cap and a beer.
Fine…you are normal and non-wonderful, you dirty Northerner you!
*puts gloves back on and skates back to bench*
Thanks, SS.
Climate Change, Trump, or Alex Jones?
Gotta be Bush.
What are three things that don’t make sense?
Incoming bitching about Reason (well, more like Millennial writing techniques in general), ignore if you want:
I got around to reading the Soave post on the Other Site that other people were talking about. Ignoring the actual innards of the piece (because let’s face it, Soave doesn’t have anything substantial or interesting to say about it) the worst part of it is the sheer arrogance in which he lectures the audience. It seems to be a standard rhetoric technique of Millennial journalists, act as arrogant and self-assured as you possibly can and people just have to accept it. Like how he accuses people pointing out the unscientific and dogmatic nature of gender studies as being dogmatic themselves. Uh, Soave, the people pointing that out usually have actual evidence to back that up, including the gender studies departments themselves, who deliberately don’t hold themselves to a scientific standard and will openly admit it. But Soave, despite seeming to know nothing about the scientific method in the first place, accuses these people of being dogmatic anyway without a shred of evidence anyway. Despite appearing utterly uninformed of the actual subject matter, he still feels the need to present his opinion as valid.
It’s such a cheap rhetoric trick, acting like you’re above all these petty biases while blatantly spewing your bias and ignorance over every single part of your article.
It nets John Oliver the biggest late night audience.
Nothing makes me happier than the Trump Announcement clip
years from now, coverage of the election will still make me laugh.
The live stuff that night was gold.
Another shtick he pulled was equating conservatives with SJWs on whining.
They seem to think relativism is a good tool to use in presenting an argument.
Arrogant no-nothingism,
Poor reasoning,
Clickbait headlining, and
Vapid & conversational rather than expository writing style.
These are the thins that drove me away. And Soave is the king of it.
What, you don’t appreciate DanO’s wittiness in the comments section?
Shockingly no.
OTOH, why should they take me seriously if I don’t know what “know-nothingism” is? 😀
don’t forget the rampant whataboutism!
Hey, it beats the hell out of the whodatism from the New Orleans Times Picayune.
To be sure.
I read that. It was a weird post. What is the basis of ‘gender studies’? Just a never ending conspiracy about some shadowy patriarchy?
Think of it as the Marxist version of a really bad theology class. Course material is the writings of various ‘prophets’ and ‘thinkers’ who are then read and ‘debated’ (i.e. presented in an ideological lens and with cherry picked evidence that conforms to the debater’s bias) in class. That’s why bringing the idea of it being ‘scientific’ into the conversation is so hilarious. It very obviously and clearly is not, and you have to be an ideologue to try and argue against the idea that it’s unscientific.
It evolved from Marxism, so it’s not a surprise. And to the post above that – pretty much all critical theory amounts to is conspiratorial bullshit.
It’s infected everything. I had a business ethics class that had a weekly assignment that was basically read assigned lefty propaganda- say what you think- you better think what it told you to say.
One article was about GMOs in Haiti being forced on the people by Monsonato and them revolting and burning the seeds. I looked it up and it turns out the Haitian government bought from Monsanaro and people were free to either buy or not buy the product (basically high yield crops used in many places). A wider shot of the “revolt” showed it was about a dozen people doing a PR stunt where they burned one seed bag for cameras. It was just some anti-GMO lunatics staging a photo-op to put on their sites.
I wrote the whole thing was a non-issue and filled with false information and lost points for not addressing the substance of the article. Another words their premise had to be assumed. Every week was basically like that. That’s certainly not the only class that way, the entire system requires regurgitation of SJW talking points to graduate.
Next time write your paper in the voice of a North Korean propagandist. Have fun with it. 😀
Sounds to me like you certainly addressed the substance of the article.
They didn’t like that.
I forgot something, the seeds were donated free of charge. So horrible, getting free stuff.
i was lucky enough that my “social conscience” business school classes (every MBA program always sentences you to one or two) wound up taught by professors not terribly interested in indoctrinating. The business ethics class focused on how much being a whistleblower sucks for the whistleblower and how most firms will hang you out to dry in the event of a scandal. The economic development class taught that countries get rich by achieving non-predatory government, financial markets, entrepreneurship, and professional management, in that order with the first being the most indispensable.
Justin Raimondo commented about Soave’s post
I can’t get over the fact that Raimondo looks like Gillespie’s in shape older brother.
the comments are getting pretty bad.
I’m looking forward to seeing how the fundraising goes.
Don’t they get most of their funding from big cocktail? And Steve Smith? STEVE SMITH RAPE EVERYONE WHO DON’T DONATE TO REASON SO STEVE SMITH GET INVITED ON NEXT RAPE BOAT!
i think the dip in hits will have a small effect.
I’m hoping that the big donors ask about it.
And even then, did they reach their last target?
They came up about $70k-75k short of the year prior…I think.
I donated. And I mentioned my complaints a couple of times.
I won’t be donating this year.
I get the feeling that even if their fundraising is particularly bad it will be magically filled by a wealthy ‘mystery donor’ at some point in the process.
‘Jesus Christ. How much are you short this time?’
