I hope everybody had a great time over the weekend. We went to an even nicer beach than the one that’s 2 miles from my house, and has even fewer people on it. My kids loved it, and my wife is happy. Me, I’m back to work. Here’s some links to get us through to the end.
Evergreen headline: Zookeeper killed by tiger died doing what she loved. Memo to my family, don’t ever imply that being mauled by a tiger is “what I love/loved.”
Also from the news-to-no-one department: Fathers treat sons, daughters differently. It appears that the average American dad remains unwoke, modelling different behavior for their male and female offspring.
NASA literally wants to burn money in the form of a space-probe launched directly into the Sun. If they want a list of people I think would be great to use as test subjects, I have one.
I’ve found a place where we can all be together. But, seriously, no kool-aid at the meetups.
Holy fuck. 10% of Clearwater residents are Scientologists?
Have a little Reckless Kelly. More triggering for you.
“Holy fuck. 10% of Clearwater residents are Scientologists?”
That’s some serious alien invasion there…
A separate survey found that only 5% of Clearwater residents understand what Scientology is.
And the overlap between those two groups…?
Based on my unscientific observations, another 28% hail from either NYC or Philly, so I can’t really say the Scientologists are shitting up the place.
Did all the people from Cincitucky stop retiring to there or something?
Nope, they’re just diluted into “other”.
Just give Tiger a red outfit with a hat and cape and he’ll be ready to defeat all comers at the world warrior tournament.
I’ve found a place where we can all be together
Dibs on the hay loft.
Can we move it out of Connecticut? I’m not paying those taxes or obeying those gun laws.
With ‘libertarians’ like this who need progressives?
But is the two percent of GDP floor for defense spending a worthwhile indicator of the contributions of various alliance members? GDP, as I have argued in a different context, is a poor way to compare defense spending over time due to economic growth.
Alright, let’s compare it any other way. Oh wait, that makes European NATO members look even worse.
He doesn’t really seem to get that the 2% is not designed as some magical, solid solution, it’s a stop-gap measure because European nations are receiving defense welfare from the United States.
I also think that not insignificant fraction of the Warsaw Pact’s actual combat power came from the Eastern European satellites, and from the innate geographic advantages control of Eastern Europe gave them. The strategic geography is completely different then it was 35 years ago, when Red Storm Rising was published. NATO is a perfect example of how governmental organizations never ever go away.
Even if you do believe that Putin really really really does want to send the tanks West and conquer Europe, he’s going up against an entirely different level of threat then the Russians of the 70s and 80s faced.
For one thing, those Russians of the 70’s and 80’s had to deal with a Chuck Norris, Rocky Balboa, and Arnold Schwarzenegger in their prime. What superpower could stand against such action heroes?
Russia is also not dumping all its money into a conscript-fueled massive Cold War army either, they’ve been completely reforming into a much more smaller (and cheaper) but professional force since the mid-90s. The threat of the Soviet Cold War force was in its size and the scale of destruction that could occur, but the Russian army of 2017 is nowhere near that terrifying.
If you want NATO to be a counterterrorism organization (and that’s what the U.S. has been using it as since 9/11), that’s fine, but you need to expect your members to actually pull their weight. Most of Western Europe does need to be held to some kind of spending standard, and I’d be perfectly fine with a renegotiated treaty that requires certain military standards (i.e. your military can’t be unionized, like the idiotic Dutch government did). No, spending percentages is not a perfect solution, but Mr. Fay doesn’t seem to understand that it’s not intended to be a perfect solution, its intended to kick the ass of the most dysfunctional parts of the organization.
(Of course, the fact that Mr. Fay spends most of his time masturbating in the written word to the idea of European consolidation, also known as German Dominance of the Continent, perhaps his views on sound defensive policy should be ignored)
But the European NATO members aren’t actually interested in fighting wars. They keep a military because you need to have one, and they want NATO to exist because it does keep the bear in his lair, but they don’t actually have any desire or intention to say, clear and hold a province of Afghanistan to ease the burden on the US. Even if they did have the desire or the intention, they completely lack the ability.
They’re basically entirely useless as a combat force for the actual wars being fought. NATO reform is like people saying we can save Social Security and Medicare by purging the waste, fraud, and abuse.
Meh, Hollande was pretty eager to throw in after the Paris attacks, a third of Coalition casualities in Afghanistan are non-American NATO members, every single one of them answered America’s Article 5 declaration after 9/11, and their actual military personnel does have an interest in fighting these wars. Things change can, and will change with pressure and if their habit of monthly terror attacks becomes regular.
to say, clear and hold a province of Afghanistan to ease the burden on the US.
Probably a bad example because no one in their right minds should have an interest in trying to clear and hold a province in Afghanistan. That’s not even effective as a counterterror operation.
Uh, getting shot up doesn’t mean you’re pulling your weight, it just means you’re getting shot up.
Did any of them send more than a short division at any point? Which of course, was to be supported logistically by the US, because the Euros can’t actually project power anywhere that they can’t use EURAIL passes to get there.
I’m not disputing that they are showing the flag, I am arguing that that’s pretty much all they do, and that EU flag is arriving out of a logistics pipeline with a little American flag on the side.
If what’s left of the European warrior class was writing the ROEs, they might even be able to put that interest in action. Unfortunately, it’s the bureaucrats and politicians writing the orders.
Uh, getting shot up doesn’t mean you’re pulling your weight, it just means you’re getting shot up.
I’m sure the allies sacrificing soldiers shows no desire or intention to fight wars.
You said, quote: “But the European NATO members aren’t actually interested in fighting wars…Even if they did have the desire or the intention, they completely lack the ability.” I provided evidence to the contrary.
Where did I say anything about Europe funding their armies sufficiently? I actually said the exact opposite, so I have no idea why you’re bringing that up. What I instead pointed out was that, despite being underfunded and lackluster, European NATO members still provided assistance to the United States in anti-terrorism actions following 9/11 (and admittedly a lot of this goodwill was pissed away due to the Bush Administration and the War in Iraq). If your thesis were true, and that they have no interest in fighting these wars, they would have contributed a lot less.
(and all this is, of course, assuming that America’s idea of how the War on Terror should operate is sound and effective, and it’s not)
Not just the Dutch, German military has unions too (and pretty sure all the Scandinavian ones). Basically there’s a union for the enlisted folks and a separate union for the officers.
Worse than the SEIU or FedGov union – good grief.
It’s always the Liberaltarian Moment at the Niskanen Center!
I hate faux-analysis like this.
The issue isn’t the ‘reasonableness’ of the NATO agreement. Its the spirit of compliance.
If the agreement doesn’t make sense, then get the members together and vote on a different agreement. But simply arguing that the 2% standard isn’t ‘ideal’ after years and years and years of people failing to comply is intellectually dishonest, and effectively attempting to paper over non-compliance with claims about the necessity of reasonableness. Here’s a pro-tip = DONT FUCKING SIGN UNREASONABLE AGREEMENTS IF YOU DONT INTEND TO COMPLY
And grasping pearl’s over Trump’s “maybe i will, maybe i won’t” reaction to questions of Article 5 commitment is stupid and misses the point; his posture is *exactly* the sort of response that Europe’s fiscal-non-committal posture deserves. International agreements rely entirely on trust that every party will hold up their end of the deal; when some suddenly decide the deal is no good when the bill arrives? Then they should expect some form of “cost”. and the cost they will pay is a United States that sees less and less fit to pretend to be their military sugar-daddy.
