If things seem a little fuzzy this morning, maybe it’s because you had an evening like mine. How can I adequately convey the chaos and drunkenness of drinking wines, beers, and bourbons until the wee hours? With SP, webdominatrix, JW, Swiss Servator, and SugarFree? Something like this conveys the basic idea.
It’s a Lynch mob. My money is on “lots of posturing, then one more corrupt Obama insider will skate without consequences.”
Department of Useless Gestures and Using Tax Money for Virtue Signalling.
Old time Baltimoreans are not impressed. Hey, he has one more hand than Jay Mazzone.
Maybe Burkina Faso will be next?
Holy fuck, my hair hurts. Time to do it again.
At work this week, there has been a petition making its rounds. It is a letter to my congresscriter to oppose Hr 1180
The bill is about overtime rules. Best I can tell, it would allow for employers to offer Comp time to employees in lieu of overtime pay. I work in an open shop union plant. The petition is being pushed by the National union leadership. I declined to sign the petition, much to the chagrin of some of my fellow employees. Thus has led to quite interesting conversations with a few of my coworkers. Most of the people I work with are fairly conservative and most of them are team Trump guys.
I’m having a hard time getting the guys I work with to understand that giving employers freedom in how they interact with their employees is a good thing. I understand their fears that the passage of this bill may lead to outcomes that they may personally find disadvantageous. It hard for them to see that it may end up as a net gain for them in terms of the overall health of the economy.
I’ve had a few good talks this week about what the role of government should be in our lives. They guys mostly agree that that the government should leave us alone and things would mostly be better. On the other hand, the guys are having a hard time understanding that part of the government leaving us alone is the government leaving our employer alone too.
“…guys mostly agree that that the government should leave us alone…”
“…guys are having a hard time understanding that part of the government leaving us alone is the government leaving our employer alone too.”
And there you have the root cause of government expansion. ‘There oughta be a law…for that guy over there’.
The average American wants to be left alone. The average American also wants the govt to keep everyone else in line. And this is the disconnect that big-L, little-l libertarianism cannot bridge. At best you might actually reach 1 out of 10 and get them to think – the others have no interest in thinking.
I have actually got a few thinking. A minority albeit. I’m talking to people that have no basic knowledge in how markets work. I can’t just say,
“if this caused a nationwide depression in wages, then it would also cause a nationwide depression in prices because markets.”
It’s hard work trying to pump economics into people who are economically illiterate. It’s probably just as hard as trying to pump freedom and democracy into people who live in 3rd world theocratic shit holes who have no concept of anything different.
The article states “companies and individual employees could agree that their overtime work would instead be rewarded with comp time” – do you know whether unionized employees are treated as a collective (i.e. could a company negotiate with the union versus individual employees)?
I’m not exactly sure how that would work in a union plant. I suppose it would depend on the wording of the contract. I think if the contracts forbids it, then no. I think if the contract didn’t forbid it, then yes. I don’t really know though.
I’d be very surprised if the current contract didn’t spell out how overtime was compensated and what defined overtime (by daily or weekly basis, etc).
I dont remember who said this…someone around here:
“When it comes to thinking some people will stop at nothing!”
So, the average American is a Statist Shitlord Oppressor? Sounds about right.
Who coined this term anyway? I use it regularly. Thanks to whoever it was.
…or is it, whomever it was?
/paging grammar Nazi-pedant
Actually, both “thanks to whom” and “whoever it was” are correct.
Thanks. I can’t cis-hetro-shitlord properly, if I ain’t got no good grammar.
A huge percentage of the population think of employers as these top hat-wearing, white-mustached misers who are rolling in a bathtub full of gold coins every night, which is why they have no problem at all saying “well, society should make employers pay for that.”
It’s a failure to understand how property rights work. They think that once a person or corporation accumulates a large amount of property, that property becomes fair game for redistribution.
I’m a little late to the links and feeling out of character. This particular law is a good idea however employers would be advised to implement this policy very carefully. For one thing for comp time to be equivalent to OT it would have to be 1.5 hours comp to 1 hour OT. And if they exert too many restrictions on when employees take their comp time then the ambulance chase lawyers will crawl out.
For the employee it is a matter of pay me now vs screw me later. An OT paycheck that clears is a settled contract. A promise of comp time is just one asshole manager away from an unsettled contract.
I guess this is a rambling hungover response that may give you some insight into how your co-workers view this law.
In my opinion if such comp time policies were implemented then it needs to be documented, and reflected on a pay stub.
“In my opinion if such comp time policies were implemented then it needs to be documented, and reflected on a pay stub.”
I’m sure there would be a way to document it, probably similiar to how vacation time is documented. I’d have to think about the relative merits of comp time vs. overtime time and how it would effect me personally. What I like about the law is that it is a step toward relieving the burden of government rules interfering in private transactions. I would prefer that the department of labor be abolished and all laws pertaining to private transactions between individuals be repealed. This is not that, but it is a small step towards that.
Personal anecdote minus juicy details. I was briefly in a union but we had a small group. And it was quite advantageous at times to have time off in lieu of OT. Ironically my boss was one of the most high strung assholes I have ever dealt with. But he was a stickler for compensation.
I don’t see how the Gov’t would stand for this. OT pay is taxed. How do you tax comp time? And if you don’t tax comp time, then it’s just another way for banksters to cheat the poor out of their fair share.
No chance a law like this, allowing people the right to choose, ever stands in this here free country.
Is it really a “good law”? The same thing could be accomplished by instead removing existing laws.
All this does is cement the miscinception that people are only allowed to do what the law says.
Of course it’s not a good law. Few are. I think it is a less bad law than the one it is replacing. I would prefer there to be no law about this matter, but my preferences are not usually catered to vis a vis law making.
I’m surprised feinstein went v asking with the v Lynch thing. Generally Congressional Congress critters are pretty I’mthe to criticism for protecting the corrupt members of their team.
That’s why I was surprised that Senator Richard Blumenthal said the Department of Justice will still need to deal with Hilary Clinton’s email case, back in May.
““The question of whether it should’ve been prosecuted, and it still may be, it’s not outside the statute of limitations so far as I know, and that’s something the Department of Justice is going to have to deal with,” the Connecticut Democrat said on MSNBC.”
I am surprised the dems are continuing to scream about TrumPutin. They cant see that if they keep pulling on this thread it will eventually lead to themselves? Are they that far gone?
I read that the Clinton campaign paid the Russians for that “opposition research” BuzzFeed published. Which would mean they were the ones actually colluding with the Russians. But I have no idea if it’s true. And if it is true, the MSM will ignore it.
No, they paid a British former-MI6 (or something like that) guy who still had lots of overseas intelligence contacts and ran a ‘consulting’ (read: “do whatever you want for money”) firm that did that sort of thing.
I’ve been in the consulting world and a lot of consulting is just using your own networks to pay someone else to actually “do the work/deliver the goods”. the main benefit of a consultant is they create a layer of deniability to allow you to use sources you couldn’t otherwise use; you can point the finger at them in the end and say, “but they did it! – i can’t be held responsible for what they did”
So UK guy could have paid the russians to cook up a lot of horseshit and make it look like it was legitimately from their own Intel sources. Which isn’t at all unusual either. Disinfo, ‘fake intelligence’ is a huge part of the intel world.
Yes, apparently that former M15 intelligence agent paid Russian intelligent sources. But I have no idea, as everyone involved is a liar by profession.
Some of the Dems are now asking for team blue to tone it down about Russia and start talking about the economy. Lol, yeah that’s going to happen. If they were saying ‘Tone it down about Russia and double down on identity politics while moving further left’, it would be believable.
Has anyone here waded through the Wikileaks dump of HRC emails?
Check out the prog tears flowing next to that Lunch article.
What a disingenuous cunt.
or, Lynch
Sounds like a good Dr Suess book. Lunch with Lynch
A beetle battle in a bottle with paddles, luridly lunching with Lynches on a turbid treason tarmac.
Are there any other countries that don’t have voter ID laws? I mean, I don’t know, I’m just asking. Anyone can go to their local MVA or DMV or whatever their state calls it, and get an ID, no driver’s license necessary. So how is it discriminating against anyone by asking them to do that? I can’t get on a fucking plane without ID for crickey sake, but I should be able to vote without one? No, just no.
Most other countries have a National ID system, because fuck federalism.
That’s the way it works in Brazil. 26 states, no autonomy at all, just local corruption as compared to Brasilia corruption. But you do need your national ID to vote.
I’m pretty sure the form of your argument is regularly used to justify slipping further down the slippery slope where everything requires showing ones papers.
I feel if one refers to planes one should probably say “it’s probably unreasonable for me to have to show government ID to get on a plane, but I can actually see it in the case of executing my crucially important civil duty” or something similar, to avoid this hazard.
Well, someone can use it whatever way they want to. I’m using it in the sense that I actually want a sovereign nation. I don’t want non-citizens voting here, period. Almost all of them will vote for more government, this is well known.
Sure, but requiring ID doesn’t necessarily achieve that goal. In California, for example, 800,000 illegal aliens have government issued driver’s licenses.
I feel like both sides are somewhat confused about how one creates a fraud proof election system. One side seems to think that it’s just the natural state of such things, and the other side seems to believe that requiring id will solve all potential problems. I don’t think it’s that simple on either side?
