I supposed that you all want some links this morning, hmmmm? Or more likely, just some place to snark and chat and such? I suppose we can do that.
- These should go well. Right?
- OK, whatever you say, Joe.
- This is working about as well as you think it could.
- Have some pictures of dogs.
Commence to snarkin’, commentin’ and whatever you feel like this morning.
LOL dogs are awesome.
And on that note:
Sacramento is about to crack down on unlicensed pets, and the new fines are no joke
Collecting licensing fees also will provide a financial boost to the overcrowded shelter, she added.
To be enforced by no-knock raids by the local SWAT team, yes?
Because you plebes have no idea how to do pets, so we need to be able to know we need to check on your ass, and beat it up whenever we feel woke?
But I thought it wasn’t about trying to get another $20 from me.
Now they will ask for $40.
“This is not meant to be punitive,” Knepp said of the licensing program. “It’s not about the government trying to get another $20 from you. It’s about the safety of our pets, and of the community.”
By being punitive and collecting $20.
We tried everything before turning to force! But people are just so deplorable and left us no choice. Trump’s America, brah.
Sounds like my bosses.
“Well, now I’m going to catch you.”
Bitch sounds like a fucking badass-kinda like a female, statist Wyatt Earp.
Yeah, we’ve got a mutant Shih Tzu mix. Supposedly the breed maxes out around 16 pounds, but ours is a 30-pound dog in the body of a 30-pound dog. Nobody can figure out what the other breed is.
Your mom?
Whoa! EDG off the top rope!
The poor dog was extremely loyal to Mom and just sat at the top of the stairs when Mom went off to the nursing home and never came back, being unable to figure out what happened to Mom. No he’s loyal to Dad, and sits outside the door to the master bedroom whenever Dad goes to the bathroom.
The other dog was used to having people come in and out of her life, so she didn’t miss a beat.
I didn’t even make the joke and I feel bad for laughing now.
I felt bad typing it. I thought I remembered Ted’s parents were having health issues. But on the other hand, we are Glibs. And Ted kind of lobbed it out there. It was just hanging over the plate…
You hang in there, Cowboy.
Dad’s doing as well as you can expect for 79. Mom had dementia, and frankly I considered it a relief when she died.
Been there done that Ted. Was my father though, and to watch such a strong man end up the way he did, I have no shame admitting I felt relief when he finally go peace.
I wasn’t offended, for what it’s worth.
Our city just gave up and did away with them. It’s amazing what mass disobedience can accomplish.
Cops everywhere are cracking down on unlicensed and unneutered pets. Snip It – or Ticket.
Did you mean hail of bullets?
That commercial was pretty annoying.
Requiring that dogs be vaccinated isn’t the stupidest law though.
1. You’re free to practice sharia. People are free to bitch about Sharia.
2. When I want sharp political analysis, Joe Biden is the man I think of.
3. Poor people are the ones most likely to be obese, so let’s remove the disincentive from the group who needs it most.
4. I like all the dogs, even the rat one with gas.
1. I find amazing that the bulk of an AP article devoted to “this group is going to have a march about a particular issue” is devoted to people explaining why they are wrong to have the march and how much they disagree with the issue.
2. Although the revisionist history on his part is interesting.
3. The fact that they include the tax on zero calorie soda in the name of obesity belies their true motivation.
4. Hard not to like a dog. Unless it is your puppy and it keeps chewing up your wife’s shoes.
“You’re free to practice sharia.”
IIRC, Sharia is a legal code which is no more voluntary than, say, the Code Napoleon.
It would be better to say “you are free to agree to arbitrate your disputes voluntarily under the terms which a judge would apply under shariah.”
But some parts of sharia don’t lend themselves to voluntarism, like the sliding scale of damages based on whether the victim of a crime is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, or Zoroastrian. Or the restrictions on non-Muslim places of worship. Or the provisions for executing adulterers, which even I find a tad excessive.
That’s what the leftists and muslims have in common – they are obsessed with OTHER people’s behavior and thoughts. And perfectly comfortable using draconian authoritarian methods to enforce right behavior and right thinking.
Well Drake, it is for their own good that leftists and muslims feel obligated to beat down those that think or do wrong, so the ends justify the means. Something something…
The second paragraph is basically what a Jewish get is, at least as I understand it.
Progressives like the sliding scale too – based on victimhood / privlage status.
Going back to the decriminalisation “public shitting” thread from last night. My perspective on this highly controversial topic is that further decriminalisation of public shitting would be, foreshadowing, a big gigantic nothingburger. I move on to the example of the figurative floodgates of increased Mainland Chinese tourism being allowed to Hong Kong recently. In Hong Kong, a former British colony, public urination and defecation in gutters and such has not been a common practice in..well…forever. By contrast, in many regions within the mainland, it’s culturally acceptable or common to take a shit on the side of the road or in a ditch. With the highly increased tourism of Mainland bumpkins, think of the “ugly American” stereotype on steroids, came an increased rate of unseemly behaviour…a clash of cultures if you were.
In the aftermath of public defecation and urination captured on video in particular, came a good bit of public back and forth, much debate, and to my knowledge, no new legislation or tweaks to the practice on the matter. Anecdotally, as a long time observer of this controversy, the incidents of actual controversial public shitting in Hong Kong, has become increasingly less frequent. Indeed, abroad, the opinion abroad of the demeanor of mainland Chinese tourists is becoming increasingly more favourable. It may be surprising for some to learn that the bubonic plague hasn’t been a “thing” in Hong Kong as a result of the public shitting from visitors of a culture where publich shitting is a “thing.”
Let the public discourse work this highly controversial matter out. Prison and large fines aren’t necessary and seem, frankly, hysterical punative measures.
Did anyone link to Poo to the Loo?
Public defecation is not “unseemly behavior”, it is a major health crisis wherein the decriminalization of is not foreshadowing a “gigantic nothing-burger”. Public discourse already worked it out by implementing prison time and large fines to ensure everybody’s well-being. It’s not hysterics when the alternative is death by a crippling disease that is completely preventable.
From the Center for Disease Control, “An estimated 801,000 children younger than 5 years of age perish from diarrhea each year, mostly in developing countries.” Countries that lack safe drinking water, have inadequate availability of water for hygiene, and lack access to sanitation. Neglected Tropical Diseases such as Guinea Worm Disease, Buruli Ulcer, Trachoma, and Schistosomiasis, diarrheal diseases, cholera and typhoid fever are most often found in places with unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation, and insufficient hygiene practices. Also, “worldwide, soil-transmitted helminths infect more than one billion people due to lack of adequate sanitation.”
If you’re inclined to not prevent the 9.1% of global diseases and 6.3% of all deaths due to unsanitary and unhygienic conditions, then let me appeal to your economic nature. From Richard Fuller’s & Damon DiMarco’s book, The Brown Agenda: My Mission to Clean Up the World’s Most Life-Threatening Pollution, “A study released by the World Bank in 2010 reported that premature deaths and diseases stemming from India’s outdoor defecation problem cost the country more than $50 billion annually.”
Still not convinced? How about I appeal to your nature of self-preservation? What if you were to get one of these diseases and it turns out that the disease you get is resistant to the treatments prescribed? Tetracyline-resistant and polymixin-resistant Vibrio cholerae; imipenem, cefotetan, aztronam, cefepime, cefoxitin, amikacin, netilamicin, ampicillin, and tetracycline-resistant E. coli; clarithromycin-resistant Helicobactor pylori; and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci are just a few of the antibiotic-resistant disease-causing organisms found within fecal matter.
