Sooo…anything happen earlier today? I have been kind of busy lately. Oh, one or two small things I can link to. Our theme….accountability (or lack thereof)
- “I knew he was a Democrat, a pretty hardcore one. I know he wasn’t happy when Trump got elected but he seemed like a nice enough guy”. Well, except for the shootiness.
- Congresscritter has a plan for that.
- I hope this type of thing expands to EPA officials who poison rivers, BATFE employees who run guns to gangs, cops who indiscriminately hurt and kill…aw, who am I kidding.
- “Hey, this will never come back to haunt me!”… Idiot.
Bonus link!
- @$$holes defeat scum!
Back to the fondue pits for me. The overseer is approaching with spätzle cat-o-nine tails.
Congresscritter has a plan for that.
The rest of us should be allowed to carry, too.
Most of us can and do.
Hi. My name is Playa Manhattan, and I live in the most populous state in the union.
Zombies shouldn’t count as people in the official census.
They should count as three-fifths of a person.
*points finger and screeches*
Then shouldn’t your handle be Playa SanFran?
Manhattan Beach I believe. Southern CA.
Why? I live in Manhattan Beach, not SF.
Manhattan Beach is a libertarian hotspot. Jesse also lives here.
Maple Grove is another libertarian hotspot. There’s a couple jerks living there too.
I may have seen you write that before, but forgot. When I see your handle, I always think Manhattan as in NYC.
Don’t feel bad, I make the same mistake.
I thought it was a reference to the cocktail.
And jesse from Manitoba.
No decent people live in CA. I assumed KS.
Armed jerks, you mean.
Don’t out me, bro!
Much better.
Illuminati hotspot confirmed.
I tried to read the newspaper from Redacted, The Redacted —– Herald but man they make it hard.
From front page articles where you don’t know who is being quoted to recipes where they won’t let you know just many eggs you need.
And comics where the last panel is gone so you don’t know if Lucy puled the ball away from Charlie Brown…again.
Ooh, a real first!
Involuntary manslaughter? Has anyone actually died yet?
Yes. I heard that Snyder personally killed 19 black children.
Did you read the article?
Of course I didn’t. I follow the rules.
Which is why I assumed that it was about lead. I didn’t even know there was a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak.
And the WaPo article conveniently omits party affiliations for the indicted officials. Unless they are buried at the bottom.
Oh, they’ll be buried, alright.
The left-wing shooter looks exactly like Walter Sobchak, and yet still managed not to kill anyone. You can’t make this shit up.
*Photo of shooter holding up sign whining about ‘Trickle Down Economics’ and top marginal tax rates that never worked the way the left thinks they did*
Oh, so he was stupid too.
Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?
Seriously, it would have made more sense for him to shoot at the people on the DNC who rigged his guy out of the primary. Although, if he had any sense he wouldn’t have got Berned in the first place.
“No, what the fuck are you… I’m not… We’re talking about unchecked aggression here, dude.”
MARK IT ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“They’re callin’ the cops, Water”
Scalise has been downgraded to critical, so …
The Uzi!
You didn’t think I was rollin’ outta here naked, didja?
I thought Senators and Congressmen carried their own personal gun free zones with them. Why didn’t that guy’s gun vaporize spontaneously when he got to the park?
Gather around boys and girls (probably just boys). Today has been a very hyperbolic day. To release the tension, enjoy this red head
I didn’t care for that response at all. Get out of here
/r/ginger and /r/redheads is far superior.
Yer deranged.
Agree. Vapidity thy name is this broad. She looks about as engaged with reality as a turnip.
Those look like SIV’s granny panties in the front, but it’s all party in the back.
Lots of girls, too.
Good catch. For all three (?) of the ladies that peruse this site, please feel free to indulge in the link
Thank you. Will google the shit of her.
She is from Ashland, KY.
And I knew that without looking it up.
Within stalking range, hmmm?
The tattoos are a turnoff.
Also, about 4.5 hr drive, so not that close.
Henry Clay also lived in Ashland, and, curiously enough, he too did a half-naked dance in front of a mirror.
And the part of Virginia he was from was also Ashland, curiously enough.
Those are not knee socks.
Wow- girly pics are wasted on you
I have hosiery standards!
I have a hard time believing that anyone who spends their time here has standards. Full stop.
Hey, has a pulse is a standard
You probably have the ZTR chart saved somewhere don’t you?
She needs to eat a sandwich. She looks ok, but putting on about 20lbs would make her hot.
Meh, y’know, I’d rather be casseroled by a redhead, I’d prefer Karen Gillan.
Casseroled? No, not caressed. Yeah. I know.
Casseroled, v: “to be done slowly for one to one and one half hours”
What do you do for the 59-89 extra minutes?
She’s a redhead. You find somewhere to hide so she can’t eat your soul.
Commit to not talking so long next time.
Grr. “taking”
Democrats can’t even perpetuate a massacre properly.
They just keep losing.
The Bif Loman of political parties.
“He had the wrong dreams. All, all wrong.”
In re: the London fire
I was discussing it earlier with some of the Glibs, and it didn’t make sense to me. How much is a 24 story residential building in Kensington worth? $100 million? $200 million?
There’s absolutely no reason to disable the sprinkler system, even if you’re a slum lord. By doing so, you’re voiding the insurance policy and risking the loss hundred million dollar asset. Even someone in bankruptcy wouldn’t do that.
It makes much more sense now.
The building was government housing.
I’d still like to know what that cladding they installed last year was made of. Fucker went up like it was soaked in gasoline.
Nitrocellulose. They wanted to house a couple of thousand muslims in there and it would have been too costly to evict.
From this link:
ACM cassette rainscreen, whatever that is. Really depends what material the aluminum is embedded within. God forbid it’s something like polystyrene or some other foamed, flammable material.
So, the new hotness in aluminum siding. Made the council flats really pop.
article claims that stuff has a polyethylene core. And has been implicated in numerous other fires.
More here.
Uh oh.
It’s truly amazing that in a western country in the 21st century, someone could get away with something like that. And this building was just renovated last year.
Only government has the audacity and immunity to even try.
No government officials went to jail for Rotherham. England is done.
Chartered surveyor and fire expert Arnold Tarling, from Hindwoods, said the process can create a 25-30mm cavity between the cladding and the insulation.
“It produces a wind tunnel and also traps any burning material between the rain cladding and the building,” he said.