Black and brown people are too stupid to know how to get an ID. That’s totally not racist though!
Something like that. It’s actually the Democrat’s argument. What they really want is more voters who will vote for more government.
“How can I adequately convey the chaos and drunkenness of drinking wines, beers, and bourbons until the wee hours? With SP, webdominatrix, JW, Swiss Servator, and SugarFree?”
That’s for the courts to decide. I avoid mixing the grain and the grape myself.
You were all at the same place at the same time? Wow.
It was …. impressive. I had to drive home, so whilst sampling everything (I brought some good local brews – SugarFree is quite erudite about teh bourbonz and OMWC is the same with wine) I couldn’t render myself hors de combat.
Are there
blackmail qualityphotos?Where are you people anyway?
Chez SP/OMWC. We were still drunk at breakfast, we’re heading over to a distillery shortly, then coming back here for… more drinking. You haven’t lived until you’ve heard SugarFree reciting a story while your BAC is .25 and the THC is kicking in.
For some reason, I thought you were all on the east coast.
Tennessee made the banned list!!! Yay….
We’re planning a trip to Tennessee this summer – if all falls into place.
It’s been damn near impossible for us to get away for the last few years.
TN has reproposity. Does this mean none of our officials will go to cali and come back with stupid ideas. I’m looking at you California air resources board.
Which end of TN?
You have already missed out on bonnnaroo, fan fare (or what ever it’s called nowadays),and the president run. Pretty soon all that will be left is football in the newest sanctuary city in the US.
Predators not president
Nashville’s pretty great. If you’re looking for things to do, holler at me. I’m Nashville born and raised.
Kentucky passed a religious freedom bill that would allow students to exclude LGBTQ classmates from campus groups.
You will accept me. *Points gun*
What sort of groups?
That’s right! You must allow gays to join the smart the queer squad. And blacks must be allowed in the Kampus KKK .
In other words, why would you want to join these groups? (I know I’m being facetious, but there is a grain of validity)
I think a link might be missing. But if the Kentucky Kampus Klan is receiving tax money, then yes, they should have to admit anyone.
Otoh, if the Kentucky Korean Klub is a completely private, voluntary association, they shouldn’t have to admit anyone.
Who isn’t collecting government money at this point? Great way to eliminate the concept of free association by hitching everybody’s star to the state’s wagon.
Who isn’t collecting government money at this point?
me. I have never recieved a red cent from them. I have given them plenty though.
You white, bro? *Drops mic*
You use roads don’t you? Without the benevolent efforts of our selfless public servants you’d be reduced to trudging on dirt paths and would never have had time to build anything else in your life. So, therefore, you can thank all your life’s efforts to the government.
PS: You didn’t build that.
The dirt road that leads to my house is maintained by the county and is maintained poorly.
I could build a better road for less cost.
plus. It was my taxes that paid for more than my share of the roads, so all those motha-suckas in government need to thank ME.
PS: I may have not built it, but I paid to build it.
I don’t why a group of students couldn’t get together and raise whatever money they needed on their own.
Requiring that people fund their own needs is a social construct of the racist white male patriarchy and your suggestion that others do exactly that exposes you as a racist shitlord. Got it now?
Oh I agree, if they receive state funding, then yes, they should have to include all. But as it stands, that’s still not the current status for campus groups if I remember correctly.
Well, that’s exactly the thing. It’s not about gays wanting to join evangelical prayer groups. It’s about eliminating those groups entirely. It’s using anti discrimination laws to choke freedom of association to death.
If they’ve got a problem with that, then perhaps there shouldn’t be any “safe spaces” where certain people (white males) aren’t allowed to go.
You’ve exposed the great logical flaw but an asinine pseudo-intellectual bromide* will be deployed to render your sishet logic worthless, Shirtlord.
*ala “only white people have power and thus, only white people can be racist”
I love asking people who pull this one out of their ass :
“So how do black people in majority black areas treat mixed race people? Would you characterize their behavior as ‘racist,’ why or why not?”
They have to make some argument that the (local) majority of black people in the hood somehow have no power over the mixed race minority, or that (supposedly) “pure” black people don’t treat mixed people differently. Both arguments are very difficult to make with a straight face.
“Politico Magazine first reported the Sanders had hired lawyers to defend them in the probe. Sanders top adviser Jeff Weaver told CBS News the couple has sought legal protection over federal agents’ allegations from a January 2016 complaint accusing then-President of Burlington College, Ms. Sanders, of distorting donor levels in a 2010 loan application for $10 million from People’s United Bank to purchase 33 acres of land for the institution. ”
At least “People’s United Bank” sounds kind of socialist though.
PUB? Sounds like a letdown.
People’s United Bank of Eastern States?
More or less of a letdown?
I hate them. They always shave off the interest to meet the desires of the millenials.
People’s United Bank is one of these deals where a group went in and bought out a lot of smaller regional banks in the northesst. Horrendous experience to do business banking with them, would not recommend.
Loretta Lynn’s testimony
My plans for the future will never come true
Making believe, what else can I do?
More testimony
Lies, lies, I can’t believe a word you say
You wanna know why?
I’ll say anything you want to hear
I’ll see everything through
I’ll do anything I have to do
Just so I can tell you all to get screwed
i don’t care if you use me again
i don’t care if you abuse me again
Don’t judge me. I like it.
That’s my story,
oh, that’s my story.
Well I ain’t got a witness and ya know I can’t prove it.
But that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.
You gotta believe
Gotta believe, gotta believe in me
You gotta believe in me
(gotta believe me)
That I won’t never hurt you
What are you doing?
Riffing on a theme?
Hammering a joke into the ground?
It’s that time again huh?
Bernie “The Business Model of Banks is Fraud” Sanders is under investigation for bank fraud, you say? That can’t be right.
Well, I guess he knows from personal experience.
In other news, watermelons are not black:
““Simply put, NGOs [non-government organization] and foundations in the green space are still overwhelmingly white at all levels, especially top leadership — and that’s limiting their effectiveness, especially in addressing issues that affect frontline communities,” Swaminathan wrote. “Still, nearly three-quarters of staffers are white. And the numbers indicate less inclusiveness as you move to higher rungs in those outfits: Only 15 percent of the leaders are people of color.””
“watermelons are not black”
Smash those stereotypes! Watermelons are delicious, I don’t care what race you are.
The only thing better than watermelon is fried chicken. Seriously.
No one appropriates culture like JB.
We just finished watching some national geographic show called DNA Genesis. I can’t appropriate what already belongs to me.
I can’t stand this unbearable whiteness of being. Such a burden.
You’re like a marshmallow in lemon pudding.
booooo…. hisssssss….
Laugh but this shit is increasingly not funny.
We either treat it likes it’s a passing dark cloud or this can grow into something more.
Every day it seems a a story like this pops up. It’s not just ‘hey, come on man. Give us a chance let’s work together’ anymore.
It’s outright hostility. They’re looking to eradicate ‘white’ history and some academics have publicly stated whites should die.
It’s a tad problematic.
And then they’re going wonder why when and if whites begin to push back.
At some point that’s what’s going to happen. I’m starting to hit my ceiling myself.
Sometimes a laugh mixed with truth is what the doc ordered.
I’m starting to hit my ceiling myself.
Same here. I’ve felt more sympathetic to collectivist thought lately than I have in years. Have to remind myself the evils of that, but it is hard not to react that way when you feel you are under assault for belonging to a ‘group’ you have no choice over whether you belong to it or not.
They (mostly whites themselves) want white folks to die, but don’t have the stones to do their own dirty work.
It really is mass graves and genocide with this crowd every time.
At least confess your privilege, shitlord.
15% ? Blacks make up 12.2% of the population overall so….
What does ‘unsustainable whiteness’ mean? Do these people ever hear any of the shit that comes out of their mouths?
Not to mention that whites are nearly three quarters of the popopulation…
these people
They hear it, it’s just that in their imagination, it actually has a meaning.
Well I’m outaged. I call for a global boycott on all donations to those racist mean green NGOs.
There’s a ray of hope that leftists will eventually destroy themselves from inside with all this infighting.
*grabs popcorn*
This is a thing. A lot of environmental groups and the EPA are trying hard to get inner city black people to give a shit about carbon emissions and climate change and so forth. And most of the people who work for those groups, i.e. middle class white liberals, cannot fathom why a semi-employed 40-something who has never owned a car and has never left Baltimore City doesn’t place recycling at the top of his list of priorities.
I’m not making this up: the National Park Service (as I recall, this was about two years ago and it was at a morning meeting) came by my work to tell us about this outreach program they were doing to get inner city minorities to go out to parks. It involved, no shit, going to projects in Baltimore and telling them about a nearby park. Woodlawn, maybe. And I mean telling them where it was, how buses work, etc. Mind you, everyone they spoke to knew damn well where the park was and wanted nothing to do with it, because it was a well-known body dump. But Ms. Skippy from Bethesda didn’t know that.
Nevertheless, they persisted, and the woman from NPS was happy to report that they’d told some people in the projects about bass fishing, too, and hoped to see great success in that direction. Without being asked, she said that the point was to target minorities because, and I quote, “there are already plenty of white people, we don’t care about them.” This coming from a woman who seemed to think that the biggest issue facing someone living in a high-crime, high-poverty environment was not knowing how to get to a park less than a mile away. The white man’s burden never seems to get lighter with these fuckers.