We can all sit in our chairs comfortable in the knowledge that we may never have to deal with these diseases because many of us are fortunate enough to live in countries with adequate sanitation practices; which is being undermined by decriminalizing public defecation.
Who fahted?
*thunderous applause*
Bootlicking newspaper is on a crusade against the rule of law and what do you know, cops don’t like it either. Juiciest bits are in the “See Also” link to an earlier story about pesky rubes demanding a warrant before New York’s Finest can storm inside their house.
Please crack more heads because someone cut their stereo up too loud. Bootlicking is a good way to put it.
If they ask for a warrant, that’s practically an admission of guilt.
I’ll never understand what motivates people to live in NYC.
We’re an enigma.
Here’s an AP article seemingly bitching about these marches. It’s making Muslims feel afraid and unsafe.
anti-Shariah Marches
So really, according to AP, this is just anti-Muslim. Because apparently Muslim and Shariah are the same thing. So if you’re anti-Shariah you must be an Islamaphobe. Got that? This from the same lefty source who tell us that most Muslims are not interested in Shariah. OK then.
And here’s a quote from one of the concerned Muslims:
So they’re holding a counter-rally. Is my logic short-circuited this morning, or would a counter rally be a pro-Shariah rally? That’s weird.
Is a Muslim who rejects Sharia really a Muslim? Serious question.
I don’t think so. Islam has 2 parts, the religious part and the government part, or Shariah law. Islam is not compatible with Western society. It’s very authoritarian, so I guess that’s why leftists are so sympathetic to it.
The anti-march Muslim guy quoted by the AP disagrees with you:
What’s the definition of “taqiyya?’
Plaid pants and a polka dot shirt? It’s kinda’ tacky, yeah?
And a paisley tie.
Great, now what am I to wear tonight?
Any opposition to my opposition is oppression. Perfectly logical.
Using Christian faith to guide one’s views on the law, however, is totally evil.
So much this…
I’m gonna counter your counter-protest!
I’m with you. Nothing against Muslims particularly, I just hate protesters.
The thing I dislike most about protesters is that they have so much time to protest. They need to shut up and do something productive at least occasionally.
I hate them them almost as much as I hate those who piss their time away on social media or commenting on shitty websites. Just kidding, I love those folks.
Hey, they had to hire extra security? When I was first looking at a preschool for the kid I went to the one at the synagogue. They had an armed guard at the door. Jews suffer more “hate crimes” than any other group, by far, yet a fucking anti-Sharia law protest is the problem.
There is nothing that drives me into a fury faster than when people start trying to make claims based on hate-crime statistics.
The entire subject is so ridden with complete horseshit (and that’s before you even get into the SPLC-driven gibberish) that almost nothing written on the subject can be trusted at face-value.
In the hierarchy of ‘gibberish stats’, i think ‘Gun Violence’ (where 50% of the stuff people cite are actually suicides) ranks at the bottom….
“terrorism” is somewhere in the middle (because those are piled full of everything from PETA graffiti to Sovereign Citizen arrests)…
…and then ‘Hate Crime’ stats are the most completely-horseshit from top to bottom.
Almost everything about them is wrong. Every time i go digging into the examples cited by various orgs you always end up finding nothing but the most-tenuous associations.
e.g. this nutjob in Oregon is routinely being cited as a hate-criminal because he was spouting anti-islamic stuff at some hijab wearing women. But the people he stabbed weren’t actually muslims, and its not clear that the people he stabbed were attacked because of anything to do with his anti-muslim attitudes = they just confronted him and he went all stabby.
There are plenty of other incidents where people commit robberies that have no ethnic/racial animus at all associated with them… but are classifed as ‘hate crimes’ because the perp had an association (often nothing more than a comment on a facebook post) with some White Power group. iow, ‘crimes committed by people who are post-facto defined as racists’ = hate crimes.
the only reason anyone cooks up these fake-data-points is to create an atmosphere of fear, and to pretend that there’s some ‘surge’ in hatefulness which the media can associate with their chosen political enemies.
Holy shit, Apocalypse is nigh.
” But in the scope of recent history, it’s unprecedented for a sitting president and his predecessor to eschew even the faintest of ties.”
This gives me quite a case of the vapours. What kind of a brave new world can we expect when all of the former heads of State don’t have a fraternal brotherhood, a good ‘ol boys club if you will, in which they play elephant train with each other?
I thought the good ol’ boy’s club was something that was not okay.
It’s just another way to nail him for being different and being different is wrong b stand gross. We need diversity of the same opinion.
“Even though President Trump may not like it, having Obama out there speaking with leaders, even if it’s critical of Trump, is probably helpful,” said Julian Zelizer, a presidential historian at Princeton. “He might be serving a diplomatic role that the administration itself is not fulfilling.”
Trump may not like it, but it’s helpful to CNN.
Well, Obama still has the ear of the vast majority of the bureaucracy so there’s that.
One thing that’s disappointing to me is that we’re going to be hearing this fucking guy’s name for the rest of our natural lives. Obama’s egomania would never permit him to just go enjoy a quiet retirement. He’s going to be commenting on every little world event (and probably dropping hints about how it would have turned out better if they had only installed him as god-emperor for life). Even when he dies, every bridge, public library, and inner-city boulevard is going to be named after him.
Now you know how Canadians feel about Trudeau. Wait til his dumber, social justice daughter tries to get into power.
Oh god really?
She can’t be worse-looking than Chelsea.
Yeah, no characterization of Obama’s actions as an “unprecedented” continuation in active politics.
I sure as fuck hope that trend continues.
Second that. Its the most important reason I tacitly support him now that he made sure Hillary didn’t get to take over from the other cunt that was ruining the country.
It’s a purely partisan criticism. If Hillary had cut ties with the previous administration, they’d be praising her to high heaven for “forging her own path” or some similar bullshit.
Why wouldn’t Trump take advice from the people who made such a success of the Presidency as to contribute to the frustrated climate in which Trump was elected?
It’s a mystery to me.
“This is not meant to be punitive,” Knepp said of the licensing program. “It’s not about the government trying to get another $20 from you. It’s about the safety of our pets, and of the community.”
That’s okay, then. Aggressive enforcement will definitely make the community safer.
How many people there have gotten rabies, my guess is the same as anywhere else.
The white dog looking over the wall judging people is how I picture Swiss narrowing his gaze.
…pretty much, yeah.
Did someone say White Dog?
“I want you to shot him now before he kills more blacks!”
Build me a time machine because I wanna go back to 1982.
Me, too.
Ditto https://youtu.be/WxfhW-HPDVA
One more.
80’s Kristy mcnichol. My bunk, ill be in it.
“Every affected industry is always in opposition to new taxes. We’re not surprised we’re seeing vocal opposition from industry groups. That’s the nature of the way things work in a democratic society,” Samstein said.
And in a mafia controlled neighborhood.
That’s a nice way of saying, ‘fuck you and fuck off’ with a smile.
Got me my fiddy one percent, woohoo! *Greases up pole*
In the months after Trump and Obama carried out a peaceful hand off of power, the two have failed to develop any sort of working relationship, according to White House advisers and former administration officials.
That’s pretty much how the whole ex-President thing works.
They’re acting as if Obama is owed something; as if he’s some King.
It seems to me that they were all quite satisfied that Bush rode off into the sunset and quietly left the governing to his successor.
I’m sure it would have been easier for Trump to develop some sort of working relationship with Obama if his administration hadn’t spent their last few months in power doing everything they could to create “facts on the ground” that would tie his hands and make it difficult to govern. Oh, and then there is that whole plot to place classified information around the government with the explicit intention to undermine the incoming administration immediately after the inauguration that they’ve been running around bragging about to anyone who will listen.
