A lot of the Glibs are distracted by the wedding of Grand Moff Serious Man and Kibby. I, however, am stuck many hundreds of miles away doing chores. So I am taking a break from yard-work in the 91 degree sunshine to give a few links for you all to mull over.
- Of course Brexit = jihadism!
- Not sure how to snark this one. Wish I could, though.
- I have been stationed in Daraa for three and a half years. If I were posted to the dark side of the Moon, I couldn’t be more….isolated.
- Drat.
And there you are. Enjoy!
I fixed my mommy issues with booze and my right fist!
Willie Hell, if it was up to me, I’d let ya go. [raises fists] But the lads have a temper, and they’ve been drinkin’ all day!
Sunshine and 91.
We have had thunderstorms here every day for the past 4 days. It’s early June in arkansas and we are not even hitting the 90s. It’s so humid right now, that if the sun came out it would be extremely encomfortable.
Sunshine and 85 here. Was 87 earlier. 3 straight days of sun after 20+ straight days of rain. My maters is looking happier.
My corn is over 4 foot tall. the tomatoes look pretty good. I picked my first cucumbers last week.
I peel and slice the cumbers, put them in a shallow dish of vinegar, water, diced onion, diced tomato, and pepper. I put that in my refrigerator and every time I walk through my kitchen, I pick out a slice of cucumber and eat it.
“put them in a shallow dish of vinegar, water, diced onion, diced tomato, and pepper”
Sound a little like my wife’s vinaigrette, which is not the same thing as vinaigrette dressing, but sort of a salsa with vinegar.
We haven’t hit 80 in at least a week and won’t for another week.
It’s a freakin’ sauna here. Most of the day was over 90 with humidity to match. Overcast and pissy rain all day until an hour ago, dropped to 70 with heavier rain.
Just came in from picking second batch of tomatoes. And I’m drunk.
I hate summer weather so much. Just bright and sunny without any clouds. Sucks. (think I’ve got reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder). Can’t wait for fall.
“Brextremist Lie Machine”?
How the fuck is the genius that is Malcolm Tucker based on this guy?
I did yard work all day too. High 80’s here in sunny SC. I tried to convince my son to go make friends with our new neighbors so we could use their slip n slide and eat some birthday cake.
Am I the only one in SC?
No, I’m pretty sure there are a few other million people there.
Including whole cases of Lindsey Graham crackers.
Graham crackers were invented to be bland and reduce people’s sexual urges.
Went the other way for me. I was a terror in kindergarten.
All trying to get out, though, amirite?
I made it out to Virginia, not sure that counts as success.
There are worse places. Like pretty much everywhere north of there on the east coast.
Better weather, though. High 60s here.
Until it’s winter maybe. I myself love hot humid weather.
I didn’t inherit the complete ginger curse (apparently, the hair skips a generation) but I did get the total intolerance for heat and humidity.
Some of us may or may not live in the western part of the state, close to Augusta. Hot, humid, and starting to look stormy around here.
Enact your own labor, moocher.
100 LSD treatments with Hartman — not a psychiatrist, but a radiologist — over three years.
Man I like to trip as much as the next guy, but damn. That almost a trip a week. In my experience, LSD takes about a day to wear completely off.
Have only tried it a few times. Ok, maybe 10 times, but was a long time ago. I had one batch, called orange barrel that lasted 2 days and then sudden flashbacks for a few days afterwards. Not a bad experience or anything, just sort of freaked me out a little at the potency.
LSD is fine, unless you have someone who has pre-existing mental conditions. I had a friend, who was a brilliant guitarist, but had some issues. He was not someone who should have ever taken LSD, but did, and … got lost.
SLD applies, of course, but it sucks to see someone who could have been something/someone worthwhile/ fade into oblivion due to preventable causes.
I don’t personally believe people who deteriorate mentally following a bout w. psychadelics were going to otherwise “be fine” had they simply avoided them.
iow, i don’t believe any psychedelic “causes” mental illness. A lot of people who have incipient schizophrenia can have their psychotic break triggered by psychedelic drugs; but it was likely an inevitability regardless. If you’re that easily cracked, then you weren’t healthy to begin with. Psychedelics don’t do any damage = they just severely stress already damaged minds.
*disclosure = this is more or less what doctors told me when my brother had a schizophrenic break after a period where he’d done mushrooms. My mom was convinced that he’d been perfectly healthy, but somehow the “drugs” destroyed him. the doctors insisted that this was completely false – that the drugs were simply one stress among many that triggered a condition that already existed and would simply have emerged at a different pace.