/rips check from book. Goes back to spanking orphans.
These euphemisms.
(((Mystery donor)))?
There needs to be a version of that for ‘Koch brothers’ just so we can really seal the deal on the idea that progressives and the alt-right are just Mirror Universe reflections.
Or 8=DReasonD=8
How much of their money comes from small time donors? Some puppetmaster Daddy Warbucks will make up the difference as long as they continue to toe the line.
Possibly but the fund masters are going to want something to show for their money- like at least attracting an audience. They don’t fund anonymous bloggers to type to themselves for a reason. Unless it’s me, I get a check from Big Oil inc. every month.
He had to diversify a little from his oft used …but Trump… of course Trump… although Trump…
Robby wasn’t in-your-face annoying like Sikha or Chapman. Those were so bad it was fun to skim their articles then join the beat-downs in the comments. Robbie and ENB were more subtle with their annoying smug biases. I don’t really miss the old place.
I don’t really miss the old place.
Me neither. I get what I wanted from it here.
Like how he accuses people pointing out the unscientific and dogmatic nature of gender studies as being dogmatic themselves.
Of course, this is a tu quoque/ad hominem, but leaving that aside, it doesn’t actually refute the claim that gender studies is dogmatic (“inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true”). When someone points out that this is dogmatic and unscientific, they actually aren’t being dogmatic at all. Pointing out that something is unscientific simply isn’t being dogmatic. So he manages to pack in fallacies, a failure to refute his opponent, and just being flat wrong, all in one.
FEE has posted Brian Caplan’s great interview on the Rubin report.
Well worth listening in full.
…….or college girl
You know my answer.
I think you’re right this time. The answer is model.
Hey you repeated the duckface hooker from the other day. No fair.
It’s a bracket. She moved on to the next round.
Do try to keep up.
Really? Did I post the college girl or model before?
The “college” girl
Just saving up for next semester, NP!
If only she hadn’t spent 4 years worth of tuition on her body she’d be ready to finish that Communications Studies degree any day now.
Psychology. All the hot girls study psychology. That’s what I learned in college
Definitely not true at my college. Psychology had required classes and you had to take part in random psych studies. That’s way too much work. At my school the dumb hot girls were all in the communications college. Advertising, PR, Corporate Communications, Journalism, Communications Studies, and my personal favorite, Communication and Leadership.
Model looks bulimic.
College girl. Though I think once you have fake tits like that you’ve basically graduated to social media whore.
Collagen Girl
40 dead but we’re behind last year’s pace! Rejoice Chicago!
Running out of people to shoot?
Baltimore broke 100 last month. Chicago has a bunch of rank amateurs.
And, of the number shot, so few killed. Clearly these people need to go to a range and shoot a few boxes to get better at hitting their targets.
It’s hard to hit a target when you hold your shooting hand over eye level, muzzle pointed down at your target, and with the pistol on its side. You would need a LOT of range time to make an appreciable difference in accuracy.
To be fair, you only need to know my skin color and gender to conclude that.
Well, you’re on a libertarian site, so as much assumed.
There was a guy I ran into at the range that was going gangsta grip and kept trying to hit the same spot on the ground 10 feet in front of him. He was kicking up a bunch of rocks and pissing off the adjacent lanes. After a minute I determined one of his problems was he didn’t bring a paper target. When they called the range cold I gave him one. When we went hot again he went back to the gangsta grip, and was at least not intentionally shooting at the ground.
I guess the point of this story is that for some reason, people really DO try to practice hitting things gangsta style. Maybe I should’ve showed him how to use the sights, but I already did a good deed that day.
Trump has links, too. Coincidence?
A couple of interesting/potentially important rulings from the Supreme Court this morning:
1. In Cooper v. Harris, the Supreme Court ruled 5-3 that North Carolina congressional districts 1 and 12 are improperly drawn on racial lines. Breakdown was odd: Majority was Kagan, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor… and Thomas.
2. In TC Heartland v. Kraft Foods Group, the Supreme Court ruled 8-0 that venue for patent litigation must be in the state of incorporation, which means goodbye Eastern District of Texas patent litigation.
What the hell is the criteria to determine if a district is improperly drawn along racial lines or not?
When Democrats are losing a district, that’s how you’ll know that the lines are improperly drawn.
That was National Review’s take. They had a good summary of the legal history behind this ruling
Reading about it, the Thomas decision isn’t odd. He just stayed consistent, why everyone else (if they were around) flipped sided from Cromartie II.
“Breakdown was odd: Majority was Kagan, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor… and Thomas.”
I’m guessing they were overturning the act of a Republican legislature, and Thomas joined because he opposes racial discrimination even of the “reverse” variety.
Today is ending on a triumphant work note (the CMS we use does not allow us access to the stylesheets or any other underlying code, but I figured a way around it to hide an unnecessary button).
My non-web-people colleagues are sufficiently impressed.
Congrats, K!
Nice. Hopefully its javascript injection that will allow you to…
Anyhow. Nice.
Nope – just an inline style using the attribute selector. Not impressive to any web person, but very impressive to people who still think in terms of press releases and traditional advertising.
+1 display:none
CSS in the head of the webpage?