It was okay because Bill and Hillary were still in and out of the White House regularly.
I recall Obama telling everyone, including the guy who he replaced, and whom I have to admit had the decency to not point out either the incompetence or jack-booted way of doing things of the administration that followed his, that he won. In not so many words that relationship was shut the fook up and watch how I ride the plebes like the bitches they are. Glad Trump has not gone for that.
About time. Somebody apparently needs to contract with a wake up call service. I was forced to go read garbage at tstmnbn. This is not okay….
You get what you pay for.
But I wanna pay. Nobody is greedy enough to put up s way to do it. Just think. You could made $20 or do just for getting up early for links. It’s win-win
I would pay $20 if they let me do the links one time…
Sounds like a patreon tier – $20/month = one set of links per month.
I like my weekends Tony-free.
Tony’s been spewing his bullshit all over the intertoobz since Trump pulled out of the Paris climate accord. The world will end now according to the prophet Tony.
I’m not sure he’s even bottom 5 over there now.
Oh, he’s shitting all over every thread now. I wish some of the more, uh, hot-tempered regulars there would just ignore him. It’s the only way he’ll go away.
Given that Tony has always probably been written by a Reason staffer, they’re probably trying to make up for the lack of commenters by having old faithful ‘Tony’ try to stir up some shit, hoping that will make us want to come back to argue with his foolishness.
Ain’t gonna happen.
Why? Slate and Salon were down?
I was up before 6:00, but I don’t have any interesting links.
I don’t reckon it would have to be plural. “Saturday morning link” would have been sufficient.
Wealthy Dem Donor wants Trump Impeached
Translation: I WANT MY GREEN CRONY BUCKS, WAAAAH WAAAAH WAAAAAH!!!! *stomps feet and sobs like toddler *
He should go read David Horowitz’s column on the topic.
Trump Totaly obstructed justice, but Hillary destroying servers was just a harmless accident.
There are a lot of people and entities that banked on making huge money from this scam, and they are pissed the odds they can keep doing that have dropped to near zero.
The DUP—racist, homophobic, anti-abortion bigots with a history of violence.
Coming from “The Socialist Worker”.
They need a new name. The modern day socialists have dropped the ‘Work’ part.
Please give us Corbyn the radical antiSemite and all-around douchebag.
Along with being an evil hag, May is about as politically smart as Hillary. Who the fuck ever would think that telling old people (who vote in large numbers) you’re going to tax them for being old is a good thing to do right before an election? Only Merkel could get away with something that dumb, because apparently Germans have just given up and decided to drink, be merry, and just the hell with it.
I agree, May is a fool who almost completely pissed away a sure thing. The cons need to get rid of her and her team ASAP. Even looking forward, she’s proven herself too incompetent to handle the Brexit negotiations.
She’ll persist.
She’s the limey version of Hillary.
Fucking ignorant peasants, why won’t they vote for people I like?
All this is on the voters. It’s easy to come up with reasons for why populists, bigots, radicals, xenophobes, and useful idiots are now in — or edging closer to — power throughout the West. But democracy is a system in which people are only accountable to themselves. The recklessness of their leaders is a result of personal choices at the ballot box, not impersonal social or economic forces.
Bret Stephens is really settling in nicely at the NYT. He just needs to work something in about how it’s Betsy DeVos’ fault.
Betsy Devos spent a night on her 75′ yacht at our marina this weekend. Nobody knew who it was till she was gone. Her security guys were cool. Captain was an excellent tipper.
Fucking tags.
“Soda tax won’t apply to food stamp purchases”
Cook County wants poor people to die from obesity so they don’t have to pay them welfare anymore. Racist!
I don’t care. I drink “pop”.
Yeah, it would be pop in Chicago, pretty much all the midwest. I think it got the name from the old hutchinson ‘pop’ bottles that were popular in the midwest back in the late 1800s before they invented the crown top bottles with the metal lid that are still in use today.
Could be.
I also assumed it was a locality thing to choose the short hand description of soda pop. I grew up in northern IL (Aurora, not technically a Chicago suburb). So, it was pop in my neck of the woods. I’ve been in southern CA for 21+ years and I still say pop. Just can’t get used to saying soda.
Weird thing: my mom has lied her entire life in northern IL and is the only person I know in that area who uses soda.
I’m a native “pop” person but where I live now I go with the flow.
The first time I ever heard someone say soda instead of pop was when some kid from CA started attending my elementary school in Ohio. It sounded really weird to we yokel kids.
“Do you want a coke?”
“Sure, I’ll take a Sprite.”
my mid-Atlantic mind was blown when I heard a guy at a restaurant in San Antonio order a “sprite coke” – I thought it was some kind of Arnold-Palmeresque mix, but nope, just a regular sprite
Coke and sprite mixed together?
Goddamnit, fucked up that link…
In the South “coke” is generic for any soda/pop. Ask for a “Coke” and you’ll be asked what kind..
“To we yokel kids” sounds strange to us yokel kids.
Yeah, soda to me always meant club soda. It was always pop.
I lived in a weird place. I lived in a small Arkansas town, but it had a large contingent of northerners (a lot of early retirees from the Carter economy). We called it ‘sodapop’. Why settle for one name?
I’ve heard it referred to as sodapop
Exactly. Sodapop or gtfo.
That’s a glorious example of leftist logic.
So is soda evil or not? I’m so confused.
Depends on the socio-economic status of the consumer.
Unlike climate change, there is no soda consensus.
I wondered how that worked. Good thing people sell their food stamps for half-blue so everyone else can get around it too
This video with Holman Jenkins of the WSJ represents the best summary of the Comey hearing and its fall out I’ve seen yet.
No subscription required for video.
What we learned from Comey yesterday:
A) Trump is not under investigation by the FBI
B) The allegations are of a non-crime–for which there is no evidence.
C) Trump never actually told Comey to kill the investigation.
D) Comey admitted to leaking information because he wanted a special counsel.
E) Comey alleges that Trump said he hoped Flynn would be cleared, but after Trump supposedly said that a) Comey didn’t tell Trump that what Trump said was inappropriate and b) Comey didn’t inform the Attorney General–didn’t even write a CYA memo to the AG. Comey didn’t object, Comey didn’t complain, Comey didn’t inform, Comey didn’t resign. This only became a problem after he’d been fired.
Listening to people on the left treat Comey’s testimony tells us a lot about them–that their pursuit of Trump on this has nothing to do with anything that actually happened in regards to Russia.
There are three reasons progressives and SJW types are going after Trump over the Comey “allegations” (for want of a better word)
1) Inability to accept Hillary’s loss.
They want to believe that the Trump administration conspired with the Russians to hack Hillary’s email server–and that’s why Hillary lost.
2) They want to rebuke Trump’s un-PC behavior and the un-PC behavior of his supporters.
Progressives and SJWs live to strike back at the “deplorables”, the racists, misogynists, homophobes, Islamophobes, xenophobes, et. al. who they believe Trump represents, and because of that, they don’t care if they get rid of Trump with something real or imagined–so long as they get rid of Trump.
3) They genuinely oppose Trump’s policies on issues like singe payer healthcare, taxes, deregulation, immigration, etc.
Conclusion: No one is likely to impeach Trump over anything that Comey revealed, but if they do impeach Trump over what we have now, that’s about the only way the Democrats could lose seats in Congress come the midterms.
I wish the Dems would drop the impeachment fantasy and address their underlying issues. If they press this insanity they’ll lose even more power and I prefer divided govt.