Had s friend in highschool who was a good dude, very extraverted and likeable. Two hits later was messed up for life. It was on sugar cubes, could actually been more dropped on than two hits though. Anyway, dude is all spaced out, talks really slow, it’s sad.
Hitting up Björk would mess you up for life.
You are 100% accurate and on-target, Gilmore. The drugs were just the catalyst for the psychotic break — but if it hadn’t been the drugs, it would have come out after something else, perhaps a very stressful event. With schizophrenia, it’s just waiting to emerge in late teens/early 20s, and with what we know presently, there’s no way to stop its emergence. Even with completely stress-free and sober life, it will come.
Reminds me of the first time I had LSD. Me and my fellow guitarist in my first ever real out of the basement / garage band. We were sort of scared of the stuff, so we decided to try to cut this teeny tiny pill into two halves. Which we did with surgical precision with a craft knife. So we’re sitting around in his basement where we practiced our music 5 days a week, playing cards and watching TV. After about 1 hour I said ‘Hey man, either this stuff doesn’t work, or we should have taken a whole one. Look how tiny these are’. So we took another whole teeny tiny pill. About 20 minutes later we’re having a hard time playing poker and giggling and I have no idea why. Until everything in the room starting looking really weird. Some time after that, my friend is standing in front of me looking like he saw a ghost, after me wondering where the fuck he was. Then he says ‘Whatever you do, don’t look in the mirror!’. LOL, that was fun.
Never heard of this Cary Grant guy? Some sort of old-timey movie star?
Nor do I know Sportsball thrower-guy Jimmy Piersall.
I see Bret Weinstein was on Joe Rogan podcast. Starting this now while I eat salt & vinegar chips and drink Budweiser. Noms
Most people associate Harry Caray with the Cubs, but he was also broadcaster for the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago White Sox prior to the Cubs gig.
When Harry was the White Sox broadcaster, his color man for many years was the just-passed Jimmy Piersall. The two of them together would usually rage endlessly during the games about how much the White Sox sucked. My memory is a bit hazy about the Sox in the 1970s (I grew up a Cubs fan, but would occasionally watch the Sox on their snowy UHF channel), but I seem to recall Piersall getting suspended and eventually canned because he kept saying nasty stuff about the team. He was actually pretty hilarious and more than a little unhinged at times, but the team could only take so much of his antics.
Continuing from the morning links
I’m going to ignore the evidence-free part of that article (“Evil insurance companies will deny your coverage and tell you to commit suicide!”) Self-ownership does demand the ability to terminate your own existence at will. I really don’t see a “but” or “however” there. It’s no different than the argument about self-ownership with respect to drugs or anything else.
Makes sense to me.
I must end my life because I am in so much pain and I can’t get pain relief because the anti-drug warriors are giant steaming piles of shit. That’s my biggest issue with all of this. Although if I want to off myself, why not.
Your property, your choice.
And I don’t see insurance companies getting away with denying coverage by saying you should just kill yourself without a massive customer exodus.
I say you’re free to contract with anyone to do your dirty work, as long as both sides voluntarily agree to the terms of the contract?
In principle, how is hiring a suicide-expert any different from hiring an accountant to do your taxes? In both cases you don’t want the work to get screwed up, or you’ll end up suffering.
..And no-one’s negative rights are hurt. I should probably add that part.
I think there can be far too much doubt about the contracting person’s rational capacity
I’ve had far too much direct-experience with the mentally ill. Other libertarians often seem to subscribe to the Thomas Szasz POV (why, i’ve never quite understood) that there’s no such thing as mental illness and that people are always 100% in charge of themselves. I don’t.
I can see your point regarding the mentally ill. On the whole though, I think many rational people can come to a rational decision about wanting their life ended. In the case of the rational person, I wouldn’t have a problem with them contracting their death. On an Ill person, not so much. This opens up a big can of worms WRT how to determine if one is rational or mentally ill. For one type of assisted suicide to be legal and for another type to not be, government actors would have to involved to make a determination on the state of mind of the individual. I personally would not like government psychiatrists to be the arbiter of whether or not I can control myself.
If you can, you can always off yourself.
If you can’t, well, its generally a good rule of thumb to “Not kill people”
Agreed, Szasz takes it to an extreme that I find at odds with real life mental illness. From a purely theoretical perspective I can see some of his point, but there are certainly many people who are not capable of making anything close to rational decisions. Sometimes this only lasts for short periods. I have a very good friend who within a period of a few weeks went from a totally normal dude to completely raving loon. Luckily for him they finally got the meds right after a few years of tinkering and now he is a highly productive and all around great guy who owns his own house and business. But for a few months there he was absolutely not able to make life altering choices. I am happy we took away his shotgun. He might not be here if we didn’t.