We don’t have access to the head tags on our site. We don’t have access to any of the templates. Fucking ridiculous. We’re moving to a new platform in a few months, where I can make new templates ad hoc.
Amazing, isn’t it, that Chicago, with some of the toughest gun laws in the country, has one of the highest murder rates? Obviously, neendz moar laws! /Chicago government
Chicago would be a murder-free paradise if everyone couldn’t buy guns elsewhere and then bring them to Chicago!
New York City used to blame Florida and South Carolina for gun violence. Who does Chicago blame? Iowa?
Damn you and a link too.
It’s the Amish Mafia again, isn’t it?
Chicago blames Indiana. Because it’s the fucking wild west out here.
Whoever knew that the wild west was just corn?
Roger Thornhill?
*Thunderous applause*
With all those traveling salesmen claiming music credentials from Indiana, it is basically lawless.
So I did a random search just now and came up with a motherlode of anti libertarian derp. This one probably deserves it’s own article it’s so good. Hopefully this hasn’t been posted before.
What America Would Look Like if Libertarians Got Their Way.
This line ought to get your rage going:
Also, for those wondering:
I always see this argument against libertarianism, and it’s truly a reflection of the progressive mind, isn’t it?
Of course, as all of you know, we’re against forced collective action on behalf of the less fortunate. We’re very much for it on a voluntary, charitable basis. Would the author of this help the less fortunate if he wasn’t compelled to do so by government?
We all hate charity. no one here donates time or money to anything. no one here wants to help anyone at all.
I take coins out of charity jars and replace them wooden nickels that read “GET A JOB”.
You do that also?
He’s lying; he never puts anything back!
I love the poors so much I always put 25 percent of my ass pennies in the charity jar!
It’s all Tony, all the way down. Libertarians want poor people to starve. /derp
Unlike libertarians, progressives love poor people. You can tell this by the fact that every single one of their policies is aimed at creating more of them.
They forgot “ignoramus who uses words he doesn’t understand.”
Dana Andrews was good in “Zero Hour”.
I’m not reading any of that after the first sentence. There was already a movie made about this called Mad Max. Ever fucking heard of it? It was awesome.
*Fucking awesome.
David Angelo had a great bit on his show where whenever he’d refer to the government shutdown or say something like “we’d have to return to the horrific anarchist year of 2010” he’d cut to scenes from the Road Warrior.
There’s a helluva lot of real world evidence of what happens when the commies get their way than the fantasyland in their head of Libertopia
What are you talking about? Communism’s never even been tried. USSR? North Korea? Cuba? Venezuela? All capitalist!
And they were all doing great before the Zionists and capitalists poisoned their leaders with cancer laced cake.
Lot of dystopia in there.
I fucking well hope so.
I wonder, though, what are the other roads? Also, how can there even be roads in libertopia?
Really more of a game-trail to dystopia.
Fuck that guy. He blasts libertarians and doesn’t mention our armies of orphans and us having cornered the orange juice and monocle markets?
Once again, we’re losers for not getting the credit we deserve.
Is that like Zero Hedge?
Bite your tongue.
He never actually delivers on the promised headline by telling us what a Libertarian America would look like.
He just picks a few random libertarianish ideas and blasts them with his mighty derp gun.
Shut down the Salvation Army. Make it illegal to throw a starving person a coin or toss a blanket over them as they lay on the sidewalk.
We’re busted guys! Us libertarians would definitely shut down private charities and restrict people from giving away their money if we ever got the reigns of power.
But he did mention Ayn Rand and Rand Paul a lot. There’s somethin evul bout them Rand’s.
Yet they hate it when libertarians in Keene, NH feed the parking meters for complete strangers. Boom.
Interesting, interesting.
There’s a park in Fort Lauderdale, not too far from where I work. I pass by it once in a while. Homeless people have been congregating there for as long as I can remember.
Until last week, when the police went in with bulldozers, took out the encampment, and fenced off the place for 30 days. Also, this is the same place where they arrested a 90 year old man last year for feeding the homeless. It’s also a place where I’ve seen police officers give tickets to people for panhandling.
I’m pretty sure that the mayor of Fort Lauderdale is a Democrat, not a libertarian. Must be mistaken though.
While I’m bitching about college- another assignment I had was a test question where I was supposed to summarize whether I agreed with Milton Friedman that nobody should help the poor. An article of his was provided. That was actually how the question was worded.
As you might guess that was not what Friedman said so I just summarized his argument as a non-retard would understand it. To the teachers credit I got a good grade for the question.
Look, if the help is not organized by the government and collectively paid for by taxes, it’s not technically “helping”. OK?
One of the newest and stupidest of progderp talking points is the ‘government gives everyone a guaranteed job’ bullshit. Yeah, go ahead and try that. I sure as hell hope you have the money to cover the costs of the suddenly occurring explosion in disability claims.
I guess they don’t realize they just advocated for communism. But whatever.
Of course they realize that.
Yeah, they’re not even really shy about it anymore. The mask is off.
The idea that simply voting for stuff has any bearing on whether people have enough of it it is so vapid and stupid it bores me to have to listen to it. “Let’s make healthcare, food, living wages, etc. a right.”