I think the left said everything they had to say about Trump with the pussy hats. Sure they object to this or that policy but not enough to generate weekly #resist marches and C-SPAN viewing parties. It’s all about his personality.
Most of the media have already dropped the Comey bullshit like a hot rock. There’s nothing there and they know it. They’re off chasing other hysteria.
The weekend talk shows will be all about it, but after Monday, I doubt we’ll hear too much more about it.
I don’t know what Mueller will say, but as the guy who created the FBI in its present image and as Comey’s former mentor, I’d expect him to exonerate both Comey and the FBI and put all the blame for . . . whatever on Trump.
There will be pressure for that report to come out ahead of the next presidential election.
Apart from that, yeah, I don’t see this story having any legs come Monday.
What I hope Mueller says is that the Obama administration needs to be investigated for using the intelligence apparatus to spy on political and personal enemies, and indictments and jail time is to follow for a slew of Obama lackeys. If this then ends with Hillary and Barak making license plates, then justice will have been served.
I sometimes have crazy fever dreams too.
They want to believe that the Trump administration conspired with the Russians to hack Hillary’s email server
The way to find that out would be investigting the DNC and Hillary.
Never gonna happen. The whole Russia thing is a distraction to prevent people of being reminded of that.
Got your anti-nausea meds handy?
Barack Obama’s Post-Presidential World Tour is Starting to Get Creepy
Obama is even worse as an ex-president.
He’s gone full 1%er now. How adorable.
Spending time with each other is perfect punishment for both of them.
I would love to be a fly on that wall. “Can you believe all the rubes falling for our horseshit?”
Trudeau and Obama? It’s like the singularity of dreaminess.
It fucking disgusts me to hear women fawning over the “cutie” Trudeau. I had to sit there and listen to my mom and stepsister gushing over how charming and dreamy he is. I heard similar things about Obama.
I’m not a misogynist. I think women deserve the same legal rights and privileges as men. I don’t believe that women’s suffrage was a huge mistake, but goddamnit, when I hear “progressive” leftist women talk about politics, it puts that idea in my head, and I don’t like it.
Just tell them to shut up and make you a nice sammich.
It’s worse when you hear it from actual Canadian voters, and they fundamentally lack the self awareness to recognize how they’ve completely delegitimized their political views. Acting like bubbly schoolgirls over a politician basically obliterates any reason to take you seriously.
And people will say that if Ivanka Trump ran a lot of men would vote for her because she’s hot, and they’re not wrong. But I still wouldn’t vote for Ivanka Trump if she had the policies of, say, Clinton. And even if I did I wouldn’t then embarrass myself by proudly declaring I did it because she was hot.
The thing about commies is that they never go away. They’ll always persist in trying to prove that their ideology is right, which will never happen, so they are just consumed by it.
Omelets and broken eggs..
From a comment on the Bret Stephens piece:
She [PM May] is also turning UK into the next Greece with her austerity measures.
Great googly moogly.
You can see exactly when Theresa May arrived and cut the spending in this chart here
Im going for coffee and donuts. Anybody wsnt anything?
Or just a black coffee. Thanks.
No, thanks. I just had Hot Pockets.
Jesus. Why don’t you just shove a can of garbage down your throat.
I assumed it was a euphemism.
If your pockets are hot for more than four hours, seek immediate medical attention.
More for me, haters
A pop or sprite coke.
A bear Claw, a cream filled long john, a blueberry cake donut, a honey glazed and a chocolate milk please.
No diabeetez test strips as a chaser?
By the way, Glib Mods, I have a new post out there that can be used at your discretion. They are weirdo links so perhaps an afternoon spot.
Philly politician stabbed. Must now crack down on gun violence
Stabbed? Too bad he didn’t have a gun.
Gun may have prevented the stabbing.
Well, I’m sure he’s all about himself having a gun. Just not the peasants.
To be fair, I’m assuming a bayonet wasn’t involved
Hm. I wonder what’s being implied there.
Last time it involved a helicopter and explosives
Can’t we just move on from that?
o, that’s some sage advice to take that avenue.
I’m narrowing my gaze at the whole lot of you.
Speaking of gun violence, anybody else still watching “American Gods”?
Last Sunday’s episode “A Murder of Gods” was the most anti-gun episode of a television show I’ve ever seen in my life.
I liked the book but haven’t seen the show
Don’t remember anything about guns in it but I don’t remember much about it in general
That’s what everybody who’s read it here says, too!
Apparently, it’s a pretty forgettable book.
Maybe? I’ve seen a couple of episodes. It seemed mostly weird for the sake of being weird. No idea how it’s anti-gun.
But I recently watched several re-runs of the A-Team, so I can assure you that gun violence is perfectly safe.
No idea how it’s anti-gun?
I linked a video summary of the episode as described by the producers.
First they present true Christianity, and then they present a perversion of Christianity as a death cult centered on gun worship.
They go into a town run by Vulcan, who’s become obsessed with turning America into a gun worshiping cult of gun nuts.
Look at the link. Jesus’ hand is pierced by a Vulcan bullet.
It’s the most anti-gun episode of anything I’ve ever seen in my life.
There has to be several episodes of M*A*S*H that are up there.
It’s probably why I will give up on this series.. it was interesting until that idiot show, and as soon as I realized I would have to put up with more leftist pap, I figured I might as well just bail on it now.
I’ll ask. What’s with the photo of Ernie Holmes?
The French Open final is getting interesting.
Poor Simona Halep.
…cavs in 7?
I doubt they hit 24 3’s next game. GS in 5.
I think so too. I was hoping for a sweep, if only for the record.
The NYT continues its ever more rapid decline into tabloid territory with a Lena Dunham think piece on “women’s health issues”.
I was 12 the first time I felt the crippling cramps. I hadn’t yet gotten my period and was happily running around a state fair with my best friend, mouth full of cotton candy, when it hit me: a steady drum of pain beneath my pubic bone, a throbbing in my back that made its way down both my legs. I fell to the muddy ground. Suddenly the Ferris wheel was a nightmare, the carnival games distorted and unpleasant. I blacked out..
That money is earmarked for life’s true necessities, like chocotinis and shoes.
Nothing will put me in the mood faster than Dunham talking about her ladyparts.
Or her molesting her kid sister.
I’d forgotten about that. She’s freaking nuts.
Krugman’s latest rant about Trump destroying the world was derptastic, as usual.
Happy Saturday!
Due to popular demand (literally nobody asked for this).. Another Poppy cover! This time with more pictures.
Poppy – Cough Syrup (Young the Giant) cover
Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law
I thought the Traveller was the guy who raped Wesley Crusher.
The Traveler makes girly beer.
How about gender neutral beer?
Was I naive to think those bastards wouldn’t try to ruin beer?
Get in the back of the bus CNN.
Waah, waah, waah.
The expression on Wolf Blitzer’s face as this was all being described was priceless.
Couldn’t they just set-up their own fake White House?
If it is retaliation,” he said, “that’s not going to deter us from what we’re doing over here.”
He even said that this felt like CNN was “being put in time-out.”
Blitzer was disturbed by this as well, calling it “pretty outrageous.
And them having treated the President so fairly up to now. Well, no more kid gloves for you, Mr. President!
Anti-Florida Man continues:
He’s so… odd-looking.
Now I ain’t saying she a gold digger, but…”
The best part will be when he finally runs out of runway on either the Tesla or the Solar City ponzi schemes. She’ll drop his broke ass faster than CNN dropping a news story about a mass shooting by a Bernie supporters.
The Fabulous Mr. Ripley.