So an inch to an inch and a quarter. What is that dudes name? Mr Venturi? That is craziness. Those people at the top didn’t have a chance.
CNN has a time lapse video of it. It looked like the entire building flashed over all at once.
If I assembled my 10 smartest friends to commit arson, I don’t think we could come up something bigger than that fire.
I’m still trying to figure out how you get a concrete building to burn like it was made out of rice paper. Was there that much crap stuffed in the hallways and apartments?
Just horrific.
The shell and structure are steel reinforced concrete. Often, the walls beneath the windows are basically prefabricated waferboard sandwiches or marine ply with styrene in the middle.
For the panels facing the walkway, when a bunch of yobs kick the wall in, they could simply haul the wreckage out and drop in a totally new assembly.
Is it wrong of me to suspect this fire was set by someone?
That was my first thought. Because London.
Absolutely not. Especially if you read this statement from the community activists before the fire:
“only a catastrophic event will expose the ineptitude and incompetence of our landlord … and bring an end to the dangerous living conditions and neglect of health and safety legislation that they inflict upon their tenants and leaseholders.”
Bush did 9/11. Why not a London building?
+1 Loose Quid
“s it wrong of me to suspect this fire was set by someone?”
The next one will be.
I wish I’d spotted that thread – yeah, those high rises are never owned by anyone other than local councils. The only exceptions I know of are college halls of residences, but they’re becoming increasingly rare.
I lived in a high rise dorm my freshman year at Berkeley. The sprinkler system there absolutely worked. Too well, in fact.
There was essentially zero risk of fire, and a huge risk of flooding. The sprinkler system on the floor below me got tripped, and it flooded that room, and 6 or 7 adjacent rooms before the fire department cut the water.
This is why the sprinkler’s don’t end up working in those types of buildings; they’re so prone to leaking and damage, that someone eventually deactivates them.
Want to know how to moisten panties? One way is to flood a Victoria’s Secret, which our sprinkler guys did a week ago. Shut down a fire riser, started working on a line for the space we’re building, LEFT THE CAP OFF when they went to lunch… another crew working on another line turned on the wrong riser, and within a minute water was pouring out of our space and across the way.
Yeah, but this is Britain.
High rises in Britain are almost exclusively relics of the 1960’s “High Rise Prisons” school of architecture, which the Soviets pioneered in the 50’s. They really are only fit for demolition, or sterilization with fire.
Brutalism as a government architectural style? No, it couldn’t be.
You wanna understand why the Man United fans are the way they are? Some of them have to live in places like this.
Hulme Wall
Admittedly, not high-rise, but you get the idea. I’d link more if the blog setup would let me.
There might be a footy column here. If so, there’s another writer who will enjoy verbally fucking ManU supporters.
Just so you know.
Oh hell yeah
Strangely, I think I’m OK with that. One article described a woman with 6 kids evacuating.
6 kids and on the dole? Make it somewhere brutal.
Brutalism had an underlying architectural philosophy.
What many of the Brits, moved out of their traditional, shitty row houses into (temporarily pretty) shitty high density housing by the very socialist apparatchiks they elected for their local government hadn’t even got a philosophy. many of the guys who signed off on these projects would LITERALLY (yes, I mean literally) have been in the USSR the previous year being shown just how wonderful such accommodation was for the proleteriat.
This stuff was thrown up cheaply and from the get-go was unsafe, nasty and .. well .. brutal. De Rocha and Le Corbusier they weren’t.
Here’s one example of where British public housing really impresses: Ronan Point and is pretty typical of the type. Fortunately, over the last 20 years or so, such structures have been demolished and replaced with cheap, less-dangerous housing.
We still have one of those hideous monstrosities.
It’s currently full of Somalis.
In 1991, I saw a model of that building in the Smithsonian. Funny coincidence, their were two strangers — a father and son — looking at it along side of us. Turns out they were from St. Louis Park. The were just as “WTF!” as we were.
Also on our Smithsonian visit, we saw a working cotton gin. There was a docent beside it telling us about the negative impact it had on the south’s labor-force. He said, “It put an end to the last of the big hand-jobs.” We had all we could do to keep from losing it in front of the guy.
“When everybody owns something, nobody owns it, and nobody has a direct interest in maintaining or improving its condition. That is why buildings in the Soviet Union — like public housing in the United States — look decrepit within a year or two of their construction…”
Milton Friedman
I’m waiting for Zardoz’s input.
Depending on your literary preferences you might enjoy the Peter Grant/Rivers of London series that SF was talking about in the last what are we reading. The author has a fascination with London architecture and ties stylistic choices into a universe where there’s magic in a fun way.
I enjoy those. There is a new one out.
You could tell it was Gov housing just by looking at pictures of the place and the surrounding neighborhood. Brits love their gov housing.
“This is one of the richest boroughs in London, so why aren’t they doing more to help people?” asked Jade, who declined to give her surname to CNN.
Ummm…maybe because the people who live in the borough really don’t care to have to pay for council estates near their homes?
Re; flint water
Seems like the city has managed to mostly blame the state for all the failures. For some unexplained reason the mayor and city council are off scot-free.
Truly a mystery, that.
This never would have happened under Democratic Control!
Which is why it gets kicked to State, since you literally have to go to the Governor’s office in the Flint case before you get to the first non-democrat. From the Council, to the workers, to the guy who tasked by the Governor to oversee the situation to the state environmental workers, all Team Blue.
Prince William County, Virginia, Democrats choose Danica Roem to run against long-term delegate Bob Marshall for Virginia House. Roem is transgender and is highly unlikely to defeat her grumpy socon opponent. Prince William id where USMC HQ Quantico is located.
But Quantico is super inclusive land. I’ve seen the show. There are hijab wearing arab twins and an indian immigrant agent, etc etc. Looks like progtopia to me.
Throw a donkey in there and I’ll get the lube.
It’s also a dangerous place where 85 pound chicks repeatedly beat the crap out of guys that look like they stepped off the cover of Muscle and Fitness or Men’s Health.
Man-to-woman or woman-to-man?
M2F I presume since named Danica.
She indeed identifies as a woman.
Marshall is one of the more obnoxious pols in Virginia.
Dumbass ginger Kennedy youngling wants to create another useless federal agency moneysink
Hey Joe, how about taking a long walk off a shirt pier.