It’s like they think the only reason people have stuff is because people voted for it and that NOBODY has ever thought of doing that.
It explains the TOP MEN fetish though. If your political philosophy was that people in poor countries are poor because the leaders didn’t decide to make them rich then I guess you would only worry about leaders. It’s also why no true communism was tried. If it were, then all those rights would have created utopia obviously.
Give everyone a job is even dumber than give everyone free college. Sure, you can give everyone free college, but a lot of them will not study or even attend the classes. But you will still be PAYING for everyone to attend college because the bureaucracy is already created and the bureaucracy must be fed. So now, you don’t have any more college educated bodies to fill high level jobs than you did before, but it’s costing a HELL of a lot more. So then these same fucking geniuses come up with free jobs for everyone? The problem being that not everyone will work but you will still be PAYING for everyone to work, but you won’t have that much greater of a workforce because the same people who do not want to work now will come up with some way NOT to work, probably by filing false disability claims. These dumbfucks never learn and even when the economy has collapsed because of it, they’ll still be blaming it on capitalism and free markets.
I think Trump should take them up on the teccomendation and offer everyone a job. Jobs include:
– Capturing illegal immigrants
– Manufacturing guns
– Raising monument of Confederate Generals
Jokes on him. I have it on good authority (Reason, CATO, and the Kochtopus) that the Paul’s don’t libertarian right. They’re just anti-semites for reasons that no one really understands
1. Be anti-semetic
2. ?????
3. Profit!
Koch Action Plan:
1. Position your beliefs as a watered down version of liberalism
2. Get big money Koch behind you
3. Shout down all principled opponents as ‘anti-semites’
4. Never win any election
5. Get ignored by everyone and alienate everyone else
6. Declare every non-consequential event as a ‘Libertarian Moment’
7. Repeat and fade into obscurity
I think you’re supposed to do #2. like this (((?????)))?
Yeah, I stopped when he said Sears is going down because of… reasons. It has absolutely nothing to do with an outdated business model and getting punked by Amazon.
We saw that in the ignominious failure of libertarian Eddie Lambert, the Sears CEO who drove his company into the ground with the misguided notion that internal competition among his company’s departments would cause each of them to function more efficiently. That proved to be an enormously frustrating experience for customers, and ignominious failure for the corporation as a whole.
You gotta love that double standard.
Company does poorly? All the CEO’s fault.
Company does well? You didn’t build that.
Listen, you ignorant rubes. The boys over at Bleeding Heart Libertarians are on Soave’s side. So there.
“Bleeding Heart Libertarians”
Is that like a prog who wants to smoke weed while having an abortion?
as long as that whole sentence was taxpayer funded.
Of course, it’s a human right, because I say so! Now pay for it!
Pot would almost be free for everyone if it wasn’t illegal. It’s a damn weed! A pretty weed, but weed. Why do you think they call it weed? It would just be growing everywhere, in empty lots, beside the road. There would be 5 year old kids wondering around like zombies grazing on the stuff. That’s how it would be!
“Bleeding Heart Libertarians”
translation: “Progressive Who Has Taken a Few Economics Classes and Realizes that the Economic Theories of the Left Make No Sense, Also Uber- Uber is sooo great, you guys!”
And I’m sure the liberaltarian crew at the Niskanen Center are as well.
Those were the guys who broke away from CATO, because they thought they were too extreme.
And are funded by leftist foundations with the primary goal of making a supposedly libertarian case for climate change hysteria.
With ‘libertarians’ like that, who needs progressives
Will Wilkinson was always useless, but Jerry Taylor was OK once upon a time. Shame.
Lay off Wilkinson. He has had an entire career trying to make claims for positions that never, ever turn out to be justified by data.
Have you read what Robby wrote about the conceptual penis hoax?
Even if you believe gender studies is a valid field, Soave’s article is so profoundly ignorant of the subject material and poorly written that you’re just embarrassing yourself and weakening your own credibility by defending it.
What America Would Look Like if Libertarians Got Their Way.
Streets filled with progressives crying for their mommies?
That’s pretty much how it is now
Trump is a libertarian.
Sometimes you can’t make this stuff up.
I nominate this for Top Ten Florida man stories. Of the month anyway.
It can’t be top 10 unless it involves an alligator and PCP.
What about an alligator on PCP and some cops?
Everything in FL involves alligators, PCP, and cops. Including those aspects of the story are just dog-bites-man at this point.
If you were gonna pick a way to make Islam look bad, having Neo-Nazis convert THEN murder people would be on my list.
Couldn’t have happened to two nicer groups of people
To those of you who haven’t unsubscribed from Netflix yet, take a look at the (short, ~1hr) documentary named “Targeted”. It chronicles a young man’s discovery of enlightenment liberty ideals through his interest in the second amendment.
I will have to look that one up. Might make a good write up.
will do
Does Netflix know they’re carrying that documentary?
They’re openly carrying it, no less.
Can we get Swiss over here?
Hey, Swiss?
The guy making the documentary actually ends up in Switzerland at the “Schützenfest”.
Thanks. Did anyone else watch Get Me Roger Stone?
What’s the deal? Has Dear White People started people boycotting them or something?