Of course its all just posturing, but pretending that the US posturing is ‘dangerous’, while the EU posturing is ‘a reasonable reaction to NATO’s poor-structure’ is fucking retarded – and yet that’s the de-facto posture of everyone in the media.
People can scream TDS all they want, but this just the continuation of a long long line of media bias. No policy ever proposed by a Republican can ever be a good idea, in their eyes. No policy proposed by a Democrat is ever a bad thing. Barack Obama decided he could sign lists of people to be murdered via a secret army of actual, real life, killer robots, and the media just mentioned how dreamy it was that the hand signing the death warrant was a mocha brown and not the old pasty white.
This is a good example of why I dislike so called ‘Left libertarians’, because they are not ‘libertarian’ in any way. They just understand economics a little better than your average progressive so they’re not all in on socialism. Otherwise, when it comes to non-interventionism or defending actual liberty, they fold like a house of cards. These people are just progressives and that’s it.
I think that’s mostly right.
Left-libertarianism is a just a stance people take to defend progressive/lefty policy *using the language/ideas* of libertarian economists
basically, its a way to neutralize criticism from both the left and the right by co-opting components from both.
By dressing themselves up as libertarians, they can advance the same sorts of social-engineering ideas that progs want, albeit with the idea that they are accomplishing libertarian goals.
Hence the Niskanen/Will Wilkenson argument that “Big Government isn’t the problem = its *dumb* Big Government”
If only Big Government were ‘smarter’, we’d have more liberty AND be able to afford the welfare state!? What’s not to love?
Its the same sort of Appeal-to-expertise that progs love so much; the problem isn’t the concentration of power in bureaucracies…. its bad Top Men!! If only we had Liberaltaraian Top Men, all would be made well…
And grasping pearl’s over Trump’s “maybe i will, maybe i won’t” reaction to questions of Article 5 commitment is stupid and misses the point; his posture is *exactly* the sort of response that Europe’s fiscal-non-committal posture deserves.Indeed. If they won’t live up to their side of the deal, we have no obligation to live up to ours. That’s what makes it a deal, you know.
Call that a blockquote rather than a strikethrough.
and the former owner’s mansion, which is rumoured to be haunted by Mr. Johnson himself.
It’s now unoccupied, with the exception of a caretaker and a security guard
Pulls mask off of Mr. Johnson ghost. The CARETAKER?!?!
“And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you damn kids”
And he would’ve gotten away with it if not for you meddling glibs.
…and your pesky Sasquatch!
You never made the morning links, Tundra. I hope you didn’t have to go music-free today.
My morning was insane. I did pop in to see what you chose and I heartily approved!
Paul Weller is one of my faves. So, yes, you got to program the day again!
“My morning was insane.”
Had to go underground?
Hey, I’m a boy about town!
“Oh man Fred, can’t I get shotgun in the van just this once? I can’t be in the back with STEVEY DOO anymore…”
Let me guess…Playa is Fred and SugarFree is Shaggy?
And introducing Palin’s Buttplug as Scrappy Doo!
Haunted by Johnson? Is there a STEVE SMITH story in here somewhere?
I think what you’re looking for is
HauntedTURNED INSIDE-OUT LIKE SOCK by Johnson.“I’ve found a place where we can all be together. But, seriously, no kool-aid at the meetups.”
It’s a trap!
Maloy is looking for idiots to cover the budget deficit caused by the flight of those evil millionaires they were going to fleece so the People’ Republic of Connecticut could keep doing more of the same stupid. You buys this property, and they will tax you to death.
Also from the news-to-no-one department: Fathers treat sons, daughters differently.
The URL says fathers treat daughters better. And of course, the government school system also treats those girls better.
I have one of each and I am harder on my son because he’s older (14 v 9) and he’s a boy (less responsible)
Not surprisingly, a new study has found that weak men are those most likely to be socialists. Patchy bearded hipsters in testicle constraining jeans hardest hit.
This study seems to be done every year and trumpeted up. It’s very low hanging fruit that the leftists conducting the studies just can’t avoid despite knowing the results won’t please them. I’m just waiting for one to get the idea of measuring penis size to really test the left’s theory that gun owners are compensating for something. At least that’d be original.
You know who else had low-hanging fruit?
Johnny Longtorso?
A Continental Soldier?
Meh, I might go digging into it, but this comes off as the right’s version of the “LOOK AT THIS NEUROLOGY STUDY THAT SHOWS CONSERVATIVES ARE BRAIN DAMAGE” garbage.
Oh, it’s definitely garbage (like all studies), but still hilarious.
the graph I saw from the study makes it look like they’re pulling answers out of nowhere. It looks like a shotgun spread.
Ultra-tough antibiotic to fight superbugs
If it works in people, this is really, really good news.
For a second I thought you’d said they’d engineered a viral antibiotic. Which would also be great news, we need more targeted virus.
Sounds like killing a fly with an RPG. The side effect could be an extermination of many beneficial bacteria species. You’d need a lot of probiotics to recover from it, and even that probably wouldn’t include all of what you had before. Last resort indeed.
Works great until a “superer” bug evolves from it.
The Most Superest Bug.
Making Bugs Great Again.
This is just the first step in creating the ultra-superbug.
You think that flesh eating thing was bad, wait for exploding gonorrhea.
Sounds like something you’d catch in Tijuana.
(British) Cop Calls in Reinforcements, Helicopter After ‘Taking Offense’ at Song Mocking Bin Laden at Party
The British who died defending England during WWII are spinning in their graves so hard it’s going to shift Earth’s orbit.
Yeah, I wonder sometimes regarding that hypothesis about the environmental selection that occurred thanks to the world wars.
Imagine if our brave cop was accidentally exposed to the writings of Winston Churchill!
If only the Ottomans had realized they just needed to wait a few more hundred years and send their troops in posing as refugees looking for welfare, they could have conquered Europe overnight and more cheaply.
Ottomans were never seen as extreme enough by their fanatical opponents. Hell, their historical policies towards Jews would put them on a major Islamic shitlist nowadays.
It’s hard to square the historical relationship between Muslims and Jews to what goes on today.
Historically, the Jews were the people without a country. If they did business in a Muslim area, the paid the jiyza and didn’t cause trouble. The old Sultans and Khans loved them because they made excellent bookkeepers and bureaucrats.
I think it’s only since they got all uppity over the last century or so – acting like they are the equals of Muslims, beating them in wars repeatedly, etc… that the hate really kicked.
They ‘took over’ (read: only sort of) the site where Muhammad supposedly went off into heaven. That’s what they’re mainly pissy about, but you’re right that the fact that they kept getting asses kicked didn’t help. It’s interesting that when the original invasion of Israel occurred the Arabic armies actually went out of their way to protect Israelis in occupied territory because they knew the Palestinians would try to massacre them all.
Eeeh…. First pogrom on European continent was in Granada, 30 years before Crusaders got murdery in Germany.
The list of pogroms is compelling reading, even though it doesn’t include every mass murder that comes to mind (or maybe it’s that they don’t strictly fit the definition).
E.g. the great Cossack Revolt of 1649 (as described in By Fire and Sword) saw thousands of Jews massacred – but how much because they were Jews, and how much because they were often agents for Polish landlords in Ukraine (and honestly, how much is that they had the money and were different) is hard to separate.