Insufferable meter: CODE RED.
Hold my beer and read this.
I’m sure your insufferable meter will start smoking a few paragraphs in.
One of the gripes the article brings up is that the park board – which is elected – doesn’t have any people of color on it. Surely that is proof that the whole system is rigged by racists. Seriously, how the fuck can you complain that an elected board needs x number of blacks on it to be legit?
There is also this gem:
Something tells me even blacks don’t appreciate being talked down to. ‘Lack of awareness’. Jesus Christ.
In the big blue City whose metropolitan area I live within, African Americans are significantly over-represented among city employees, while Whites are significantly under-represented.
For some reason, I have never heard anyone complain that this distribution of representation doesn’t match the demographics of the area as a whole. It’s almost like complaints about “proportional representation” are in fact naked requests for group preference.
Of course their wish would result in blacks having their ancestral homes confiscated by the city, and knocked down to build a park that no-one will care about 6 months later. Such humanitarians.
“frontline communities”
So when the gunfire stops, they can go to a National Park and paint a still life or something.
And this person will get a lifetime pension and healthcare upon retirement paid for by you.
You are confusing the true goals here.
The goal is not to get inner city people to utilize the parks infrastructure more.
Their goal is to SPEND MONEY TRYING to get back people to utilize the parks infrastructure more.
And once that money is spent, they can scream and moan if anyone dares to cut that spending that they are racists who want to destroy the planet.
Well, obviously you need a standing outreach workgroup to implement diversity and public access goals, right? Plus, you’ll need outreach coordinators to connect local government with state and federal agencies. Oh, and field staff. That goes without saying. Look, inclusion and diversity aren’t free.
And when the black communities are displaced by parks, they can scream “institutional racism” a decade later. Everyone will have forgotten how the houses of local black people were demolished by team blue crony contractors, and it will be blamed on mythical urban conservatives.
“middle class white liberals, cannot fathom why a semi-employed 40-something who has never owned a car and has never left Baltimore City doesn’t place recycling at the top of his list of priorities.”
Among that guy’s top priorities, if he lives in certain parts of Baltimore, is not getting gunned down by gang bangers. Carbon will not be on that guys priority list, I’m sure of it.
“Yo dawg, conserve.”
See, it’s like the message is their friend then.
I know it will seriously increase the cost and length, but when we built the border wall with Mexico, can we go up and around California, too?
As long as you put one on the coast, too. I don’t want the flotsam and jetsam drifting over here.
How about just limiting it to the Bay Area?
Run it straight down I-5.
I still prefer a moat with sharks and alligators. Pay for it with paid subscriptions to live moat camera feeds.
The greater the length the greater the cost.
That’s what she said!
Commiefornians have seriously disappointed me once again. They said they were going to go full on commie and implement single payer for all healthcare and how that would greatly improve their economy as well. Damnit, you people were supposed to show us how you can go full on commie and get away with it. Pussies.
Australian banks furious after hit by new state tax in wake of federal levy
Creating more government jobs right?
It sounds like they did a whole heck of a lot, unlike Tom Koutsantonis (what is it with Greeks and socialism?).
This chick won some major weight lifting comp and somehow isn’t a disgusting steroid freak with a y chromosome.
Not a 10 by any means, but she looks like she is willing to be, umm, fun. Crazy, but fun
Power lifter. No snatch 🙁
Definitely doesn’t skip squat day.
“No snatch”
Is she Ms. Horseshoe?
Also, would.
She’s going to look like Carrot Top in ten years.
Carrot Top’s mistake was going to Cher’s plastic surgeon.
There are exceptions to the ban, however. For example, if travel is required to maintain grant funding or licensure, or for auditing and revenue collection purposes.
Fucking mafia thugs will let you enter enemy territory if the dude owes you money. Principles? Got any?
Yeah, they got ’em. Taxing the ever living shit out of anything that moves being at the top of the list.
The intellectual powerhouse which is Gail Collins.
Insurance is all about sharing risks. If people who didn’t require maternity coverage, i.e. men, were able to save money by forgoing it, the price for the women who did need it would skyrocket. This is a concept that seems to elude a lot of members of Congress. In a town-hall meeting this spring, Representative Rod Blum, a Republican from Iowa, said his goal was to “get rid of some of these crazy regulations that Obamacare puts on, such as a 62-year-old male having to have pregnancy insurance.”
Cost shifting is not quite the same as risk sharing. But it wouldn’t be fair to expect Gail to comprehend that.
In Gail’s defense, she probably considers pregnancy a disease.
She’s not even talking about risk sharing. Men are not ‘at risk’ for pregnancy, so they can’t share risk. If insurance companies did this before the law demanded it, they could have been sued for fraud. (I’ll have to check on it, but giving someone coverage for something they are not at risk for seems fraudulent to me.)
I’m sure Gail sings the same tune about testicular and prostate cancer.
Insurance is all about sharing risks.
No, it’s not. Insurance is “all about” mitigating risks. I don’t pay insurance for your benefit, I pay it for mine. Just like everybody else. Insurance isn’t there to make things cost less, it’s there to prevent random occurrences from bankrupting you.
Just the other day, I was thinking about this idea that men should be forced to “share the costs” of female-specific expenses like tampons and health insurance for pregnancy.
Sure, it’s an expense that men don’t have, but it’s imposed by biology, not “the patriarchy”. It’s not like men put a magic spell on women and made them ooze blood from their crotch every month. So if men aren’t responsible for it, how is it fair to make men pay for it?
Besides, there are a lot of expenses imposed by biology that are just accepted as the way the cookie crumbles. Very tall people have to buy special clothes that are usually more expensive, so should average-sized people have to pay some kind of tax so that the government can subsidize tall peoples’ clothing purchases? How about this one: males have greater caloric expenditures than women on average and they have to spend more on food as a result, so they should get a check from women, right?
It’s just one more example of how feminism is not about equal rights but extra rights for women.
Ten years ago, we would’ve just called that “marriage”. The progressive playbook:
1. Destroy or devalue voluntary social institution
2. Complain about the loss of socially beneficial effects
3. Demand forcible redistribution to compensate
Because nothing says freedom and feminism like making government your sugar daddy..
“How about this one: males have greater caloric expenditures than women on average and they have to spend more on food as a result, so they should get a check from women, right? ”
I accept payment in sandwiches.
I had a similar conversation with someone who is actually in the insurance industry. I would up asking her if she should have to buy malpractice insurance even though she isn’t a doctor, to make it more affordable for doctors and thus keep health care costs down. I think she finally saw my point, that you shouldn’t force men to buy pregnancy coverage just to make it more affordable for women.
I’m still waiting for them to ban age and sex discrimination in auto coverage.
I remember calling a few agencies for auto insurance when I turned 18 and one guy literally laughed when I told him who I was.
Alright, which one of you Glibs was responsible for giving STEVE SMITH his own video game?
Is there hiker rape? Because there should be.
For some reason it has mixed reviews. I wonder if STEVE SMITH knows why that would happen.
That’s disappointing, I thought the player would be doing the role of Bigfoot, not some lame hunter.
How about Bigfoot vs. Nessie vs. Abominable Snowman?
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Rape
You should have told people to pay you for the special keys to become STEVE SMITH!
“California adds 4 states to travel ban for laws it says discriminate against LGBTQ community”
But if you ban travel from countries who actually kill gay people you’re a racist. Cosmo logic.
I observe that this is the kind of thing the commerce clause was designed to prevent.
So now the commerce clause is mostly used to justify things it wasn’t meant for and not used for what it was.
Don’t these laws just forbid official, government-sponsored travel? I don’t think the average Californian is penalized in any way for traveling to one of the banned states. The latter would definitely be a commerce clause violation. As it is, there might be a commerce clause argument in there, but it’s weak at best.
I don’t think the average Californian is penalized in any way for traveling to one of the banned states. The latter would definitely be a commerce clause violation.
Where do you draw the line?
(1) Californians prohibited from personal travel to Texas – unquestionably a Commerce Clause violation.
(2) Californian private sector employees prohibited from business travel to Texas – I don’t see why this wouldn’t be a Commerce Clause violation as well. Its still California restricting interstate travel and thus commerce. If anything, there’s a stronger connection to commerce because its business travel.
(3) California public sector employees prohibited from business travel to Texas – isn’t this exactly the same violation as (1) and (2)? Commerce is commerce, even when the counterparty is the government.
(3) can only be a commerce clause violation post-Wickard, i.e. after the SC rewrote the Constitution, not in the Constitution as originally written
Yep, this is exactly what I mean. One state is trying to hurt another financially. The commerce clause is supposed to permit the federal government to mediate those kinds of disputes.
I guess that is an angle to approach it, but I don’t like the implication that one state is owed the commerce of another state. If the CA government wants nothing to do with the TN government, and/or vice versa, I don’t see that as an area where the Feds have to intervene, unless something pertinent e.g. the full faith and credit clause were to be violated.
This is an interesting question. I would agree a state is not owed commerce, but can they be discriminated against? Especially since some of the legislation they have a problem with are first amendment free exercise issues.