I think people got a little annoyed that they decided to redo their rating system in the wake of Amy Schumer getting a really brutal one-star treatment, and then whining about it.
Also check out the documentaries “Poverty Inc.” and “Pandora’s Promise”.
Guns were sort of my “gateway drug” into the whole libertarian movement. In fact, when I was a teenager, I was a self-described communist, although I only had two reasons: 1) “I wish I had more money” and 2) “Saying this pisses people off, therefore it’s cool”. I went through a period of political disinterest and forgot about all the commie shit, but I turned 18 around this time and thus became free to indulge my gun fascination as much as my bank account would permit. As I read about guns and the issues surrounding them, I came to realize that the government is really not your friend and that communism was an unbelievably stupid idea. I also moved out and paid my own bills, which just added to my dislike of any government ideology that would call for more taxes.
The gun issue taught me one extremely important thing that has carried over into all political issues: “If we’re going to roll back rights – even in ‘reasonable’ amounts – every time something bad happens that is tangentially related to a certain right, we’ll soon have no rights left at all.”
Speaking of which, my 8 year son got into “White Rabbit Project” which is actually pretty good, and not just because Kari Byron is still hot handling a Garand. My wife asked me the other day if I showed him that Bill Nye Show.
“Why, what’s wrong with it? Not sound science?”
I have a Chemistry degree, so she typically doesn’t argue that sort of thing with me. What really bothered me is how she had no idea the sex junk video existed. She, like everyone else is so ensconced in their own internet/media bubble that nobody in her bubble pointed it out to her in any way. So I told her to look it up and decide if a woman singing about her snatch was something fit for an 8 year old.
It seems to be a standard rhetoric technique of Millennial journalists, act as arrogant and self-assured as you possibly can and people just have to accept it.
The Rolling Stone School of Journalism.
“Anybody who disagrees with my assertions is a NAZI!”
Your use of RS in reference to Robby wins you the coveted golf clap.
I’ve seen a few libertarian publications have articles about Flynn taking the 5th. The way they’re worded, it’s almost like they view this as an admission of guilt.
Which is odd for libertarians. I thought.
Maybe they just aren’t into the whole BOR?
Didn’t he ask for immunity but didn’t get it? Which tells me they want scalps not truths.
National Review has a good article up on that. Basically says it’s what anyone prudent would do.
It’s a fine example of where the right and left media are going to accuse the other side of hypocrisy. The right will claim that the Dems had no problem with various Obama officials pleading the 5th while the left will insinuate guilt while laughing at Republicans defending him after attacking Obama officials.
Massive, nerdy weeaboo rant incoming:
There’s a bit in the comic book Berserk that I always thought was a nice metaphor for the “WE NEED TO SOCIALISM HARDER, DAMN HISTORY” crowd.
Basically, the short version of it is that in a medieval setting there’s this mercenary commander named Griffith. Griffith started out as a poor orphan boy on the streets, and would look up at the lord’s castle on the hill and dream of owning one some day. So he works his ass off, pushing himself out of poverty by his own will and forms a mercenary group in an attempt to gain a title by doing work for the king. Due to his charisma and skill he gets a lot of followers, many of whom die in his adventures and achievements. Griffith feels extreme guilt over the deaths of his soldiers, because he sees them as almost family, and desperately does all he can to avoid deaths.
But then, to make an even long story short, he has a dream. The castle appears on the horizon, far out of reach, and Griffith is still desperate to achieve his utopia. But he looks around and sees that the ground around him is littered with the bodies of the men who died for his dream. And he realizes that he shouldn’t feel guilt for the deaths of his men. His dream is worth more than their lives, in fact, their lives are merely building blocks on the path to his utopia.
So he starts stacking.
Do you even check your inbox or are just ignoring me because I’m from Quebec?
At least he works.
I think.
You act like that isn’t a good reason.
Oooh, burn!
Little from column A, little from column B. Also, been busy outside of work and haven’t been checking that email because technically it’s my old Reason one.
On Moore: I’ve only read The Loyalists and How the Fathers Made A Deal, I enjoyed both, his citation work is very good from what I remember.
Short answer to your healthcare question: I’m largely unfamiliar with the debate around Canadian healthcare in the 20th century, my purview for Canadian history was mostly 19th century and early modern stuff (If you want to know a lot about wheat I’ve got you covered). You might be able to find stuff in the Canadian Journal of Public Health archives but I don’t know which Montreal schools have that (and I don’t believe it’s on JSTOR).
That’s a rather favorable description of pre-rape Griffith and probably necessary to make this work. He only loses sight of his own utopia because of his brocrush on Guts that he refuses to accept, but at least tells himself that he’s perfectly fine with people dying for his dream. And his continued pursuit of it backs him up there.
I think the new utopia Griffith is actually building will provide some nice analogies you can use to wedge politics into Berserk. Guts represents the freedom to make your own path while Griffith is building some sort of weird post-scarcity society on a stack of bodies and lies while his real end goal (or next step, rather) remains elusive.