First Lincoln, now Jay Eff…. they’re taking all the good ones!
Well, yeah! He was married to Jackie and involved with Marilyn, two of the iconiest gay icons.
He should have stuck it in Judy Garland while he was at it.
True, but he should’ve stayed away from the depository.
Private Snowball vindicated.
No mention of any other events around the world possibly influencing sentiment. Americans are just racist meanies
Also, its notable that they cite a rise in ‘reports‘ of incidents, and not a rise in actual underlying incidents. Because making the latter claim would require distinguishing fake-ones from real ones.
“Princeton frowned upon minority applicants who weren’t stereotypical enough, docs show”
The shick and jive is back. Progress!
Bullshit “report” is bullshit
There is nowhere in this country where someone working a full-time minimum wage job could afford to rent a two-bedroom apartment, according to an annual report released Thursday documenting the gap between wages and the cost of rental housing.
Downsizing to a one-bedroom will only get you so far on minimum wage. Such housing is affordable in only 12 counties located in Arizona, Oregon and Washington states, according to the report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition.
We’re all homeless, now.
I don’t think they understand how averages work.
A two-bedroom apartment on a single minimum-wage is a human right.
Yeah, I didn’t even get my own bedroom back when I was young and living on my own. We had 4 guys living in a 2 bedroom place. Crowded but cheap.
Walter Williams rules for not being poor.
I keep seeing a giant eyeball in your avatar.
Why work when you can just sit on your ass and make your neighbors pay your rent for you?
More and more people feel that way. They tend to be the ones that support government getting bigger and giving them more free shit, because it is their “right” to get free shit.
That’s not even true. Not on the east or west coast they can’t, but many places in flyover it’s possible.
But, who’d want to live in flyover country? If I can’t live in Manhattan on a minimum wage job, then something’s wrong with this country!
Another work day. This one has a bbq and grill day. Looks like ill get a bunch of grilled meats for lunch.
this is another political quiz. not as good as i side withs, but interesting.
I got libertarian capitalist.
Good God! I’m a NeoCon!
I didn’t fair any better. I’m a Neo-Liberal. LOL.
Same here.
Neo-Liberals congregate, assimilate!
Me too.
Yep, “neo-liberal” too. I guess the nut didn’t fall that far from the fruitcake tree.
70 questions?! Good lord.
“Closest Match: Neo-Liberalism”
Kind of long, and lots of vague questions.
Far too ambiguous. But, I’ve seen much worse.
Welcome, comrade Neo-Liberal.
It doesn’t sound that bad:
Well, you know how the left bastardizes every term they come into contact with. That actually sounds more like a classical liberal or libertarian. But today, I believe the true bleever leftists use it to criticize establishment Democrats who are not fully woke and down with communism quite yet.
Every time I hear, it’s more of a replacement term for “fascist”, meaning something the user doesn’t like and the must be evil, but otherwise devoid of meaning.
Yep. ‘Neoliberal’ used to just mean pro-free market/pro-free trade, and now it’s in the same “completely meaningless term that is really just an insult” category as neocon and fascist.
OK, but “true bleever leftists” don’t know what words mean. Violent mobs of masked people dressed in black are “anti-fascist”, Venezuela is “state capitalism”, etc.
Ah, so neoclassicalliberal..I feel better now.
I got “neo-liberal.” Isn’t that a leftist smear? lol
It’s an establishment Democrat. That’s my best guess.
So yes, it is an insult.
I got that putting in mostly neutral answers. I interpreted it as an insult.
Ultra capitalist. Yeah, those questions were meaningless without context.
Questions are way too vague, like the ones about regional organizations, then cites the EU. Ok, well that could mean a free trade region or an authoritarian, top-down managed state. Had to put a lot of ‘Not Sures’ as a result.
Here’s my test:
1. Do you look at DC and think, “Needz moar buildings and workerz”?
2. Swallow a revolver if you answered “Yes” to number 1.
Yes. A lot of the questions cannot be answered with a YES/NO, so I just chose neutral/undecided on those.
I think their AI is retarded.
I stopped when I got to this one: “Quality education is a right of all people.”
These dumbass political quizzes don’t allow for any nuanced positions at all. Sure, I think it would be nice if everyone had a good education in subjects of their choice. I support the right of every person to pursue an education either on their own or with the help of a professional educator with whom they have contracted. But this question is probably referring to some kind of government mandate on education, which I don’t support at all.
Yeah, I hung up on whether thar was a positive or negative right, too.
I got Ultra-capitalism, sounds about right.
Got Libertarian Capitalist. The thing that annoys me is it takes questions that are (in my mind) fundamentally not political, and then takes your opinion and says that it means something political. For example, all the traditionalist questions: I’m fairly traditionalist, don’t think sex out of marriage is good, But that doesn’t mean I think there should be laws enforcing them. These kinds of questions reinforce the idea that everything is political
I got neo-liberal, but I also answered ‘neutral’ to all of the nonsensical questions.
Economic Axis: Market
Diplomatic Axis: Patriotic
Civil Axis: Moderate
Societal Axis: Neutral
I get the impression that ‘neo-liberal’ is similar to ‘yokeltarian’
Lame quiz. What do some of those questions have to do at all with your political views? “Sex outside of marriage is immoral.” What’s your view on that got to do with government? By answering agree is that supposed to be saying “I think sex outside of marriage should be illegal?” Terrible quiz.
Ultra-Capitalist, bitches!
OT: My jimmies are still rustled over my discussion with a “progressive” the other day wherein he implied that people should not be allowed to ask for money for healthcare expenses on crowdfunding/donation websites because it might cause a trend of people thinking of these websites as a form of health insurance and neglect to sign up for any actual insurance (he didn’t actually say it should be illegal, but I’m sure if I would have asked him, he would have said that some kind of restriction on the content of these websites is necessary).
What bugs the shit out of me is the fact that some people think they’re qualified to make decisions like that for the entire nation. They think that “for your own good” is some kind of objective standard that everyone agrees on. How can they not see that if you ask two different people what “for your own good” means, you’ll get two different answers? You’ll even get two different answers if you ask the same person at different points in their life. So why the fuck should the government impose someone’s definition of “for your own good”? Governments ostensibly exist to ameliorate situations where people’s rights overlap and conflict; they don’t exist to bail people out of their own dumbass decisions.
Oh, progs definitely think they own the right to tell everyone else what to do. What you’re describing there is just another form of their ‘private funding/charity BAD, government funding/charity GOOD’ BS.
Tell him if government is always so good and right about things, he should respect whatever Trump and the GOP do.
We’ll the GOP is actually just terrorists.
I keep forgetting that the GOP and Russians stole our democracy. Well, except for the few good guys like John McCain, he’s a hero. He’s resisting. But he can’t remember where he put that pussy hat.
That’s what bugs me the most… I thought the “progressive” position was that private charity is great but insufficient, so we need more government redistribution of wealth. It’s even worse: they actually think that private charity is a negative thing that should be suppressed in some cases. His position seemed to stem from the “progressive” belief that anything that is not planned out by the broadest possible authority is disorganized, inefficient, and untrustworthy.
It’s just disturbing to me that a person can say “marijuana should be legal because it’s just consenting adults doing something that doesn’t affect anyone else”, but then say “that person there should be stopped from making that voluntary transaction for their own good”.
I feel like I have a moral duty to do SOMETHING to combat these authoritarian ideas (even if it’s just making Internet comments that might shatter someone’s echo chamber at best) but sometimes it just feels so hopeless that I want to forget about the world, move to a shack in Montana, and spend the rest of my life eating wild game and writing nature poetry or something.