And what do these CA bureaucrats do when they might visit these states? I saw, just yesterday, a van with ca.dmv.gov plates in a neighboring town. It was at the liquor store I was making a purchase at. A very large dark windowed passenger van with pasty white bureaucrat looking dudes hunting for some specific thing in the wine isles. I didn’t care enough to ask what they were doing, but we are a good 1300 mile drive from CA. Gov funded road trips must be nice.
It’s not about “owing commerce.” It’s about keeping diplomacy open. That’s why the commerce clause exists. Relations break down really fast if states start getting into tax and tariff wars with one another. The Federal government is supposed to ensure that it never comes to that.
States are sovereign units, but they’re also in a union. They’re not supposed to be enacting diplomatic embargoes on one another.
Hmm, that does cast this in an entirely different light. The states don’t have embassies to one another (maybe they should?) but you’re right that refusing to have official interactions is akin to pulling diplomatic ties, and I would agree that that is something the Federal government is supposed to put the kibosh on.
Calexit now!
I was born in California, but my family moved to Ohio when I was 3, and I’ve lived here ever since.
It’s gotten to the point where when people ask me where I’m from, I say California, but follow it up with “but fuck that place, I’m never going back.”
Sometimes I get this weird thing where websites load as mobile even though I’m using a laptop. I can usually fix it by opening another tab. But right now The Daily Caller seems stuck in mobile mode. Any ideas?
Don’t go to Daily Caller?
Don’t be a smart ass jerk JB.
A Plus. The format and load time has actually improved recently. A minus. They used to have more bikini pics.
Then how about Cosmopolitan? Because it’s doing the same thing.
You were reading Cosmo? I hope you were at the dentist.
“Pride Pits”
Letter to the Local Rag (These People Vote)
Asshole outs self.
When I was a bank teller….long pause…..back in the days that were the 1990s, there was one customer who would ALWAYS come in five minutes to closing. Its one thing if it was to do a quick transaction but quite another what this asshole used to do. He would come in and do serious banking that would keep everyone tied down for at least 20 minutes. ‘And now I would like some U.S. dollars…’
We wanted to pound him for being such a disrespectful jerk.
So one day. Me and my superior (who considered what he did a security issue) decided to lock five minutes earlier knowing he was going to come. Sure enough he did. He kept trying to open the door as we stood at the back marvelling at his full of shiftiness. Yeh, yeh we were no better but come on.
Next day he complained to our branch manager. We told him the truth about what he does. Surprisingly, he agreed and also felt it was problematic for security reasons. I don’t remember what happened but I think the manager spoke to him because it never happened again.
Back in those fabled 1990s, I was a repairman for IBM in Memphis. One of my regular tasks was to swap teller terminals out at the local banks. This was before direct deposit and it was Memphis, so every Friday afternoon was packed with people trying to cash their pay checks.
One teller at a bank I had would always complain that her terminal “broke” on Friday afternoon so she could avoid the huge lines. The first few times I went out there, it would be something simple like an unplugged cable. After I pointed out that out to her and her manager, she started waiting until she knew that by the time I got the call and made it out there, the bank would be closed for the day.
At that point, I left her manager a spare terminal and gave him a crash course in how to plug it in and do the set up. He was highly motivated to learn how because his teller urinated him off (and urinated off all the other tellers).
At that point, I stopped getting calls from that bank every Friday afternoon. I assume that she either quit or accepted she had to do her job.
“Back in those fabled 1990s, I was a repairman for IBM in Memphis.”
Wow. Back in them days, my dad fixed mainframes for Sperry.
You live near some gems scruffy.
Just trying to keep you guys from moving here. Got to keep the standards high.
Don’t think I could afford to live in a neighborhood with such an intellectual stature.
My neighborhood is full of retired CIA (Cold War era) and William and Mary professors. It’s….. interesting.
Sounds god awful.
The profs openly admit that if you want to advance in your career, you tow the Democratic party lion. I know at least one who campaigned for Clinton just to score points.
“The profs openly admit that if you want to advance in your career, you tow the Democratic party lion. I know at least one who campaigned for Clinton just to score points.”
And you’re worried about us moving there?
Welcome to just about any college town.
And millions of consumers. Businesses, they do this thing called providing what people want.
Smash Mouth Retweeted an Anime Porn Nazi
Anime Porn Nazi would be the Platonic ideal of a name for a rock band.
(I’ve noticed that in the animes, the Japanese characters are often *fighting* the nazis.)
Battle of the losers?
Might as well be walkin’ on the sun.
They’re not deceased?
So much to do, so much to see.
What’s wrong with taking the back streets?
Only shooting stars break the mold.
You’ll never suck if you don’t blow.
I’ve seen his work on hentai-foundry…..it’s a variant of DA….just browsing.
How is that any worse than the statue of naked Trump with tiny genitalia?
In Gail’s defense, she probably considers pregnancy a disease.
It’s like getting hit by a bus; an unforeseeable calamity. Nobody gets pregnant on purpose. We’re not even sure what causes it.
Not to mention that you are stuck with a parasite for 18 years afterword.
We’re not even sure what causes it.
Rape, duh…..
But only illegitimate rape … I have it on good authority, a particular GOP candidate, that victims of legitimate rape don’t get pregnant.
Akin, he’s a bright one,
To be sure, Akin was a fucking moron for saying that. /Soave
But it occurred to me once that most women think the same thing about the male reproductive system. If you ask them about male rape, they’ll probably giggle and say, “Male rape? How would that even happen? Wouldn’t it be impossible if the guy didn’t have a boner?” e.g. thinking that the male reproductive system has ways of shutting down during rape.
Trump in his ongoing obstruction of justice investigation?
Hasn’t this been shown on multiple occasions to not be happening?
If it’s witness tampering, it was tampering the witness with the intent of obtaining truthful testimony and discouraging untruthful testimony.
I have disliked Trump for about thirty years, but this sort of nonsense is pure TDS.
Did I miss something? It seems like everyone is now saying that Trump said he had tapes and that has now been shown to be false. Another Trump lie.
The only thing I remember hearing Trump say is that he hopes that there are no tapes of their conversations. My initial take wasn’t that Trump was saying that he had those tapes, but that Comey should remember that the truth might be out there.
So did I miss the part where Trump explicitly said he had tapes? Or is this more of the MSM spin? Sort of like how they use “Russian tampering with the election” to imply that the vote totals were changed even though they know that they weren’t.
Where do Muslims belong on the political spectrum in America?
“Muslims will never be absorbed into whiteness.” It’s such a pain in the ass to constantly have to translate what these people are saying because they dont use words the way normal people do. Maybe I am just slow.
When they use the term ‘whiteness’ what they mean is enlightened western civilization, not skin color. I get it now.
People also keep calling Muslim a race, as in “racist against Muslims”.
That kind of stupid just ain’t natural.
That’s what’s so maddening. The “progressive” leftists, who claim to be so worldly and educated, don’t seem to understand that “Muslim” is religion, a religion that has significant contingents not just in the Middle East but also in Africa, Asia, Europe, Russia, China, and Oceania. Islam is in no way tied to one race.
Islam isn’t even relegated just to non-whites, Middle Easterners, and Central Asians (who are mostly white but not of the European variety). There’s a sizable number of white Eastern Europeans who are Muslims, known as Bosniaks.
“Muslim” in the American mind means “Arab.”
He kind of leaves out the whole blowing people up, vehicle attacks, knife attacks and head cutting off part. I am not a historian, but I am not sure the Catholics where doing that in the 1800’s. Maybe the witch hunts could compare? *lights Eddie signal*
I know many Muslims who I would not have a problem living next door to and I would actually encourage them to buy the house next to me. They are great people, the problem is, I don’t know every Muslim wanting asylum. Most I am sure are great people too, but, I don’t think what is going on in Europe can just be glossed over so easy. His doing that is why I can’t take him or his kind seriously. It is nothing but waving the oppression card, while ignoring violent murderers in their midst.
“On May 29, Texas governor Greg Abbott signed a law creating a statewide regulatory framework governing ridesharing services. The impetus for the law was clear—overriding the city of Austin’s onerous ordinances that prompted the sector’s leaders, Uber and Lyft, to stop operating in the state capital last year.”
Overruling ordinances passed by local governments? I bet Reason is outraged!
I’m sure this is racist somehow…
Today, in Tim Egan watch: Muh Dumocruceeee!
The symptoms of democratic collapse — from the opioid crises of people who long ago checked out of active citizenship to the stagnation of class mobility — cry for immediate action.
It takes the median worker twice as many hours a month to pay rent in a big city today than it did in the early years of the baby boomer era, as Edward Luce notes in his new book, “The Retreat of Western Liberalism.” Add towering increases in health care and college costs to that and you’ve got an unclimbable wall between low-income limbo and a chance at the middle class. The United States, once known for our American Dream, now has the lowest class mobility of any Western democracy, according to Luce.
What is Congress doing? Nothing on wages. Nothing on college tuition. And the health care bill will most surely force many people to choose between buying groceries and being able to visit a doctor.
Our fake democracy reveals itself daily. Less than a third of Americans support President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. In a truly representative government, you would see the other two-thirds, the common-sense majority, howling from the halls of Congress.
For some reason, Tim Egan’s “democracy” sounds a lot like, “Nobody I know voted for Nixon” to me.
And, of course, there may be other variables at work in these cost of living equations that Mr Egan neglects to mention.
I doubt two-thirds of the population could even explain what the Paris Climate Agreement is.