How about… taking a flight out to Martha’s Vineyard?
…taking a drive thru Dallas?
…taking a short bridge to Chappaquiddick?
…taking the back way out of the Ambassador Hotel?
That sounds like an awful vacation
That was why they let Maria marry Ahnold. They wanted to try and breed some more robust Kennedy stock, ‘cos the existing herd were so fragile.
This is beyond the level of anti-Americanism in Putin’s Russia. At this point I’m just sad.
It’s not quite as stupid as murderdroning and preemptive war in terms of the generation of animosity l, but this Russia hacking fever dream (or intentional clogging of the legislative branch) is definitely starting to make me pissed.
Just can’t resist the urge to “do something”. How many agencies do we already have that should be “snuffing” out hacking of government systems already?
No small part of this is to make another Kennedy add an “accomplishment” to his résumé.
The DNC servers aren’t government property though.
well, okay, but then we defund and shut the NSA, CIA, and FBI counter-intelligence, since they all obviously suck if we need another agency to replace their duties.
I’ll trade $20 million for that.
I only clicked through in the hopes that said dumbass ginger would be attractive…and I was disappointed. Would not.
Not your cup of tea, eh? Would he classify as a twink if he swung that direction?
I suppose he’d be a twink, and not my cup of tea.
I’d probably need to see him naked to confirm either supposition though.
Don’t we have some type of agency that already handles this type of thing? One of those three letter ones I hear about on the tubevision.
Once I get good with CRISPR I’ll have to gin up something that sterilizes or renders comatose any descendant of Joe Kennedy Sr.
And one again no one gives a shit that China does this just as much, if not more, than the Russians and have had far greater successes with it.
Of course that would expose things like blatant bribery of U.S. state officials, major politician’s political and financial connections to Chinese interests, Chinese investment in American media companies, the media’s kowtowing to CCP propaganda lies, etc.
You know, actual dangerous foreign influence that no one seems to give a shit about.
Aw, he’s looking to undo Uncle Teddy’s legacy of collusion with the Ruskies! Shame.
No shit. Doesn’t he know he will need the Russians to unseat Trump? It’s like he hasn’t been paying attention.
“attempted to delete or alter voter data.”
Did that actually happen or is this an instance where something less nefarious happened, but it sounds cooler to say this.
According to a Bloomberg article, they tried to do that at a state level. (I forget what state and I am too lazy to go look) But it wouldn’t have worked the way we do elections where records originate locally. They knew the Russkies where up to shenanigans, but Obama kept it on the down low because Hillary winning was a sure thing.
*puts on tinfoil hat*
Given that Obama was pushing for federal control of elections, and it is known due to wikileaks, that the CIA can hack whatever the fuck they want and make it look like whoever they want, that maybe the Obama administration was doing the hacking and leaving traces to blame the Russians. And then when Hillary was elected they could point to all the hacking ATTEMPTS and then push for federal control of all voting and election systems. We would have rigged elections nationwide which seems to be a favorite Democrat strategy for winning an election.
*takes off tinfoil hat and saves foil for flank steak later*
I’m not a big fan of that theory for the simple fact that most all of the parties involved, from big folks to little, were utterly convinced that Hillary’s coronation was as sure as the sunrise, hence both Hillary and Obama vehemently denouncing what would become the linchpin of the post-election Democratic strategy: trying to cast Republican victory as illegitimate.
According to the book Shattered, the strategy of blaming the Russians was devised a few hours after the election was lost by the Clinton campaign. My tinfoil hat theory is that after Hillary won, which was a sure thing, they would later bring up the Russian interference, THAT FAILED (as they would spin it), as a reason to nationalize elections. How did the Clinton campaign know the extent of the Russian (CIA?) meddling? That was some secret shit at that point. Little chic sitting in jail right now leaked some info that was known at the time. That report was old. Pre election.
From the bonus link
Hazrat Ali, a member of Parliament and a prominent warlord from the area
To be sure he’s probably an evil sumbitch but that’s a great profile line.
I have ‘Warlord’ on my business card. It shortens meetings a lot.
The ‘business card’ is the word ‘warlord’ tattoed on the forehead of a decapitated head
I just really hate meetings, man.
“That’s bone. No, not a color, it’s actual human bone, and the font is called Silian Rail.”
“Prominent Warlord” might make the ol’ chest swell with a bit o’ pride, yes.
Well, it’s certainly better than “insignificant warlord”, “irrelevant warlord”, “warlord who’s just kinda there taking up space ’cause nobody else wants be in charge of *that* shitheap” etc.
I posted this on the other site earlier. Remember when civil discourse mattered under Bush? If we’re to hold the left to their own rhetoric, I don’t see how the Democrats and their supporters can be absolved of criticism given how they have behaved since the election. They played their respective parts in riling up the base and the list absolutely includes Hillary and Obama.
You don’t keep telling people how you lost because of Russians so as to delegitimize a democratically elected officials while giving the impression if you whine and lie enough you could somehow over turn the result. Obama for his part did little to assuage any thing (thus furthering the notion he was more of an activist than a leader) during the transition period. Since then, he has used his speech tour to take coy and under handed shots undermining a sitting President.
Such decorum and leadership!
They justify it all because “Republicans did it too”. Civil discourse is dead for good
If the shooter was a right wing Trump supporter and the Congressmen where Democrats, social media and the MSM would be having meltdowns. I can imagine the rhetoric, “The GOP needs to atone for this tragedy because their policies and rhetoric has stirred such violence.” I wish people would start holding the Left to their own standards.
That is exactly what they are doing. With a hint of “that’s karma for mister A+ from the NRA”
It’s really fucked up. The Left is playing with fire.
Even if you try to point out how many mass shootings in the recent past by non-right wing nutjobs they’ll just yell, “Nah Uh, because Dylan Roof.”
I see you were following my DerpBook discussions this afternoon.
And yet, he did it under Obama who, it’s been claimed, calmed the racial divide.
“I wish people would start holding the Left to their own standards.”
I don’t know what kind of multiple to magnify this, so I’ll just add a * (as opposed to a +)
You can’t hold them to something that doesn’t really exist.
As much as I don’t like Donald Trump one of the things I loved about his campaign was that he brazenly brought up Bill Clinton’s affairs (and to some sexual assaults) and Hillary defending a rapist years ago. Despite the Left’s and Hillary’s best efforts to cast him as the Supreme Raper of All Women, they couldn’t really counter that punch to the face. What Trump basically did was shoved their standards and bullshit back int their faces and told the media to go fuck themselves.