Unfamiliar with the event, and it’s Wikipedia, but:
He was also accused of several acts of violence, which drew upon him the hatred of the Berbers, the ruling majority at Granada. The most bitter among his many enemies was Abu Ishak of Elvira, who hoped to obtain an office at court and wrote a malicious poem against Joseph and his coreligionists. The poem made little impression upon the king, who trusted Joseph implicitly, but it created a great sensation among the Berbers.
Sounds like singular massacre driven by mob mentality amongst the Berber population, not a specific and consistent practice (and the Rhineland massacre you mentioned is also of the same nature).
And we’re talking Ottomans, not Muslims. Turks historically have a better record with Jews pre-20th century than Arabs.
Yeah, threading broke, this was in response to Drake, who mentioned “Muslims vs Jews”.
Far be it from me to praise kebab, but yeah, Ottomans at their worst were still miles ahead of the Arabs.
I suspect the Granada progrom was in response to what the victorious Christians saw as collaboration with the Muslim’s. Many Jews did collect taxes and help administer the Caliphate. Hardly the way to make Christian friends. Not when failure to pay means your children are sold into slavery.
I believe he’s talking about an event 400 years prior to the Reconquista.
Pre-YouTube memes: nevar 4 get.
“Approved” songs! Seriously Britain, get your act together.
Was it this one?
“We had our karaoke machine on playing music through our phones from YouTube, which are all approved songs.”
Approved songs. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the birthplace of free speech.
Seriously, fuck them.
but have confiscated a phone and a karaoke machine.
Thank God they came home alive.
I’m in for a coupla bucks on Libertopia. Too bad it’s in CT, though.
People’s Republic of Connecticut…
Politics aside, when we lived there when I was in high school, even my parents were bored. My square, introverted, workaholic parents, whose only requirement for a good time is a goodly supply of booze, were bored by CT.
… it hasn’t improved.
To be fair, we were in Fairfield County, and the town that is rumored to have been the inspiration for The Stepford Wives (though I think most towns in Fairfield could qualify). Maybe other parts of the state are sometimes fun?
Ah. I’m up at the top of the hill, looking down on the benighted peons of your former home.
It would be cool to own that town. It’s probably even haunted.
Rufus, I dropped you an email
If we can get our guns smuggled in there we have a decent chance of overthrowing the locals and making our own libertarian state.
Didn’t they estimate a low compliance rate with the gun control laws after Newtown? They’re probably already hidden under the floorboards.
There were many unfortunate boating accidents on the Connecticut River where countless ‘hunting guns’ sadly fell into the water, never to be seen again, although I have no recollection of the identities of the unfortunate former owners of the now-lost items.
When the 10-round limit for magazines was enacted, the level of compliance was so low that the State Police estimate that at least 30,000-50,000 out-of-compliance mags are out there “in the wild”; and that’s probably a low estimate. It was so extreme that the state issued a kid-of amnesty and gave everyone a second chance to register any out-of-compliance magazines that they might have overlooked before the ban came into effect.
I’ve been at the range and seen people turn up with ‘new’ AR-15s with kit on them that is clearly post-ban. These *might* be merely new accessorization, but given that some of these changes were things like collapsible stocks, it does seem that the old Nutmegger ‘scofflaws’ still abound, even if they’re pretty dumb for showing off their swag at a public venue.
Regarding establishing a libertarian state, well, you’d have to violate the NAP and have intense purging of Hartford, Bridgeport and probably Stamford. Then you’d have to have some pretty thorough vetting of all of Fairfield and some of Litchfield Counties. After that kind of behavior, it’d be difficult to assume that a libertarian moment had arrived, unless you call Pol Pot a libertarian.
On the one hand, there are plenty of quite well-armed people there, many of them with firearms which are currently illegal in the state.
On the other hand, you wouldn’t need to worry much. The ones with guns would pretty much all be on your side. The only battleground would be Fairfield County.
The mayor of Kansas Kansas City opened bidding by private companies to finance and build a new airport terminal.
The optimistic Libertarian says yay victory for the free market! The pessimist, AKA me, says something smells funny.
With a name like Sly James, you get shit done.
I’m a Kansas Citian, and I’m waiting for this to be a government foul-up. Bet that some way or another, us taxpayers will be on the hook.
Better yet, why build a new one at all? Somebody posted a story about this a few weeks ago and it’s insane. MCI is easily the most flyer-friendly, easy to navigate and least crowded ‘international’ airport I’ve ever been in. Simple layout, no long TSA lines, no sweat. Totally unnecessary to waste anybody’s dough, much less taxpayers, on a $1billlion vanity project sandwiched between hubs in Chicago, Dallas and Denver. Complete idiocy.
KMCI is one of my favorite airports to listen to ATC. Y’all get some weather up there in KC.
Not there anymore. But I did spend several years growing up in the area and lived in the city proper for about 6-7 years in my twenties(Cleaver and Troost, yo!)
*throws up gang-signs*
Anyway, yeah. Saw my first two tornados just north of there…one-time, a microburst hit the middle of the city for a few minutes then passed on. About an hour later, I left my shithole apartment to find a small bag of crack on the front lawn of the complex. When I think back on it, I always envision a clucker being whirled up and hurled over the nearest highway, and a single sandwich bag of rock gently falling to the grass….then I giggle.
There was an episode of The First 48 (yes I watch cop shows) with a serial killer in KC. He got caught the old-fashioned way – by calling the cops and telling them where the bodies were.
I still have friends there and was told recently that 4-5 middle-aged men have been murdered on a popular jogging trail over the last month or two. Maybe another is on the hunt?
Armour and troost for the win. We had a tradition of always taking our friends to the airport and getting completely hammered at the airport bar. Loved KC airport. Missed a flight twice in a row there. First, I was wasted at the bar and missed the first flight they put me on a second flight and I missed it passed out at the gate on the floor. Finally made the third flight. We drank a lot in Kansas City.
I’ll bring the Flavor Aid!
Thanks for clearing up Kool-Aid’s good name, there, Reverend Jones.
Police in Germany ‘foil asylum seeker suicide attack’
Needz moar scare quotes.
I love how this is the second “teenage” “refugee” they’ve busted for jihading.
“asylum seeker…… planning a suicide attack ”
I see. This is totally not an invasion. Just widows and orphans wanting their shot at the good life.
Sometimes people just explode. Natural causes.
Completely misunderstood. The guy was just wanting to check the status of his refugee application. That’s all. Language barrier and all that. Move along now!
It happens
I guess they actually did start taking care of themselves after Merkel’s speech.
Good for them!
He’s not a refugee! He’s an asylee! Completely different! Muh vetting!!!
If they want a list of people I think would be great to use as test subjects, I have one.
Ooh, I know this one!
Hitler, right?
I was thinking Shikha Dalmia myself.
Fire Shikha… into the Sun?
This is the one and only time I would vote for Hillary
We could do a Douglas Adams and pack every annoying and/or useless person onto one ship and aim it toward the sun.
+1 Telephone Sanitizer
You know that’s what wiped us out last time?
Billy Nye was my goto.
Shooting him into the sun would be science.
I vote the other one. I heard him in an interview state that he wants to be buried so his body can replenish the Earth.
All 130 pounds of him?
Here’s a litmus test:
1. Define a principle (like, define the word and the general concept of what principles are)
2. List the principles that guide your own life
3. Show how you apply the answer(s) from #2 to your political ideology
Failure on any of the questions? That’s a trip to the sun! So, we’d better prep space ships for 99% of the human population.
Which makes me wonder if there is a statistically above average overlap of Kantians and libretarians.
