Did I call it, or did I call it? The basketball game last night was a predictable ass-kicking and the Celtics were rightfully humiliated by the Cavs.  And I mean hu-mil-i-a-ted. So now the NBA can get down to the playoff matchup everyone knew was coming and teams can sandbag more regular season games since playoff seeding and home court didn’t seem to matter to the two teams that were so much better than the rest of the league its laughable.

And then…there was hockey. That sport that one minute has fans jumping off the couch in excitement and rips their heart the next. That was a hell of a game for the neutral fan. The refs let them play and the goalies both had pretty damn good games. Its just that somebody had to win. And to the chagrin of Canadians everywhere, not to mention fans of every other NHL team, that “somebody” had to be the Penguins that hoisted the Prince of Wales trophy after scoring in the second overtime. But I can sure tell you the people in the NHL offices breathed a sigh of relief.  An Ottawa-Nashville Stanley Cup final would have gotten less viewership than a best of seven matchup between Rosie O’Donnell and Nancy Pelosi striptease competition.

Anyway, that’s all the sports news for today.  Sort of. The other, sports-related tale of misogyny and shitlording directed at a poor, widdle girl will follow shortly. Because its now time for…the links!

Greg Gianforte wins MT Special Election

Republican Congressional hopeful Greg Gianforte wins the special election a night after being charged with misdemeanor assault for allegedly body-slamming a reporter. He was way out in front and every media outlet in the nation has already called it. That reporter might as well give up and just start embracing political violence if this is how the world is gonna operate. No sense in getting just the facts. He, too, may as well embrace violence. What’s that you say? he apparently advocated for violence against political opponents 10 weeks ago? But that’s different, right? I mean, the violence he was advocating was against a 16 year old kid.

I guess WaPo and the NYT have too many resources invested in the Trumputin “impeachment investigation”, as WaPo literally called it this week, to investigate the avalanche of criminality happening at the FBI and other spy agencies under the Obama administration. Seriously, this is the biggest story in years and they’re just sitting there with a thumb up their collective ass as they grind that axe on the non-existent Russian collusion bullshit.  It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.

Nice body…

OK, now the story that is somewhat related to sports. Just read it yourself. I won’t go into any more detail than to say that its retarded as shit. Everybody involved is retarded as shit. And now I feel retarded as shit for having contributed to its spread.

Um, why the hell is this news? “Hey, wanna see a dead guy?” might be in bad taste. It might even be a dubious plot device for a River Phoenix vehicle. But how is it disrespecting of remains? You want to disrespect the remains of Glenn? Then piss into his dead eye sockets, the big government piece of shit that he was. But just pulling open the tray his body is resting on doesn’t count, sorry. (Wait, why were my tax dollars being wasted to keep this guy on ice for four months anyway? Just so he could have a more showy funeral? Even in death, eh John?)

Hey dumbass. Learn to read.

You gotta have faith. No, its not that song. Give me more credit than that.