OK, can we officially put anything to do with the NBA to bed for a month or so anyway? The draft is over. And I will grudgingly acknowledge that Philly might be in a position to win 30 games for the first time in a while. But they’re still several healthy years away from the juggernaut a few Glibs claim they’re on the cusp of becoming. A lot can happen with young guys and hopes built on undrafted or largely unproven young players. Just ask the Celtics from the last couple of decades. Anyway, the Chicago Bulls probably had the best night of anyone in the NBA, except for LaVarr Ball obviously. That trade they pulled off in conjunction with their drafting of the Finnish seven-footer that can jack up shots from anywhere puts them firmly on equal footing with the Sixers in regards to a core of young talent. Only time will tell how it works out.
TCU! TCU! TCU! The Horned Frogs knocked Louisville out of the CWS. Let’s hope they don’t run out of gas in the final four. Especially since they’re playing the Gators…who almost everybody in America rightly hates. Also, the Astros won again. And a little nugget: they need to win one of their next five games to finish the first half of the season 20 games over .500. Which is pretty much insane.
Not much else on the sports front. Which I’m sure makes some of you very happy. And which also allows me to jump into…the links!
Mama mia! First and only female gondolier in Venice’s history says she’s now a dude. Or that she always was a dude. Or…something, Hell, I don’t know.
Mollie Hemingway eviscerates the FBI’s briefing on the Scalise shooting. Seriously, the FBI must have been channeling Baghdad Bob when they wrote the least accurate report I’ve seen in some time.
A nifty little montage of the tolerant, and enlightened, leftists in Hollywood. No wonder they’re such a political juggernaut and are so quick to sway political discourse in their favor. They are such sober, well-reasoned debaters of ideas.
James Comey visits the New York Times. Maybe he can ask for the documents he stole from the federal government and leaked to them so he can comply with congressional requests while he’s there.
Here’s one for the Masshole Glibs out there.
Say what you want about the Roberts court on some things, but they’re really fucking good on First Amendment cases.
That’s it for the week. Go out there and give em hell this weekend!
Long read, but lots of good insights:
Carol is a gay libertarian. Is Carol racist?
He completely left out the race on this one, but what other color would Carol be?
Therefore, racist.
Somebody posted that before, but I didn’t have time to read it then. It’s a solid piece, well worth reading.
As a bit of a follow-on though/tangent, it’s interesting to delve into the relationship between views on racism and views on Islam. Islam is not a race. I get that people tend to reduce the question to “Muslim = foreigner” but it’s still very odd how it’s okay to blame racism but not okay to blame Islam. They’re both beliefs/motivations. Moreover, most accusations of racist motives are lacking in proof whereas every Muslim terrorist has no qualms about advertising his religion.
White cop shoots and kills black teenager = Must be racism, no evidence needed, no deeper analysis of motives allowed, no further thought necessary — racism is the sole explanation
Muslim terrorist shoots and kills dozens of non-Muslims = Workplace violence, disgruntled, closeted homosexual, repressed feelings, etc. — everything except his religion was at fault
N.B.: I’m not endorsing a shallow analysis of Islamic terrorism, nor saying that there aren’t other factors involved, only pointing out that it’s ridiculous to say someone who pledges loyalty to ISIS and shouts “allahu akbar” wasn’t motivated by Islam and that a cop who never said so much as a racial epithet must have been motivated solely or primarily by racism.
This 1) utter lack of self-examination, and 2) refusal to confront obvious contradictions even when they’re identified is sort of the defining characteristic of modern politics.
One can say that ‘tribalism’ and argument-by-catchphrase has always been the base of politics, but rarely has it been so overwhelmingly adopted by even the media + institutions.
She was always a dude.
Her haircut says yes.
But her uterus says no.
Also, the media is calling her “he,” which in Newspeak means “she.”
“His Imperial Highness, Eddie, now identifies as an Emperor.”
“Her Majesty the queen now identifies as the royal monarch of California.”
Do we have a new first female gondolier then? This might keep me awake at night.
That’s a spicy meatballs!
I read the Mollie Hemingway article yesterday and holy crap. Heads need to roll.
Folding stock! I’m surprised he didn’t take out the entire county, he had a folding stock! You 2A people got exactly what you deserved!
And we’re supposed to trust these guys to ferret out Russian influence in our elections, Trump collusion with said Russians, and all the other shit the deep state says they should be doing?
Trump shouldn’t stop with Comey. It seems the top couple layers need to go.
Everything added by Bush and Obama needs to be sent packing..
Thank God he didn’t have the shoulder thing that goes up.
Or a bayonet lug. My God!
I wonder what color it was? It must not have been black or people would be dead!
Sadly I am not surprised at the FBI report. This is the same organization that one year ago could find no “intent” on the part of HRC (PBUH) or her staff in any aspect of her homegrown server and the multiple transmissions of classified documents past the air gap between government servers and her system. Even after Huma spontaneously admitted that an email from the POTUS to the alternate system was by nature classified. They let that whole group skate. The FBI’s Washington world means that the shooting incident was by no means knowable and a complete mystery like being hit by a meteorite while sitting in your car.
The FBI is the only organization with less credibility than the NYT/WaPo/MSM and the scary part is they have guns and will use them on us, the plebs.
It’s OK for the FBI to lie to Americans, but American’s can’t lie to the FBI.
Because we are all government?
They let that whole group skate
Yep, as they were passing out immunity deals like mini candy bars on Halloween to anyone associated with the whole mess and then let them destroy their computers. And that is not even getting into weinergate which was another miscarriage of justice.
They are indeed lacking any credibility these days. Your tax dollars at work.
In interest of fairness I am announcing that I will be stealing and using your “mini candy bar” line. There is no expressed or implied intent to always giving you full credit but I will polish my monocle thinking of your positive contribution to further communication.
Is the FBI – dare I say it – part of “The Swamp”?
Is the FBI projecting at this point? Assuming everyone is as stupid and poorly lead as they are? People just go around aimlessly until one day, for no particular reason they happen to shot up the Republican Congressional baseball team.
There’s a war going on in the FBI. Patriotic low-level agents, and upper level bureaucrats who are scared for their jobs. They spent the whole Obama administration infiltrating right wing groups, to the point where 75% of the membership of these supposed right wing militias were actually government agents (I’m not kidding, look it up), and meanwhile they let San Bernardino and Orlando happen, and have watched left wing groups – you know, the ones that actually cause violence historically – grow exponentially, radicalize feeble minds, and push for violence.
And “…let…happen…” might be an understatement. Garland, TX?
Yep, it was The Man Who Was Thursday all over again.
So you are saying the douchebags in charge are just covering their asses after they did what they knew was worthless to stop any attacks, and went along with that worthless program, all so they could kiss team Obama’s asses?
The good news is they’re discrediting themselves to a degree we could never accomplish and everyone is coming to realize the FBI has become a politicized joke (a dangerous one).
Madonna was preaching violence towards Republicans!? But wasn’t she talking about a “love revolution” during the stunning and brave Women’s March? I am shocked, shocked I tell you.
Weaponized tit cones.
Excellent band name.
J. R. R. Tolkien love nest goes on the market
Its amazing what passes for a nice house in Britain. That looks like the shithole Archie Bunker eked out a living in here, meanwhile its considered pretty nice there based on what I’ve seen.*
I recently learned that most Brits are astonished by the ubiquity of unattached houses with separate yards here in the US. I also learned why Euros think the average American house is big when we visited Ireland a few years back; a group of us rented a restored castle for a week. The castle owner remarked that we all lived in castles of our own back home. I didn’t know what the hell he meant until we traveled around and saw just how small the average house is over there.
One of the most shocking things for me too. Ridiculously small over there. Of course, the British people we talked to about it used it as an excuse to say Americans wanted too much space and they learned to live a more minimalist lifestyle.
+1 “I bet those grapes are sour anyway.”
A lot has to do with infrastructure. Everything there is older, and as a result, smaller.
And they also pack a lot more serfs per square meter…
I thought it had to do with how many stone of Newcastle coal can be transported (in furlong) on their backs per fortnight?
Not amazing when you consider how packed they are and how old the housing is.
Christ. Most webpages are unreadable. 5000 ads and auto play videos. It takes me ten minutes to scroll and find the content and after I find it it starts jumping around.
Who the hell is designing these sites? I end up just closing most of them down before getting anything out of it.
Seriously. The auto plays, pop ups, surveys….Trump’s America is really getting worse.
Can’t he pass an Executive Order to make all that illegal? Can’t stand auto play videos and pop ups. Townhall has become especially bad with the pop ups and ads in the last year or so.
He tried to, but the Ninth Circuit struck it down because t violated the emancipation proclamation or some other precedent that has nothing to do with what is in the text of the EO.
Thank Net Neutrality. Now every site gets the same bandwidth as YouTube, so they can load up there pages with a million fucking streaming ads.
I have Adblocker, Flashblock, and HTML5 block – and I’m getting a lot more of that crap lately. It’s making me mental.
Brave is your friend.
Unless you enjoy virtue signaling via browser choice since it’s a Brendan Eich product.
Like I want some cis-het shitlord browser… JK looks interesting if, I dunno, incomplete?
It’s been getting out of hand lately. If I have some time this weekend (TW: nerd shit ahead) I’m going to spin up a virtual machine on my home server to test this out:
When I do, I’ll report my findings to y’allz.
I’ll give you 20,000 and the guitars and stuffed animal tiger stay.
Well, if we’re reposting things from late last night, does anyone have recommendations of good games to pick up during the Steam Summer sale? I usually play shooters, RPGs, and occasionally strategy games and I’m looking to try something different. I was thinking of giving platformers a try with that Ori and the Blind Forest game. Also have heard a lot about Bayonetta so figured I’d try that one too for a hack and slash.
Mario Kart
You kid, but the new one for Switch is pretty cool.