To get the Left to stop pulling this shit, it’s time for the Right and GOP to stop playing their game and tell them to fuck off.
I still have friends who won’t acknowledge that.
Trump said something about women. Bill Clinton actually raped women. Talking != raping
More importantly, Trump said something true about women – namely that guys that are rich, famous, and good looking (or at least 2 of the 3) can pretty much get away with brazen behavior.
“Be attractive. Don’t be unattractive.”
Yeah, while I wasn’t a fan of Trump, he has (either literally or by action) called out so many Leftists on their bullshit. He may not have been the President we deserved, but I am thinking more and more he’s the one we needed.
“—-I can imagine the rhetoric, “The GOP needs to atone for this tragedy because their policies and rhetoric has stirred such violence.”—-”
…as opposed to now with the Bernie Bro shooter, when the rhetoric is….. “The GOP needs to atone for this tragedy because their policies and rhetoric has stirred such violence.”
Double-dipping and reposting. Tsk, tsk.
Like you’ve never double-dipped.
He was working on the Nerds. All brain power was going to mouth functions.
Oooh… good euphemism. A++
And it’s also off how the Democrats and the Left been acting since this election. It’s okay to be peeved that you lost but trying to delegitimize a democratically elected official is dangerous and wrong. When you call them out on this, they use the birther excuse but that was only a fringe group of people. What we have here is a national party and bureaucratic apparatus trying to do their best to ruin a democratically elected President without any sort of reasoning.
– Barack Obama (before Trump won the election)
I would have posted first today but I was working and eating Nerds. I can’t multitask.
A straight line so open, I just can’t even decide on where to begin.
That’s cannibalism, nerd!
That’s really the best I could come up with.
Rufus, a member of Canada and a prominent gaylord from the area…
Oh, keep quiet and make me a….negroni.
MOD: Rufus is a negroni
~~~orthography faerie, away!~~~
You laughed when it was me. I will not laugh now…for 3 seconds.
I like when they keep their glasses on when I eat them
Rufus can only have so many hands up his butt at the same time.
Why must you limit the man?
I highly suggest everyone wander the lefty comments on the Bernie bro shooting. You will find anger and hatred inside you that you never knew you had. Im now convinced some sort of civil war is inevitable.
Oh I know, it’s infuriating and also extremely depressing. The lack of self awareness is staggering.
It makes me sick to my stomach. This is not going to end well. I’ve always been a “shit has a way of working itself out”. That mentality died a little today
I just figured I’d listen to this and get the same effect.
I went to go see the outrage on facebook, and it seems, all my lefty “friends” have unfriended me. Everyone of them. I hadn’t checked in a long time. hah
I guess I can be thankful they haven’t shot me yet for having differing political views.
Swissy – a few of us are talking about a regular foreign footy/rugby column. Pls get in touch when you can…
Rugby, please. With pictures. Lots of pictures. Including Zulus.
Shaka-ing photos?
A Zulu in rugby is where you run around the field naked. Not sure what triggers that.
But we know what triggers you.
Traditionally, a Zulu is performed after a player scores his first try.
Shaka, when the Tonio’s pants fell.
“Rugby, please. With pictures. Lots of pictures. Including Zulus.”
That’s be Swissy’s department, although if he agrees to the basic premise, I’m sure he’d be okay with some fan service.
Speaking of which, I should have a column on Women’s golf And yeah, that’s a real woman golfer, and she really is that hot. Oh, and this. Also, This.
I’m certain the AOC Clock was watched more closely for Michelle Wie than most.
Also from the LPGA: Sandra Gal
Can you guys please cover some content about what channelz that a slovenly American can access live or near tournament feeds such as Tri Nations?
I’d imagine, since a bunch of guys here pointed me to where I could watch AFL live.
(Since ESPN are total, worthless assholes and refuse to broadcast it).
There’s a torrent site that has lots of Rugby encoded relatively close to live.
Our hosts probably don’t want me linking to it, but if you google ” rugby torrent site” you will find it. You should be able to figure out how to get an invite, and you can use freeleech torrents to build ratio easily.
ugh, if you google : “[name of the sea between australia and new zealand] rugby torrent site” that is.
My new router just showed up. Try not to talk about anything interesting while I’m setting it up.
Mission Accomplished
Wouldn’t it be simpler to wait until the interesting conversation dies down?
^^Mission accomplished.
I hear Playa’s new deodorant doesn’t work and his flip flops make lotsa squishy sounds in the store when he shops for food.
I’m Scandinavian, and therefore, don’t need deodorant.
The fishy smell just over-powers it?
No, living in nature’s freezer ensures that you don’t sweat.
I assume because the stench of Cod overpowers all creations of modern chemical engineering.
Cod? Heavens no. That is but fragrant incense compared to lutefisk.
Which is, you know, preserved Cod.
You smell of cod and sheep testicles sirrah.
Aw, c’mon edit fairy! That was a perfectly acceptable link!
We’ll update you with the Cal score until you’re up and running.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t necessary for most of last season.
Video of the shooting (actually video of a fence and a rake with audio). The comment at the end is the best commentary on the thing I’ve heard.
Did you hear the incoming at 1:52? It was pretty close.
Thank you ARMA and its ilk, for teaching us that hearing the “Boom” of gunfire is one thing, but hearing “Crack, Crack, Crack, boom, boom, boom,” is something a whole lot more serious.
Or, I guess you could have enlisted anytime in the last 20 years and gotten to hear it for real.
I’ve read the shooter used an SKS in 7.62 (x39, I’m guessing) and some 9mm pistol. Or at least, that those weapons were found at the scene and witnesses stated the gunman transitioned from rifle to pistol at some point.
Also, Rep. Scalise is in critical condition after surgery on his hip wound.
“A hiss means it’s close, a snap means…”
Pull the target down before the NCO’s yell at you?
“Traces are still being done on the two firearms recovered at the scene — an SKS rifle 7.62 (which is a Chinese-made AK variant) and a .9 mm pistol, a law enforcement source tells CNN.”
Accurate reporting again. Heh.
Maybe it was a BB pistol?
That’s a tiny pistol!
I was in the pool!