Count me out. I tried reading prolegomena to any future metaphysics and got about oh, 20-30 pages in….after a week and a half. Then hunkered down for 20 pages straight in a single sitting. I think I then curled into a ball for the rest of the night and fell into a mild depression for a week or so afterward.
I tried, not bright enough to fully grasp it on my own, apparently.
Big fucking surprise, right? ;p
I figure the NAP is one of the few things that doesn’t fall beneath the axe of his categorical imperative.
He’s worse in German.
Amazingly, his lectures were reputed to have been well-attended. Prussians might just be that weird, or else his lecturing style was much different.
The Welsh. The whole goddamn lot of them.
Cachau bant, perchennog caethweision!
See what I mean?
(I keed! I keed!)
Good, I was starting to wonder if you still wanted your free booze when McCain finally kicks off.
There are only two things I can’t stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures…
…and the Dutch
Lebanon calls for ban of Wonder Woman film over Israeli star Gal Gadot
I’m not sure why I’m posting that except for another picture of her holy moly she’s smoking hot.
I’m off superhero movies these days, but I’ll likely make an exception for this one.
True story – I saw an exhibition awhile back of how to use a round shield and short sword in combat. The shield is only occasionally used for blocking – its basically a really nasty circular club.
I been taking my grandsons to all the MCU pictures. This is perfect timing for taking the grand-daughter to her first superhero movie.
Stuckmann likes it – sounds better than anything else DC has done since Dark Knight Rises. I’ll give it a shot.
“We were totally okay with this empowered feminist superhero in skimpy armor movie, but it turns out she’s Israeli. Sorry, guys”
“Lebanese Cinephiles Stuck Waiting for Gadot While Economic Ministry Politicking Play Out”
I have nothing else to say
*narrows gaze*
My father dated an Israeli movie star back in the day. Since then he uses ‘Israeli Movie Star’ as the gold standard for insufferable bitches. I dont know why, just thought I would throw a bucket of cold water on the Gadot boners for my own amusement.
Don’t care, she clearly passes the hot/crazy test.
I’m sorry, did you say something Suthen? Was too busy looking at this gal Gal.
I’m guessing most obscenely attractive actresses and models are insufferable bitches. You can’t go through life with everyone kissing your ass all the time without developing a massive ego.
She also has a great personality.
Different behavior for different human beings with different brains, different outlooks and different demands? Insanity!
I’m gonna stay with my unwoke strategy.
Woke status: irredeemable shitlord
I teach all female offspring how to shoot guns, hunt, swim in lakes, catch fish, pilot a boat, etc.
That means I am woke, right?
No, it means you love them.
That’s what I was taught. And also “you can be whatever you want to be” (with exceptions, like “fashion merchandiser”, which I still think would have been a pretty kickass career)
Dads are kind of a buzzkill in that regard. My little girl is a kickass musician, but I’ve reminded her that studying music in college is fine – as long as it’s a minor…
Classical or popular (rock, blues, etc.)? I find an interesting dichotomy in music – classical musicians seem to benefit from a college education in music (for improvements in technique, interpretation, etc.), but pop musicians seem to be hampered creatively by formal schooling. Dick Dale is my prime example: self-taught musical genius who could no doubt pick up a violin, yet be a total failure as a professional classical player.
She’s in high school. Percussionist who can play a lot of other things (piano, bass) She will have the opportunity to go to college should she choose to, but the arts are a lousy bet. Luckily her cousin experienced the downside to ‘follow your dreams’. Expensive fine arts degree (opera, ffs) and subsequent starvation and shitty jobs. She’s planning to go to med school now… It’s been good for my daughter to see.
She is a great student and a well rounded kid. She understands that the lifestyle she enjoys requires a certain financial muscle. I love music more than anything, but it’s a shitty degree. Want to play? By all means play. But if you want to have nice stuff you’d better make sure there’s a market for you.
See? Total buzzkill 😉
Being a percussionist, she can certainly join up with the local university pub band, made up of engineering students who call themselves the Diff’rential Equations.
Now, that sounds like a winning strategy to me!
Music management – especially if she avoids pop/rock. I have a sorority sister making a decent living and traveling the world with dance groups/ classical musicians.
Once a million years ago I dated a hot Veterinarian. She specialized in cats. When she got out of school her practice amounted to traveling to zoos around the south looking after big cats. After 6 years she quit, hung out her shingle and specialized in house cats (cleaning teeth was over half of her business). Her reason: “It isnt a matter of if. No matter how careful you are it is only a matter of when.”
They are predators and we are their natural prey. You just look like a burrito to them. How would you like to get pushed around by a damned burrito?
Well, if the burrito talked sternly to me…I mean, I’d have to listen, right?
Right up until you decide you’re more hungry than patient.
It’s like these dopes I saw in the news years ago who were taking care of a baby polar bear that suddenly turned and attacked them. One minute it’s all ‘aw, he’s sucking on a bottle like a baby’ and the next it’s all ‘wtf?!’
I think it was Chris Rock talking about the tiger attack on Siegfried (or Roy. Whatever) said: (paraphrasing) ‘People are saying that tiger went ‘crazy’! He didn’t go crazy. That tiger went TIGER! Killin’ shit is what they do.”
Taken By Billionaire Gay Xenu
I had never seen the reproductive organs of an intergalactic tyrant before, but they did not disappoint. They waved slowly as if in an unfelt breeze, meaty stalks of supple man-wheat.
“I am going to take you with penises 17 through 38,” Lord Xenu said huskily, “Prepare your anal cavity for sexual invasion.”
He walked toward me on digitigrade limbs, his backward bending knees clicking under plates of chitinous armor.
“Will I survive this, Lord Xenu?” I asked as his stalk of penises stiffened.
“I shall erupt as a sex volcano,” he said. A gold-plated DC-9 took off in the distance.
His forward claws gripped my shoulders and he spun me around. He grunted in satisfaction and shredded my clothes until they fall onto the flooring in ragged heaps.
“Now,” Lord Xenu said.
Penis after penis slid into my quivering buttlips, questing up my sigmoid colon, elongating, spinning, braiding themselves for ultimate sexual pleasure.
“XENU!” I cried out in alien ecstasy.
Lord Xenu pushed me roughly into a pallet of money and stifled my cries with a mouthful. A hundred trillion Xenu pinnatifid sperms flooded my eager bowels.
“HUMAN!” Lord Xenu shouted.
Huh. ‘Digitigrade’ is a real word.
It’s a glibertarian.com in-joke.
Christ, I miss one goddamn book thread…
UnCivil had a fight with his editor about it a few threads back. The editor didn’t think enough people would be familiar with it.
I thought UnCivil only used bland words.
SF is the true heir to L. Ron Hubard?
Judging by some of Hubbard’s fiction excerpts I have read, this is perhaps not that far-fetched.
Just don’t take any boat rides.
Judging by some of SugarFree’s fiction excerpts, he might just be the anti-Christ.
So who is making the hooch out of gasoline (or whatever)?
That’s not fair. SF is a much better writer.
THis is true. SF is way better at putting his perverse imaginings on paper.
I thought “pinnatifid sperm’ was the “money shot”, as it were…
“Xenu is love. Xenu is life”
Hehe, that’s one hell of a slash niche
*Tom Cruise furiously masturbates*
US home prices rising 2 times faster than wages
Here it comes again. Can’t wait for it to pop. Might actually be able to buy a house.
Oh, it’s absolutely happening out here in AZ. Lots of property prices are almost at previous peak bubble levels again.