Is the Switch good? Whenever I see it I get the Wii vibe. Looks like it might be fun to have, but will probably be rarely touched.
If you’re a gamer, don’t bother. If you have an 8 year old daughter like me, this is about as good as it gets.
That’s kinda what I figured.
Unless you’re into Nintendo exclusives like Zelda or Metroid.
I guess I need to clarify that I mean games specifically on sale from Steam right now. Don’t have a Nintendo Switch, so can’t pick up Mario Cart.
What the fuck is a “steam”?
It’s of the Cleveland variety
+1 Dirty Sanchez’s
+1 battle mode
I’m interested in getting Rising Storm: Vietnam but I need to upgrade my ol’ computer first.
“realistic” FPS with team play. Also air strikes, helicopters, booby traps, VC tunnels, AK47s, shotguns, grenade launchers, etc
Playing it since day 1.
Really, really fun with a good community.
I’ve been playing since the original Red Orchestra – and agree that the community is among the best I’ve experience online. Of course it’s a pretty hardcore game that appeals to a certain kind of player. If you want to win it takes a team.
Will def check it out.
Last weekend, I was playing the Hue map as a Marine. A couple of gooks were held up in the Viet-Thai hotel. Squad leader gave the command to take that objective. I crawled on my belly to avoid fire until I reached the wall of the hotel and then in a crouching position I crawled around the corner with M-16 ready. With the alley clear, I climbed up the fire escape to the top of the building. Crawling around, there was no sign of Charlie, so I walked down the staircase to the 2nd floor, I saw my buddy crouched by the first floor entrance shortly before he was cut down in a hail of AK-47 fire. I stood at the ready from my position on the staircase, when a Viet-Cong walked through the threshold into the stairwell. I smoked him with full auto. After a few long minutes, I advanced down the stairs. I turned the corner into the hotel lobby and immediately crouched behind half cover when fired upon. We both stood up and wildly returned fire until our mags were empty. I crouched back down to reload, but then I had the idea to reach for a grenade. I stood up to throw it and was felled with a single bullet. Fuck!
But as the screen faded to black, I heard several explosions and a whole bunch of kill markers and achievements popped up on my screen. I didn’t have time to read them and digest what happened as I respawned immediately under fire. However, reading the achievements after the match, I learned that before I was shot, I must have successfully threw my grenade, which landed and exploded in the lobby. That didn’t kill them, but the mine it set off, which exploded another mine that killed 6 Viet-Cong in one stroke. It seems they were holed up in the lobby and rigged all the access points with MD-82 mines. My ‘nade, hit one, which set off a daisy-chain effect.
That’s just 1 of many 5 minutes that make PTSD Simulator 2017 great.
You’ve sold me. Downloading now.
^^the length of this makes me think it’s what a Ken Shultz video game post would look like.^^
Are you kidding? There’d have to be at least three more paragraphs for it to be a Ken post.
Shut up! You weren’t there, man!
I’m a big fan off the Matrix Games’ Command: Modern Naval and Air Operations game..
Wow, if there is a Glib steam group for RO let me know. I stack bodies in that game, for real. Still need to get used to ‘Nam though.
All the RO stuff is great, its like they found the perfect balance between Day of Defeat and ARMA.
Saw gameplay of that Humungus…looks awesome.
Kerbal Space Program? Not everyone’s cup of tea.
Factorio. I doubt it is in the sale, but it is fun as hell. $20 normally. Scratches a lot of my industrial engineering itches without me needing to crash Lakowsky’s steel mill.
I’m still playing the original Neverwinter Nights, so I may not be the most up to date.
Is Factorio a puzzle game of some sort? That’s what my son seems to be into.
Somewhat, but it is very open ended compared to puzzle games I played.
You build a factory with different machines and conveyor belts. You start off with a few basic machines, use them to research more advanced machines, automate them, research some more. Build some trains. The end game usually ends up trying to build rockets as fast as you can.
Reminds me a little bit of Transport Tycoon Deluxe or Simutrans, but you have to build the factory in addition to connecting it to resources.
There is a demo out that gives a good feel for it.
cracktorio is the most efficient time machine yet invented. You start it up at 7pm and somehow almost instantaneously, it’s now 2am and you’ve got work in 6 hours.
and you still don’t have enough goddamn green circuits going somehow
Another vote for KSP, cannot recommend it enough. One of the hardest, yet most rewarding games I’ve ever played.
And if you have kids, it’s educational!
If you dig Metrovannia platformers, Ori and the Blind Forest is pretty solid. It’s visually amazing, so I recommend a big screen.
Well, I don’t normally play platformers, so that’s kind of the thing. I want to give genres I don’t normally play a try. I was thinking since I’ve heard good things about both Ori and Bayonetta that those would be safe bets for dipping my feet into platformers and hack and slashers. Also have heard really good things about Rocket League, so I’ll give that one a try too.
If you’re not currently playing Endless Space 2, you are a fool.
Hadn’t heard of that one before. $40? I just grabbed several games right now, I think I’ll wait for that to go on sale before giving it a try. Maybe if it’s in the winter sale or next year’s summer sale. I’ll keep an eye on it though.
Yes, ES 2 just launched last month, so it’s not discounted. But Endless Legend, which is also a GREAT game is only 25 bucks right now.
I don’t know if this counts as something you don’t usually play, but Prey is 34$ right now and it’s really good fun.
Is that the new horror game that released recently? With so many games on sale for under $25, I’m going to hold off on that.
Not really horror, more immersive sim. If you’ve ever played System Shock 2, it’s basically as close to System Shock 3 as we’re going to get. Well, until System Shock 3 actually releases, that is.
Rocket League is excellent. It’s almost pure muscle memory, so you can play it stoned as balls and still do well, and sometimes amaze yourself with the tricks you can pull off.
Ori is one of the best platformers I have ever played (and I play a lot of them).
Here is another: Stealth Bastard Deluxe – more puzzle-focused
And another: Dust: An Elysian Tail – an amazing job from a one-man outfit
I play Feeding Frenzy on Steam. Yep. I’m a real hardcore gamer.
Feeding Frenzy, Zuma. Those are my speed.
And Plants vs. Zombies. But I play that on Pogo.
Zuma and Zuma’s Revenge! (Frog spits colored balls). No thought required!
I’ll wait for Huma’s Revenge: The Sugar Free GOTY edition.
That game made me cum (and expunge bodily fluids from every orifice in my body) 3 times in 15 minutes!
You have ruined Zuma for me. HAPPY NOW?!!!!
I bought the portal bundle after my friends not shutting up about how good the games are after 10 years.
For $2.23, I guess it is time to give them a try.
CPA right now.
Platformers: Inside, Little Nightmares
Action games: Vanquish (kind of a shooter, but third-person.)
Adventure games: Grim Fandango, The Dream Machine.
I’ll have to look at those when I get off work this evening.
If you like bizarre, weird, and occasionally fucked-up narratives, The Dream Machine is wonderful. Also highly underrated.
I have that but didn’t go past around halfway thru Chapter 1. Been meaning to go back to it some day.
Final chapter came out last month, and it’s really quite good. You should give it a full playthrough.
I think I might. I haven’t played a good point ‘n’ click in a long time.
Strangely, it’s telling me I own all chapters except Chapter 4…?! And it won’t let me “complete my collection”.
@#%@%@# Steam
There’s a bug with Chapter 4’s ID. It says you don’t own it, but you ought to if you click on it. Or check in your library.
All righty, thanks
Oh, also, Age of Empires 2 HD if you don’t have it. We could get an AOE Glib group going.
I’m willing to own y’all at AOE if you are willing to get owned!
I’m used to it. One of the first games I played, and I still suck ass at it.
Oh, I’ve had that game for a while. One of my absolute favorite video games ever made. Can’t wait for Age of Empires: Definitive Edition later this year. I grew up playing these games. I’m so happy that both of those games are going to be playable on modern PCs.
Doom (2016) is spectacular. As is Wolfensten: New Order, although it’s a bit older. They are “different” from most FPSes (although, knock wood that seems to be changing) because one has an actual story that works, and one is a throwback to a time when shooters were about moving and shooting.
Can confirm that Dust: The Elysian Tale is good but is less of a platformer than brawler. Rogue Legacy is good, and I heard good things about Giana Sisters remake.
If you haven’t played them, Bastion and Transistor are both a great experience, although I found Bastion better in the gameplay department. Transistor being the first game ever where I went “dudes, can I just get a movie or something? I love everything here, but playing combat is starting to feel like a chore.”
You do have Saints Row, right? Because if you don’t, forget everything above and get Saints Row series.
I’m about a third of the way through the first game, but I haven’t gone back into it in a while. It’s a bit of a slog, though I gather the recent iterations are rather different games from the first.
Holy shit, first game?! I never played it as it didn’t make it to PC.
SR2 has a sloggy bit, where you have to do side missions to get enough Respect to progress story missions, but side missions are fun. The biggest problem I had was the city was just too big – they tried to compete with Liberty City but you need a Rockstar budget to make a map that size feel alive. I actually never finished it, should go back and fix that.
SR3 fixes it by making a city smaller (or it felt so) while adding more stuff to do and cranking the ridiculous meter to 10. I also like the graphic design a lot more, it’s kinda cartoony but it really works.
SR4 takes ridiculous to 17, but it’s more of a superhero game with SF motif. Still awesome.
One reason I much prefer them to GTA is that a lot of the time, there’s no One Right Way to finish a mission, and they don’t rely on a series of scripted events you just have to memorize. Gotta stop the buses from transporting prisoners, and you upgraded your RPG launcher to the max? Sure, blow the shit out of them and be done in two minutes. We won’t mind.