I’m not interested in making a really obnoxious political comparison to Berserk, I just found the ‘idealism’ for lack of a better word that is present in the Griffith dream to be relevant to the general concept of idealist socialists in reality (and not just socialists for that matter). I’m not saying Griffith is a socialist or anything like that, I’m saying that the rationalizations that occur in the dream sequence are compatible to the ideas of utopians in general. Who cares if the path is paved with bodies, utopia is just another million down the road, keep stacking! Venezuela was just a pitfall, it’ll work next time!
My GF wanted me to dress as Guts and pull her around the Phoenix Comicon on a rope. I told her I didn’t have the time or funds to do his outfit properly. I would also need to attach speakers to my arms to play ‘Oh Ashes’ when I pushed a button.
I assume you compromised by pulling her around the house on a rope.
I finished the latest Warp Marine Corps book last night. Pure military sci-fi blood and guts. Now I have to find something else to distract me from reality.
Metro? Oh, something to distract you. Nevermind.
They were really pushing the “how dare you say anything about Hillary!” Angle in that Assange article. He stiff armed the Russian fantasy stuff as well. The reporter seemed confused that people exist that don’t believe the Russia babble.
This isn’t my first rodeo, so I can’t genuinely claim to be surprised by any of it, but if it was I’d be pretty fucking baffled at how many bases the Democrats have been allowed to steal the last few months. The question of whether Russia hacked anything has just been accepted. Even Trump has just seemingly taken it. Maybe they actually do have smoking gun evidence behind closed doors, but I’m pretty fucking skeptical of that.
And I forget where I saw it (Zero Hedge, maybe), but they were suggesting that the Podesta ‘hack’ was actually rogue American intelligence agents. Which would mean two leakers. I’d find that pretty convoluted normally, but Assange remains the most trustworthy individual in all of this in my book. Then you have the NSA losing control over their own tools, and the complete lack of public evidence that Russia did anything.
Trump Launches Program To Exterminate the Poor
– Has Provisions To Help Wealthy People “Point and Laugh” While They Suffer
As I clicked the link I could only think ‘onion article or extreme tds?’
Or Niskanen Center
And they say Trump is not a libertarian. I think that pretty much proves it. But only if he’s seen lording over an army of orphans while pointing at the poor and laughing.
Totally Guilty Guy Acts Totally Guilty By Asserting Rights Only Guilty People Use Because Seriously No Ones Out To Get Him Or Anything
Thats the title we need.
Feinstein looks like a poorly made wax statue in that picture.
Journalists are a bunch of overly-emotional, drunk slackers.
What’s awesome about that story is that it is *exactly* the same sort of shallow, small-sample, un-reviewable “study” that journalists themselves are always basing hysterical headlines on.
“shallow, small-sample, un-reviewable “study” that journalists themselves are always basing hysterical headlines on.”
You mean to tell me that a survey of 25 wealthy left-leaning psychology students from Yale does not perfectly reflect the behavior of the entire human race??
Which would be the first and only time in history an article based on a study has EVER come with this disclaimer.
Explains a lot.
“Study aids and abets Trump’s attack on the press by smearing journalists who care about social justice and like to relax after work. Or during work. Or before going to work in the morning.”
“Journalists are stressed after being attacked in the study, explaining their substance abuse.”
You’re on a roll today!
What’s wrong with relaxing during work?
I guess it’s better than freaking out on camera about the End of Democracy.
I’m in Kansas and about to go out for Barbecue. Am I supposed to order “burnt ends”, ribs, or sausage?
And do I chase it with Rolaids, Pepto-Bismol, or both?
What’s wrong with all three, and chasing with beer?
I don’t want to have to shop at the fat-man pants store.
Worth it.
Seconded. You’re in KC, man. That’s like going to France and taking a pass on anything served with butter and/or cream.
To me, KC is beef country.
It’s the 21st century, you can buy that stuff online without the public embarrassment.
I normally prefer ribs, but burnt ends sounds like the correct choice in Kansas?
Did the brisket, sausage, and a local wheat beer. Now I have moved on to the pepto.
A strange story that seems to think that its a “problem” that children should have to ever acknowledge the gender they were born as
It seems to think that kids should be allowed to pretend to be whatever gender they want…. because they can get away with it?
… but what happens when they get older? How long is a convenient fiction supposed to be catered to?
It seems less as though these are kids with mental disorders, so much as parents with mental disorders. Sheltering kids indefinitely is treated as laudable here, but at what point are they just creating an unsustainable worldview that is inevitably going to run afoul of reality?
It’s one of those stories where they try to put a face on a policy. Kind of like the ones that skipped all the people getting fucked by O-care. Team red is too stupid to use this tactic and team blue is too shameless to understand it’s not obvious they are pushing an agenda instead of news.
Yeah the 7 year old has no fucking clue, and his parents dressing her in pants to play proggy make believe are going to duck her up for life. But yeah, the lie can only last so long befor someone figures out “he” has no dick- if it hasn’t happened already. So at best this “trauma” will only be delayed. And all the anti-bullying legislation in the world isn’t going to be able to unfuckbthe social trauma this kid will receive for the rest of their school lives from this stunt. Even if they return to girlhood their escapade as a boy will be the stuff of jokes forever. Maybe they can move to a new school.