Also – i think you’re only partially quoting me.
I’m of the mind that anyone has the right to off themselves regardless of circumstances at any time. And i’m also completely in favor of assisted suicide under most circumstances provided various conditions are met. I just don’t think you can apply some simplistic blanket rule and then say its perfectly ok for young, depressed people to contract for someone else to blow their brains out. If you’re unwilling to do the deed yourself, it is reflecting of an inherent uncertainty they’re trying to get around.
My main issue is with the structures that need to be in place in order to determine who gets to decide for themselves if they want to live or die. And I agree you should be able to do the deed yourself.
There are edge cases at both ends. Some people would be incapable of doing the deed, and some would not have the mental presence to make the decision, but most people would be able to do both. I don’t know how you make a fair system that covers those edge cases without the risk of stepping on human rights.
Its all “edge cases”.
The vast vast vast majority of people – even the mentally ill, the terminally ill, the horrifyingly crippled, etc – hang on to life as long as they can.
The few people who find themselves in the position you describe are by definition aberrant, not operating normally. Trying to create some simple philosophical formula to “solve” such complex cases is a fools errand. (tho sort of a typical libertarian hobby – always trying to find some ‘rule’ to apply to issues that evade simple rules)
the best you can do is prevent ‘mistakes’, and create safeguards that prevent merely-depressed people from using others as a crutch, or putting doctors in ethically compromised positions where they might actually be incentivized help to end people’s lives.
I’m looking for someone who “paints houses”
+1 Sneaky Pete
Been raining all weekend in South Florida, temps in the mid-80s. Better than your normal sweltering early June weekend here.
“Much of Daraa has been reduced to rubble”
Now THAT’S how you stimulate an economy. /Pauly Krugnuts
Suggesting we stimulate the economy by reducing Washington DC to rubble, however, would be highly illegal.
” I learned to accept the responsibility for my own actions and to blame myself and no one else for circumstances of my own creating. ”
LSD for everybody!
If we could only find a drug with this effect.
Of course it wouldn’t be particularly popular.
And still surrounded by cattle.
So, Teresa May is going to solve Islamic terrorism by getting an international agreement to regulate the internet. Maybe putting 2 year olds on sex offender lists will do the trick?
They can’t even keep prisoners in their jails from radicalizing and they are going to control the frigging internet. The idiocy thunders on unabated.
The failure of logic is astounding. It would make as much sense to ban delivery trucks.
A very nice deconstruction of her shitty speech. If that is supposedly the British version of a “conservative”, I’d hate to see their liberals.
They really are going to keep pretending Islam isn’t them problem, and there is nothing they can do to stop importing vast numbers of Muslims. I think we can write of the UK at this point.
From the link:
Said unironically and with many upvotes. WTF?
People have been lied to and betrayed for too long.
Dictators are not exactly known for their honesty and oathkeeping, Pinochet being no exception.
Report: Japan’s dementia crisis expected to get even worse by 2025
“While the problem affects people worldwide, Japan has been particularly hit hard due to the high proportion of elderly people in its population—estimated to be over 25 percent—and relatively low levels of government funding to help provide care. As a result, the country has faced a number of challenges including a surge in elder-abuse cases and the disappearance of thousands of people with dementia, notes The Guardian.”
Can’t wait for government run healthcare!
Those old people are probably just hoarders and wreckers anyway.
If I’m demented at 70 years old, just tell me we are going to Disneyland, so at least I have some excitement before you drop me off in some random forest.
They’ll drop you off at the assisted suicide forest.
Pretty creepy.
Wasn’t that the plot from one of the James Bond novels?
Lot of talk lately about the pussyfication of our Mother Country.
Problem msolved
“Manchester scientist to clone ‘British Man’ from 9th century”
Maybe he’ll arrive with an intact set of balls.
“The 6 foot-long fossil reveals that the extinct early man of England possessed two large working testicles (a left one and a right one), which shatters all modern theories about the origins of today’s residents of the British Isles.
Attached to the testicles were two fully developed legs and a solid, erect spine that allowed him to stand tall. As if that weren’t enough, Testiculus Englishmanus had a pair of strong arms with powerful hands, making them ideal to form fists or use weapons.
“I was totally shocked to see the testicles,” said the study’s lead researcher, Peter Sanstestes. “For a week on end, I actually went back to the specimen every day just to look at them again, to make sure that I wasn’t seeing things.” “
“the extinct early man of England possessed two large working testicles”
Unfortunately, none of his descendants have survived until this day.
You sure it wasn’t just a Viking?
Well, it could have been. But it seems that in their native lands, there is not even one ball to be found today, let alone 2.