Don’t worry, California will eventually run out of people to export.
challenge accepted!
It’s like a case of Moctezuma’s Revenge. Just when you think the flow will cease, more comes out.
I’m nervous about the timing…I’m hoping the bubble will burst just about the same time I’m getting my check from the developer that is buying our condo complex.
Tucson is getting back to pre-bust pricing levels, except at the top of the market, which is still a rocky place where your investment will find no purchase.
No – keep going for a while! I want to sell my house in NJ and escape in a couple of years. Right now, I would take a loss of about $200k.
Also, I think the presence of the Trump administration will eventually cause the DC housing bubble to burst once the Obama inflow of new federal workers and contractors dries up. All these newly minted condos will be empty and prices will plummet. It will be hell, but watching it from the outside will be glorious.
Now that is a reason to embrace the Orange.
I can’t argue with the supply and demand aspect of this story. But for years now I’ve had a theory that I think has as much, if not more, bearing; A starter home used to be modest kitchen, 1-3 bedrooms and 1- 1 1/2 baths. Maybe a 1 car garage. Now it appears to me that starter homes are 3-4 bedrooms, 2-3 baths with a 2 car garage. And the kitchens! Twice (at least) the size they used to be, granite and stainless steel everywhere. Refrigerators that cost as much as an entire kitchen full of appliances 20 years ago.
If this is what the market demands, fine. But I don’t want to hear a young couple complain about the price of houses while they are saying they and their one child couldn’t possibly live in a house with only 2 bathrooms. What ever happened to the “starter home?” It seems like everyone wants their first home to be their dream home. Just another example of instant gratification, I suppose?
I seriously wonder who’s living in all the luxury apartments and housing developments that they’re building out here. I mean, yeah, I know, California refugees and the like, but the rent for the apartments is ridiculous compared to the local salaries.
Where in AZ? In the outlying regions there are tons of Canukistani investors in second homes and winter property.
East Valley Phoenix metro area. I moved down from around Prescott back to this hell in 2015. It’s funny that you mention Canadians, because due to a quirk of fate I ended up having a number of Quebecois and others in my social circle growing up and later in life here, so I’m more familiar with the True North, its culture and politics than I probably would have been otherwise.
The rents in the new downtown luxury apartments are insane. I have no idea who can afford them.
OH yea, downtown has been jumping off but I blame ASU for that. Also, if there are glibs working downtown Phoenix we need to be starting a happy hour.
I’m downtown. I think mexican sharpshooter is downtown or close.
I thought mexican sharpshooter lived in Tucson? I wish I had access to the file the government is probably burning tax dollars to build about this racist right-wing extremist website to refresh my memory.
Not in Tucson. I haven’t been able to determine a number corresponding to a salary which would make me wan to move there either.
In that case, you know anywhere with good and reasonably priced cocktails? Plenty of good bars around city center but they all charge an arm and a leg. Maybe Sidebar?
Whoa whoa whoa, there, buddy. You start with the cocktails and the next thing you know you’re writing for WaPo about Trump’s undeniable Russia ties. Perhaps a nice beer from Angel’s Trumpet, or if you’re able to drive a bit more Wren House?
I prefer a rye Manhattan with my politics, but I won’t turn down a nice beer. Across the street from Cobra Arcade, hows parking? Friday 5.30?
My only real issue is I live in Chandler so I cant really embrace all those taps.
And you can’t ask Tiger Woods to be your designated driver now. Sad.
I’m not sure I could have ab initio, he pretty much vowed never to return after we hit him with that orange.
Seamus McCaffrey’s taint bad.
Isn’t that the joint right across from valley bar? They are good. Never been to Angel’s trumpet though so I kinda want to try that.
Oh, hey, I live in Chandler, too. There’s The Perch, Hungry Monk… and AZ Wilderness and BRI aren’t too far either. Unfortunately I’m going to be working around then this Friday. It’d be cool to do a meetup, though. Did anyone here go to that one that Reason officially did in 2015 at Hula’s Modern Tiki in Old Town?
Well shit, if you want to do downtown Chandler I’m all for that as well. Hell, I can bike to Casual Pint. Never tried Hula but I know The Ostrich does a Tiki Tuesday and they’re they only place I’ve found so far that does an honest to god Zombie – not some revisionist crap that goes light on all the booze.
If this is an after-work affair I’m afraid I hit the gym at that time, and I needs mah gym time, brah.
I’m more likely to find you all at a range somewhere out in the desert. That way I have my guns on me in case one of you people from “the internet” want to harvest my organs.
I’ve been trying to tag up with Vhyrus for the purposes of gunnery but there is no efficient way to message people on this site, ought to make it a regular gig if we can get it going.
Only Swiss had his organs harvested.
Yeah this weekend was an absolute clusterfuck for me. I was fixing cars pretty much the whole time.
Since we have a number of Phoenix people here, everyone could email me and I’ll forward everyone’s email address to each other. My email is:
three letter Phoenix airport code DOT common 8-letter term for 24:00 @ email service run by the Goog
Done and done. In other news, I clearly need a hushmail account.
I know one guy that lives downtown. He’s an MD. That’s how he can afford it.
Same here. There are new housing developments springing up all over the west end of Richmond, but the absolute low end for these things are 2000 sq ft and $350K. Most of them are larger on both counts. Are there THAT many people who can legitimately afford a half-million dollar house in a medium sized city?
I just moved to Richmond from Wisconsin, and I’ve been asking the same questions about all the apartments.
No kidding? My cousin made the same move last year, from La Crosse
Look, go to the Copper Mill to Sundance Station apartments on Broad Street and walk to Breakers four nights a week and get drunk with Smokey the bartender.
That’s the best advice I can give you. (Other than dont live south of the river if you want a social life.)
I just might do that
If you throw darts, that’s a good place to hang in the west end. Cheap beer, decent people and you can smoke. It’s been a while since I lived in that neck of the woods but I went through a couple years ago and it was the same. And you’re close to short pump and not too far from the bottom or the fan districts.
There are a lot of handouts/incentives for first-time homebuyers that have skewed the market and perspectives.
Foreseeable consequences…
That and the continued availability of cheap money at nearly no interest.
That might be part of it, but monetary policy and market distortions play the biggest role, IMO. My parents paid $120k for a 5 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a 2 car garage on 1/4 acre in 2001. The previous owner had purchased it for $109k 10 years previous. By 2005 it was valued at $230k. The value fell to around $175k after the crash. It sold a few years after that for $220k. There were no organic shifts in the housing market in our area that would have caused a 90% jump in prices in 4 years.
Re-reading what I wrote I should have stated that I was talking about the prices of new homes, and not the housing market in general.
Oh yeah, in that sense, house size has definitely ballooned. I remember reading a while back that the average square footage for new construction was up something like 60% from 40 years ago. The trend pulled back a little bit after the crash because nobody could afford the mcmansions anymore, but it was creeping back up again.
Indeed. I looked at the price history of my own modest house (1300sf Cape Cod, 4 BR) once out of curiosity. In 1999 the house sold for $117K. Three years later, it sold for $184K, a 57% jump. Three more years after that it sold for $200K. Prices fell after the crash and we picked it up for that same $184K four years ago. Now, Zillow claims its market value is $211K. There is no real rhyme or reason to it all, particularly the ridiculous jump in the early Aughts. I looked at the house I grew up in as a comparison. 1900 sf, 4 BR. My parents sold it in 1998 for $123K. By 2006, it was sold again for $228K!
Heh. Pikers.