So now there’s a chinese and Russian Trump Connection!
I heard it was one of those evul baby killing AR 15s with the shoulder thing that goes up and the 30 caliber clipazine in half a second.
Concealment is not cover!
(Not that chain link is much of concealment either.)
Try not to talk about anything interesting while I’m setting it up.
Carry on, in other words.
It’s National Bourbon day.
Everyone celebrate!
Every day is bourbon day!
Great idea. A good excuse to go try some Four Roses. I’ve already recently tried Elijah Craig 12, Weller Antique and 12, and Blanton’s in my survey of bourbon. And Russell’s Reserve which I didn’t care for at all.
I’m a fan of Woodford Reserve and the Four Roses small batch. They’re both decent and the price point is good. I agree with you about the Russell’s Reserve.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Woodford. Russell’s Reserve could’ve been worse. We have a few new ‘bourbon’ producers in Texas and some of them, well, bless their heart.
We went to one that trumpeted their use of smaller barrels, to try and accelerate aging. It was one of the nastiest alcoholic things I’d the misfortune to taste.
OTOH, Texas also has Garrison Brothers. If you like bourbon as, “Brown sugar topped corn flakes for adults”, they peg the needle. Overpriced, IMHO, but tasty all the same.
Not libertarian enough. Wake me up on National Heroin day…
Interesting the shooter chose Trump’s birthday
Is it really?
I must know what you think is not interesting.
No; he chose Boy George’s birthday.
“Do you really want to hurt me?”
I’ve met Mr. O’Dowd, and he really is deserving of it.
I am so glad that I don’t have neighbors like these assholes. Can you imagine being such a miserable dullard that your world outside of politics is a complete vacuum?
Considering the ultimate outcome I’d say the guy who said that made a smart move.
This. Remember when politics was one of those topics that it was considered impolite to discuss with semi-strangers? Harder to do these days, when near every conscious act can be invested with sociopolitical significance.
Politics is in your face nonstop nowadays. And I blame myself for buying into it too. I was on the train the other day and a girl was reading “The Handmaiden’s Tale” and I instinctively rolled my eyes. Then I caught myself and went back to reading my paper.
Also, is your name a reference to that episode from ‘Batman the Animated Series’ from way back in the 90’s?
AKA the good batman.
Yes. One of the best cartoons from the 90’s
The Tick > Batman for 90s cartoons.
See also, Exo-Squad. Presuming you like top tier writing in what would otherwise have been children’s television. Its like Heinlein and Steven Ambrose co-wrote it.
Seconded. Exo-Squad was great!
HM – I think you might be the only other person I’ve spoken to who’s even heard of it. Can we be besties?
Nope. Homage to my Weimaraner. She’s been gone a few years now, and I really need to get another.
They’re…interesting. The Weim Club of America’s “quiz” goes into the breed’s quirks pretty well. (And in trying to find the link, I see that the WCA has taken it down for some reason. This site reproduces it, in a much more annoying font, unfortunately. )
I just suffered through the new series on that and I’m not exactly feeling in a mood to take on the book anytime soon, but I would have no compunctions about rolling my eyes there. It’s hysterical trash made by and for idiots.
The whole “We won’t visit the White House after winning the title” bullshit is super annoying.
Give a rest for fuck’s sake. I heard co-workers lauding Golden State for passing on a visit.
They hadn’t been invited yet. Might ought to wait for an invitation to turn it down.
I believe there was some pre-emptive discussion.
I hereby preemptively withdraw myself from consideration for this years’ Miss America pageant.
I would think they would be more worried about getting over their hangover from the after party right now that snubbing Trump.
I was thinking the exact same thing about Seth Meyers during an interview on NPR half an hour ago.
To be fair, I used to have far-left neighbors next door, and I can’t imagine a worse way to spend my time than listening to their screeching. I was thrilled when they moved.
I do have to admit that I suspect the exchanges between the quoted R and the trigger-happy D were probably pretty one-sided.
The correct term, sir is Autistic screeching.
You’re welcome.
I think there’s another dimension to the whole thing that is based on, regardless of your politics, whether you’re obsessed with them or just have opinions. I know left-wingers I get along fine with because they’re not obsessive ideologues who want to insert it into everything, their politics begin and end based on who they vote for and what they see on the news. Obnoxious people are generally still obnoxious people regardless of whether they’re whining about ‘wealth inequality’ or ‘the lack of Christian values nowadays’.
Things progressive neighbours argue about:
-You culturally appropriated my grass!
-You have a smaller mortgage because of white privilege!
-Why don’t you recycle more? I will have to report you.
-Do you mind moving your 30 year-old tree? It’s triggering as my pet giant spider was killed by a falling tree.
-You drive a better car than me because you’re probably not paying your fair share.
-Could you please take down that American flag? It’s insulting to me. You probably have slaves back there.
It might be possible the shooter brought up politics first. My aunt does that from time to time, make some kind of jab at team red in inappropriate settings. It turns people off.
After every such comment there is always awkward silence followed by douche chills.
Well, she’s normally had a bottle of wine or two at that point, so we let it go.
I have a neighbor like that. She can’t understand why no one invites her over
Hot take from another one of JB’s progressive friends on the Alexandria shooting
Wait, what?
Funny. I thought about Silicon Valley.
And oatmeal.
Socons using the incident as a justification for martial law and then install their horrific regime by freezing women’s bank accounts?
That’s all I’ve got.
I don’t know how that was depicted in the book, but the way that happened in the series was fucking retarded–basically the Sons of Jacob materialize out of nowhere, to the point where our fearless protagonist literally doesn’t even know who they are, but they’re powerful enough and influential enough to show up at her work with an armed goon squad and order all the women fired at gunpoint. Then they somehow simultaneously seize all the bank accounts of the women.
Then our fearless protagonist takes to the streets… to perform a standard left-wing signs-and-chanting protest. Since the Sons of Jacob apparently couped or defeated the entire US military and police apparatus almost instantly, there are no military or police at all, in what’s supposed to be Virginia or possibly Boston or something. Unfortunately, these protesters thought they were still living in DRUMPF’S FASCIST AMERIKKKA, so instead of a slobbery blowjob by the lamestream media about “resisting”, they get gunned down like the idiots they are for thinking that peaceful protest was still possible.
The show so far is basically scene-for-scene from the book, which is a quick read. Yes, the entire premise of the story is pretty far fetched.