They will remove those testicles for free – one of the benefits of single-payer.
Is your skin breaking bad? Try the blue meth.
Also – stop making interesting conversation. I have to do SNP and you’re distracting me.
Why do you have to do the Scottish National Party?
Poachers read scientific journals?
For those of you keeping score, the Second Amendment just hit a home run:
“A hero neighbor shot and killed a maniac with a knife who was trying to drown his own three-month-old twins.
Cash Freeman fired at Leland Michael Foster, 27, twice on Friday in Ada, Oklahoma, killing Foster while he was holding a mother at bay with a knife and trying to submerge the babies in the bathtub”.
If you look at the pictures of the kid who shot the maniac, he looks like about as nice and mild mannered a kid as central casting could send up. No Confederate flag tattoos. No “Don’t Tread on Me” t-shirt. He looks like he’s 17, never disobeys his mom, and mows the old man down the street’s lawn for free.
And that bad guy who was shot, well, he looks like what racists might send up from central casting for a bad guy that needs to be shot.
I bet this story doesn’t get too much play in the U.S. nationally. It’s just not the message that the media wants to send right now–or ever.
Look, you can’t just take the law into your own hands! He should have called the police, someone could have been hurt!
/every leftist on the planet
The police might have shot the dog, but they might hesitate to shoot a member of an historically aggrieved . . .
If this had happened in another state, the kid might be in trouble.
If they had pictures of him wearing camo or at a gun show or if he’d once said something stupid on Facebook, . . .
The kid’s a big-eyed bunny. Nobody wants to send that kid to jail. Certainly not in Oklahoma.
If you live in Los Angeles and shoot a minority in self-defense, don’t tell your story to the police. The correct answer to, “What happened?” isn’t, “He was trying to drown the babies and he had a knife, so I . . .” The correct answer is: “I want to speak to a lawyer”.
“If this had happened in another state, the kid might be in trouble.”
I work about 5 Mikes from the oklahoma border. Arkansas has pretty good gun and self defense laws, but Oklahoma is even better. They have castle laws and make my day laws. There was a story a gee months back about a 13 or 14 year old in Oklahoma successfully defending his home against 3 intruders with an ar15. He killed at least one of them. No charges filed.
‘If you live in Los Angeles and shoot a minority in self-defense, don’t tell your story to the police. The correct answer to, “What happened?” isn’t, “He was trying to drown the babies and he had a knife, so I . . .” The correct answer is: “I want to speak to a lawyer”.’
That’s the right answer everywhere, not just in L.A.
“Police raced to the scene, but before they could get there, the homeowner’s 12-year-old granddaughter went to the neighbor’s house and pleaded for help.”
The NRA spin doctors just passed out in glee.
Exactly what every gun nut has always said. “When seconds count, the police are minutes away.”
I liked him on Arrested Development.
Yeah, that’s who he reminds me of!
I’m not sure. The utter repulsiveness (his actions, not his looks) of the guy who got shot is going to get BLM all tingly in the nether regions. They love to pick them some real pieces of work to lionize.
And what are blacks and whites doing living next to each other? I thought Oklahoma was supposed to be some totes racist segragationalist territory?
You guys sure go all in when the story fits your narrative. I see nothing here that eliminates the oldest motive in the book, i.e. suckering some dumb hick to off your no good husband for you. Is there any evidence, sans the perp’s and his damsel in distress’s word, that this went down the way it’s reported? Hell, ask Ted this is the plot for almost every other movie made from 1935-1954, the papers used to warn you about this stuff.
A twelve year old girl entices the next door neighbor to shoot her father . . . for what reason?
“The infants were air-lifted to a hospital in Oklahoma City and released on Saturday”
If the infants were half drowned, that might be some evidence.
You’re probably kidding, in which case I cite Poe’s law.
Oh that’s right, 12-year-olds always act rationally and are never pawns in the nefarious shenanigans of Mommy and Nice Uncle Neighbor Man. Look if you and your boy toy are willing to gun down Pops, what’s to stop you from giving the twins a little dunkie-poo just before the EMT’s arrive. It looks suspicious is all I’m saying.
I can strongly recommend Double Indemnity and Inferno. In Strangers on a Train, however, nobody was trying to off a husband.
Dude had a knife in one hand and was drowning an infant with the other. How does that fit into your theory?
He’s either kidding (my bet), or his tin foil hat’s on too tight.
And you know this how?
So, the newspaper is in on it too?
Oh, this was in an newspaper? My mistake, I just thought people were reporting what they were told by other people who heard about it from someone else, I didn’t realize that an newspaper printed this. Mea Culpa, nothing fishy here, newspapers never lie.