Hyper Light Drifter is another good action/metroidvania
I picked up DOOM when it was on sale last year. Yeah, it is a massive blast. Pure throwback to the golden era of FPSs. I just picked up The New Order too, so I’ll be giving it a try this weekend. As for Saints Row, err I’ve seen gameplay of those before. Not sure what to think about it.
I just picked up Grim Dawn, and as a Diablo 2 fan, I gotta say it scratches the itch pretty well. Only just started though.
Also bought: Broforce, Shadow of Mordor, and Castle Crashers (for 4 player co-op).
Does everyone else’s states allow cops to put license plates on their personal cars that have a little badge on it so other cops know they’re dealing with another cop or a good spouse?
I’ve lived in Virginia, Iowa and South Carolina never seen that, must be your state.
We have a Fraternal Order of Police one that has a giant LE beside the plate number.
That’s what these are. If I was a lawyer I’d try to sue to try and get myself one.
something something Titles of Nobility something something
I don’t know, that seems like a great way to get unwanted LEO attention.
That always pissed me off when I lived in Maryland, although not as much as when I took the ferry to Cape May NJ parked right next to a Maryland State Police car (with state EZ Pass tag) that was being used by some cop and his wife to vacation in.
Although, any aspiring oppressive state needs its foot soldiers! They throw these guys scraps: special privileges, pay, etc and in return they are willing to leave their morality at the door and do unconscionable things to enforce arbitrary rules.
Meh. I saw a Pearland (suburb of Houston) city council guy in the Publix lot (I know because he was using the Boy Scouts popcorn table to ambush potential voters) who had an SUV with cop flashers inside the front and rear windscreen (and I assume the signal/emergency flasher upgrade too). Fuck those guys.
Pearland! Home of the Judy’s!
Not important or related to anything, sorry. Carry on.
Yup. “FOP”
I don’t want F.O.P. I’m a Dapper Dan man dammit!
::good edit faerie flutters in and out of the Woolworth’s::
There’s no such thing as a good edit faerie. Only post stealers….
But I forgive the faerie. At least there was value added
Well ain’t this a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere!
Never seen it here. Seems like a good way to ket your car keyed.
Seems a good way to get shot by Officer Adrenaline Junkie
Seems like a good way to get a lengthy paid vacation.
Seems like a good way to get prosecuted… Lmao, yeah I know
Volunteer firefighters can get them in Minnesoda, but it looks like no love for cops.
It also looks like you can get these fine specialized plates:
Amateur (HAM) Radio and Citizen Band
Critical Habitat
Remembering Victims of Impaired Drivers
Support our Troops
Volunteer Ambulance Attendant
Volunteer Firefighter
MN Golf
Remembering Victims of Impaired Drivers
Is it blood-spattered?
Just the front one.
MN Golf
Are they only allowed to display them for three months out of the year?
Record label drops band over ‘ugly opinions’ on refugees and sexual assault
Wrongthink will not be tolerated.
You can be as rebellious as you want as long as you’re rebellious against the right things. If Chuck Berry wasn’t so busy filming angels pooping he’d be spinning in his grave.
Doris sounds hilarious.
If this is them, she’s pretty cute too. And rocks the Moog and Vox Continental.
On closer inspection, not a Vox.
probably a vox jaguar, which is similar but one layer of keys
Jaguars are great. My former bandmate played a Jaguar and I think the main difference between it and the Continental is the tone switches vs the drawbars. There is the Super Continental as well, which has two rows of keys.
In the second clip, it shows it little better and the logo on the back looks like it might be a Yamaha? Googled Yamaha Combo organs but I don’t see one that looks like it yet. I was going to introduce this band to my buddy and he’ll probably know what it is. He used to collect and work on vintage keys. Anyway, they might have lost their label, but I’ll be giving them a few listens and views now and probably wouldn’t have heard of them otherwise. 🙂
I should have posted this one:
You know who else tried to distance themself?
+short skirt long jacket
You will Survive!
Well, see, she doesn’t care whether or not he’s a good man
Dennis Kimetto?
The French?
something burrito something dinner
Dagnabit … thought it said himself, not themself(ves)!
Abebe Bikila?
You have to post the interview to Facebook to see what’s in it!
Castle Face has some really amazing bands on their roster. Including Warm Soda.
Well, maybe not Warm Soda anymore…. But the label puts out some good music.
If you’re in the arts and you’re not progressive, you keep your mouth shut. Ever wonder how many of your favorite artists aren’t leftists? I’m willing to bet a lot more than you think, certainly more than progressives think. Most of them don’t feel like losing their source of income by posting their views on Facebook.
I’m surprised U2 got away with saying a prayer for Scalise at their gig the other night. Are they being pummeled by the rightthinkers in media?
we are living in a retarded time
This is a useful lesson in what “counter culture” actually means.
it just shows how incredibly conformist and stifling modern lefty thinking is, where even the hint of difference, especially in the areas they think they “own”, like rock/pop music, gets responded to with instant banishment/crucifixion. They’re utterly terrified that someone might say ‘the wrong thing’, and that’s a terrible environment if you’re a creative person. sooner or later people start contradicting the conventional-wisdom and while the institutions might initially reject them, the kids instantly recognize who the “cool” one is = its the one speaking out against the mob-think.
You want Sasquatch news? You got it
Well, that’s all I need to see.
As an ex-chauffeur
Please! Not MY back seat…
Bill that would make it illegal for men to come when women revoke consent has little support
Oh, yeah, that’s not the crazy part at all. Of course.
Is it illegal for a woman to continue to ride a man if he revokes consent?
Yes, but it’s only a penal tax. *Yes, I’m ashamed of that*
Yeah, like that could ever happen.
Of course not, because the intent of these laws is to punish men.
Ah, so that’s what Greg Doucette was freaking out over yesterday.
The bill isn’t popular because Jackson, the lawmaker behind it, is wrong. It was the case, initially, but the law was already amended and expanded in response to State vs Wray in 2001. The idiot is grandstanding, that’s all.
These people have never had sex. (Not good sex anyway.)
True story. When I was in high school (Catholic boy’s school) a female police officer came to talk to us about rape. At the end of her talk there was a Q&A with a bunch of us asking questions about “is this or is this not rape” scenarios. Of course one of them was, “If she says no while you’re having sex and you finish, is it rape?” He answer was yes. Pretty sure she said, “yes, it’s rape” to all the questions. Anyway, as soon as she left, the priest who’s class we were in made sure the door was closed and said, “I’d like to clarify a few things. I think she was wrong in some of her answers. If a girl says ‘yes’ and you start, I think you should be able to finish.” There you go, God’s ambassador gives you the green light.
Priests would know about that sort of shitz anyway…
These rape hysteric people want to make it so that any time a woman has sex with a man, she can have him thrown in jail if she feels like it anytime after the intercourse took place by saying it was rape or that she “withdrew consent” during the act. And think about it: if they passed this law, how would a woman possibly prove this in a court of law? Unless the couple were filming it, there’s really no evidence, and every case would have to be thrown out. Unless, that is, they go the other route and make rape into a crime where the man is guilty until proven innocent, which once again brings us to the question of evidence.
So the law would be either toothless and completely unenforceable, or they would attempt to enforce it and create some mad world where a woman basically has you by the balls once you fuck her.
Based upon what I’ve read about the subject,
I wonder, why would anybody want to fuck a woman?
If these blatantly anti-male laws keep getting passed, we might see a situation like Japan where a portion of men just give up on fucking women and quell their urges with waifu pillows, increasingly weird porn, and life-size sex dolls.
Thanks feminism!
Bill Cosby holding a series of town halls on sexual assault:
Wow. Balls.
At his age and with his money, I’d just keep my head down and spend my days looking at my coin collection.
Or picture of naked Lisa Bonet.
*stands to applaud group effort*
Oh baby, a triple!
This gives more credence to my theory that MikeS, Tundra, and straffinrun are the same person.
probably Tulpa.
I thought we were all Tulpa?
Opens, closes mouth.
*pst, it’s open again
Swiss, why do you encourage them?
I was making a mature point. They were just being immature.
/Raises finger….
Middle finger?
Will this be a DIY seminar?
No, but I’m told there will be hands on demonstrations.
Sponsored by Pfizer, makers of Benadryl.
Way OT for those of you with chainsaw experience:
I have a shit-ton of trees to clean up so I’m in the market for a bigger chainsaw (thinking 18″ bar). What are your recommendations? I don’t necessarily need specific models, I mostly am wondering what are the best brands. I have a 14″ Johnsred that I like, although I just bought it last year and haven’t used it a whole lot yet. Should I just stick with the Johnsred brand?
Chainsaws? This is the woodchipper forum dude.
But if the “tree” is too big to fit into the woodchipper whole, you need something to cut
himit into smaller piecesJust make sure you get an appropriately sized woodchipper.
Don’t ever buy a Poulan (Frog for shark). They suck.
Yep, Stihl is the best saw. Husqvarna is pretty good bang for the buck too.
Definitely Stihl.
I’ve used Stihls and Husky’s. I’ve had less trouble with the Stihls. If you’re buying new, you might think about buying from a local power store, rather than a big box store. You’ll probably pay a little more at the power store, but when you take it for service, if you didn’t buy it from them, the power store guys will prioritize your work behind everyone else.
McMaster declined to say how much money might be put into law enforcement efforts in Myrtle Beach.
Almost all of the new chainsaws are worse than the previous generation because of the EPA emissions requirements to go to 50:1 on the oil mix.
That said, the Stihl Farm Boss series are good choices. I would still mix 40:1. It will prolong the life of the cylinder.
Use a low kick-back chain if you’re not used to using chainsaws on a frequent basis.
Chaps are a good idea as well. Sexy and practical.
I should wear them more often than I do. Only takes one mistake.
I just barely nicked my leg once and the gouge it made convinced me. Worth every dime.
Back when chainsaws were much more dangerous because of the much more common kickback, my uncle managed to split his kneecap in two with a saw when it kicked and he pushed it back down. It skipped off the stump and zippered him instantaneously.