“It’s even worse: they actually think that private charity is a negative thing that should be suppressed”
People here in Baltimore were feeding the homeless and the Democrats passed a law to ban it. Because government wouldn’t know what’s in that food. A homeless person could get too much sodium or whatever. It’s better if they just starve than take food that is not inspected by bureaucrats.
For their own good, of course…
This is just the ruling class telling the plebes not to step on their turf, especially when it makes the ruling class look bad, ineffective, and inefficient. Nothing results in fast and draconian government slap downs as government stooges figuring out you are endangering their racket.
Yep, that’s a good summary of the situation.
This is one example of how I divide the left: liberal vs prog. The liberal is pro charity but it doesn’t do enough. The prog is anti-charity.
Police power
Feeding homeless in the park
Drug legalization
Etc etc
They aren’t the same. The old liberals are the left that libertarians cam work with. We have overlap. Progs are the enemy.
Yeah. The divide reminds me of that Charlotte Pride article from yesterday. Liberals and progs both support LGBT rights, but liberals would welcome gay Trump supporters to join their pride parade. Progs kick them out.
These people must be silenced
It’s only right to let bureaucrats decide their fate. If individual private citizens get involved, someone could get too much sodium or other horrible things like that. Or they could get well without government involvement, which would be even worse.
/i have no doubt this will actually be an argument people make in the near future re: “single payer healthcare”
Baby don’t hurt me.
‘Batman’ star Adam West dies at 88
RIP Mayor West.
It’s inevitable and all but I hate seeing the cultural icons go.
Terrible. Who’s going to succeed him as the mayor of Quahog? James Woods?
It is sad to see him go, one of the few celebs who didn’t take himself very seriously. Surprising that the obit didn’t even mention “Family Guy”.
Classic Adam West impression by Dana Gould
And here you have it.
It’s what Comey didn’t say!
He didn’t say Trump is worse than Hitler and that he saw Trump murdering puppies and kittens! HERP DURRR DERP!
I remember Eugene Robinson when he was getting a blowjob from a hooker the night before the Super Bowl.
Were you the hooker?
“Quality education is a right of all people.”
Define “quality”.
Quality I possess, and say I’m fresh
When my voice goes through the mesh
Of the microphone, that I am holding
Copy written lyrics, so they can’t be stolen
If they are, Snap, don’t need the police
To try to save them, your voice will cease
So peace, stay off my back
Or I will attack and you don’t want that
You have the power?
The power to be very annoying.
What bugs the shit out of me is the fact that some people think they’re qualified to make decisions like that for the entire nation. They think that “for your own good” is some kind of objective standard that everyone agrees on.
A guy with whom I am slightly acquainted has been diagnosed with some type of cancer. Apparently, he has not rushed into conventional ultra aggressive/intrusive medical treatment. This is cause for great consternation and hen-clucking amongst the busybody-tariat.
If I wasn’t so goddam indolent and apathetic, I might ask them why it’s any of their fucking beeswax how he deals with it.
What you’re describing there is just another form of their ‘private funding/charity BAD, government funding/charity GOOD’ BS.
People who contribute their money *voluntarily* might display the effrontery to attach strings to its use. That’s problematic.
Well except for the strings the government attaches to enforce things like Star-chambers in schools, that is perfectly non-problematic
I really need to clean the house and deck. I don’t even want to do it. I think it’s 4X space game time.
Isn’t cleaning the house and deck what your orphan child labor is for?
Can’t pull any from the mines, it’s too profitable.
I think it’s time to clean the litter boxes 🙁
My cat shits outside.
That’s what they want you to think.
What they want me to think usually corresponds with reality.
Toxoplasma gondii rubs pseudopods together, murmuring “Good, good!”
I have known people whom I highly suspect are infected by that.
One of them joined Peta, works cat adoptions, and now has some 10 cats at any given time.
Another one is so obsessed with her cats, you can hardly hold a conversation with her at home ’cause she just starts giving you a play by play of what her cats are doing.
Both of these people are perfectly reasonable at work–at the same software company. Highly regarded.
An entire conversation of euphemisms?
I need to work around the bushes with my weed wacker.
I see what you did there..
Robby Soave hasn’t put up a single blog post since May 31st.
Maybe he’s on vacation, and it coincided with the 1st of the month.
Maybe they gave him a permanent vacation.
He’s off on a sabbatical to write a book.
Is that what they say about fired writers?
When they fire a CEO, it’s because he wanted to spend more time with his damn family.
And who the fuck wants to read a book written by Robby?
I hope nobody actually gave him an advance!
The hair might have, but Sugarfree is the one to ask, since he has a better relationship with em…
It’s about activism in the Trump era, which I’m sure Robby has a lot of insight on.
If he was a good writer or actually was informed on subjects he wrote about he might have something to say, but my god he writes at a Grade 9 level and clearly does zero research before writing his clickbait.
Exactly. He can’t even form a coherent argument.
He ignores stuff that doesn’t suit his agenda–whatever that is.
I read his posts on free speech, and I can’t tell whether he’s free speech or not–how can’t that be the mark of a good writer?
Is he against Title IX?
Does he just want Title IX enforced equally?
I can’t tell, and I don’t care, but one of the reasons I don’t care is because I can’t tell.
And I can’t tell because it’s written poorly.
I made that comment on one of his articles. I said, if this article could just as easily have been written by someone who is anti-free speech, why should I think it’s libertarian?
He came into comments and answered, “You just look at the masthead”.
By that logic, much of his copy would be progressive if it were published at Salon instead of Reason, and I’m not supposed to notice?
He thinks we’re a bunch of idiots. I guess that’s how he sees the world. He’s a priest-journalist, and we’re supposed to reverence his commandments because we’re just a bunch of stupid parishioners. It’s so anti-everything the rest of us are all about.
Something i pointed out frequently in the past = the official position of Soave (and presumably Reason) on Title IX is that =
“The Department of Education should *revise OCR’s guidance* on how to interpret Title IX”
– not, “scrap the OCR altogether”
(even though they can’t seem to find a reason for its existence beyond acting like a Puritanical star-chamber)
– not, “repeal Title IX”
(even though women are the majority of college students in America, and the majority of graduates, and are pandered to at every level of institutional education aside from big $-earning college-sports)
…but simply “change the legal guidance they provide universities on how to enforce it”.
That approach would of course have nearly no effect on the way universities currently behave unless there was a concurrent threat by the DoE to punish and stop-federal-funds for any universities who deviated from the ‘new+enlightened’ guidance. How do you think things got the way they have in the first place? Because OCR increased its investigations against schools tenfold between 2009 and 2015
in short = despite all the public hand-wringing by Soave on the subject, the official posture of both he and the magazine is (at best) “verbally critical”, while actually recommending very little in the way of substantial changes to the way the DoE weilds power against schools.
They want to look like they’re critical of what the DoE does, but they never actually go even as far as suggesting that any even needed to get *fired*. Try and find a single comment from Soave that actually calls out Catherine Llamon and blames her for the horrifying persecution of students + faculty in Title IX cases.
on Dec 16th, 2016, Robby noted in the PM links =
It should be obvious to anyone who has been following Robby’s schtick that the method of ‘public criticism which endlessly falls short of assigning blame, or recommending actual institutional change‘ … is basically a process of “Begging to be co-opted by the institutions”. Its how journalists get closer to Top People in DC.
“It should be obvious to anyone who has been following Robby’s schtick that the method of ‘public criticism which endlessly falls short of assigning blame, or recommending actual institutional change‘ … is basically a process of “Begging to be co-opted by the institutions”. Its how journalists get closer to Top People in DC.”