I’m impressed. Most people don’t miss the point so obliviously.
As Ken surmised I was kidding*, but now i’m curious what was your point if not that newspapers either tell the truth or are “in on it” , pray tell.
*mostly there was a modicum of commentary hidden deep in my jibes, so to speak.
My point was just that Occam’s Razor always applies.
The newspaper reported that the dead guy was holding a knife and attempting to drown his sons. If this wasn’t the case, either the newspaper was in on the conspiracy, the police department was lying to the newspaper, or else neither the police nor the newspaper were competent to recognise a staged crime scene. Any of these things are possible, but none are likely (absent some evidence that so far, hasn’t come to light.)
Good to know you were kidding, though. It can be hard to tell, what with the death of irony…
So the asshole side of me was gonna make some snide remark about the whip-smart forensic team of this backwoods Podunk police department but first thought I’d google to make sure they weren’t actually some hotbed of criminal investigatory excellence and found this gem on the towns wiki page Accounts from both books suggest major flaws, irregularities, and outright miscarriages of justice including forced and made-up confessions by the police and prosecutors. So looks like I was right all along and strange things are afoot at the Ada, OK circle K.
So, Wikipedia is in on it too?
Fake news!
He’s from Oklahoma?
So maybe his Mom’s a fan of Johnny Cash?
If his dad is a fan of the Texas Jewboys, his middle name might be “Kinky”
He’s lucky he wasn’t named after the Oakie from Muskogee.
Who wants to be named “Merle”? It’s got a silent “e” on the end. Everybody’s gonna misspell it.
I’ve been looking forward to a very shitty pantsed article by Shikha over at TSTSNBN about the London Amish attack, but apparently they’re not going to cover it at all.
I guess they’re waiting to verify that the perpetrators weren’t asylum seekers, so they can condemn Trump’s travel ban. Until we know the terrorists’ immigration status, what’s there to talk about?
I think its actually a good editorial policy not to jump on every single news story of the day. there’s little that can be added to basic facts, and every other outlet on earth is already offering hot-takes by the wheelbarrow
that said, it would be nice if they showed similar restraint on other stupid, trivial matters that happen to get the media-class in a froth. but they don’t.
Also, it’s a blog. That gives them some cover as far as over-coverage of something when every staff member wants to cover it, but it also means that their collective silence can be deafening.
It’s always slow over there on the weekends. Take a look tomorrow, I’m sure they’ll manage to beclown themselves.
They are putting up other stories.
It takes a while to come up with a defendable angle to justify the unjustifiable.
It’s like what I was trying to say last week.
When you learn that 13 of 16 terrorists who’ve perpetrated terrorist attacks in Europe over the last two years were the European born children of immigrants, the natural conclusion isn’t that there’s no point in a travel ban or enhanced screening because that wouldn’t stop American born terrorists anyway.
The natural conclusion people draw is that if you want to stop terrorists from getting into the country, you prevent their peaceful parents from immigrating here in the first place so they can’t have American born children.
I’m uncomfortable with that conclusion myself for a number of reasons, some of them personal. Others are based on principle. I don’t think the government has any business discriminating against anyone on the basis of religion, but refusing entry to people on the basis that they come from a place with a significant terrorist presence that’s trying to infiltrate our borders and perpetrate terrorist attacks isn’t about religion. We’d do the same thing if we were at war with Shinto Japan or Nazi Germany.
And I think we can unwittingly undermine support for the First Amendment when we falsely accuse Trump’s travel ban of a First Amendment violation. Telling people that we can’t stop terrorists from coming across our borders because of the First Amendment doesn’t lead to open borders. Telling people that we can’t stop terrorists from coming across our borders because of the First Amendment leads them to question their support for the First Amendment.
And that’s completely unnecessary.
Trump’s travel ban only violates the First Amendment if you take some of his worst campaign rhetoric into consideration–the text of the EO itself in no way violates the First Amendment. Nothing stops congress from banning immigration from certain areas because immigration from those areas presents a significant threat of terrorism.
With Gorsuch in I’ll bet the travel ban issue will be steered to the Supreme Court and, I would think, be settled in Trump’s favor.
Assimilation works. We should try that again.
The words “assimilation” and “multiculturalism” can be confusing.
To me, assimilation is Borg mentality–resistance is futile. Assimilation is what the French have been trying to do for decades by banning head covering in public schools, etc. They’re really big on believing that French culture is the epitome of culture, and their public policies with regards to immigrants have supported that. Anything that isn’t progressive French leads to personal failure–with the weight of public policy behind that.
We’re not shoving this down your throats–it’s the French dream, love it or fail.