*curls up in fetal position*
I once bounced a bar off the top of my thigh after getting my feet tangled in brush (btw, clear out the damn brush first) and if I hadn’t had chaps on, the damage would’ve been severe. Something something stump pun.
Safety gear FTW.
Along the lines, most injuries with chainsaws occur when the tree moves. Particularly if the tree is partially down after a storm. Tension builds up in unpredictable ways and when you cut into it, it releases in ways you hadn’t considered. People get so concerned about the saw that they forget the tree can easily kill them.
I rent equipment out for a living. I don’t rent chainsaws to anyone without a commercial liability policy for a reason. And if you call me for a ladder and a chainsaw, I don’t have either.
Very good advice. Always wear chaps, clear the brush and have two clear escape routes planned if things go sideways. Big trees will kill you faster than your saw. I have seen guys who got messed up trying to save their saw. Drop the thing and run.
What if some gay couple shows up at Scruffy’s wanting to rent a chainsaw?
Asking for yourself?
I would rent chainsaws for a gay wedding if asked. Doesn’t bother me.
My roommates dad and uncle are lumberjacks. One day, uncle had to go for a stress test, so they decide that they’ll only work a half day. They get to the wood lot that they’re working, and uncle decides that he’ll work in loading the wood they have on the truck, and dad wonders off about a mile down trail to clear out some brush so they can get the skidder down there tomorrow.
So while dad is clearing out brush, the bar hits a rock and the chainsaw kicks back, and goes between his legs and rips through his left calf. Severed about 70% of the muscle, but didn’t hit any bones. Dad decides, well, it was about time to head back anyway, and walks the mile back up the trail.
So he gets back up to the lot, and uncle is screaming at him that they’re going to be late for his stress test, and dad tells him not to worry, he had to go to the hospital too. Uncle notices dad’s leg, and replies with something along the lines of, “guess I have to drive now.”
They arrive at the hospital and they go there separate ways, dad to the emergency room, uncle to the cardiology department. About half way through the stress test, the tech starts up a conversation.
Tech:”Did you see that guy that cut his leg with a chainsaw? Crazy how he managed to walk in here on his own power.”
Uncle:”Yeah, that’s my brother. Why the FUCK do you think need a stress test for?!”
I had a flight instructor who when hand starting an ultralight, slipped and took a prop to the back of his shoulder. Laid him open like a flank steak. He then drove himself to the hospital because the guy who was with him started puking.
He was a real SOB when instructing. Always wanted near 90 degree turns when doing touch and go’s.
When I was a kid, my dad bought a 1939 model Aeronca Chief that was in about 10,000 pieces. My older brother and I spent 2 years rebuilding that airplane. We built the wings from scratch, put all the fabric on it, did all the mechanical work, and a million other things to make it airworthy. To start it, you turned the magnetos on and hand three the propeller. I always remember being slightly frightened watching my dad do that. He had a method though.
He would grab the prop overhanded with the blade in the 2 oclock position. Then kick his right leg forward. As he swung his leg backwards, he would pull down on the prop and allow the momentum of his leg traveling backwards to carry him away from the danger zone. I saw him use this method dozens of times without incident.
go on…
There’s full synthetic oil now too. The local Stihl dealer adds warranty time to your purchase if you buy synthetic with it.
Preet makes a good one.
Buy a stihl
I have a ms290 with a 20in bar that I have cut hundreds of ricks of firewood with over the past 7 years. I bought cheap saws for the first couple of years I burned wood to heat my home and went through 1 a year. My well used 7 year old stihl still performs like it’s brand new.
My wife bought me a MS260 pro when I moved out to our current place fourteen years ago and it’s worked like a champ ever since. In addition to the safety advice here, just read the manual as well as have the dealer show you how to run your saw.
And wear safety glasses and hearing protection at the least. Stihl has a nice hard hat/hearing protectors/face screen combination (still need safety glasses because the mesh won’t stop smaller stuff). I bumped my head more than once walking through the woods or standing up and I was glad I had something on top.
Also, safety glasses. Shit starts flying around and sooner or later it’s going to head for your face. If you need prescription glasses, you can get a pair ANSI rated safety glasses from your optometrist for about the same as a regular pair of glasses (and less than designer brand frames). Just have them change the lens when your prescription changes since you’re unlikely to wear them enough to wear out on a single prescription cycle.
How does the engine do with that 20″ bar? I’m looking at the ms271 which is about 6 CC’s and .3hp smaller than your ms290. (The price difference between the ms 271 and ms291 is about $70) I’d like to get it with a 20″ bar (Stihl lists it as a recommended option) but I don’t want to be under-powered.
My 290 runs the 20in bar just fine. My father in law runs a 270 with a 20in bar. I have used it multiple times and there is a difference, but it’s not much. The 270 is noticeably lighter as well. If I was to buy another one, I might go with the 270.
Great, thanks. I think I will get the 271 with a 20″
(They discontinued the 270 and 290 and replaced them with the “greener” 271 and 291)
Unfortunately, your new greener model will probably perform worse. Send a note of thanks to the EPA.
Side note. Buy ethanol free gas to run in your saw. Ethanol attracts moisture. Chainsaws sit most of the time, and the ethanol in your resistor will attract water. Water is bad for any engine, but especially bad for a two cycle.
reservoir, not resistor.
I have used an MS290 for about ten years. Stihl running good. I’m picking up a MS271 today for $200 that was only used once. Plan on putting a 16″ bar on it and using it for 80% of my needs.
Wow. Good for you. That’s less than half price.
Thanks for all the replies. I was assuming Stihl would be the answer. That’s what I’ll get. Probably the ms271
Get an Old 1950s Homelite, a real hoss with no safety disengage.
Stihl and Husqvarna though u gotta go commercial grade.
Dad’s got a Husqvarna that we have used the crap out of and it’s been a beast. John Deere chainsaws suck, btw. Had two, neither worked well
I do not like the sound that…
Gov. Henry McMaster met with local law enforcement, Myrtle Beach officials and the area’s state delegation Thursday, saying the state would devote whatever resources were necessary after six shootings in three days.
WTF? I always assumed people from
Chicago vacationed at Panama City or some other redneck riviera town. What are they doing on the Carolina coast?
As a former resident of the Redneck Riviera, I can assure you that the majority of the visitors are from Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Arkansas. Never saw Illinois plates down there.
Wow, those shootings got zero coverage just over the border in NC. Glad you posted that, I need to watch my back this evening when I go shopping down there.
Totality of circs, dude!
The dashcam was not kind to a local baboon. If you thought Castile had no time to respond, this one will stun you.
He allegedly committed the worst crime of all: resisting arrest/contempt of cop.
Yup. Road rage with off duty cops. Can’t allow that.
Asshole knew the dashcam was running, right? And he acted that way despite that.
Because he knows it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference.
Now he has something to point to and score points with his buddies.
So you can expect this kind of cop to be an exceptionally shitty piece of shit.
Is it me or has there been a rise in retarded drivers who stop in the middle of a busy boulevard to let people back onto the traffic lanes coming out of stores?
It’s beyond dangerous. The other day we were cruising at 40mph some idiot up ahead stopped to inexplicably let a person in.
I’ve noticed this too. Probably because so many Canadians vacation here.
Canada Polite to the point of a fatal accident…
I hate every thing about summer down here except for the Qubecois all going home.
nope California is real stupid about that, they Will all die Fiery deaths to be certain
I HATE when people surrender right of way in the interest of politeness. Incredibly dangerous and clogs up bad traffic even more.
I ONLY do it when traffic in front of me is stopped or extra slow.
As a cyclist this x 1000, especially in a situation where I’m lined up with somebody at a stop sign or something and they try to wave somebody else through. Yeah, I didn’t agree to that and I’m going anyway. Driving is the one place where people just need to follow the damn rules.
While riding my bike I was stopped at a stop sign (waiting to turn right) and was yielding to cross traffic that did not have a stop sign. A STATE TROOPER stops and gives me the wave to go. ugh. I guess I’ll go then.
Surprised at Snoop. Never pegged him as a lefty, or any ideology in particular other than “WEED!!” (NTTAWWT)
Nothing surprises me in Trump’s America anymore.
re celebrities. What’s with the decapitation fetish?
As for their violence, lefty celebrities admiring violence is par for the course. Never ceases to amaze how many artists (painters, writers, poets, actors etc.) spoke glowingly of communism/Marxism/socialism.
It’s in their DNA to be retards.
Bohemian Grove?
Is that where they make the freakin’ frogs gay?
A few reasons that 95% of celebrities of various kinds tend towards progressive totalitarian ideologies:
1) Few, if any, of them have ever held down an actual 9-5 job like an adult but have always relied on other people liking them to get paid
2) They realize that what they do for their living is silly and are wracked with guilt at all the money they make
3) None of them feel strongly enough about said “conviction” to donate all their money to the needy
4) They live and move in a mileu where not being a pathetic commie dirtbag can literally take away their sad and emotionally unfulfilling livelihood
5) Its easier to parrot Academe and the Press and thier fellow Red Carpet creampuffs than actually do research on the issues themselves
You’d think they’d realize that as silly as what they do is, there’s obviously a high demand for it and they make that money in a free-market society.
It stuns me that people whose income relies on their talents would be more inclined toward the collective, rather than the individual.
Well, it’s clearly more of a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do” situation, as they are only really for the collective when it’s time to pay for things. Otherwise they are happy to make cirtuous noises from their private islands and other such places that the stupid yokels in flyover country aren’t worthy to go.
Look at this horrible, racist man committing violence upon all of us.
That clip of Albright (Richardson has a similar one floating around out there) should be played before every pro sporting event right before they sing the anthem.
That’s a fantastic idea.
A society that sends in armed thugs to arrest people for taxes lost its way.