Makes me even more pissed off.
I really believed in those guys.
I’m not your stepping stone.
The proper term is “ninth-grade”.
I’m using whatever’s easier to write on a phone, but I’ll be damned if I start using emoticons and leet.
Or American.
Relax. It’s a hair care book.
He wasn’t progging hard enough.
I would argue that he (along with another writer over there) may have alienated some of their donating readership.
Robby didn’t bother me too much. I actually liked some of his campus reporting. Some of the other’s were insufferable, like Chapman and Dalmia. The entire organization just went too libertarian left for me. When you get into that territory you stop making sense. The whole thing where it was like they were chasing WaPo on who could write the most hysterical Trump article for the day just really made me want to leave. So thank the GODS for this site. Not sure where else I could have went to vent about derp.
Dalmia was the final straw for me. The whole Berkely incident was ridiculous.
Even if I agreed with Dalmia 100% on everything, I’d still want her fired, because in general she’s just an obnoxious and incompetent human being who actively damages any cause she stands for. I mean, she wrote pieces about fake twitter accounts and used to link citations that proved the exact opposite of what she said in her articles, how do you take someone like that seriously?
I never paid much attention to who wrote what, but that is piss poor. It’s a surprise they keep her on.
Her reasoning is groan-worthy. It’s almost worse when I *do* agree with her, because her arguments are so weak.
Deporting illegal immigrants is like enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act.
I used to stick up for her before that.
I think her long tirade about Bobby Jindal being an Uncle Tom for not calling himself Indian-American and being Christian was pretty much her first exposure of what a scumbag she is.
It’s almost like they stuck her out there as a weather vane to see how far left they could go before losing too much audience.
I’m not really sure how much commentariat they’ve lost, but it must be substantial when this site is getting 10x the comments on links that they get on a regular basis. Also the quality of their commentariat is down about 100%.
The loss in audience is bad and getting worse, according to Alexa. Their site statistics are awful now.
Alexa doesn’t show nearly enough of the information I’d like, but there’s a pretty obvious point where it completely tanks, recovers slightly possibly due to some new viewership, but is still on a gradual and continued decline.
It’s more than just the decline in rank. Their engagement stats are terrible.
To put down Reason for good, want me to set up a Patreon account to turn our site into the next libertarian thinktank? Also, learning how to video edit, so perhaps a YT channel on the way?
Well, here’s the thing. They’ve only gotten worse since all of us jumped ship. Here’s part of a line from the first article you will see if you go to H&R right now:
Really, so they’re using FluffPo as a reliable source now? A couple of weeks ago, they were linking to Salon. FUCKING SALON! You guys have lost your fucking shit, Reason!
They haven’t used Buzzfeed as a source yet, have they?
It’s bad enough they link to WaPo all the time.
The reasoning is simple: real conservatives and yokels are icky people who do libertarianism in the wrongthink way.
Reason forming up ranks with the rest of the mainstream media and posting multiple articles supporting Gawker when they were getting (rightly) ripped apart in court was telling. They basically abandoned any claim of supporting privacy rights so they could defend their Journalist Tribe.
@Zenome It also, besides Washington groupthink, traces back to Reason’s desperate attempts to curry Millennial support. Rather than actually try to convince them of anything they’d rather just swing left and hope that will get them. When in reality it’s completely alienating.
Yeah, it’s almost like aspiring journalists use Reason as a stepping stone to a higher paying job at WaPo, etc. They just say whatever they think their current employer wants to hear. Right now Reason is your left libertarian site. The prerequisites are you hate Trump, love open borders, and you know how to write witty variations of the following:
Of course Trump is Hitler, but…
John, I still think millennials are our target issue, but what is our goal? To convince them we sort of agree with the leftists who have been trying to indoctrinate them all of their life, or actually explain libertarian ideas to them and try to convince them that we’re right? I think Reason’s conclusion to this question is the wrong one.
A Florida Man we can approve of.
Dude, it’s the fuzz.
OK. A message we can approve of.
I should probably preface this with a bit of backstory. This is from a wrist watch review blog. The people who have an unholy liking for wrist watches typically fit within a Venn diagrams with with general nerd, engineering nerd, that nerd at the art museum, gentlemanly snob, and nerd with too much disposable income being the intersecting fields. Its the gentlemanly snob part that has a tendency to make a lot of blogs of this type pretty bland, as nobody is willing to say anything controversial as a matter of decorum. Which is why I found this particular review to be hilarious:
Who watches the watchmen?
O, of course, Swiss Servator.
*checks watch, narrows gaze*
I can’t figure out why anyone who doesn’t live in the Outback or something wears a watch anymore. I get the appeal to a… certain segment, but I look around during my subway commute in a large city and almost everyone is wearing one.
While staring at their smartphones the entire way.
For some reason, the shop has a subscription to the print edition of The Hollywood Reporter. Once a year, the magazine is all about watches. $8000 watches and who’s wearing what. I find it all silly.
Thats excessive. I’m into watching the small gears and springs interact. Don’t need an $8k Rolex for that.
Because I like how it looks. Also at work I can’t take my phone in with me, so having my watch can come in handy.
It also a navogation aid if your phone takes a dump or has no signal.
Heh I remember learning that trick when I was little. Don’t think I actually ever used it.
One of the coolest experiences I ever had at a zoo was at the Cincy zoo. I went there one morning and I somehow got through the gate before they opened. So I was like the only person there as far as I could see. I can’t remember how that happened. I went to the line and no one was there, but the gate was open and I just walked in. I was walking and I spotted this white tiger and I walked over there and the fucker just walked right up to the fence where I was standing and stared at me. Blue eyes. I was like inches away from this man eating tiger, just him and I, only the metal fence between us. That was awesome.
They should have taken a Mickey Mouse watch and replaced the mouse background with a Harambe background.
Which is why I found this particular review to be hilarious:
The Harambe Memorial Watch
You got a chuckle out of me right there. WTF? If the Harambe watch doesn’t have a lid that you open and a cock pops out and speaks, “it is 12:15 PM Dicks out for Harambe” it was a waste of an effort to make a relevant timepiece.
Audience aghast, a moment of silence swept over the assembled. Then from the back rows, one single slow clap, rising into an ovation such as not seen since Herr Mozart’s untimely demise. The applause was deafening.
So the geezers next door are having a cookout. I know because I can hear them and they invited me. Makes me want to close the doors and windows, but there’s a nice breeze at the moment. I really don’t want to hang out with them, they boring. My entire hood is a bunch of aging yuppies. I really do not want to hang out with them at all. I won’t even go outside right now because I don’t want them to see me and try to call me over there, I am NOT going!
My wife called me a hermit because of it. But then one of the neighbors started trying to make friends with her. So one day the phone is ringing and she says ‘OMG, it’s that lady from down the street, I’m not answering that’. So I said ‘I thought you guys were friends?’. And then she tells me ‘She’s boring’. So then I said ‘NO! I don’t believe it!’ and laughed. Then she gave me that ‘shut up Mr. Hyperion, you smartass!’ look.
At Luke Air Force Base northwest of Phoenix, Arizona, the 56th Fighter Wing canceled local flying operations for its F-35A Lightning II aircraft due to five incidents in which pilots experienced symptoms resembling hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation, according to the Air Force spokesman, Captain Mark Graff at the Pentagon.
The Air Force said the incidents occurred from May 2 to Thursday, and that in each case the aircraft’s backup oxygen system worked as designed and the jets were able to land safely. The base typically has 25 training flights each weekday, the base spokeswoman said.