Everyone’s favorite Reason alum with his hot take
I actually have a rather negative personal anecdote about Weigel, but I was sworn to secrecy. He’s enough of a shitheel to begin with, though, trust me.
Who can we blame for him being hired at all? Gillespie? Because that man should never have been hired. Of course, he’d be a perfect fit at the new, modern, woke and intersectional Reason, instead of merely using it to pad his wallet and resume before jumping ship to a “respectable” JournoList publication, that’s constantly printing libelous hysteria about Russians under the bed.
Go on…
How do I unswear you to secrecy?
I know….. leak it to me and I’ll spread the work.
Leaks are all the rage these days.
Come on, there are no secrets here. You must tell
Haha, Weigel literally just responded back with denial. What a douche.
They must be real smart.
Some Turkish assholes were finally arrested for the beating of protesters last month. Bout time.
Fuck the news.
Mike Hawthorn at le Mans in 1956
A “practice lap” in a D-type with a giant camera scabbed onto it. With bicyclists, scooters, farm trucks and pedestrians.
Lol. The bicyclist almost bought it! It’s interesting how the steering wheel is mounted. Was that normal?
Yes, the British prefer to put them on that side of the car.
“Hey, this will never come back to haunt me!”… Idiot.
The two girls were 14. Fourteen! That’s crazy. Now 15 I can understand…
Is that why you love high school girls?
“I get older- they stay the same age”
I know little to nothing of the story beyond the headline, is there any evidence he actually knew how old they were?
That’s my question. Can any 14-year-old girl get any man she wants thrown in prison merely by sending a text with nude photos?
Nancy Pelosi is evil, but she isn’t stupid. That’s the thing about the pre-Trump Democratic political machine. They knew when to push and pull back.
“I have been probably the target of more, political target of probably more threats than anyone perhaps other than the President of the United States Barack Obama.”
Most people have no idea who you are, you deluded, silly bitch. And I think Trump probably has an overwhelming amount of ‘death threats’ (as defined by Pelosi’s idiocy, which probably includes jokes about woodchippers) compared to either of them.
There are not words to describe the hatred and loathing I feel toward Pelosi.
Her and McCain’s only purpose in life now is to serve as examples as to why there needs to be age limits on offices, or at least medical and mental health checkups for senility.
McCain is just as bad but outside of a few hardcore right circles he is treated like the crazy uncle that talks to himself, e.g.: basically ignored. People actually give credibility to Pelosi which is why I have such a problem with her.
a few hardcore right circles
Translation: Old people.
I disagree; the mainstream media treat McCain as the “respectable” Republican.
When he’s not running for President at least.
I don’t think any of those threats to ‘rape fuck her to death’ could be treated as credible threats, unless they originated with a certain rapesquatch we could all name.
With Steve Smith rape not a threat rape a promise
It’s interesting how the steering wheel is mounted. Was that normal?
I think that was a four spoke wheel.
Socons using the incident as a justification for martial law and then install their horrific regime by freezing women’s bank accounts?
Rape camps, coming to a college campus near you.
Where can I get tickets to these rape camps? Asking for a friend.
Need to join the Japanese Imperial Army, and you’d better have yellow fever.
My penis is all about cultural appropriation.
The Balkans had a modern franchise, for awhile there in the 90s.
Get a flight to Turkey, then cross over to Syria. ISIS has you covered!
Can we be the camp counselors?
Just got internet back at our new cube farm. This move has been a total shitshow.
This mornings events is sure to add another layer to my weekly screed.
PC load letter resolution?
Yes, the British prefer to put them on that side of the car.
I did, in fact, laugh aloud at that. Well done.
Another one
They said slow down
I see spots
The lines on the road just look like dots
Porsche 936 onboard camera.
If we’re gonna do it, let’s do it properly LOUD.
Hah! I was just gonna comment “Mad’s gonna get a boner from the next video”.
I get a boner every time. That 787B sounds so spectacular. And to think this isn’t even race pace!
So good
Have we done the 919’s lap yet? The one that allegedly has the (new) course record?
Thing sounds like a wheel grinder and a calliope had hate sex.
I’m trying to figure out what that high-pitched whine is. It’s not the engine or transmission as it’s constant during upshifts. Differential?
919’s a hybrid, so I think it’s something to do with the electric drivetrain. Motor, or regen turbine; something like that.
Listening to it, makes me think of the “NOT THE BEEESSS!!!” quote earlier today. Listening to that for 2 hours would drive me batty.
Ah, that makes sense. It’s only under acceleration so it must be the electric motors kicking in to push the car down the track. Then the whine stops when the energy is gone. It regenerates when he hits the brakes, and you hear the whine again on the next corner exit. Thanks!
I remember that fucking four rotor Mazda. When we heard that thing at Daytona we all kind turned at the same time and said, “What in the fuck was THAT?”
It sounded like a Cosworth turning 25,000 rpm.
It’s an amazing engine, but you’d better have a large budget for fuel.
I’m pretty sure this article and this website are mutually exclusive, but it came up as a the fourth hit on a common, non-Google search engine.
What a charming asshole.
I guess he showed those straw men!
Surprised that didn’t cause a matter-antimatter interaction ….
It’s been covered here before, some people went over there to talk with him and apparently he was a complete cunt and then banned them or something.
Sloopy’s comments are still in there.
Must have not been banned then, can’t remember.
Nope. I attempted to comment and it wasn’t approved.
Also, it’s worth noting that the author of the blog is a quack who peddles questionable information concerning heroin addiction and withdrawal, hiding behind his claim of a Ph.D. in Particle Physics to legitimize his crank, pseudoscientific views on the the bio/neuropharmacology of drug addiction.
HM is always trying to start a war with our neighbors.
Be fair though, a lot of particle physics is pseudo-science unless you’re talking the experimental branch of the discipline.
I’d post your observation in the comments to his blog.
Asshole really needs a rhetorical punch in the nose.
I thought about it after reading that Glib thread. Sloopy came out the gate swinging and the guy was at least tactful at first which wins him points in my book. Unfortunately, Frank was was unwilling to actually engage or take seriously any of the meat of the later arguments. Probably because it looks like he operates from Marxist first princples on economics, i.e. The product of any Labor is inherently valuable because it has moral worth.