I think you’re being entirely too generous.
I doubt two-thirds of the population could even explain what
theParisClimate Agreementis.And once they find out what it will do to their wallet, I’m totally sure two-thirds of Americans will say “yes, please!”
As stated by a famous economist “look how cute we got to the problem isn’t important, be what is important is fixing it”.
As anyone who has ever worked anywhere can tell you, that’s stupid. There is no point in trying to cure symptoms. But government is all about symptoms and ignoring root causes.
If I need to read something about the end of western civilization I’ll rely on Mr. Spengler thank you very much. So what if it is taking more time than he anticipated.
Nothing on wages. Nothing on college tuition.
I think the government has done plenty there, as well as paying for peoples housing, food stamps etc. Back in the golden times of his democracy was the government meddling in these things? Could class mobility have something to do with this government meddling? Maybe?
It’s NYT-land. Up is down etc.
If we are to believe that this is a problem that politicians are supposed to “fix”…. then their whinge should really be focused on Obama, who had 8 years to “Do Something”, while Trump has had, what 6 months? And has mostly been focused on defending himself from idiotic charges from the left about Russian Conspiracies.
If these idiots were really so gung ho about “Government Action NOW!” they’d be crying for the end of these political show trials ASAP.
Didn’t you hear? During those 8 years, even the 2 years where he had a majority in both chambers of the Congress, Republican “obstructionism” prevented him from doing anything whatsoever.
Democrats can’t use the dread power of “obstructionism” to oppose Trump now, though, because they’re too ethical to cheat like that. So even though Trump is the second coming of the third reich (the sixth reich?) it’s more important to not be “obstructionist” than it is to obstruct him.
When they compile these statistics (if they didn’t just pull them out of their ass) did they just take an average of the rents in major metro areas? Because if they put San Francisco and New York City in the mix, that’s going to bump the average way up. This obscures the fact that there are cities like Houston TX and Lincoln NE that have much more affordable apartments for rent.
It’s almost like “progressives” are creating policies in their cities that make it expensive to rent an apartment.
If you know a better way to keep out the deplorables I’d like to hear it, Mr. Smarty Pants.
Trump is president, of course, despite losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million people. Almost 60 percent of the public is against him now. In a parliamentary system, he’d be thrown out in a no-confidence vote. In our system, he’s primed to change life for every citizen, against the wishes of a majority of Americans. Try calling that a democracy while keeping a straight face.
“Why can’t we just vote that bastard off the island? Why can’t we just keep voting until we get an outcome I approve of?”
Democracy, as we all know, really means, “People like me should be in charge.”
I think if the election were held today he would win in a landslide. These people are delusional.
The left always brings up the no-confidence crap when they aren’t in power, but when they are the tune is “I won” and “elections have consequences”.
Missing leftist voters found; they just aren’t voting! Yeah junior, every last non-voter out there is secretly in love with your progressive program – they just can’t be bothered to vote you into office to do it.
By raising obstacles to voting in areas dominated by populations that tend to support Democrats — minorities, the poor — the GOP depresses turnout among those who are already inclined to vote for the left
Naturally these “obstacles” are left as an exercise for the reader.
And, naturally, its pure speculation that the non-voters would break Dem, or that more voting in Dem strongholds (“areas dominated by populations”) would change the result in Presidential or state-wide elections. It would likely be more piling on to a margin that’s already guaranteed. I also note that some inner city precincts already record voting by 70%, 80% or more of the registered voters.
We are not a democracy. We never have been. We are a representative republic. It used to bite my ass every time that constitutional scholar Obumbles referred to us as a democracy.
Take California, one state, out of the picture, and he wins the popular vote by well over 1 million votes. Winning one state by large margins should not give anyone the Presidency.
I’d love to.
Old time Baltimoreans are not impressed.
I thought that was pretty impressive.
+1. No fun to be a baserunner thrown out by a one-armed catcher!
When I was stationed in Millington, TN (NAS Memphis) in 1986, we went to watch the US Olympic team play Cuba in an exhibition game. Jim Abbot was pitching and the first 6 Cuban hitters all bunted. Abbot fielded every bunt and threw them out. At that point, the Cubans decided to play for real.
It was pretty cool watching him.
That’s pretty badass.
It might not have been exactly six, but it was more than 2. The Cubans just didn’t think that a one handed guy could consistently field a bunt and throw to first. In those cold war days, though it was so cool to see those dirty cubans to get beat by USA!!!
A NYT Pick comment-
Jeffrey Davis Bethlehem, NH 1 day ago
There have been three Supreme Court decisions that have changed the course of American history; Dred Scott, Plessy versus Ferguson and Citizen’s United. The first led to the Civil War and the second to almost a century of segregation. When the history books are written Citizen’s United will be seen as the decision that destroyed democratic government and turned the United States into an oligarchy.
There you have it.
He’s obviously correct! You couldn’t have done the same thing by picking just any Supreme Court decision.
When I want to gauge the pulse of intellectualism I head straight for the NYT.
They’re the sort of folk who think writing ‘you’re on the wrong side of history’ constitutes a proper argument.
Whenever I hear Progressives make this argument about Citizens United I always point out:
1. Simply because a group of individuals decide to pool their money together whether they are an advocacy group or corporation doesn’t mean that the government can violate their first amendment rights.
2. If government didn’t have so much power in everything, individuals and groups wouldn’t feel the need to give money to politicians in exchange for influence.
3. By ripping on Citizens United, you are admitting that people are too dumb to make electoral decisions.
Note: Hillary spent almost twice as much money as Trump; Ossoff spent about twice as much as who the R woman candidate in that GA race.
Both Dems, of course, lost.
I think Ossoff outspent the GOP’er by a 7:1 margin.
And something like 97% of the money came from either California or Massachusetts.
Actually, if Podheretz is correct, it looks like the margin was much thinner than what I stated – he states $55 million in total was spent, $30 mm for Ossoff.
Of course, this is if he’s not being disingenuous. The AJC kind of implies numbers much closer to what you’re saying.
NYtimes says Handel raised 4.5M and Ossoff 23.6M.
Outside groups spent 18.2M from Repubs and 7.6M from Dems. That would align with the $30M vs. 20M story, while also making the 7:1 fundraising true.
I think also one of the figures passed around with the big disparity was from March, before some of the R-side fundraising had started to kick in for her.
But what about all the money Russia spent on election hacking???
4. Your side makes far more use of it than the opposition does and yet they’ve been losing elections left and right lately. Money spent on elections doesn’t translate into victory.
The dems are outspending the R’s 2:1 and more all over the country, including the presidential election, and getting their asses handed to them over and over again. I wonder why.
I strongly encourage them to stay on the path they are on.
I’d rather not, if only because a complete Republican majority is almost certain to be able to ignore the Freedom Caucus and be their free spending, social conning selves.
The third major case is actually going to be National Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius if the Republicans don’t manage to repeal Obamacare.
You forgot Wickard v. Filburn.
Heien v. North Carolina is pretty important, too.
Heien is one of the most egregious cases in recent history, because SC precedent up to that point had been based upon granting cops protections while in an official capacity enforcing the law. Even though it had a definite pro-cop bias, there was a certain logic to it. Then along comes this 8-1 decision where the SC basically obliterates that line and effectively makes it so that as long as a cop had goodfeels, he can act as though there was a law and that’s totally cool. I was especially surprised to see Scalia side with the majority, as this struck me as one of those hard lines he wouldn’t cross. Just goes to show that the only thing more powerful than group membership on the court is police apologetics.
That case and a handful of other 8-1 dissents gives me more respect for Sotomayor than she would otherwise deserve. She might be a rank and file lefty on many issues, but damn if she doesn’t want to enforce standards on the police and the “justice” system.
Shorter Jeffrey Davis:
“The all-Democratic city council in suburban White Plains, N.Y., gave its party chairperson a six-figure judicial seat despite the fact that she is too obese to climb the three steps to the bench.
City judge Elizabeth Shollenberger, who suffers from a digestive disorder and obesity, was appointed to the $175,500-a-year job in December and has since disgusted her colleagues with gastrointestinal issues.
“She would come in and we would see the diarrhea running down her leg and to the floor,” one court worker told the NY Post. “She would soil the chair and then ask for a new one.””
Is this parody?
“New York”
So I guess someone on the council will simply ask to remove the steps and put a conveyor belt. Problem solved.
Replace the chair with a toilet.
Then somebody has to clean the toilet, instead of just swapping in a clean chair.
The Onion sheds tears.
suburban White Plains, N.Y.,
Sounds racist.
Also, who knew corruption could be so… disgusting.
Actually, it sounds like she’s not healthy enough to finish her term. If they do rescind it, there’s always room for her sitting next to that uber-smug partisan hack Jeffrey Toobin on CNN. Now that would make for great ‘objective’ TV!
Court is in session
You’re not fooling me. This is DC repeating something from The Onion.
Also, something something BODY SHAMING!
So… does the court get a recess every time she shits her pants?
John would.
There is this thing in the media where anytime people dispute a report, they assert its a “conspiracy theory”.
that’s not what a conspiracy theory is.
Its a rhetorical dodge where people avoid saying, “The facts cited are untrue”. they’re effectively conceding the facts. but they insinuate that the facts are being spun in some way. Saying, “its a conspiracy theory” suggests that there’s a different interpretation of the facts which is more generous to the subject, but frees them from having to say what that actually is.