The spousal unit and I bought our house in The Lower Rainland™ in June 2015 for $627K. One year later it was assessed by B.C. Assessments for $815K, a 30% increase in 12 months (and the assessment authority is known for undervaluing SFD properties). I wouldn’t be surprised if this year’s assessment is somewhere above $900K.
The Greater Vancouver Regional District is nuts when it comes to detached dwellings.
Market/schmarket. To keep people from putting a trailer park in a suburban neighborhood, the state passed rules that said new homes have to cost 4x the land. Guess what happens when the land values go up? Nobody wants to pay that much for a 1,200 sq ft home with gold fixtures, so it’s a 5 bedroom 3,000 sq ft home.
But remember 4x the land value imposed by government. Way to make housing more affordable.
With the supposed limitations imposed by student loan debt, career concerns and the like, people are waiting until later in life to buy a house. Perhaps by the time they can afford to buy they already have a family and need the space.
For the rest of it I blame HGTV. There’s an extremely limited pool of buyers that will buy a 30 year old house for $400k and then add in another $50k in upgrades to “modernize.”
Kids these days . . . want the house their parents live in now. None of that starter home nonsense, straight to the dream home!
Saw an article recently that the millenials are starting to move into the housing market. Sure enough, they aren’t buying starter homes, more median homes.
Interesting. I’m seeing new townhouses in N. Charlottesville for around 200k starting – which seems incredibly cheap compared to some of the other local markets (I’ve visited a friend in one of them and it ain’t bad – not sure how many options they had with theirs). Esp. for a growing university town.
Supply and demand, how does it fucking work?
In boulder, we limit building to practically nothing, load any condo or apartment with “low income housing”, and then limit how many unrelated people can live in a condo.
that, plus all the students (with ‘free’ money) drives the price/room through the roof.
Leading porn writer insists Trump presidency threatens future of the sex industry
SF disagrees, I’m sure.
What, because crushing pussy will go mainstream and women will suddenly throw their legs open to everyone who winks at em?
*starts winking at passing women*
I thought those nude photos of his wife were going to degrade the presidency and turn all the men in the country into perverts? I’m confused.
And having Hillary and the SJWs in the White House didn’t threaten the future of the sex industry?
Tipper Gore must feel like she waster her life then.
Of course not. They don’t compete with the sex industry in any shape or form. On the other hand, Ivanka and Melanie…
Except that the SJWs are anti-porn, aren’t they?
Depends. They’re all about empowering women to make porn that appeals to women, but anything else is evil male gaze and exploiting and patriarchy and objectification and so on and so forth.
So, “average-looking Pizza guy who slaps her ass” plots are out, “totally woke .com billionaire who flies her to his bondage dungeon in the Seychelles” plots are in. Gotcha.
Unless you’ve carried a cum-stained mattress through two New York blizzards and a Sandy you have no right to judge, you SHITLORD!
Of course, that was back when girls used to be named “Sandy” so long before your time.
They like porn with ugly girls, and LTBGWTFOMGHAXXORS in it.
So we could go with the pool boy plot, but let’s mix it up and make it a pizza delivery guy who just happens to have a 12-inch schlong.
“He fixes the cable?”
After eight years of President Obama’s leadership during which there were no federal obscenity trials
There was, of course, no massive explosion in hostilities to free speech during that eight year run, however. As long there’s no federal obscenity trials for porn the greater cultural zeitgeist doesn’t matter at all.
Never heard of her. Seems like she’s more into self-promotion with porn merely being a means to an end.
That’s how I like my porn, as a means to an end.
didn’t the Obama admin shut a bunch of pornstars bank accounts?
strippers, porn and gun shop owners, IIRC
“Operation Choke Point
Which, btw, was totally fake
Gotta love those “We have investigated ourselves, and fully cleared ourselves of any wrongdoing.” investigations.
“Nope, we engaged in a multi-agency conspiracy to shut down industries disfavored by us. Its been a long time since we really cared what the White House wanted.”
What a terrific opportunity to, what was it, “Drain the swamp?” Grep the DOJ mail servers for any reference to “Operation+Choke+Point”, anyone who comes up with a match gets a pink slip. Easy day.
The first thing I thought of when I read about that Connecticut property was this place. I went there for an entrepreneurship retreat once. It was great. But it was built by an evil capitalist who made his money by exploiting innocent cat owners, and is often used to spread that poisonous philosophy, so it wouldn’t work on the east coast.
For you benighted swine who don’t listen to musique concrete exclusively
If you’re into similar kooky characters in the world of early-electronic-music, see = Bruce Haack
when most electronic music was being done by academics using laboratory-grade equipment, he was slapping together machines in his garage and making children’s records.
His catalogue is pretty bizarre, obviously. But almost all of it is sonically interesting.
and unique lyrics, which deal with “powerlove”
Inside Trump’s war on regulations
The libertarian moment?
Why does the title give me a tingle up my leg?
The one thing I can completely get behind in the Trump administration.
Besides Ivanka.
Tweaking existing non-permanent executive department rules and administrative regs doesn’t exactly qualify. It’s gratifying to see these retards hoist on the petard of the unitary executive though. “Hey, everything we can’t get through congress we’ll just end-run through executive fiat… Wait, what the fuck, you mean the other guys can do that too?!”
As I recall the ‘libertarian’ writers at TSTSNBN completely ignored the most libertarian thing Trump promised (killing regulations) and screamed about how he was going to be worse than Hitler. That is when I began to suspect they were not completely on the up-n-up about being libertarians.
It’s pronounced ‘liberaltarians’. It’s a lot easier than having principles and such
I think Shikha has been relatively level-headed throughout the whole thing.
Not as much as Suderman. Or Chapman. Those guys could be used as standards of level by which all level is calibrated.
Level, as in raze to the floor, right?
And the first comment was a “make money on the internet” bot. I miss those days….
Did you guys see what Kathy Griffin did?
There is absolutely nothing that would make me google that.
Got old?
Beyond being chronically unfunny?
No, but I will venture a guess:
Said something retarded in the realm of politics in a desperate attempt to get media attention?
And obviously it worked since we are talking about her. I had honestly forgotten all about her.
I’m not talking about her.
Too late
But is talking about not talking about her talking about her or just talking about talking?
Then its not too late!
^^what he said
Remember when Palin putting a crosshair on her website was incitement to violence? I wonder what she had to say about that back in the day. They truly are unhinged. I wonder how they think throwing away all of their credibility forever is worth…what? What do they expect to gain out of this? I guess thats why it is called ‘derangement’.
A Playboy spread?
*places order for new computer; cause of failure listed as “projectile vomiting”*
I will never again achieve an erection.
Could you imagine spending an evening with her? I would Hari Kari for sure. She would probably bitch about cultural appropriation while I was doing it.
I enjoyed someone’s comment:
“They go low, we go ISIS.”
I am on my phone so this is the best I can do.
I’m not installing flash to watch the video, but the news description is pretty good:
“A number of women were seen fighting when one woman jumped into a white SUV.
“The driver revved the engine and the video showed her smashing into a silver SUV, nearly taking off the passenger door.
“The vehicles collide several more times as they maneuver back and forth in the small parking lot.
“The SUVs headed into the street where the white SUV was spotted delivering one more crunching blow to the silver SUV. The white SUV then mowed down a fire hydrant, sending a geyser of water into the air.
I liked the news anchor’s face. You could tell he was prepared to switch back into Black voice and say, “Y’all know them Crenshaw bitches is crazy”
That is insane.