Just nuts. Just send in a couple of agents and talk it out like they did in the olden times. Be civil.
Coercion is barbaric.
Coercion is all they have.
Armed IRS agents in kevlar vests should not ever be a description of things that happened. When did it become ok for every agency to have its own enforcement arm.
A couple of state agents there to talk are still ultimately backed up by coercion. However this needless escalation of coercion that’s become so common, that’s something that can be fixed.
Since when did the fucking IRS have armed soldiers?
Since fuck you, that’s why.
Where does that number of 500,000 dead Iraqi children come from? Made up I am willing to bet. I spent multiple years in Iraq and part of my job was to speak with Iraqi’s on a nearly daily basis. Believe me when I say they complained about everything under the Sun going back to grudges from the Roman siege of Hatra (literally) and not once did any Iraqi mention a half million dead Iraqi children following Desert Storm in 1991 until the March 2003 Invasion 2.0.
It came from the UN, so of course it’s made up!
But that’s not really the point here.
I seemed to recall that being an ‘urban myth’ even back then.
Plus the fact Saddam continued to trade with Europe and was hoarding food and medicine to keep from his citizens to fool the idiots in the media.
Plus his palace building really hit mania levels during the same period. Plenty of cash was getting in, he was just using it for some reaaaallllly tacky stuff.
You can dispute the number, but Albright didn’t. That’s what makes it extry creepy.
Just finish my “anti-harassment” training at work. QUIZ – In the training film clips;
Guess who the three victims were?
Guess who the two villains were?
The villains were definitely Russian.
So Hillary, Huma, and Cheryl Mills were the victims?
I was going to guess an Arab, but this works too.
1) Womenz?
2) Patriarchy?
the Male Gaze????
1. Chick
2. Lesbian chick
3. Muslim chick
1. White dude
2. Also white dude
Victims: Black woman, Muslim man, white tranny.
Villains: White CEO and Hispanic man.
Guess who the three victims were? Ima guess not-whites, female.
Guess who the two villains were? Ima guess whites, male.
What do I win?
Edit faerie, take those question marks away?
Victims: Hillary, resisters, Muslims.
Villains: White and more white.
Arg! Didn’t see Tundra’s comment! HEY, we think alike!
It’s the cold and the commies. Makes us stronger.
Tundra and RBS almost had it exact.
Victims – Muslim dude, white woman, older black woman
Villains – Young White Man, Boss White Man.
Where I work, it is about 57% female, heavy Asian and Indian (dot) presence. I have had exactly 2 male supervisors in the entire 12 years here. More than half the C-Suite is teh wimminz. And I expect our next North America CEO to be a wimminz. Clearly WHITECISHETEROSHITLORDS must be stopped!
So, you’re the guy I contract the production of my custom porn videos out to.
Can’t a guy work a second job in the shadows anymore?!
What are you, some kind of Dreamer™?
Y’know, you wouldn’t be the only one sayin’ it either ….
Um why do you want heavy asians for your pr0n? Do you have a contract with John?
I can’t believe you are a cis shitlord HM!
Why wasn’t this your actor?
I had two people come verify I had done all my insider threat training. I told the first one “you shouldn’t be watching me, you should be watching her.” I expect a call from my boss.
#1 woman
#2 muslim
#3 black
(current priority of progressive stack; will add “fat person” to one of those three so they can serve double duty)
#1 White male
#2 White male (republican)
Ok i’m only 4 hours late but still.
The local GOP is so stupid.
Instead of fear mongering the public about it having to shut down in July because Gov. Mumbles line item vetoed their operating budget, they should embrace it. They are supposed to be citizen legislators. Work for free.
Tell the public it will be hard on the employees, but that is what happens when a childish idiot is elected gov.
You have to admit, there must be something pretty special about Mark Dayton given that people have been willing to continually give him a pass on almost everything for his entire adult life.
You have to understand the mind of the Minnesota progressive voter.
Mark Dayton’s family ran the beloved Dayton’s department stores. They liked shopping at Dayton’s. Therefore they like Mark Dayton and vote for him.
Despite his lack of actual work experience, his (alleged) chemical abuse issues, his South Dakota trust fund and his inability to speak coherently.
It’s the same process that got us Al Franken.
And Wellstone.
I will admit to having had a soft spot for him. During the Hillarycare debates in the 90s, he kept insisting that whatever plan they came up with had to become Congress’s insurance plan. Funny how many Democrats didn’t like that. He was wrong, but he was sincere.
Good morning glibs! Here’s your Friday Morning Nutpunch
Cops come to neighborhood for “noise complaint”. Find pit bull. Pit bull “charges”. 16 year old boy comes to get pit bull and drag him away. At that point, nobody is killed, which might be the most shocking part of this story.
Dog gets away from teen, “charges” officers again. Officers shoot dog, at a distance of 5-7 feet.
They manage to miss the dog but kill the 16 year old, who was 40 feet away.
The police spokeshole says it was likely a skip round. Now, I don’t know enough about this kind of thing. Would a shot fired at a target 5-7 feet away that skipped off the ground have enough energy to kill someone 40 feet away?
Also, don’t read the comments, all of which blame the kid for getting shot by these brave officers.
Fuck Trump! This would have never happened if HRC (PBUH) were President!!!!
Involuntary manslaughter
I thought that for a police officer that’s defined as “Walking up behind an unarmed man and shooting him in the back of the head”. And based on recent cases I’m not even sure that’s enough.
“Walking up behind an unarmed man and shooting him in the back of the head after posting his intention on FB”, maybe?
Union contract says you can’t use the FB posts against them, sorry.
“He was backinig up right at me!”
It’s not impossible, but with a pistol it’s vanishingly unlikely.
Pistol rounds don’t skip unless they hit something hard at a very shallow angle. If you’re an average adult male shooting at a dog, the angle is going to be way too steep.
This was the typical eyes-closed panic fire that I’ve come to expect from our boys in blue…
Remember your training men…
> Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
Unless there is a scary dog (that everyone else who comes to the house has to deal with) then fire away like mad.
I’m responsible for every bullet that has ever exited the barrel of any firearm that I have pulled the trigger of.
Cops, not so much.
The death of Akai Gurley was one of the most rage inducing killings for me. Like with some of these other ones, tensions are running high, adrenaline kicks in, it’s a tense situation. Not excusable, but understandable.
Akai Gurley died because a cop was violating the basic principles of gun safety. I had them drilled into my head when I was 8 years old, at Boy Scout camp. Peter Liang took a man’s life because he is a worthless incompetent who shouldn’t be allowed to carry a firearm.
The rules taught to 8 year olds at Scout camp aren’t taught or enforced by cops.
Yes, it definitely could.
“As Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies were shooting at a pit bull that was charging at them, a 17-year-old boy was apparently struck in the chest by one of the bullets and died, the sheriff’s office said.”
What, are they investigating the possibility of a shooter on the grassy knoll?
Oh, and are we adding “skip round” next to “totality of circ” on the bullshit list.
Yeah, a skip round *could*, if the surface the dog was on was something hard like concrete, but shooting at the dog with the kid way back there, in line from a skip round is still negligent.
Yeah and what’s more likely,
A: that the cop had his gun on target, but a bullet skipped off something hard and hit the kid
B: the cop was unloading his sidearm as quickly as possible, and ended up firing rounds at chest level because he wasn’t compensating for recoil.
Should be easy enough to confirm if it was a skip round, check the bullet deformation and see if there are micro bits of concrete, asphalt embedded in the fatal round.
I’m guessing that this won’t be done for some reason.
*reads comments anyway*
Misanthropy and slogging depression, here we go
Probably, what I question is whether aiming at a target 5 – 7 feet away would allow the round to skip that distance and hit a person at all. A 6′ tall man firing at a target that was 2 feet tall and 7 feet away would have the bullet hitting the ground 10 feet away at a ~33 degree angle. Depending on the amount of slide before the bullet ricocheted and the exact distance to the kid that angle is going to have the bullet somewhere between 9 and 25 feet off the ground when it reached the kid.
In otherwords in order for the bullet to have realistically hit the kid with a skip the cop needed to be aiming significantly above the dogs head somewhere halfway between the kid and the dog, something indicative of panic fire
Unless there was a lot of deflection on that bullet, the kid would have been pretty much in line with the dog, meaning the cop broke at least one of the fundamental commandments of gun safety, which should be res ipsa loquitur negligence and thus negligent homicide.
But we all know that cops are not expected to comply with even the most elementary rules of gun safety.
One more thought: If the bullet really skipped off the ground, it should be confirmable by looking at the bullet itself. What do you want to bet they don’t even try to see whether the cop’s story can be corroborated.
I mean, fuck, that bullet must have come from the same magical batch as the one that ricocheted around Kennedy’s limo in Dallas.
WTF do you mean the Bulls had the best night?
They got slickered by the Wolves
We got Butler and got to keep Wiggins. The one piece I am nervous about is giving up LeVine. He has the potential to be super good.
Enjoy Jimmy Butler as he wears down, complains and cashes huge checks! You might grind your way to mediocrity with Thibs pushing him. Then you will end up in NBA Hell – out of the lottery but never going past one round in the playoffs…
Now the Bulls will suck ass, get to the lottery and have the ownership pushed against the wall to fire the dipshit coach and GM.
I have a deep burning hatred for Gar/Pax. I probably watched only 4-5 Bulls ames last season.
Bulls seem like a great possible landing for former Sixers GM Sam Hinkie whenever they fire GarPax. Can’t believe that no one has yet to hire him yet.
What are these “playoffs” you talk about? /T-woofs fan
It is where the owners get a few more home games, with really pricey tix. Your team gets beat and you watch everyone else keep playing.
/Bulls retard fan (i.e. me)
I don’t watch much NBA, but I have a rooting interest in Portis. He was great here at Arkansas. How’s he doing playing for Chicago?