Is there a good way to spin a story about ‘shit running down your leg’? I’d love to hear it.
So its a no-show job, as a fucking judge, to get her onto the city’s health plan.
And I’m sure the over six figure bill for this landwhale on welfare can easily be absorbed by White Plains.
Aren’t New York judges subject to election? Or is it only after 10 years?
Anyway, isn’t it horrible how we have elections for judge in this country (except for the infallible federal judges)?
Ordure in the court!
Torn between relief and disappointment that the link did not have pictures.
It’s relief. Trust me.
Leak, bullshit, who knows?
A U.S. intelligence officer who declined to be identified cautioned against drawing too big a conclusion from the document because a single analysis is not necessarily definitive
Why would he/she think that this would be a problem?
“Leak, bullshit, who knows?”
At first, I thought this was you posting the same story as above.
*slow clap*
this story came out about a month ago. unless i’m mistaken its the shit the Reality Winner girl leaked.
if you pay attention to the details, its utterly meaningless. they’re suggesting a bunch of people who might have had jobs in some barely-relevant capacity in state elections were also recipients of the same phishing attacks that thousands and thousands of others were. And that maybe its possible that stuff those people worked on might have been compromised. but that even if they were, it would be information that was a) probably already publicly available, or b) utterly useless in any case because it couldn’t be used in any political way, and c) had absolutely no way of affecting the 2016 election.
at best, the implication was (cue scary music) that the “Russians” (read: eastern european hackers that *might* sometimes do Rus govt work) had managed to “target” (read: their actions were by definition mostly *indiscriminate*, being large scale sweeps for info that netted hundreds of people in a given run) some people that had some vague incidental connections to ‘election/political stuff’.
It is literally nothing but trying to tout up the significance of a handful of inconsequential coincidences. It makes the “Russians Hacked the Energy Grid” story seem robust and sincere.
Question for OMWC and SP: Where do you guys live in the Chicago area. I grew up on the Southside but currently live in Roscoe Village on the Northside.
They have a suburban/wilderness compound. I am at the edge of suburbia and cornfields to the west.
Awesome. I think in a year or so I’m moving to the Northwest Suburbs because fuck Cook County and Chicago.
Ed, we’re up in Lake County. You’re always welcome here for drinks.
It’s great to to bitch about the dumbness of Illinois with other Libertarians.
All three of us in the Chicago area.
I’m Lake County also (work downtown.) I’ll try to drop more Illinois references into my comments. Lately I’m seeing myself more as a Wisconsinite. I guess I’m one of the people who’s mentally moved out of Illinois before actually physically leaving.
I’m on [looks around nervously, drops voice] the South Side.
Good news, Canada!
“The Stolen Mummified Toe Used in a Specialty Cocktail in Canada Has Been Returned Safely”
“Located inside the package was an apology letter…”
Of course, there was.
Duh…it’s Canada.
“Sore-y aboot the toe.”
Great thing about Arizona – that drool will evaporate before is slides off of your chin.
Too hot for me. The one time I was in Phoenix it was 100 degrees with over 90% humidity the whole time. Everyone was like it’s never this humid here. Didn’t help me. Nice up in the mountains around Flagstaff though.
It was mid-October or whenever the mlb playoffs are.
Also, once it gets to 115 that “dry heat” shit is irrelevant. It’s like the sun has a vendetta against you.
Tucson generally runs 5 degrees or so cooler than Phoenix, and much drier. And, on the edge of town where I live, its usually 3 – 4 degrees cooler than the rest of the city.
And that’s just great until it hits 110 anyway. This past week has been like living through a reverse blizzard. Nobody goes outside unless they have to and you get from one indoor place to another as fast as you can.
Seriously, female golfers get my vote for hottest female athletes overall. Paula Creamer could be a model, as could Michelle Wie. IIRC, Anna Rawson was a model. Beatriz Eransus, Natalie Gulbis, Maria Verchinova, Suzann Petersenn.
However, I’d not do any image searches of Shanshan Feng. Really good golfer, but…
Petersenn is actually getting long in the tooth, I guess.
I forgot a bunch, but omitting Pornanong Phatlum was criminal. While she’s really only cute, how could you ignore that name?
Paula Creamer knew what she was doing. I don’t follow golf. But one morning I was flipping through the channels. She was sitting — in a short pink skirt — with a couple of commentators. The camera was maybe waist high. It was like that scene from Basic Instinct.
Inbee Park is no looker either, but damn she’s good. Despite this weirdly slow backswing.
New Real Peer Review. I’ve never been more sorry for a pair of husbands.
blockquote fail
What the fuck does any of this mean? I can’t believe people get paid to write horseshit like this.
“We’re pissed off at our husbands so we’re going to write about why it’s the patriarchy’s fault”
Seems like “re-signifying” ie changing the definition of everything to now mean the opposite of what we all know it means is the lefts full time job.
Bill Nye the SCIENCE! Guy assures me that you are wrong.
The same paper writes both “(re)produced” and “re/produce” in its abstract. Therefore, in the context of its own language, the “real” meaning of text is that its authors are barely literate.
Meaning comes from context.
And the context of that paper is that it was written by idiots. Thus, its meaning is “this was written by idiots”. Not sure there’s any other semantic content to it.
Trump to get another SCOTUS pick?
*Orders more 55 gallon drums for proggie tear storage*
Two more if RBG’s embalmers get laid off.
If you read Somin’s takedown of Kennedy’s opinion on the property rights case, you would be happier if Kennedy goes than RBG.
That would be awesome just for the exploding heads. Thing is though is that you never know for sure what direction these picks are going to go once they get a seat on the supreme being panel.
Take a moment to be thankful that human females are the only primates with permanently full, pendulous breasts.
Numbers 9, 23 and 40 with a side of fries plz.
Look at Mr. Teflon-keyboard over here, with his still functional number keys. Show off.
Lord have mercy
From the comments, number 5 is:
She’s pretty A-OK. I think she just might get an invitation to the pants party.
I dated a girl with gigantic tits in college. on our third date she decided it was time we start fuckin’, which was nice, but she insisted she keep her shirt on. I found it a little odd, but i was in no position to complain.
she and i had a wonderful time. she agreed we should do it a lot more often. and so we did, but she still kept her shirt on. now i was starting to think it was something more bizarre than, “its cold in here”.
finally, around week 2, i’m like, “baby, take your shirt off”, and she is hesitant, and i’m like, “really, come the fuck on, what in the world is the deal with you and your shirt?”
and she confesses = “i just got a boob job!”
and i’m like ‘oooooooooooooooooh’ (light bulb) and “so i guess there are scars”? And she nods. And i’m just sympathizing and contemplating them philosophically.
finally i’m like, “you know, whoever did it really deserves a fucking award or something, because these are the best looking fake tits i’ve ever seen”
And she slaps me and goes, “You idiot, it was a reduction!”
good times.
Did you ask her to slap you again?
no, but my next line probably could have prompted a second one =
“Holy mother of christ, how big WERE they?”
because they were pretty much the dimensions you see in the above photos, post-op.
she just shook her head and was like, “you have no idea…. back problems…. it was something i spent years thinking about….”
I congratulated her on the amazing successes of the procedure.
Yeah, I have a friend with a huge rack. Gorgeous, resembles a young Helen Hunt. She is always complaining about how much her back hurts.
Tell her the world appreciates her sacrifice.
Tell her to quit whining and deadlift more.
Preferably at my gym.
Do you do the *groper/honk honk* hand gesture and ask if she wants you to hold them up?
Breast reductions are a crime against humanity. Call the UN.
One of my high-school girlfriends went this route. Oh, the Humanity!
Not for me, but maybe for Thursday?
I’d go to my bunk, but I’d probably forget why went, and just fall asleep.
The party of love and tolerance.
After watching Wonder Woman finally, I had to go straight to the bathroom to lock myself in a stall and bawl as quietly as possible. I have so many feelings, but the greatest of them is, why did I have to wait 34 years to feel this seen and represented.
-From Lachowsky’s facebook feed this morning. Wow.
*please don’t let me take away from communities and people even less represented. Please support movies that feature leads and supporting characters that aren’t just straight white males and in which we don’t die tragically.
Wonder Woman is a film about Transgender Pride?
I had to go straight to the bathroom as well.
What’s a Lachowsky? Sounds deranged.
A noble surname, or something like that.
Ok it was on your facebook feed, someone else said it. I was confused. I’m obviously very attentive. I’ll blame lack of sleep.
have some cofeve it helps
On third cup. Prolly going to need a nap later anyways.
I don’t understand this “I need to see people like me in media” shit. Can I not enjoy a movie if the protagonist is not a white male cis-shitlord? Will I not buy a product if the person using it on the commercial doesn’t look like me? Man some people have weak minds.
I guess they all must like star wars, because it always featured a whiny teenager.
Here you go:
Oh don’t get me started on the newish Star Wars. First off it was a complete rip off of Star Wars- A New Hope. I could deal with that. But what made the movie so unpalatable to me was that Rey who had no combat experience nor understood the concept of the Force was able to fight off Kylo Ren (a guy who is far more experienced with the power of the Dark Side and more combat experienced) with somewhat ease at the end of the movie. They did because of the girl power bullshit going on in movies these days.