Multiculturalism is the American alternative. If you don’t want to salute the flag because of your religious beliefs, you don’t have to. Speak whatever language you want. In the past, immigrant parents have rebelled against the Los Angeles Unified School District and Spanish language instruction for immigrant kids. They wanted their children to learn English–not Spanish. Of course, if you told them they couldn’t use Spanish, they’d insist on being only taught in Spanish.
To me, that’s what multiculturalism is all about. Being American is about respecting other people’s rights, liberty, and justice for all. As long as you’re on board with that, I don’t care whatever else you want to keep of your former culture. Be as Vietnamese, Egyptian, or Ukrainian as you want to be. Irish, Italians, and Jews didn’t become as American as apple pie and baseball under the threat of forced assimilation.
Assimilation to me means force.
That the term “multiculturalism” was appropriated by lefties as a code word for anti-racism is a shame. In a lot of ways, it just means that people don’t exist for the benefit of society–society exists to benefit them in whatever ways they choose to participate.
One of the reasons American Muslims are better “assimilated” in the U.S. than French Muslims are in France is because we don’t use assimilation.
“t’s always slow over there on the weekends”
Cocktail parties.
It’s too local.
Damon your nimble fingers!
And damn, not Damon. Fucking auto-correct!
It must be too local for them.
Fleeing man said to embody British spirit.
The LED mouse ears are so manly.
Yes, being a self-absorbed idiot definitely embodies the British spirit. Sigh…
That’s, that’s enough music for now lads, there’s dirty work afoot.”
Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
(“I didn’t!”)
When danger reared it’s ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
(“I never!”)
Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
(“You’re lying!”)
Swiftly taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!
And they call this “Unprecedented”
Amadou Diallo – one guy – took 41 rounds. NYC FTW!!!
Because Whack-a-Mole is such an effective public safety strategy.
Hadn’t heard they were wearing suicide vests. Things sound like they could have been much worse.
They were fake, apparently. But they served their purpose, which was to cause police to initially keep their distance
Hey British cops have to get home safe too. Can’t get too close to a stabby medieval cultist lest your safety gets compromised.
I heard it was “fake suicide vests”. Because when you’re mowing down infidels you might as well troll them too.
Not “alternative facts vests”?
8 officers expend 50 rounds? Do they have to buy their own ammunition?
I don’t believe their cops carry guns under normal circumstances.
It’s amazing that they found and shot these guys as quickly as they did.
I think more of them are carrying these days. Hell, the SAS was patrolling after the incident from a story someone linked to yesterday. And yes, it is a big plus they stopped that as fast as they did. I was just joking about an average of 6 shots per cop being “unprecedented” as Gilmore pointed out. Cops in the US would have four empty magazines laying on the ground.
They probably don’t have the policy of one day of paid leave per shell casing on the ground.
Aside from specialist groups like Diplomatic Service Protection, the formal guidelines are that AFOs are only issued firearms when directed by a duly authorized officer of Chief Inspector or higher rank, but from what I understand from some old friends in the UKG, the Met typically has a number of normal cops out on the street at any time, armed, and that they have the equivalent of a couple of specialist teams (CTSFO squads), on duty, stationed in convenient locations around London, as well as ‘normal’ AFO personnel.
The current roll of firearms-certified personnel is *officially* about 2000 Metropolitan police officers, of which some are assigned to CTSFO operations consisting of about 20 men to a team, of which 3 or 4 teams are based in or around London. The CTFSO guys are very, very well trained in the UK and abroad.
Depending on which forces were involved in the final confrontation, the firearms used could have been select fire ( MP5SFs and MCXs), given that 8 cops discharged their weapons, it’s entirely possible that none of them fired more than 10 rounds.
Unless protocols have changed with the Met, every round expended will be scrutinized in great detail. It’s a total fucking hassle to explain why one of your three-round burst clipped some poor prole in the skull, so I’m not surprised there weren’t “too many” rounds fired.
FWIW, the Met (and almost certainly all the other forces and departments that have AFOs) have very stringent re-qualification protocols, and there are all sorts of ways to crash land and have your authorization suspended or revoked.
50 Rounds give or take a few is about 4 minutes of PPC training at my range.
Subtle, Reuters.
look who they picked to be the “conservative”, Trump-supporting poster-child. A one-legged homeless man. You can almost smell the pee-stench through the computer screen.
Who do we have in Portland…?
It kind of looks like they found a homeless dude and decorated him.
Didn’t it turn out that guy was a Bernie Bro?
Like most disorganized nutcases he was a lot of things, Bernie supporter being one of them, but he seemed to have some rightest views too.