Your kid should mascarade as what they are at least until they’re old enough to understand and cope with the consequences of such a decision- which is as an adult. If my kid wanted to walk around with a strap on over their pants I wouldn’t let them for the same reason. Even if they really felt it represented their inner self it would have social consequences beyond their understanding. Sometimes your job as a parent is to stop kids from doing what they want and embarrassing themselves.
I know a lot of people think acting abnormal should not have social consequences but that utopia doesn’t exist and never will.
Also, as an adult I’m willing to accept the consequences of my shitty spelling and grammar in that rant.
I thought ‘mascarade’ was a nice touch.
Is that Dr. David Dao in the background?
Too bad I already used up my “hat speech” joke on another story.
My DVR has been so sad recently, despite the fact I have it set to record dozens of series.
Any good TV shows to recommend? Basic cable (i.e. no premium channels). Subject-matter-wise, I like science (mainly physics), civil aviation, food, clothes, true crime (well my, my, my), and unusual competitions (like Forged in Fire). I don’t generally like scripted dramas, but sitcoms are OKish.
We have thoroughly enjoyed The Mick and The Detour (sitcoms), Below Deck (reality show about yachting), Marvel’s Agents Of SHIELD (scripted funny-book drama), and Naked And Afraid (unusual competition).
I hear good things about The Mick. I think Naked & Afraid is about to start a new XL season, so perhaps I’ll start recording that!
Also, 60 Days In (undercover prison show) has been a blast.
I tried with that one. It makes me incredibly anxious. Being a big time introvert and misanthrope, I would literally go nuts if I were ever in jail. Like, within an hour.
If you have TCM, I’d recommend Act of Violence tomorrow morning.
That looks intriguing! Psycho thriller?
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Fa fa fa fa fa Fa fa fa fa fa
La mariée était en noir
I don’t want to give the key plot point away, but the Robert Ryan character actually has good reason to be pursuing the Van Heflin character.
Neither actor gets as much credit as he deserves nowadays.
^ This guy gets it ^
I keep reading that as Act Of Vengeance, one of my favorite Bronson films.
Thanks for the heads-up, Ted. Noir fan, are you? I assume you know about Eddie Muller and his “Noir Alley” on TCM Sunday mornings?
You know what we’ve been recording a lot lately? Old game shows.
Give it a shot for a week. Especially Dawson “Fued”, anything with Monty Hall and Card Sharks.*
*The last one just to hear the cultural shift in the last 30-35 years in the survey questions.
Watching classic Match Game for me is like revisiting old friends, practically.
I’ve read slatestarcodex a bit and it’s interesting. A couple of observations on what the ” rationalist” community there is like:
-Most of the authors and commenters are lefty but not dishonest. It’s refreshing to hear a well thought out POV that isn’t an appeal to emotion or accusation of racism, sexism, etc.
-Many subjects have the commenters taking an honest look at how best society should be run. What are the proper carrots and sticks to be used. I think that’s a fundamental difference, libertarians and many in the right aren’t interested in the best way to run society from an engineering perspective (nor do they think it can be done anyway). For instance when I hear blacks have a high crime rate it I don’t care how to fix it so it’s more equal. I just take it as a fact of life that requires no prescription.
-The analysis of issues is thorough but often times it comes across as nearly autistic in missing the forest through the trees. Reason and rationality are probably not used by humans as much as we think. Nor are they as useful as we think. If Napoleon Dynamite says he spent the summer hunting wolverines in Alaska you would be hard pressed to prove him wrong through any scientific method. But most people would recognize it’s a lie from their ability to understand humans through interaction. They would not use any sort of evidence that could be rationally observed. Furthermore they would understand it’s likely some low-self esteem coping mechanism and decide proving him wrong would not be worthwhile or even nice. This allows people to come up with approximately correct answers quickly rather than definitely correct answers slowly.
I’d say that reason and rationality are the crucial tools in dealing with high consequence / low pace decisions. Other means of decision-making just aren’t as good at optimizing decisions. And a lot of decisions do lend themselves to that approach. The problem is that rationality’s value in optimizing stems from it’s use of all the facts. Lots a decisions are made under imperfect information and uncertainty. That, in and of itself, doesn’t make reason and rationality less useful. Unfortunately, people all too often don’t want to come to terms with those things. And the result is wildly over-estimated assumptions.
I agree
OK, the dude on the Weather Channel just said that Everest is the world’s most dangerous mountain. Facepalm or headdesk?
It’s an assault mountain! No one needs a mountain that deadly.
I don’t know, if someone on the weather channel says anything, I almost automatically think it’s wrong. If they say the worst storm of the century is imminent for this weekend, I’ll start planning a cookout.
It’s possible there’s a steeper mountain that could be more dangerous. K2?
Annapurna is #1. Nanga Parbat & Kangchenjunga are up there. K2 is about 4th.
Kangchenjunga is first if you limit the timeframe to 1990 and later.
Everest is, like, 7th (as a % of the climbers that attempt)
I’m guessing volcanoes are not being counted as mountains?
THey’re talking strictly about climbing, not living near.
I think if you measure it in “deaths per-ft above sea level”, Mt Washington, NH takes the prize.
Its fairly small, highly trafficked, and kills people all the time.
150 killed since 1850. Everest has killed 280. But Mt Washington is less than 1/4 the size.