Not even that. How did a homeless orphan, who I have to believe would be illiterate (Public schools in that shithole she grew up in? Right.) know how to fly crazy customized starships that are famously hard to fly, on her very first try?
So sexist. Womyn can do anything, get over it.
Star Wars: The Revenge of the Plot Holes.
The force is powered by diversity doncha know?
That would make a really awesome movie – just some people sitting around knocking the shit out of the plot holes.
I blame Joss Whedon, at least partially. While I can’t fault his casting of Firefly, the “grrl power killer” thing is just retarded.
One thing that always bugs me when people talk about this is they never mention Kylo Ren was severely injured when he fought Rey. He took a bolt from Chewbacca’s crossbow gun in the upper torso not long before the fight. I think that would hamper his ability to fight. He even showed the effects when he pounded his closed fist against his chest.
Not saying he shouldn’t have won. But to say they were fighting evenly is wrong.
True. He was a disadvantage and I probably should have taken that into consideration.
The problem is a very specific context vs. a more broad context. Yeah sure, in the specific context he wasn’t at full strength, but the more broad context has had Rey constantly showing herself to be overly competent in numerous different fields for no logical in-universe reason, i.e. she reeks of Mary Sue. With the author’s bias on full display it’s a lot easier to chalk it up to the overall poor writing surrounding the character than accepting the arbitrary reason they tried to come up with to defend it.
They were so close to doing it right by establishing she’s a master stick-fighter earlier. They just needed to figure out a way to have her fighting style look more like she’s holding a staff, rather than sword. Maybe say “fuck logic and prophecy” and just give her Darth Maul’s double-blade saber?
I’ll say that whoever cast Rey needs a raise. It’s like the actress realized how badly written the character is, and tried desperately to imbue her with sense of bewilderment at what she’s doing (“Yeah, it’s retarded I can do this. Why can I do this?!”)
The best parts of that movie is:
1. Han Solo regularly sharing the (sane) members of the audience’s disgust, i.e. stuff like acting like a tired, bored old man when they mention there’s a new Death Star.
2. Finn trying to lightsaber against a guy who actually knows what he’s doing, and has the best “OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT” face. Wow movie, you mean if you make your characters human with actual weaknesses it makes them more relatable?
Ren’s a pretty disgusting ‘self-insert Mary Sue fanfiction’ character overall, she’s a pretty perfect example of how “GRRL POWAH” actively makes your story worse if all you can offer is female mental masturbation.
*Rey, Ren is more a ‘taking shots at the dedicated fanbase’ character which keep cropping up for some reason.
That’s the issue I have is that whenever you bring up these discrepancies you’re called a sexist.
The people calling you a sexist aren’t interested in well-written stories, they’re largely interested in self-insertion towards a character they think ‘represents’ them/their tribe. Character flaws are not something to be tolerated when you’re projecting that much.
You have fundamentally different goals, you want good art, they want art that makes them feel good. You’ll never agree.
My life is far too busy and satisfying to fret over whether the people on television look like me or not. All I want to see is some good old entertainment.
I don’t understand this “I need to see people like me in media” shit.
Because they fundamentally lack empathy and have dehumanized their hate groups so much that they can no longer relate to them in any way. I mean, according to them I’m the racist Nazi shitlord, but I can empathize and sympathize with characters of other races and sexes easily, provided their problems are ones of actual substance (i.e. Roots is a hell of a lot more compelling than a Rom-Com). Meanwhile according to them the only way they will ever be able to relate to someone is if they have some superficial characteristic that allows them to project themselves onto the character.
It’s tribalism and narcissism mixed together, and it’s really just showing you what a completely degenerate mind these people have. This person crawled into a bathroom and cried over a B grade superhero movie. That’s pathetic.
This. Demanding heroes exactly like them shows how mentally impoverished they are.
Whoever wrote that sounds like they have mental issues.
Actress pillow talk: “Sometimes I dream that I am on stage and the audience is applauding me. They are just clapping and cheering. I haven’t done anything, I’m just standing on stage but they love me. I need that so bad.”
Me thinking: “Oh shit. As soon as she goes to sleep I am out of here.”
Damn the media, suppressing the unspoken stories of the millions of mythological women who live among us every day!
Also, I just saw Wonder Woman and found it to be meh. Not as bad as the other recent DC movies, but not nearly as good as what Marvel is putting out yearly.
I was expecting you to write that you were going lock yourself in a stall and masturbate.
Ellen Ripley, Sarah Conner. Who the fuck were they again? Nope, no women in lead roles in big budget, big name films before Wonder Woman. Nope, never happened.
Rare pic of Glibertarian PAC?
A Volvo hearse.
I want one. Now.
World Taekwondo Federation changes name over negative connotations associated with acronym:
Confederation and League of International Taekwondo?
Global Organization Of Koreans?
Social League for Advanced Native Taekwondo?
All TDS, all the time
Trumpism is a form of collective gaslighting at Twitter speed. It is founded on the principle that velocity trumps veracity — perfect for the president’s manic personality. It reflects the president’s intuitive sense — through his own acute experience — of limited attention spans. It seeks to achieve dominance through a whirlwind of individually meaningless but cumulatively manipulative statements.
I just…
I never in my wildest dreams imagined I could say this, but-
Shorter NYT: he’s beating us at our own shitty game and boy are we pissed.
Alternate: “It’s only fun when we do it!!!!1111!!!”
Gaslighting is telling people that what they saw really didn’t happen, which is what the MSM does all the time.
Look, they discovered a new word and now they have to trot it out every opportunity they can until everybody has heard the word but nobody knows what it means. That’s journalism, right there.
In this paper, we respond to the failure of feminism (for us personally and at large) to re-signify gendered norms associated with parental care work that tie the female body so naturally to reproduction
Purple gallop bucket sensation dinosaur sink. Hootenanny plethora infeasible.
Where’s my phd?
C-minus. Your sentence made more sense.
Not rugby reporting day BUT, All Blacks played British & Irish Lions yesterday. AB won easily (30-15), but Lions scored one of the great rugby tries. Sequence starts at :40,
Definitely an awesome match for me to watch…mostly. Still kinda bummed to see the Lions sputter the way they did around 60 minutes or so, though.
BTW, is there any point to kicking the ball away to the other team apart from the bleeding obvious? Just curious, because I saw quite a few match replays while in NZ last year. In one of them (Crusaders/Highlanders, maybe?) I recall a stretch of play, felt like about five minutes or so, where one team would kick it away…only for the other team to immediately kick it back to the first. As a know-nothing, the whole affair seemed about as silly as if, say, the Titans and Jaguars were to spend the entire first quarter punting…on first down.
Mostly field position. But there’s also the hope the other team makes a mistake (knock on; kicking out on the full) which can be turned to your advantage.
Although I grew up in a very fundy type protestant environment, I’m not religious at all as an adult. However, to me, this seems really weird. But again, maybe it’s because I’m not religious that I don’t get what this is all about.
Remove religions symbols so as not to offend possible Muslim visitors.
Rage: rising
The imams want to build a special wall for gays. “It’s a prayer wall, that’s it,” said the imams.
It is weird but I assume part of it is a desperate attempt to build numbers. The Church of Sweden was a state church until 2000 with salaries paid by the state. Now, I assume they have to get by on their own and only about 1% of the population attends.
I remember during my freshman year of college in the early 2000’s, my class went to this Italian restaurant to meet the owner who immigrated from Italy. I asked him a question about how does he feel about Muslims complaining (this was even a problem in the early 2000’s) that in the classrooms in Italy, they had crosses which offended their religious sensibilities. His response was that when you come to my house for dinner, you eat whatever I serve you. At 18, i didn’t quite get what he was saying but as I got older I understood that the point he was making is that if you’re going to immigrate to a different country, you need to respect their customs and do your best to integrate. The country nor the inhabitants owe you anything.
And the thing that pisses me is that if I decided for an odd reason to immigrate to a Muslim country and I whipped out a Bible, they would at best jail me or at worst chop my head off.
I’ve always had problems with the inconsistency: if Americans go to foreign countries they should respect those countries customs. If foreigners come to America, Americans should respect foreigners’ customs.
I was listening to N(der)PR radio yesterday and they had a segment on the guy who was in prison in North Korea. The gist was that the tour company was irresponsible and it’s important to respect local laws.
Not a single word about North Korea being a totalitarian shit hole nor the injustice of a death sentence for stealing a poster.
He was a white male, so fuck him.
Nor, I’m guessing, any nod to the fact that they would be the first to decry the enforcement of an unjust* law here in the states.
* = by their own definitions, anyway
Imagine if people were still locked up for burning the flag.
Using their playbook, isn’t this victim blaming too since they’re saying that a lack of personal responsibility is at least partly to blame here?
Progs are seemingly very naive and totally unaware of danger. Unless their dear leaders tell them to be afraid of something, like Trump. This is my theory for why they keep getting their cells phones snatched out of their hands or get assaulted and robbed of their bicycles, in Baltimore. They have no awareness of danger. To be aware of danger is racist or something.
This is progderp. If I moved to a foreign country, I would absolutely respect their culture and learn the language. I would expect that no one owes me anything and that includes making special accommodations for me of any type. Progs have some type of inferiority complex where they believe that all things American are inferior to every other nation and culture. Call it white guilt if you want, but it’s not guilt at all, it’s some sort of psychological inferiority complex.