Somewhere between “meh” and “irrelevant”
6.9 points per game, 5.0 rebounds and 0.5 assists.
Well, in 17 minutes per game, that’s not too bad. At starter minutes, that’s about a double-double average. And his FG% went up considerably over last year. I would put him just above “meh”.
Sixers got Fultz and I don’t care what happened after that, even if we sold 2 second round picks for cash.
At least they didn’t draft a Frenchy whose ceiling is “decent rotation player”.
I have no idea why I continue to bother with caring about the Knicks.
For all the shit we Sixers fans took over the last 4 years, there was a definable process to it all. I have no clue what in the fuck the Knicks are even doing.
Back in the day, even when they sucked, they could get a big-name FA there. I think that’s what they expected to happen in 2010 — LeBron was naturally going there. When he didn’t, and that thought was destroyed, it’s like they don’t know what they’re doing since.
I’m seriously considering the possibility that the entire New York Knicks organization is a carefully orchestrated piece of performance art and has been for at least a decade.
Undercover cops handcuffing water selling teens
Where would society be without heroes?
My favorite is the “this is too far, they should have been ticketed!” responses.
All hail the state! But not when it does that!
/Cop comes in from day at work.
Wife: How was your day at work, honey?
Cop: I gotta tell ya, babe. It’s crazy out there. I honestly fear for my life.
Wife: What happened?
Cop: We went under cover today.
Wife (gasps. Places hands to mouth): Cartels?
Cop: Wha? Car-what? No! Waterleggers.
Wife: What’s that?
Cop: Only the biggest scourge to hit this side of the tracks in weeks.
Wife: I don’t follow.
Cop: Kids selling water without proper permits. We busted up a ring real good today.
/sits on couch. Puts feet up. Opens can of Pabst.
Cop: Yup.
Wife: I don’t follow.
/flings pictures of him cuffing kids.
Wife: You arrested teenagers for selling water?
Cop: Selling water without proper paper work. You can’t have that. Next thing you know it’s all mayhem of pit bulls and drugs.
Wife: But you did that as a kid!
Cop: And?
Wife: Nothing.
Cop: Thought so. Where you going?
Wife (dazed): Out.
Cop: If you go by the cleaners buy me some water from those two lads on the corner.
Wife: But you just arrested other kids for doing the same!
Cop: And?
Wife (looks at him as if she doesn’t know him): Nothing.
/walks out. Cop turns TV on. Takes big sip of beer. Burps.
Cop: Fucken-A.
Didn’t I see that on C.H.I.P.S once?
*fades out as Inner Circle’s biggest hit starts to play*
*Wife looks for huge dick from real man*
Maddening inane disruption of commerce from potential entrepreneurs. I hope this doesn’t turn them off future business ventures.
Integration Policy Flopping in Germany
But Reason Magazine tells me that unfettered immigration is good, and I mean ALWAYS good in the long run. Always good. Now shut up you racist!
It’s not necessarily immigration that’s bad (we’re ignoring things like terrorism for the time being), it’s immigration plus an all encompassing welfare state.
I know that. Also, I’m married to an immigrant.
It’s also a question of who is immigrating and how many. Europeans aren’t that great at integrating foreigners. Meanwhile, they are importing millions of people hostile to western society and culture with no intention of integrating. Many of them actually plan to force Europeans to integrate into their shitty culture and religion.
That’s also a very good point.
Even if we didn’t have an “all encompassing welfare state”, I’d still want immigration restricted to those who genuinely believe in the superiority of western liberal values and culture over whatever they’re leaving behind.
Out of curiosity, how would you enforce a rule like that?
This would be a start. I know everyone says it’s already law, but it doesn’t sound like it’s the reality in places like CA.
Oh, I know about the welfare, I was mostly curious about WM’s idea that immigration should be restricted to those who prefer Western Culture to their own. I’m not necessarily in disagreement with him, but I don’t knowhow you’d go about enforcing something like that.
I thought the 5 year welfare ban already was the law in the US from the Clinton welfare reform act.
Never mind, didn’t even read Drake’s comment, am stupid.
Well it’s obviously not impossible considering that it took a piece of legislation to undo well over a century of exactly that kind of immigration policy that had worked that successfully up to that point.
From the bit of digging I’ve done, it doesn’t look like there was a specific enforceable policy relating to that, however, the majority of immigrants being Europeans probably meant there wasn’t much of a need for that. Unless there’s something I’m missing.
The older policies explicitly favored European immigrants and discouraged most others and put caps on non-white immigration. The obvious result was an immigrant population that would be more easily assimilated in a generation or less. Also the welfare state’s near-non-existence at that time made for a system whereby those people most capable of fitting in and prospering economically were selected for. It also gave immigrants extra incentive to fit in since “public accommodation” laws weren’t a thing and handouts wouldn’t be there to sustain those who would otherwise lack the wherewithal to be successful within a first world economy. I don’t have the statistic on hand, but I read a while back that in ye olden days about 1/3rd of all immigrants to the US ended up going back home because they couldn’t make the cut.
She has bukkake written all over her.
I was severely disappointed.
That’s just super….
“This will be a good thing!”
How? Why? Seriously, what will be good about turning German cities into Third World ghettos with Sharia Law?
Fuck, utterly destroying them in WWII and then a half-century of occupation has caused the Germans to commit national suicide.
Wouldn’t surprise me that when the cucks running Europe realize they mess they made when it’s too late they’re going to call – who else? – the Yanks to fight their battle.
All thanks to idiots like that ditz in the video.
Notice that every parliamentary critter you can see in that video are women. Germany’s estrogen levels are off the charts.
I was talking to an older woman about foreign policy (IIRC, this was right after Trump’s Syrian missile strike,) and she was telling me we’d be better off if we got rid of most of the men in Congress because they were too egotistical and replaced them with women.
I wanted to tell her that the real issue is people who only think on emotional kneejerk responses, instead of calming down, waiting a bit, and letting logic settle in, but I figured she wouldn’t be too happy about that.
Instead, I should have brought up Germany/ Europe as examples.
Sometimes I muse about the harm caused by women having the right to vote. We know that women tend to think differently, that being less analytically and more emotionally than men. And it stands to reason that differential mode of thinking between the sexes evolved for a reason. That reason of course not being so that women could be the decision makers about protecting the tribe/community/nation.
I’m not too worried about harm caused by Women’s right to vote, but I stand by the theory that there’s a reason why there hasn’t been a female president yet, namely, most people (even some women, because I’ve had some agree with me on this,) intuitively know that women usually make poorer and less reasoned desicions based on emotion, and there’s no way they’d want her in the position of Commander-in-chief of the military.
That’s my wife’s position on it. She still gets fussy with me when I say that most women shouldn’t be voting, which is greatly amusing to me.
I’m more concerned by non-taxpayers voting.
My ideal would have welfare recipients forfeit their vote and the franchise would be limited to people that are at least 30 and are net tax paying landowners with children.
So childless renters that already pay a shit-ton of taxes get screwed over even more? Where do I sign up??
It won’t break my heart that fewer people are able to vote. Democratic mechanisms aren’t holy institutions. Stands to reason that childless renters not having the franchise, on the whole, would be better for them and everyone else. Are we “screwing over” welfare recipients by taking away their right to vote? Well in a sense yes, but so what? Does civilization stand to lose from their lack of electoral power? They and everyone else would be better off for it.
No the only reason we haven’t had a female President yet is simply that culturally it has only been realistically possible since the 90’s and other than Hillary no woman has had the combination of qualifications and desire to run. I have no doubt that there are women who would make perfectly find Presidents, likely even better than most of the male Presidents we’ve had (admittedly a low bar) .
For example Condi Rice. I don’t agree with her politics and especially not her Foreign Policy positions but I don’t think anyone could argue that she couldn’t win the job and couldn’t do as good a job as Bill, George, and Barry did if she ever wanted to run.
I never said that a woman can’t be a “good” president or even a good voter. The tendency for that sort of female to spring into existence however, makes it relatively unlikely. The tendency for women to be leftists is not a random occurrence that happens for no particular reason.
I mean, shit, Japan got nuked and all they did was start producing weird-ass cartoons.
They’re population is declining and overall they’re okay with that, because lo and behold they once managed to live as a people with a lower population than they have now and the world didn’t end. Plus knowing that their birthrates are low, the Japanese are perfectly aware of what would happen if they started bringing in high-birthrate immigrants, Japan would become progressively less Japanese. There’s nothing wrong with them wanting to remain Japanese, I salute them for it and wish them the best. In 500 hundred years, they might still be a distinct people… unlike Europeans.
minus the extra hundred. They might not be a distinct people in 50,000 years….
If they don’t do something to increase their birth rates the Japanese people go extinct in about 1500 years. As a practical matter they are going to get immigrants long before then whether they want them or not because in less than 500 years they won’t have the manpower to defend their shores anyway
Extinction? That’s ridiculous. Laughably ridiculous. That’s like saying “now that 98% of the population is not employed in subsistence farming, there will be no more work for the peasants to make a living from.”
We can’t predict the future with certainty, the future of birthrates is no exception. The birthrates are absolutely not set in stone and will change in time as population density and economic and technological opportunities change with it.
If you care to read much in the way of population dynamics, you’d find that populations, whether it’s ants, orcas or people, will eventually find an equilibrium within whatever environmental system they find themselves in. Moreover, the biggest reason fertility drops isn’t because people don’t want to have kids altogether, it’s because they want to delay having kids until they have enough resources or have achieved their hearts desire in their careers. The problem is that female fertility drops like a stone in their 30’s and 40’s and those people find out too late that their child-bearing years have passed them by. That is a problem that can be completely solved with the advent of genetic and fertility technology that will easily extend the child bearing years.
“We will live in a city that thrives on having many different ethnicities.”