So a racist communist. Got it. I am not sure how many at the free speech rally would agree with his views, but it is funny how the AP leaves out his political views supporting Bernie, but have no problem insinuating he is a Trump supporter.
batshit moron. same thing really
To lighten the mood a little – check out my llama. Not quite as jazzy/swing as some of AronChupa’s other vids, but still fun.
Albatraoz’s FTW bitches!
Check out your llama?
Always with the euphemisms….
Denver post has an article about men not going to college. They touch on the “all men are rapists” intro as a cause, but then handwave that away with a quote from some woman studies professor. Most men interviewed said “feel unwelcome. Its costly. Feel unwelcome.”
Best quote was a girl told some guy “i can tell you how many of your friends are rapists from statistics.”
Cant find a link,on lunch break
Just like our son had a 1 in 5 chance of being Chinese!
[I almost replied with an even more tasteless joke, but I decided not to]
Not sure how to snark this one. Wish I could, though.
Dropped acid 100 times to get over mommy issues? pffft whatever I dropped acid 100 times with your mom right before we had psychedelic sweaty sex.
Ontario government is moving to raise the minimum wage to $15 in the near future. I go to the grocery store today and the broccoli price has gone from around 95 cents (on sale)/$1.25 to $3.45.
What does that have to do with the price of broccoli in Ontario.
And then they’re going to complain the price of food is through the roof and will demand ‘food equality’ i.e. someone else must pay for it because HEALTH!
It’s just mind boggling how stupid the left are.
“Food equality” is the opposite of “Food deserts”.
Fifteen dollars Canadian? People are gonna starve.
Well, obviously that means they have to raise the minimum wage even further to keep up with price increases. Duh.
A lot of the Glibs are distracted by the wedding of Grand Moff Serious Man and Kibby.
Since I missed the Fucking Crack of Dawn Links, congrats to them both. I was lurking on H&R boards when they first started flirting/got introduced by the Western Contingent.
Yes. Congrats as well. I trust they had a great day, and will have a great future.
McDonald’s wants you to have the munchies.
That’s funny. A while ago a glib pointed out Wendy’s tumblr page. It’s nice when large corporations succeed at humor.
Sitting through the commencement for my sister’s grad school graduation. The description for public health (her school) is “a focus on healthy populations rather than individuals, public seeks to understand the foundations and social determinants of health disparities and work to resolve them. Nutrition, maternal health, gun violence, immunizations, health literacy and homelessness are only some of the factors in ending health disparities.”
What a colossal waste of tax dollars on this school. At best, only one of those factors above is an actual public health issue. The idiot student speakers are railing against climate change, healthcare as a right, against profits over people, unequal health outcomes, and gay marriage.
I’d feel much happier and healthier if I didn’t have the stress of fucking public health nazis getting their rocks off trying to run my life.
A wider scope brings more funding opportunities.
This gets stupider by the minute. Two of the public health grads are also graduating with degrees in urban planning. Their project was how the night shift for the university can get home safely. I think there’s an open bar afterwards. It should be before.
By the same token, they shouldn’t have after-dinner speakers; they should have before-dinner speakers. This will give the speakers the incentive to keep their speeches short.
The featured story is the phd candidate. Graduated with a masters in sociology, and couldn’t find an adequate job to support her family including a one year old so went on to a doctorate. Thanks to student loans, the food bank(!), and her husband’s job as a busboy (he’s now a cook!), she made it. Choices, how the fuck do they work?
The dean is recalling the good fight against HIV and how the evil president in the 80’s wouldn’t speak the name of the disease for 7 years.
Gays are so stupid and infantile that they can’t do anything for themselves unless the State mentions the name of their problem.
Nonsense like this is one of the reasons I have a big problem with the state funding scientific research. Funding goes to the people who have the biggest sob story and most political clout, and research always seems to confirm that we need More State.
Not to knock your sister, but I’ve always wondered why one would get an MPH instead of MS in biology or something like that. I know an MPH gets you a couple extra GS grades at the CDC, but so do a lot of things.
Oh, no go for it. Something I mean to ask her. The school issues both MPH and MS in the same sub specialties. I suspect MPH doesn’t require a thesis.
Racism is the biggest threat to public health! How can someone in this country in this day and age say that with a straight face.
Last graph was more from the dean. He’s actually saying “white privilege”. Watching a self generated struggle sesssion is not very fun.
Where’s my bingo card?
“Implicit bias” – X
“Microaggression” – X
#Rigor #Science
Appropriate for this forum, but not for the graduation.
Their project was how the night shift for the university can get home safely
Was one of their conclusions conceal carry?
At least someone is doing something about all those STDs.
Wait, there’s an “l” in “public health”? Wow, not specific enough for me.