Good article on the decline of the self employed.
Here is another link just in case. The above one looks like it routes through fb
Holy shit! What kind of encoding is on that link? It’s like full fledged chromosome there.
The article was on fb, clicked copy link which directs you the article but for some reason fb adds all that shit to it instead of just a direct link.
Weird. So you make it more difficult to own or operate a business and fewer people own or operate businesses.
Always pissed me off when Reason would go on about how 10,000 new Uber drivers constituted the dawn of the golden age of entrepreneurship. Being a contract employee with no equity != entrepreneurship. Millennials owns less equity than any previous generational cohort at the same age.
Same here. Business licensing can’t be trashed fast enough
Begun, the AI wars have.
It’s going to be fun watching the back-and-forth defeat AI, AI gets stronger loop. What a beautiful time to be sentient.
I’m not sure whether to be impressed or perplexed that they put so much effort into that.
“But knowing there may be unintentional biases in the treatment of children based on gender could help future researchers explore the subject and possibly help fathers identify their biases, Kazdin said.”
GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL: “Do you want help identifying your biases?”
DAD: “What?”
GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL: “Do you want to keep your children? If so, correcting your biases could help.”
Which probably is the targeted end use given half of the research was done by the U of A.
I love the way only fathers need to identify their unintentional biases.
Can we talk about Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe starring in a movie together? Because my spidey sense is telling me those two did not get along. Leaving the fact that Crowe is a close friend of Nicole Kidman, they seem to have the types of personalities that would result in fisticuffs.
I saw somewhere that Russell Crow is a complete as to work with. Can’t imagine Cruise putting up with that. He might try to sell him some Thetons or whatever the hell those things are to help him chill.
Complete ass.
Fifty bucks on Crowe.
Because of all that experience Fightin’ Around the World?
I think bigger story is why they chose the mummy? Did they consult Johnny Depp for advice on choosing movies?
And, let’s face it, Crowe would beat Cruise’s ass like a drum.
And then Crowe would mysteriously disappear never to be heard from again. Those cultist are crazy.
Why cant they both lose?
You’ve got smarmy, facade-wearing Cruise and classic dickhead with no pretensions in Crowe. Seems like TNT.
Oh, this movie will be on TNT about two months after it hits theaters.
Is that what you meant?
Because my spidey sense is telling me those two did not get along.
Can’t be as bad as Joan Crawford and Bette Davis.
Oh sweet mother of fuck: If you ever thought the criticism about ESPN going completely in the SJW tank was overblown, this article will put those concerns to bed.
Look, I’m no fan of the cops. But this writer is a goddamn idiot looking to make race an issue where it simply doesn’t exist. We all saw the eyes in that mugshot. The video is coming soon. This had nothing to do with race at all.
TW TW (Tiger Woods Trigger Warning).
Also, it’s from “The Undefeated”, ESPN’s site about and for black people where comments don’t exist because they don’t want a real conversation, they want to hector people without being questioned.
I don’t know who this Hector fella is, but I bet La Migra wants a word with him.
“Mixed folk done think they better than us.”
I think it’s even worse than that. When he was king of the world how many times did we hear about “The best golfer in the world is a black guy”, “Tiger Woods is opening up golfing for the black community”, but now that he’s a fucking drunk and a pervert “HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM BLACK!”
He referred to himself as black right up until his wife split his wig with that seven iron. And black sports writers loved him. Now they’re quick to point out his multi-racial identity because for some reason they all want to collectivize his guilt as much as they wanted to collectivize his success.
Wouldn’t it be easier to say “Tiger can identify as whatever he wants. But the police are identifying him as a dude that was so fucked up he fell asleep at the wheel at 3 am.”
And worse, fucked up the side of a MB.
That’s simply not true.
I guess I’m wrong. I go back to the interview seven years before Woods won The Masters. And I have likely confused him referring to himself as black because his dad was so prevalent in the media and tended to call him black.
I’ll leave my error for all to see and apologize for getting that fact wrong. Thanks for correcting me. Seriously.
No worries.
Regardless of who called him what when, the author of the article is basically calling Woods uppity for acknowledging 1 half of his family tree. Fuck him.
It doesn’t matter what Woods says, the decision has been made!
That was a great skit.
One of the best from one of the greatest sketch shows ever.
Konichi wah, Bitchez!
I refuse to click that’s just what ESPN wants.
Yeah, I don’t care to read it just like I don’t watch ESPN unless there is an actual game on. They’re all a bunch of retarded douchebags that have nothing intelligent to say about anything. I haven’t watched in years.
He was asleep at the wheel.
And yet that article is entirely about race. Ten bucks says that if you sat down with Mike Fletcher and tried to have a conversation about anything at all within a minute the conversation would be about race.
Interesting discussion the other day here on why no slurs against white people push buttons the way they do for other races.
Hint: Nobody really gives a shit what race people are. It is very tiresome hearing about race all the time. Ditch that shit and just be you. The other people who dont identify as members of some arbitrary collective will start taking you seriously.
It’s odd how they don’t get that most normal people can interact with people of other races no problem, it’s when that other person (and even if they’re the same race as the listener) start talking about privilege or toxic masculinity or ‘black bodies’ their brain starts screaming “ABORT ABORT ABORT ESCAPE CRAZY ANNOYING PERSON NOW.”
What the hell are you talking about? It’s like you never had any instruction on how to conduct yourself in a job interview.
I actually know someone was conducting interviews for hiring for his company. He said he got one of those. He just sat there poker faced and let the girl go on non-stop for five minutes with SJW arglebargle and black woman oppression nonsense. His only words to her were “Thank you for coming in. I will call you if you get the job.” He then shitcanned her application.
A few days later she called and when he told her she didn’t get the job….
“Who do I make an appeal to, because I think I should have the job?”
“Me. I own the company.” Then he hung up on her. I was keeping my fingers crossed that he didn’t get sued over it.
She probably working in HR somewhere now.
Clearly, she knows more about hiring than the guy did!
A government agency HR department most likely.
Dodged a freakin’ bullet. “Who do I make an appeal to”, indeed. Christ on a pogo stick, she is never going to be anything but dead weight or worse in any organization until she gets her mind right.
It’s funny. I have plenty of liberal friends. White, black, lesbian, white collar, blue collar, old, young, middle age. As much as we disagree on politics, none of them spout that SJW level derp. In fact, I never hear that and we have OSU here which is the largest university in the country. I’m sure some of that goes on on campus but I just don’t see it and I meet students at bars all the time.
Most sportswriters are goddamn idiots.
A 41-year-old man who has famously insisted on his mixed racial heritage was identified in the arrest report with one word: black.
Yeah, maybe because they make observations and write them down. It’s not as if they have 23 and me in their cruisers and can make an accurate racial breakdown on their reports.
So they didn’t call him what he wants to be called. Big fucking deal. I wonder how this writer would react if Rachel Dolezal got arrested and they put “black” on her report. After all, of Tiger should have what he self-identifies as in his, shouldn’t the same go for her? Or anybody, for that matter?
You owe me a new irony meter.
The fuck is that?
thank yo
I’ve never once in my life wished for a police officer to shoot a child and a dog ‘while feeling threatened’, but there you go.
Oh hurrah, Commie/Green Alliance in BC is as glorious as I expected
an at-arm’s-length fair wages commission
What does that mean? Arms-length from who, exactly? “Arms-length” is usually used to describe a negotiation where nobody has any conflicts of interest. What it means in the context of a regulatory body, I have no clue. And I bet they don’t, either.