Apparently a couple of explosions in the Manchester Arena. Some confirmed dead and others injured.
It was right after an Ariana Grande concert (no idea who that is).
Sheeeeeeeeeit. No live MSM coverage yet
On Fox now.
Meanwhile, CNN is teasing a segment on whether Melania refused to hold hands with POTUS
The news network of peace.
The fundamentalist mormons strike again.
Those darned Alt-right people!
I’m not sure that’s the route you should go with today.
Fuck me running that douche canoe is from Severna Park! That’s where I lived for the first 15 years of my life.
I am so glad I got out of there.
So that explains why you’re a douche canoe?
I better scrub my FB, I’ve discovered I’ve somehow joined groups I didn’t know I joined. I don’t know if it’s some wizardry or I have fat fingers.
Which minorities are you planning on stabbing this evening?
Rosy Palm and her 5 sisters?
All of them?
None, but I don’t want a pre-canned motivation if I ever do.
“The suspect shot a man who entered his house but is known to be a member of the alt-right extreme right wing site glibertarians. A group so extreme they were ran off by the extreme right wing Koch brothers site “reason” known for hateful rhetoric against Jews, and advocating overturning the 1964 CRA. It’s currently being investigated as a hate crime.”
“We’ve reached out to website editors SugarFree and Old Man With Candy [runs reel of SF fiction and shows OMWC’s avatar]
but have not yet received a response.”
Oh jeez!
“Rev. Sloopy was quick to stress that Bob’s actions do not represent ‘true’ Glibertarianism, and people shouldn’t be quick to make Glibertarianphobic assumptions. ‘ is the website of peace,’ he stated.”
Finally coming on CNN
OMFG…CNN went back to political coverage!!!
probably got a tip that the perpetrator was not a white conservative and decided to bury the piece.
Fox is wall-to-wall, CNN has a bunch of white dudes screaming at each other about Trump.
People are linking this and saying it was sent out shortly beforehand.
This as well.
Could be fake news. There were a bunch of lies spread around really fast. The account is suspended already, though.
If this is legit I think we may finally see some movement on the other side of the pond.
Does Bruno Mars is Threat?
Jesus. Reports are that the explosion was in the “foyer” area, which means the main concourse exit area of the venue. After the arena lights came on. So that area would have been packed.
People a couple blocks away said they heard it with their windows closed.
This is going to be a bloodbath.
This might turn into the British 911. This could easily get into the hundreds depending on the specifics.
It would have to be pretty big to outstrip Pan Am 103
The manchester stadium holds 21000. Even if it were only 3/4ths full, you would only need a fatality rate of 2% to surpass the lockerbie bombing.
Yeah. This will likely be more akin to the Boston Marathon bombing but will strike a lot closer to home. After all, remembering the person that was standing next to you who was blown literally to smithereens tends to stick with people more than people killed at 20,000 feet, in my opinion.
They’re already reporting 20 dead so this has Boston outstripped by an order of magnitude.
There were people killed on the ground from Pan Am 103…people’s neighbor’s houses burned to the ground in front of them.
Pan Am 103: 259 passengers and crew, 11 on the ground in Lockerbie.
Shit, I forgot that Kristen.
But either way, social media didn’t exist and 8 million photos and videos of the carnage didn’t go out within an hour.
I’m telling you, even if the death toll is lower, there will be a more visceral reaction to this.
You also have to remember that this is an Ariana Grande concert. It’s going to be mostly teenaged girls and families. This was diabolical from any angle.
One of my favorite childhood authors (on ghosts and ‘true but strange’ subjects), Daniel Cohen, lost his daughter on that flight. He and his wife later wrote a book about it.
Now being reported as “possible terror attack”
houston, we have a paywall.
The bombers uploaded a video.
Why do I even click on your links anymore?
Because you’re a good sport.
Fuck. I can’t help that. It opened on mine but won’t share.
Look at this:
Jesus. That’s loud.
That was a backpack sized bomb. If they had rammed a moving truck into the front and blown that it would have been much much worse. I think they got off light.
Why would you say that? It could have been inside and a mile away.
50 injured 19 dead as reported a moment ago.
ISIS affiliated accounts now threatening vehicle attacks
Again, not known if these are hoaxes/fake news.
I know how much you all love death metal.
Reporters Fall for Fake Document of Trump Making Absurd Demands in Israel
Jesus. That whole list is hilarious. Only the retardedest of retards would fall for that.
I’m glad one did.
So, TEAM RED fell for it? 😉
Fuck I went to CNN to find out about Manchester and it’s turned into dailykos. Fucking cesspool of derp.
I switched on the TV and all the cable news but MSNBC was covering Manchester.
CNN turned into DailyKos a looooong time before this, dude.
CNN barely even pretends to be a serious news source any more. They ran a Trump/Putin “body count” report that was meant to be taken seriously, for fuck’s sake. They are finished as real news.
I saw a ratings report today that MSNBC beat CNN for primetime news last week. Which is sort of glass-half-empty news I guess; CNN not winning, FOX not winning, but MSNBC most watched? yikes
Did CNN ever beat Fox for Prime Time? I thought Fox had been on top for at least the last decade or two.