How exactly does ethnic heterogeneity breed prosperity? These same people tell us that all ethnic groups are essentially interchangeable and basically the same. I don’t understand.
What I don’t understand is evenn if you want to let in a bunch of refugees in it’s not like there aren’t options. There have got to be war torn countries where there isn’t a common place hatred of your countries beliefs.
Liveleaks is filled with videos of refugees showing they have ZERO intentions of assimilating.
On the flipside, why aren’t these Syrians et. al. being admitted to Saudi? Much more similar culture, much closer to home and much less expensive to resettle. But no, we NEED to import all these people to the West. It’s very difficult to not think there’s some kind of conspiracy at work.
As my Leg FIL used to say, ‘Arabs are nuts and impossible to please even when pleased.’
Jesus, Rufus. Leg?
/leaves in disgust.
A conspiracy afoot? That’s ridiculous, George Soros even said so.
The City of Minneapolis has established a hot line to report speech and conduct that are deemed hateful.
“May I help you?”
“Yeah, a coworker just told me that you are using Stalinist tactics to petrify people into inaction and docility. That you were losers and authoritarians that probably ran struggle sessions in Maoist China. He said that you could suck his dick if you stopped slobbering all over the knob of the state.”
“What’s his name?”
“I don’t remember. And he died already. Just wanted to report that.”
If I lived in MN, I’d be doing a search for local payphones still in operation.
Well, that’s it for me. See you at the camp, kids.
Willett commemorates Kelo. If only he were on the court…
I wonder if it’s a coincidence SCOTUS released its decision today in Wisconsin v. Murr?
Spoiler alert–5th amendment takes another hit.
“First and only female gondolier in Venice’s history says she’s now a dude.”
The patriarchy abides.
Pink Pistols NYT Op Ed :-O
San Jose, Calif. — I’LL never forget the first piece of safety advice I got when I began my transition from the male body in which I was born to the female body I now occupy: Carry a whistle.
Wait, we’re doing soul transplants now? Or is this a Trill going to a new host?
I don’t think that link was necessary around here.
No Tok’Ra
Nice. The comments don’t disappoint.
But Bill F. in San Carlos knows what’s what:
That’s pretty damning stuff.
There was no way I was gonna click on the comments.
I can predict they pretty much all say “Step back in the lefty line, fag! No one needs guns!”
You are missing out. The Derp is flowing, fast and deep. Let’s go to Edna, shall we?
That sounds fucking awesome to me! Bazookas and grenades! War rigs!
Flak Jackets? John has a sad.
I wonder if they are terrified to go to Vermont, because constitutional carry.
I think we will all be much more polite.
Or, you know, flak jackets.
Too many people have delusions of power manifested through
gun ownershippolitics.Fixed it for everyone.
Seriously, these are great! Hey Donaldo from Brooklyn, what’s your take?
Self-defense is so passe. Better to let the aggressor get away with it than defend yourself. Wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt, most definitely not the perpetrator, who’s probably just a member of a victim class and therefore can’t be blamed.
“…during a thunderstorm, when the ability to act rationally…..?!! Apparently Donald is a Labrador, smh.
Now I truly laughed out loud to that one.
Damn it. I snorted my coffee out my nose. My 150 lb lab hides in my tub at the first sound of thunder.
“or during a thunderstorm, when the ability to act rationally with a gun, for any of the above reaons, is compromised”
So the cuck who wrote that (yes, I am using that word, it absolutely applies) is scared of thunderstorms, therefore no one should have guns.
I guess this idiot is blissfully unaware that while looser concealed carry as well as constitutional carry have greatly increased since the 1990s, the rate of violent crime has fallen by at least 50% over that same period. Which falsifies his hysterical hypothesis. I bet this idiot fucking loves science, though.
I would love to see a citation for such a law banning research.
BTW, for those of you looking for NRA alternatives, Pink Pistols is good. They are a chapter-based org, welcome everyone, and set people up with firearms training. They do some advocacy (the writer of the Op Ed does a lot of writing and speaking), but don’t really have an organized lobbying setup. They are all about getting guns into the hands of teh gayz.
Thanks for posting this, KK – sent it to my fiancée as part of my ongoing war to move her from a principled liberal to a principled libertarian. I’ve already convinced her on guns and health insurance, so I’m a decent chunk of the way there.
Nice! There is also, of course, Black Guns Matter, but I don’t know too much about them. They spend a lot of time on Twitter selling merch. Their web site has more detail.
Well Armed Woman provides firearms training and meetup groups, but they also sell shit like CC handbags, so they’re more of a retailer than anything.
This should be fun.
Wapo headline today: apparently russian interference was the crime of the century despite no evidence of vote tampering or swaying
And liberals are pissed trumps tape tweet kept comey honest when testifying. Dude is a rat
May 11: loyalty dinner notes in nyt via comey friend
May 12: comey better hope there arent tapes before he starts leakIng to press
May 16: flynn i hope memo and mentioned loyalty memo again
June 8: I decided to leak to nyt about our dinners because of trumps tweet that may corroborate them. Well then how did details of loyalty dinner make it in nyt a day before that tweet? The loyalty dinner was allegedly one of his memos that he only started keeping apparently with trump despite folks saying he records everything
“Debbie, you’re not ever running anything for the DNC again, go jump on that grenade.”
From the article
“He’s wrong in every respect,” Wasserman Schultz said. “At no point during my tenure at the DNC was I contacted by the FBI, DHS, or any government agency or alerted or made aware that they believed that the Russians–an enemy state–was intruding on our network.”
Holy shit. So the only proof it was muh russians is rely on what crowdstrike said afterwards? Just take their word for it
Watching young women chug 2-liters of soft drinks or a gallon of milk is my new fetish.
So this makes, what, 101 of them now?
It’s a great, big world out there!
Let’s combine these fetishes of HM. Milcc Thicc.
There’s a difference between a woman with a big ass and a big-ass woman.
Isn’t that the difference between Huma and Hilary?
Why would you post a picture of her? I thought you only posted pics of attractive women, HM? *runs to nearest trashcan*
I may be the only one here not sober and that made ill. Won’t you think of the children?!
Come on HM, where’s the NSFW version?
Gotta wait for SugarFree on that, Q.
Ah, the ol’ gallon challenge. I won 50 bucks once by being the last one of a group of 5 to puke.
As long as it isn’t crush videos….
Definitely a fan of dem titties.
Not a fan of watching another human being gorge themselves on junk food to the point of being a greasy fat mess. I do that myself, thank you kindly
Topless competitive eating… I think you may be on to something there.
I want to thank whoever linked to WashingtonBabylon.Com recently. I think I have a new favorite political website.
(This place isn’t a political website. It’s more an asylum run by the inmates.)
No wonder I feel so comfortable there.
Oh yeah, we’re totally going to get those weapons back from the Kurds once ISIS is defeated. Hey Turkey, does never work for you?
Baste that Turkey.
Something something euphemisms.
So we are teaching the Kurds the phrase “combat loss”.
Fast and Furious 2: The Kurdling.
They’re writing headlines in jive now?
Dyno-mite! That’s outta sight!
U.S. will take weapons from Kurds after Islamic State defeat
That Trump and his eight-dimensional chess. See how he is not only setting up an invasion of Turkey, he’s getting the Turks to ask us to invade them?
+1 dropped it in the lake
Solar System Survey Casts Doubt on Mysterious “Planet Nine”
Pluto identifies as a planet, you shitlords.
So do Europa and Io. In fact, every object should be given planetary status, it’s bigoted to reserve it for a select few.
I visit the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff from time to time. Everybody working there agrees with this.
Pluto is a cold, cold celestial dwarf…….I mean planet! Pluto’s a cold, cold planet, that’s what I meant!
Bulgariasat-1 will hopefully happen today. It’s reusing the first stage from iridium-1.
Kids are so precious these days.
“He has incited white supremacists and he has validated white supremacists and Nazis in our community and in the nation. And I don’t think that should be protected by free speech.”
No, he didn’t. YOU did that. That is textbook projection.
He went on FOX News and talked. Ergo, he incited and validated white supremacists and Nazis.
I’m not just saying that. That’s their actual argument.
Grab its motherfucking computer!
Early last August, an envelope with extraordinary handling restrictions arrived at the White House. Sent by courier from the CIA, it carried “eyes only” instructions that its contents be shown to just four people: President Barack Obama and three senior aides.
Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.
But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.
At that point, the outlines of the Russian assault on the U.S. election were increasingly apparent. Hackers with ties to Russian intelligence services had been rummaging through Democratic Party computer networks, as well as some Republican systems, for more than a year. In July, the FBI had opened an investigation of contacts between Russian officials and Trump associates. And on July 22, nearly 20,000 emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee were dumped online by WikiLeaks.
I haven’t read it through, but the breathless, melodramatic style seems awfully familiar.
“Don’t go into that
fraternity houseRussian embassy. Bad things happen in there.”Washington Post: the new Infowars.
With Bezos as the patron, they can be a propaganda arm without any concerns about dwindling subscriber counts or alienating half of the country.
Considering that the CIA is bankrolling that publication, I suspect that they have some substantial pull over there too, which is technically illegal.
Even if we say for the sake of argument that every fever swamp conspiracy theory about THE ZOMG RUSSIANS HACKED THE DNC!!!! is true, you notice that no one is disputing that those 20,000 DNC emails were authentic DNC emails.
But somehow “Russian hackers showed the whole world what the DNC really is” is not the editorial thrust of the media. Let’s just imagine, for a second, that Russian hackers hacked the RNC and dumped 20,000 emails showing their venality, corruption, and utter contempt for America. Would the media be “Super Incredibly Concerned About How, Yes, Even Though the Emails Are True, We Need to Consider the Larger Questions of Appropriateness.”
“And we woulda gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you darn Rooskies!”