I assume it means “totally not an NDP party member, but a well-meaning academic of impeccable academic credentials oh look also happens to be a lefty because reality has a left-wing bias.”
Well of course it means that!
Fuckin’ coasties. Too many of ’em are too young to remember what B.C. looked like the last time the Dippers were in power.
If I were the leader of the B.C. Libs, I’d refuse to provide the Speaker of the House from my own party’s ranks regardless. Let ’em supply the Speaker and then have an effective tie in the Legislature, forcing the Speaker to vote every time. Every. Single. Time.
When commies and greenies (distinction without a difference) are deciding how to spend other people’s money they have no conflicts between them.
What is “proportional representation’ in that context? What are they talking about? Affirmative action applied to elections? What the hell?
Someone try and convince me that they are not actively trying to destroy the economy. C’mon, I dare ya.
Proportional representation simply means that seats are parceled out by the percentage of votes each party got. It’s what some Euro countries use, Israel, too.
Obviously, since they were in power for 4 years of last 20, Commies want it in hopes that they plus Greens will always have more than 50% of votes and thus all the power.
Greens are trying to destroy the economy. Commies are split between union wing, which still understands something, and the rest (including govt. unions) who want to plunder till we go all shiny and chrome on the Fury Road.
If our future is Shiny and Chrome I call dibs on Bullet Farm.
Proportional representation generally means that, instead of having one person represent one geographic district, they aggregate the districts together then decide the representatives based upon the proportion of party favor in the combined super-district. For example, my state has 8 representatives to Congress. If they were chosen with proportional representation, then the entire state would vote as one district. If e.g. the end result was 60% for the Democratic party, 35% for the Republican Party, and 5% for other parties, then we would send 5 Democrats and 3 Republicans to Congress (rounding favors the parties with more votes). As it stands now, we send 7 Democrats and 1 Republican thanks to gerrymandering (which is totally okay according to the courts because it’s not “racially motivated”, and if you believe that Maryland Democrats don’t gerrymander with race in mind, I’ve got a whole slate of nice bridges to sell you).
Well, there goes the neighbourhood.
My evening would not be complete without the guy with the “Dixie” car horn outside my balcony (seriously – it cracks me the fuck up)
One of my cars had a ‘la cucaracha’ horn. Good thing cultural appropriation didn’t exist in the ’80s.
Was it a ranchero or an el camnio?
Lol. LeMans. 1965.
too cool for your own good.
When I was a kid, my number one dream in the world was to one day have a car just like the General Lee that played Dixie when you pressed the horn.
I had a red ’71 Charger I paid $500 for. Thing was a tank.
My dad had an orange 1969 Charger when I was a little kid. He sold it about a year before the Dukes premiered. I loved that frigging show. “Why did you sell the General Lee, dad?” I must’ve asked that a million times.
When I was a kid, we actually had a OMWC-type van.
The first car I remember us having was a 1970 Nova. Thing would be worth a fortune today.
Cool. We had a Javelin. Unapologetic product of capitalism.
When my mom was pregnant with me, dad was at redstone arsenal getting flight training wrapped up. He was qualifying on Hueys and was gonna be flying medivac flights in Vietnam. He went out a month before Mom had me (my sister has turned one that week) and came home with a brand new Jag E type 2+2. Told Mom if he was gonna die that shed at least have a nice car. She looked at it, standing in that Alabama July sun with her big pregnant belly out to here and said “does it have A/C?” Dad said nope. She made him take it back and he came home a couple hours later with a Monte Carlo that was loaded…with A/C.
Mom fucked up that day.
She was brilliant. The car would be worth a ton, today, perhaps … after spending 2x that amount to even get it here.
Nice gesture by dad, though.
Now you just settle for the next best thing, which is having racist thoughts.
The rest of us were thinking of Daisy Duke.
I was too young to be thinking such thoughts while the Dukes were on. When re-watching the series as a teenager I realized my folly.
In the DC area? He deserves a mural on the rotunda.
Sargon on Tom Woods today. Tom lets Sargon off on his statist tendencies (Sargon basically made The Roadz! argument), but you can see the new alliances that are being made because of the odious nature of the new left.
thanks. I have Tom Woods in my feed in multiple places (utube, itunes, etc), but i never listen to his show until someone reminds me.
Not his best interview (pretty superficial) but interesting. Of the interviews he’s done this month, the one he did with the FBI hostage negotiator was the most informative for me. It’s on his website.
Back to SF’s ramblings, I’m guessing “pinnafitid sperm” have fins and such rather than a mere tail? Multi-tails? I lost the Oxford Complete when my parents sold their house and that sucker weighed in at twenty pounds.
Pinnatifid and digitigrade. Huh. This place is highbrow as fuck.
I hear Kathy Griffin has apologized.
Jesus these people are unhinged. It is pure Borderline Personality Disorder behavior. The level of vicious bile and hatred is so far over the top it is shocking. Do these people really have that much to lose? If they have that much to lose by having the govt teat even slightly taken from them it can only be because they cant produce anything of value themselves.
For years y’all have probably gotten tired of hearing me say it but I am going to again: The so called elite/ruling class needs to go. They are spectacularly incompetent as we have seen for the last 16 years. They only exist to maintain their own status. They need to go.
Apologized for what? Her career? It’ll take more than apology for that.
Meh, I thought her first couple of “My Life on the D-List” specials were pretty funny.
You people need to actually post links when you’re talking about what some random person did. *Googles*
Meh, it’s about the same as Snoop Dogg shooting Trump in his music video. It’s either the move of a shallow coward or an attention whore: the first if it’s meant as a serious political statement, in which case it’s just a masturbatory, violent fantasy, the second is Kathy Griffin is a has-been who desperately wants people to pay attention to her (either due to controversy or approval for goodthink).
I’m going to go with the second.
I think the thing that bugs me is the difference between the media reaction to a video shooting Trump, and a video shooting Obama.
Just today in another forum I brought of “Mirth & Girth”, which is nearly 30 years ago now. Artists like to claim art should be “transgressive” and “challenging”, but it should only transgress against and challenge one group of people.
Someone posted the link earlier. I was referring to that.
I’m sure the “progressives” have immediately dismissed it as “just a joke” and “just what comedians do”.
But imagine the outrage if Larry the Cable Guy had posted a photoshopped picture of him holding Obama’s severed head??
By the ears I assume…
Here’s Gwar disemboweling George W. Bush and beheading Dick Cheney:
Do I need to add NSFW?
Saying that it shows George W, Bush being disemboweled and Darth Cheney being beheaded seems like it would cover it.
Kathy Griffin’s not as awesome as Gwar though.
For equal measure, if you jump in at a buck 25, this one shows Gwar beheading Barack Obama.
I mean, the other one was from when Bush was president, once Obama became president, what were they supposed to do–behead the Speaker of the House?
Most people didn’t even know who he was!
I mean, she doesn’t like Trump. Or she wants to be seen as not liking Trump. Great! Sweet! Better than an apology for the optics would be an apology for engaging in this superficial virtue-signalling rather than genuine debate. Hate Trump! Hate his ass! But explain why, and engage other people in genuine discussion instead of just throwing poo.
We just conducted a successful ICBM test of our own.
“US successfully ‘intercepts and destroys’ target in missile test”
We just shot down a dummy ICBM.
Keep working on your missile, though, fat boy.
Pissing Pug has been added to Fearless Girl. I love this so much.