Which is, of course, why Marxism appeals to artists and other frustrated intellectuals… Like PhDs in “Atmospheric Physics” who have spent their careers modeling climate change.
I should say, inherently economically valuable.
Asshole really needs a rhetorical punch in the nose.
Tell you what. Since he thinks libertarianism is a religion, I’ll apply a common practice with religion.
Once I finish breaking both his orbital bones I will simply lock myself in a room with Zardoz and ask forgiveness. Failure to do so will result in a camping trip with STEVE SMITH.
Sorry, didn’t see it here before. My opinion is unchanged.
Oh this is just precious!
For what it’s worth, he says in the comments that he considers this site to be libertarian, not glibertarian.
They don’t take politics seriously.
I must be a glib then.
To be fair, I think if we here both chose to abide by the axioms we hold and took politics seriously I think the only ethically correct choice we have is to engage in open revolution against the governments.
As if taking something seriously was inherently a virtue.
Well, not in Glibrea. I, however, have a soft spot for the categorical imperative.
I can even get them to rethink some of their assumptions. But I can’t with glibertarians.
Glibertarians are libertarians who are smarter than me.
So you’re saying, rhetorically speaking, he lost on translation.
McGregor-Mayweather just got officially announced for August 26.
It’s not going to happen, but Connor winning that fight would be the greatest moment in sports history. As it is, it will be your typical Mayweather fight, where he runs away for 12 rounds and wins by decision, and everybody involved with the fight makes an obscene amount of money.
He ain’t running away. The point of boxing is not to get hit. People just don’t know shit about boxing.
//Mayweather fanboi
That made me check out the Burton fight. Burton was a tough dude, but taking hits isn’t (all) what makes a good boxer.
If by some miracle Connor was winning in the 11th, he gets shot. Professional boxing could not stand such a loss. It would be the end of the sport.
MacGregor has no chance. He is not a boxer; Mayweather’s sparring partners could take MacGregor apart in a boxing match. This is just a big publicity money grab, and anyone who knows anything about boxing and fighting knows the outcome is a foregone conclusion.
It’s the biggest fight since Ali-Chamberlain.
I never believed that was anything more than a joke.
It is almost inconceivable that Connor would win, but I will definitely be throwing down some cash to watch that happen with a bunch of buddies.
Ha! Currently odds are at -2250 Mayweather.
I am not a boxing expert or even much of a fan, but reading those that do, McGregor makes a lot of elementary defensive mistakes—dropping his guard, mainly—that even a journeyman boxer would annihilate in a pure boxing match. It’s just that the boxer can’t capitalize on those in MMA without setting themselves up to be taken down.
Now, whether McGregor will tighten up his defense in a pure boxing match, I dunno, but Mayweather in his career has made professional boxers look stupid and slow. I don’t think that whatever McGregor tries will matter much.
Also, mcgregor does a lot of check-kicks to keep people away from him. i don’t think he’d last more than a few seconds if he were cornered and he couldn’t run away.
I just don’t see how this ends up “a good fight” unless they both agree to play act for a few rounds.
Are they doing a boxing match or an MMA match?
Mayweather – McGregor would most likely be pretty one-sided toward Mayweather, but from what I’ve seen, with very few exceptions, is when a boxer goes into an MMA match without training MMA for years, they get annihilated. When an MMA fighter goes into a boxing match, they can hold their own much better because they have to train in boxing at least part of the time. This is all highly dependent on the level of competition, of course. That’s why I say that Mayweather would likely annihilate McGregor.
So I bought the complete works of H. P. Lovecraft. Is there a particular story I should start with? Thanks.
Assuming that Lovecraft has a starting point is Euclidean, bro.
Not sure it matters, but I recently listened to The Colour Out of Space it was solid and isn’t part of the Cthulu mythos.
Thank you kind sir.
I just checked the table of contents and no Euclidean. The first story listed is “The Beast in the Cave”.
AH. Thanks.
“Pickman’s Model” had always been a favorite of mine. “The Dunwich Horror” and “The Dreams in the Witch House” are also good, though most of the stories aren’t directly connected so you can jump in anywhere.
If you finish and want some more, check out Arthur Machen; he was one of Lovecraft’s favorite authors.
Probably one of the most embarrassing article titles I’ve ever read.
If I wrote that I would have immediately hanged myself out of shame afterwards.
Jesus, they’re really going full bore with these Eastasia/Eurasia shifts with Comey.
We have always been in a collision ground war obstruction investigation in southeast Russia-Asia
You can have Comey, I’m going with Gal Gadot.
More derp through the FB feed because someone I’m friends with liked it.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if Michelle Obama was president now?”
I don’t know much about her but what makes people think that she would be a good President?
They like Wookies? Or in her case, Wokeies?
She has her own cult of personality plus BO back in the whitehouse
So she could hold a press conference and say how good it is to shoot people if they are Republicans?
Dan bongino: conservatives and libertarians fighting political battle arguing ideas and policy. Left battling people demonizing ang calling for violence
Root cause: we believe in natural rights in all people left does not, believes in critical theory.
Hate posting from phone
That’s the crazy thing about the debating politics with the Left and Conservatives. Conservatives can be jerks especially when you them on subjects such as the Drug War but they will humor you and actually try to learn your position. The Left refuses to debate you and if they do will try to straw man the shit out of you or misrepresent your views. If you don’t believe in government forcing people to do “good” things, to them you are at best stupid and at worst evil.
They demonize you. You are a bad person and every good person has a duty to punch nazis
You know I’m almost insulted that half of your species always overlooks the true threat to their existence.
BTW today’s amateur hour sniper was arranged by my people. You’ll soon hear that he was using 5.56 fmj.
You know I’m almost insulted that half of your species always overlooks the true threat to their existence.
That’s no way to talk about women.
It’s rooted in a kind of intellectual arrogance. The majority of “public intellectuals” are leftists. Since they are smarter than everyone else they know that their conclusions are the only correct ones. The average leftist then looks at their intellectual superiors as source material for their positions. Anyone who disagrees with them is either stupid or malevolent or motivated by base emotions such as greed (thus, all congress critters who vote against gun control do so only because the NRA gives them money).
I also blame the intellectual movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries which attempted to turn the social sciences and humanities into “scientific” disciplines e.g. “we can learn from history.”
True conservatives, perhaps. Some Republican voting hardcore TEAM players (who are also massive copsuckers) that I know lose their minds if you voice opposition to, for example, that piece of crap legislation to make cop killing a federal crime.