The Pentagon said that it was conducting a comprehensive review of the facts and circumstances surrounding physiological episodes along with industry experts.
Bestest airplane ever.
I recall the F-22 having a similar issue. For $100 million a piece you’d think Lockheed would get it sorted out.
Navy’s been having oxygen flow issues on a lot of the pre-F35 trainer aircraft too. Wound up grounding the entire fleet for a little while. Not sure if they solved it yet, but apparently it’s been going on for years.
The people who have an unholy liking for wrist watches typically fit within a Venn diagrams with with general nerd, engineering nerd, that nerd at the art museum, gentlemanly snob, and nerd with too much disposable income being the intersecting fields.
I refuse to believe a true “gentlemanly snob” would deign to devote his time (!) to the contemplation of watches worn on one’s wrist.
Pocket watches or GTFO.
Problem is that The Hipster now has the pocket watch, and it will suffer the same fate as the fedora.
I have all that watch stuff on my smart monocle.
Thank you for living up to the stereotype.
– a ‘general’ nerd with too much disposable income
Ticks (and Tocks) out for Harambe
Um, Reality…aren’t white people terrorists?
Her first issue is that she isn’t cute. And she can’t claim to identify as a female because she’s already one. So no Caitlyn card for her. I don’t see any playable cards left in her deck. She may be the dumbest person ever and that’s hard to achieve, so give her that much.
She’s a 5 at best
Nevertheless, I’m gonna say “would” with the caveat that I have a few strong drinks first.
I have a question.
Akira’s body is ready… to nail that nickel.
Well, she is thicc in a sort of way. Thicc in the skull.
It’s almost like she is a satire of “clueless, amoral liberal flunkie”.
If she was someone who was family for me or even someone I knew well, the first thing I would say to her is… I know this is mean, but sometimes people need to hear the truth. I would ask her ‘Hey, you know all those cool leakers before you, like Assange and Snowden? Do you see any of them hanging around here waiting to be arrested by the feds? Do you know why you don’t see that? Because they take this fucking shit seriously. You DO NOT want to be in the situation you are in, are you getting it now?’. Crickey what a dumb person.
And that’s not even starting on the morality of the reason why she did it and how stupid that is in itself.
Shut up about my sex history. I meant something when it happened.
You know, loudly declaring that you’re going to try to emotionally manipulate the court to the extent that people are writing articles about it might not be the best step one in that plan there Patton.
OT: Need lawncare advice.
My lawn has a bunch of non-grass shit growing in it. I don’t know what exactly it is; it just looks like a bunch of leafy, crawling plants, and there’s a lot of clover in some spots. Is it possible to just tear up all the grass with a hoe, till the soil, then sprinkle grass seed on it? Would I have to do the entire lawn at once, or could I just do the parts that are most affected?
If you’re dealing with crab grass or some other invasive weed that’s also in your neighbor’s yards, sprinkling seed on it probably won’t do the trick. Uncovering fresh dirt will likely give the weeds an excellent place to grow–and may crowd out your seedlings. You might consider rolling out turf, which rolls out like a carpet and gets the whole thing covered in no time so the weeds get choked out under the turf rather than compete with the seed.
If you’re on a really tight budget, my advice would be to embrace the Zen of yard maintenance. The weeds have their place in the cosmos, even if it’s only to help you learn to accept that you can’t control everything. Learn to enjoy battling the weeds. A bowl is most useful when it is empty.
This is a Truism, after a while you will walk past your lawn and find that ONE weed trying to get in, and you will pull it out with Authoritah! because you won another Battle, against WEEDS!
This is really dumb, but I knew a guy who tore out his entire lawn about a foot deep and had sand hauled in to fill it. He then put beach chairs and umbrellas out on his lawn. Not because of weeds but because he didn’t want to mow. Another guy I knew did the same thing, but poured concrete, for the same reason. Yes, they were hillbillies doing hillbilly shit. So there’s your hillbilly solutions.
Depends on where you live. Up north, weed treatment and overseeding will usually do the trick. In the south, laying new turf like Ken mentioned is probably a better option.
Yeah, I would definitely try the weed and feed first as it is cheap and easy. Getting new grass to grow from seed can be a real pita. Once corrected, keeping grass as thick as possible is best defense.
Huh, grows just fine in my driveway.
Yep. Only place grass grows I my yard is the flower beds. Otherwise, weeds. Clover, mostly. I would be ok with crab grass. It is green and doesn’t need fertilizer or watering -sounds low maintenance to me.
I had a shitty backyard in my rental – apparently the last tenants had lived there for 2 years and not raked at all – so the pine tree had trashed the soil. On the advice of the local garden store, I bought a bag of grass seed (shade fescue), a bag of lime-based fertilizer and a hip spreader. I dug up the soil a few inches all across the entire yard, spread the fertilizer and then the grass seed. Took a week or two to take – I didn’t have a hose, just laid it all down a couple days before a forecast heavy rain – now I have a nice, thick bed of green grass.
I’ll give it a go with the weed whacker – first time since planting late april – tomorrow afternoon.
Clover rules.
Ok, this got an official “2 guffaws” out of me:
I originally thought it was a porn-parody-title
Did you check out the parents guide?
Trailer worse than I could have imagined.
My lawn has a bunch of non-grass shit growing in it. I don’t know what exactly it is; it just looks like a bunch of leafy, crawling plants, and there’s a lot of clover in some spots.
Unless it’s obviously a lost cause, I’d try some weed n feed type spray first. Some of the stuff out there is amazingly discriminatory. Ask that cute girl at Lowe’s garden dept.
Teen Vogue weighs in.
The simple fact that Trump won the election marked a condonation of his rap sheet, which continues to destabilize our propensity for shock. And while we discussed the merits of Kathy Griffin trying too hard to get attention, Trump pulled out of the Paris agreement, effectively canceling the United States’s commitment to the preservation of the planet. If this course goes uncorrected, environmental disasters will increase, and our children and grandchildren will be forced to grapple with unimaginably harsh daily conditions. But please, keep dragging Kathy Griffin on Twitter.
The politicization of everything continues. Stick to comparison testing lip gloss, Teen Vogue.
Even if you believe in catastrophic global warming, EU emissions are increasing, U.S. emissions are decreasing, but people still freaking out about how the United States is dooming the planet due to emissions. Yes, we should take your hysterics that are the exact opposite of reality seriously.
The virtue signalling of screaming “I’m an ignorant motherfucker” for all to hear is impressive.
Can someone translate this from Idiot into English, please?
“By electing him we showed we tolerate his behaviour, and therefore other unlikely things are more likely”?
you can almost make sense out of the clauses separately, but you put them together and you get Authentic Proggy Gibberish.
Ya, I don’t get it. “destabilize our propensity for shock”? What the hell ms big word inserter? If anything it has solidified to the nth degree the batshit crazy sorts in their propensity for shock as well as pants shitting and hat knitting. Or am I missing something there?
Well, “Donny” (call me Donny) is handsy and gross like some of Daddy’s banker friends at the shore so it stands to reason that Hillary should be President or something…
So I just watched a video of a man having 132 pounds of lymph matter being removed from his groin. It completely surrounded his twig and berries which brings up questions that the video didn’t answer.
What was removed was pretty gross looking and as a joke would be funny to leave washed up on a shore somewhere just to see what would happen.
Yog Soggoth! Ai! Ai!
When I worked in medical records, I saw photographs of ovarian cysts being removed that were bigger than babies.
It’s amazing how big they get.
I don’t get why people don’t get things checked out sooner. Why let it get to that point?