Meanwhile, the only person who really knows where those emails came from has said repeatedly that the Russians had nothing to do with it.
We’d have a much better foundation for our moral outrage if we’d stop fucking with other nations’ elections ourselves but our political class seems to think it’s cute when we do it.
That has to be a parody, right? I mean, that can’t actually be an article meant to be taken seriously, because it’s just batshit insane conspiracy ranting with not one shred of any evidence.
Three aides. One President. One cup.
Don’t give SugarFree any ideas.
Ah, the good old days of the Bill Clinton Administration…
In political terms, Russia’s interference was the crime of the century, an unprecedented and largely successful destabilizing attack on American democracy. It was a case that took almost no time to solve, traced to the Kremlin through cyber-forensics and intelligence on Putin’s involvement. And yet, because of the divergent ways Obama and Trump have handled the matter, Moscow appears unlikely to face proportionate consequences.
The bloody, tearstained party dress, the the torn panties, the missing shoe. Oh, the humanity!
Didnt they testify really no evidence that it changed votes?
What did obama do to stick it to them? “Hey knock it off guys!”
Those sanctions were a joke and they havent been lifted
“And yet, because of the divergent ways Obama and Trump have handled the matter, Moscow appears unlikely to face proportionate consequences.”
80 million dead and three generations of slavery didn’t do it, but finally the Left has found a reason to punish Moscow.
I like the twitter post from some guy yesterday how the pro soviet left hates russia cause they interfere in left plans to bring about soviet state
If anyone is undermining democracy it is the democrats and media by acting like election was illegitimate because of muh russia
Hmm, you know given that it did nothing whatsoever to alter the vote counts and merely exposed the corruption and dishonesty of the Democratic establishment to the American people it seems to me that the hacking itself is not what destabilized the American Democract but rather the media freakout and attempts to protect their Democratic masters and allies that has destabilized American Democracy.
The Washington Post is withholding some details of the intelligence at the request of the U.S. government.
“Scenes so shocking, so offensive to the moral sensibilities, a trained medical team will be on standby in the lobby.”
Sloop, you just got your auctioneer license, right? I think I may have found a niche market for you.
Cover your body in cheese slices… wait wut?
Possibly NSFW. Also, would.
The uh, health benefit there, is, um, great.
Also, damn.
For the first and likely only time in my life, I find Kraft American sliced cheese appetizing.
Sriracha and processes American cheese product are a winning combo.
Holy Velveeta!
Some comedy by her; not bad.
She also has a sexy voice.
She has a service animal bit
Jeh Johnson, the homeland-security secretary, was responsible for finding out whether the government could quickly shore up the security of the nation’s archaic patchwork of voting systems. He floated the idea of designating state mechanisms “critical infrastructure,” a label that would have entitled states to receive priority in federal cybersecurity assistance, putting them on a par with U.S. defense contractors and financial networks.
Yeah, get everything networked and synched. That’ll definitely make it more secure.
It appears the reigning Queen of Thicc has become even more attractive
I mean, seriously guys. An Asian with an ass like this is a damn unicorn
She’s very appetizing.
Massachusetts just doesn’t believe in democracy.
Local bans on marijuana shops
Current law: Towns can only limit or ban marijuana shops by voter referendum
House bill: Local elected officials can ban shops without voter approval
As someone who’s gone before a city council for various projects, I appreciate that eventually we should expect marijuana shops to be treated just like liquor stores–and liquor stores generally require a Conditional Use Permit everywhere.
That means the planning commission and the city council vote on specific sensitive uses. They don’t want to see bars next to elementary schools, strip clubs next to churches, or the sound of screaming cows from a meat packing plant in the middle of a residential neighborhood.
In southern California, I once saw a sheriff kill the construction of a 7-11 because they sold beer. He showed up at the city council meeting when a CUP for the 7-11 was scheduled to be considered because of that use. The sheriff told the city council putting in a 7-11 would strain his resources, that there were already too many places that sold beer in town, and that children would be killed by drunk drivers if they approved it. The sheriff wasn’t a prominent Baptist in the local church. These were mostly progressive types in town, but no one on the city council would vote against him.
Progressives don’t think people should be allowed to drink sugary sodas. Why would they want to let you smoke marijuana?
The city councils often depend on the endorsement of the local police union to get elected, and the police unions, generally, are not in favor of doing anything that requires less law enforcement.
Meanwhile, Jeff Sessions has no reason not to come down as hard as he can on marijuana sales in Massachusetts. What are they gonna do–vote against Trump next time? Massachusetts isn’t about to go for Trump no matter what Jeff Sessions does.
Maybe they’ll get a marijuana dispensary in Amherst. It’s a college town, and I hear they don’t have a city council per se. If I lived in Massachusetts anywhere outside of somewhere like that, I wouldn’t count on buying marijuana out of a legal dispensary any time soon.
The reason those progressive states legalized marijuana through the referendum process is presumably because their progressive representatives refused to legalize it themselves. They could have legalized it any time they wanted. If they didn’t, it’s because they didn’t want to do that. This is all being done over their objections.
More reasons why a libertarian-prog alliance is counterproductive to promoting real liberty.
Well, I’ve been keto for 9 months and I certainly don’t *feel* euphoric. Maybe I’m doing it wrong.
Try dancing around for a bit with glowsticks and a whistle.
Don’t forget the pacifier!
I think it’s just low blood sugar and you get a little dizzy sometimes.
Best tip you’ll get since “don’t eat yellow snow”.
I dunno, hair of the dog always seems to work best for me.
Sleep is the only ultimate cure.
The last time I was hungover, I still managed to workout. I felt great while I was exercising but once I stopped I felt even worse.
Lots of water or even Gatorade (which I almost never drink).
*if you use gatorade stick to diet or the G zero (or whatver its called) – the electrolytes help, but the thick HFCS in the regular kind will simply make hangover worse. Pedialyte is actually ideal, if a bit gross.
I also take issue w/ the Post claim =
“”Stick to paracetamol-based remedies as aspirin can increase nausea.””
Paracetemol is Acetaminophen unless i’m mistaken, and its like inviting vikings over to your liver to rape and pillage it. Aspirin, if you don’t normally have a problem with any gastro side effects, is vastly preferred. some brands of aspirin also include caffeine and other blood thinning things which help hangover.
Don’t drink anything with a lot of sugar in it in the first place.
Hydrate before going to sleep.
Bourbon and water has only a minor after effect. Wine is the devil.
Sleep is the only ultimate cure.
Tell that to my 3am wakeup call hangover…
An IHOP sirloin tips and eggs platter and a super spicy Bloody Mary has always worked for me…
The reincarnated spirit of Harambe.
That video is me after a good Thicc Thursday post
Or me after that 8th beer.
For those who still don’t have one, Cabela’s has DMPS Oracle AR-15s on sale for only $475. Great price for a good entry level AR. Go get yerself one!
Plus $75 rebate on top.
I can’t have one of those. 🙁
And done.
You’re a good man.
No “Heavy Barrel”
Oh well, such is life in The People’s Republic of Maryland
I have an old college friend whose son has severe autism (as in, no eye contact, not speaking, fixating on objects for hours; not “autism”). I am tempted to send this article to her, but I don’t want to get her hopes up just to have the FDA decide they need to have 2 decades of study before approving it.
Jesus, I knew the FDA is terrible but a century seems excessive.
Hold off on sending the info…it looks like a lot of other researchers are attacking the study for various reasons and the drug itself is far from being a benign drug it seems.
Saudi Arabia gives Qatar 13 demands to end blockade
What could possibly go wrong? I’m not sayin’, I’m only sayin’.
So now Johnny Depp has made a joke about killing the president. Cue shitstorm number…wait, what number are we on now?
Johnny Depp has made a joke about killing the president.
He’s too broke to buy a bullet, or so I hear.
St. Louis Keystone Kops
-Police pursuit results in crash
-Off duty comes out of house to help (armed)
-Ordered to ground by on-scene cops
-Told it’s OK to stand up once on-scene cops recognize off-duty
-New officer arrives at scene, immediately shoots off-duty
Holy shit. Cops shooting cops is going to break some brains.
What do we always say around here? “Never talk to the police”. Didn’t realize that also applied TO the police.
If you love shooting guns but are fed up with the range, just become a cop. You can shoot popes, bald eagles, Keyboard Cat, whatever you want as long as you utter those magic words.
If you were to come up with an insidious plot to destroy private gun ownership in this country, you could hardly do better than to make some of the most visible gun users look like a bunch of panicky idiots and then rarely if ever hold them accountable for their negligence and recklessness.
-New officer arrives at scene, immediately shoots off-duty
Incomprehensible hipster menu
They just replaced all the ‘S’s not at the beginning of the word with a ‘Z’. That’s original as fuck. Quick someone get these guys a kickstarter!
Nope. Not all the s’s
You’re right. In one place they wrote “cheese” and in another it was “cheeze”. Fucking hipsters can’t even be consistent.
Exactly – fuckin’ douchebags.
Fixed it for them.
Nah, I’m doing a fix. They messed up by not changing ALL the S’s to Z’s.
You are correct. Kids today…
Politics. The game that never ends that no one ever wins.
Oh no, Californians can’t come to my state. /brier patch
It’s like they’re incentivizing anti-LGBT legislation.
I’m wondering if there isn’t a Commerce Clause argument to invalidate that nonsense. A law prohibiting personal travel to Texas would be a complete non-starter. I would think a law prohibiting businesses from paying for travel to Texas would be invalidated as a violation of the (dormant) Commerce Clause. So why is a law prohibiting the state from paying for travel to Texas not also a violation of the dormant Commerce Clause? It interferes with interstate commerce in exactly the way the law prohibiting business travel would.
Musk is Tweeting that the stage 1 booster on today’s launch has a good chance of not making it back to the recovery barge.
First stage landed! Looked a little crispy, but nevertheless, she persisted.