With the Left, at the very least they feign interest in criminal justice reform and the War on Drugs even though their ideas would cause more injustice.
And I forgot to mention a Conservative and a Progressive teamed up on me and went nuts when I said that the state is the biggest bully and that granting it more power would increase injustice. It was hilarious and disconcerting to see two individuals who are usually at each other’s throats jump on me when I argued against the expansion of state power.
I know the feeling. At least I finally got one or two people to think when I asked why people would want to hobnob with politicians and that we should treat them like hired help instead of our betters.
Or ask them why someone who has no qualifications in, say, drug approval, is suddenly qualified because they win an election.
Yeah, I pointed out that *uck Schumer only went after Four Loko because it’s something the Snooki Class drank, while high-class alcohol/caffeine drinks were just fine.
I tried the same thing with gay marriage (thankfully, gays are no longer seen as icky) and plural marriage (those fundamentalist Mormon types are evil!) and really got people wound up.
Is anyone calling for gun control?
McAuliffe yes. Guy who got shot at, not so much.
I thought the guy who got shot at was still in critical condition, and in no condition to comment.
Dude opened up on the GOP baseball team at practice. He hit a few of them, and at least a dozen of them got to experience the wonderfulness of being shot at.
Yeah, I know there were multiple victims.
“the gun situation in America”
the gun situation
The situation that I can’t get the guns I want and I’m still waiting for my bought and paid for property to be released by the the Government’s proxy bailee more than a year on?
Anyone that matters? Not that I know of. The Twitterverse is full of derp from the usual gun control suspects though: Shannon Watts, Stephen King, etc…
Again, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Trump sign some silly ’94 Assault Weapons reboot in a spirit of bipartisanship if it was the only way he could get done, some of whatever he wants to do.
He would lose in 20 if he did. Absolutely no doubt.
“Yo, gun control! Anyone here named gun control?”
Like that?
The Governor of Virginia publicly said that there should be an increase in gun control laws but other than that, with some exceptions, no one has beaten that drum yet.
“What a unique tiny imprint!” Book Twitter says, linking to the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. So profound.
Okay, it was the stupidest thing I’d ever seen in my life until I started to scroll up after posting this and saw what John Titor posted. Now I really may hang myself, just to escape this world.
The Buddha was right, existence is suffering.
I’ve never liked the translation of “dukkha” as “suffering,” when something like “disquiet,” “dissatisfaction,” or “discontent” is closer to the intended meaning of the word. Buddhism doesn’t teach that life is some sort of hellish torment (except when it is); it teaches that no one can expect to be free of anxiety, want, or need. However, through living a contemplative life of balance according to the Noble Eightfold Path, contentment can be reached.
What’s the word for pain?
Pali-English dictionary tells me sārīrikā = bodily pain dukkhavedanā = the sensation of pain (emotional or physical), and agha as evil, grief, pain
So dukkha again. It’s like pain is the one universal everyone shares that can’t be argued with any kind of relativism, maybe.
The Buddha said pain, old age, and death.
Sounds like articles about Comey’s sex appeal fits into that definition.
I’d make the wobbly-h with them. Preference for the one on the right, but the one on the left probably does a flawless espresso pull every time.
Hmm. Try again, I added back in the garbage html I thought was mostly about scaling.
Going, uh … Postal? No, UP? No, Brown? Hmm.
“Assault pistol”
We ? Logistics?
Actually a defined term in the California State Code. Includes for example, any pistol with a muzzle device such as a muzzle brake or compensator.
“What can Brown do to you?”
“We (heart) ballistics.”
Wait, what?
Team Red baseball practice got shot at. They have a game with Team Blue scheduled for tomorrow. Despite a few players being out from injuries during practice they’re still going to play.
One of the guy’s is a total pussy, he won’t play because he says he’s got this shooting pain in his hip.
Good on em if they’re still going to play. That’s exactly what they should do. That and maybe fill the stands with open carrying constituents.
I agree, but the phrasing “in light of” seemed somewhat incongruous for going ahead with the game. More like “despite today’s events”.
Oh agreed, but that’s why I like it. I take it as a subtle jab at all the softies who fold up…
“The fire at the Kensington towers didn’t cause the building to collapse, therefore 9/11 was an inside job.”
Somebody close to me told me this. I’m paraphrasing, but that was the gist of the argument.
I hate it when people I know believe retarded shit.
Anyone mentioned this?
(Sorry, autoplay video)
It really looks like they’re going to try to burn it all down.
I thought the investigation was Russian hacking. Silly me
“Special Prosecutors” make Pandora’s Box look like potpourri
I am saying it right now. If they successfully impeach Trump over firing Comey, we need a civil war.
It’s kind of looking like we might get one. Then again I wonder how reliable their sources are but still.
We don’t, and we won’t, and it’s fucking stupid to think we will.
Ha ha ha, fuck that. Your Future Reptilian Overlords are hyping a live feed of your stupid mammals going free-for-all 6 monts from now.
There’d be a massive number of incredibly pissed off people if The Orange One was removed over patent bullshit and people already seem to be losing their shit and getting violent. Civil war may be pushing it but I could see fairly widespread civil unrest occurring if someone doesn’t throw water on this tinderbox and soon.
Exactly. I would load mags if they illegitimately impeached ANYONE over what is clearly defined as lawful in the constitution, regardless of their party affiliation. If they find a legitimate grievance against Trump then string the fucker up, but the president is allowed to fire the director of the FBI for almost any fucking reason he wants, full stop.
I don’t know if I’m gonna be loading up my ownself, but if they impeach Trump for firing Comey, that basically confirms that the bureaucrats are actually in control.
Well, super bad “obstruction” that made Comey uneasy is why he leaked his “notes” to a friend to get to the press. They will come up with something no doubt.
It is too bad he didn’t have the same feelings when Lynch actually obstructed an investigation. Putz.
I was thinking that Trump simply firing Mueller would have been needlessly inflammatory but now I’m thinking he needs to give the fucker a pink slip. Because of his relationship with Comey he’s not impartial and he needs to go.
Many would agree. Especially given who he has hired. It is a total witch hunt. They will come up with something.
I sit here thinking the government is becoming more and more illegitimate with each day.
God, the people in public schools are fascists.
You’re just figuring this out?