Well thank God yesterday is over. The toxic levels of retardation I waded through on the internet in reaction to the shooting in NoVa nearly did me in for a while. Fortunately, I realized the responsibility, nay the pleasure, I have been granted in getting to put together morning links for this great place that I battled through and found joy later in the day.

Part of that joy includes power washing a kid’s face.

And the Astros won. Which is nice seeing as its been a little uncommon the past week. And the US Open starts this morning. And even though this course is retardedly difficult, almost comically so, its still the best tournament in golf to watch…by far.

Anyway, look past all the fuckery and find bright things out there. Sometimes its all we got. Well, that and…the links!

I will link to one dose of retardation so strong that it might give you cancer to read it. There’s so much wrong with this that there’s nowhere to begin.  This newspaper has slid to the point its little more than a propaganda piece for the Team Blue/Deep State complex.

Neil Gorsuch

Gorsuch seems to be settling in just fine. And he’s filling the shoes Scalia molded for him pretty well.

Christ, what an asshole. (And no, I don’t mean the cop.)

I can’t even try to come up with a clever rejoinder for this. But I’m sure you sick bastards will.

OK, who forgot to put the gas cap back on?

Sleazy politicians are sleazy. Film at 11:00.

Good people doing good things.

Had enough assholes already?  So have I. So the last link is about the exact opposite from the people that normally make the news.


Go out there and avoid the derp, friends!