JB’s post about the McDonald’s billboard above had the following horrifying story in the sidebar:
Lacey shorts want to be new summer hipster trend
They do look queer and all but they would help keep your balls cool.
Do you think the people wearing such shorts have balls?
Looks like dude on the right is checking to see if his neighbor there has any.
Clever cropping
Aaah, so it is.
So. Much. Derp.
Gotta love the “anarchist” who wants to demand things of other people and is essentially fighting for thought crimes (with a half-assed denouncement of government beforehand).
Call me by my pronoun! How about I just call you whiney little retarded bitch because that is what you are.
No kidding. It might help their cause if they weren’t such assholes.
Asshole is their true gender.
An oldie but goodie.
I couldn’t make it 2 minutes into that. Is it projection for all those 13 minutes and 34 seconds?
It’s…. so much worse, man.
A few weeks ago I put forward Harry Kim as the worst Star Trek character of all time. Reasonable responses among Glibs indicted Wesley Crusher. Fuck me, I totally forgot about Keiko O’Brien. SHE is the worst. Worse than Wesley. Worse than Dr. Pulaski. Worse than Nog. Worse than Neelix. The WORST of the WORST. Debate away, nerds.
Barclay was worse than Keiko.
I like the one where she got taken over by a Pah Wraith though.
Not worse than Jean-Luc Picard though.
Ahhhhh. Spent the afternoon at the range, converting about 500 rounds of 9mm and 250 rounds of 12ga. birdshot to noise and smoke. Now I’m tired, moderately sunburnt, and ready for a shower, takeout chinese food, and a few G&Ts…
I took my 9mm Storm and 12ga 870 (slugs) out to the range Friday. Nice stress release. I do need to shoot more.
How do you like the Px4 Storm? I’ve been thinking about buying one. I have an unhealthy love for traditional DA/SA pistols.
Yeah, only second time I’ve had it out so far. Have shoot target ammo and hollowpoints. Has cycled flawlessly with both. Was quite accurate using the good ammo. I bought the Compact which has the rotating barrel system (like the old cougar) as does the full size. Subcompact actually has a traditional action. The dimensions of the compact were not much bigger than the subcompact nor smaller than the full size so I thought it would be a nice compromise. I wanted the rotary barrel. Not the first 9 I’ve shot, but the first one I’ve owned. Very happy with it.
I’m with you. I have 3 Glocks but I like the the traditional DA/SA as well. Been eyeballing the Sig 227 Equinox for some time.
well if you want to get rid of a glock…
I will probably be trading in one of my Glocks for something else. Probably my 23 .40.
I’m in the market for one of these at a good price if someone sees one.
That’s pretty awesome
I’ve shot standard 229s and that model too.
It’s wonderful. But at the price, it should be.
“Trump urges end to political correctness”
Unpossible! Political correctness is the only thing saving civilization today! I’m still trying to find this perk in all my 4K games.
Wife and I were watching I think it was 20/20 on ID. Anywhos, it was a show about this cops in Idaho who had railroaded this kid into a confession for rape/murder (as a participant since they had DNA and it wasn’t his). It was pretty bad. But the reason I bring it up is because years later they were trying to match up the DNA they had which want in Codis so they submitted it to Ancestry.com who provided them with the name of the closest match. Thoughts on that?
Never get in the Ancestry.com data base?
Yeah, the guy wasnt even a match and wasnt close enough to give them a lead but he ends up in the middle of a murder investigation.
Did the police represent themselves honestly to Ancestry.com and let them know they were looking for a suspect? Or pretend to be a customer?
They didn’t say, but the fact that they didn’t have a name to submit would indicate to me that they had to give them some sort of information. The name, city, and picture of the guy they matched was on the show. I would hope 20/20 got his permission for that.
The police have been using private companies records in investigations forever. I am not sure how this is different. Maybe? I don’t know. I haven’t ever thought about that.
It wasnt 20/20, just ID. They don’t mention the ancestry thing in this article.
This article mentions it. I think they talked about the guys son the filmmaker who they looked at early in the show but not later when they actually got into the whole ancestry think. From this it sounds like they did hit most of the markers but still not enough to find the killer.
Apparently DC comics has actually make a decent superhero movie.
Cue English people whining in the comments because they mention Margaret Thatcher slightly positively off-hand (they also mentioned Clinton, in RLM’s classic attempt to play the middleman and avoid political soapboxing).
I watched it last night. Enjoyed it a lot on the whole. Fun characters and a solid plot on the whole. No SJW preachiness or anything either – just good, old-fashioned culture shock.
I want to see it. I enjoyed her brief intro in BvS. Of course totally would.
I never thought I’d see this again. ROFL