“When in Rome”
After being in India for two weeks last August, I have no problem with telling people that America is the shit.
That is one of the sweatiest sentences I’ve ever read.
its self-abuse as a form of virtue signaling.
worshipers of the church of Progressiveness believe that destroying their own culture shows their commitment to their ideals.
Meanwhile, the moozies really don’t give a fuck and their opinion on the matter isn’t even consulted, because the point of the self-flagellation by the left isn’t really about them anyway – its about hurting the non-moozie christians who have the temerity to want to actually keep their own culture.
Its about using their ostentatious, fake “concern for others” (even tho those others don’t care) as a weapon against political conservative minorities.
“its self-abuse as a form of virtue signaling.”
I get that much. I just wonder how it would go when these people decide to organize a pussy hat parade in a Shariah law country. I mean, maybe I’m just one of ignorant unlightened and that would go just swell, but I have some doubt that it would.
they would never do such a thing because it would be disrespectful of those minority spaces. the only appropriate place to have a pussy hat parade would be somewhere it would target corporations and the Cishet Patriarchical Orthodoxy
but seriously =
i mean the above point somewhat sincerely. the Progressive insanity works best in places like Sweden where their *actual* ratio of Native to Immigrant is super high.
meaning, even despite the influx of ~1-2m immigrants in the last few years, Sweden is still barely 10-15% “minority” status. These minorities can be conveniently slotted away in state-subsidized communities where the natives rarely have to deal with their shit.
Progs then can use their existence as weapons against the the non-proggy public. They can demand that things like the ‘most popular churches’ in the country conform to Proggy demands that they hide their symbols, and they can demand that schools stop teaching history which is ‘unfair’ to these minorites, etc.
the minorities are just a weapon that the progs use against the larger non-proggy world. they don’t really care about the material reality of these minorities = they care about the “idea” of them which they can constantly demonstrate they are more sympathetic to than the rest, and therefore are morally superior.
In countries where the minority/immigrant-to-native ratio is higher, (like 30% or so), these progs have a much harder time browbeating the public over them, because those minority communities have their own political representation and they are diverse enough in their own constituencies that if progs started trying to speak on their behalf, they’d get told to STFU and mind their own business.
although the general practice of ‘co-opting’ minorities as a political weapon is still done all the time; its just usually more complex. or can be. I am reminded of the time students @ Oberlin tried to force professors to cancel tests because the students were so ‘traumatized’ by events in Ferguson MO. The profs were like, “STFU, you white”. Or something like that.
It’s Sweden. They couldn’t find a hot lesbian to be bishop?
Once again, the Glibertariat delivers on the the best pr0n search terms.
random thought
Far as I can tell, these are the important ingredients for a decent government:
1. have a different guy in charge at least every 10 years
2. spread the power among a few thousand people
As long as as a govt has that, it’s bound to be be better than North Korea.
And now for something completely different:
Spate of Beaver Attacks Puts Swimmers on High Alert in Switzerland
A burst of attacks by a hyper-aggressive beaver has put wild swimmers in Switzerland on high alert.
Locals in the alpine city of Schaffhausen have been told to stay out of the water after two bathers were wounded by a single animal in the space of one week.
An eight-year-old boy and an adult woman have so far fallen prey to the toothy mammal, which lives in the river Rhine.
According to newspaper 20 Minuten, the beaver bit the boy once on the shoulder and once on the bottom before swimming away.
The same evening a woman was bitten on the leg and was hurt so severely she needed to go to hospital.
Beavers are not known for mounting attacks on humans, but can become aggressive if they feel their nest is under threat.
Officials in Schaffhausen have confirmed that they will erect beaver warning signs in the area to warn would-be swimmers to beware potential attacks.
Munching Swedish Beaver Causes Blackout
One must remember to come up for air.
Team Blue drone loses mind, job.
Nebraska Democrat party official fired for wishing Scalise was dead
An official appointed by the Nebraska Democratic Party was ousted by the state party chairwoman on Thursday after the discovery of a recording in which he allegedly celebrated the shooting of a U.S. House Republican.
In the recording, posted without context on an advocacy site, the official, Phil Montag, is referring to House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) when he says, “This motherf—er, his whole job is like to get people, convince Republicans to f—ing kick people off f—ing healthcare. I’m glad he got shot.”
Montag did not deny that the voice in the recording is his but said he believed it had been edited to take his words out of context.
“‘I’m glad he got shot.’ – that’s the sort of thing I would say if I were an evil scumbag. But fortunately I’m not, and I wish him a full and speedy recovery!”
/full context
“Team Blue drone loses mind”
If she had one to lose in the first place.
anyone with half a brain should recognize that this is why we shouldn’t be Nationalizing healthcare in the first place.
anytime anyone in power tries to make the slightest change to the system, the others will scream that they’re MURDERING the public.
the only possible political approach would be to endlessly spend more, regardless of outcomes or value-per-dollar spent.
The problem is that the size of the population that possesses half a brain is around 10-20% of voters.
That’s the Left’s game plan. You cut a program or decrease the amount of money the program gets and they accuse you of wanting to kill people. It’s a game plan that is slowly starting to lose it’s effectiveness and they know it. Like I keep on saying, the only thing I like about Donald Trump is that he shits all over their faulty premises.
anytime anyone in power tries to make the slightest change to the system, the others will scream that they’re MURDERING the public.
the only possible political approach would be to endlessly spend more, regardless of outcomes or value-per-dollar spent.
Ah, I see you are wise in the ways of the NHS!
I’d like for someone to tell me who was kicked off ‘healthcare’ before the ACA? Please, name just one person.
The threats against the GOP and their constituents, in online forums, has grown considerably lately. I myself have seen several instances of it in the past few weeks. A commenter over at WaPo earlier this week posted something that sounded like an actual threat of violence to me. I mean I’m as free speech as you can get, but this sounded to me like an actual threat to kill people, specifically Republicans. One of his comrades actually told him to shut up because that was an actual threat. Yet Hollywood and the left media keep encouraging this type of behavior. Now Democrats and the GOP will come together in a gesture of unity to call for government regulating the internet and suppression of free speech. Thanks, TDS tards.
This is Rock + Roll
More cowbell:
she is employing outdated technororagy
Any time I hear the word cowbell, all I can think of is Don’t Fear the Reaper.
Mississippi Queen
Honky Tonk Woman, Low Rider, etc.
So it turns out there really is a church for SJWs:
Recognize that you’re still racist. No matter what.
Sometimes, anti-racist allies talk in an “us vs. them” framework when they discuss race, with the “us” being POC and anti-racist allies and the “them” being racist people. That’s an oversimplification of centuries of racism, and it also avoids one simple truth.White people always benefit from institutionalized racism, no matter how anti-racist your ideologies may be. You can’t disconnect yourself completely from the racism from which you benefit, and recognizing that is a large step in rejecting white privilege.
Let me see if I can understand their strategy.
1. Feign outrage and offense to guilt-trip people into doing what you want.
2. Treat them like garbage no matter how hard they try to accommodate you.
3. World domination (?)
I remember reading about Malcolm X shitting all this white girl when she asked how she could be a help to the Civil Rights Movement. He later on reflected that he regretted his actions to towards the white girl and that this was not only counterproductive to do but utterly irresponsible. It would be nice if the BLM movement had the ability to self reflect and recognize that some of their actions are harmful and counterproductive. But then they would have to have some sort of self awareness.
They had a protest in Baltimore last year at the height of this before the Democrats and the BLM themselves sabotaged the movement. A lot of white folk showed up at the protest and a couple BLM people either told them they weren’t wanted or just insulted them and told them to go to the back of the line, etc. Thus ended most of their local support outside of their core group. I mean it really was about police violence before they managed to make it about race.
It’s even worse than that – their platform became complete Marxist gibberish.
They take their masks off when they forget why they had to have a mask on in the first place. They started believing their own bullshit.
My favourite one was in Toronto where BLM demanded that all the white people stand behind all the black people in order to show solidarity (I guess Canadian BLM members are more polite than the ones in Baltimore).
This is Canada, where there’s four times as many Asians as blacks. So the photos all show this group of like two lines of a couple dozen black people, at best, with waves of progressive whites behind them. It was hilarious.
Blacks and white in Baltimore have a long history of not getting along too well. It’s the most segregated place I’ve ever been. Surely, that’s improved a lot in the past 50 years, but it’s still there.
Race is only a social construct. I identify as a black woman and therfore am obsolved of my white male privilege.
It is better to rule in poverty than live among equals in wealth?
Perfect mantra for the left.
– 1 ?
Yorkshire resident calls police on Queen Elizabeth for not wearing seatbelt
A resident in England called police to report Queen Elizabeth II was not wearing her seatbelt during a public appearance.
West Yorkshire Police Contact Center said one resident made an emergency call reporting the traffic offense as the Queen visited the State Opening of Parliament.
“999 call received reporting that the Queen isn’t wearing a seatbelt,” police said.
Police noted the event was not even in Yorkshire, but rather at the Palace of Westminster.
The monarch was at the palace to deliver the Queen’s speech before the resident spotted her without her seatbelt, as she was exiting the ceremony.
Usually traveling in a vehicle without a seatbelt would result in a fine, but the Queen is immune from prosecution and police warned the 999 number is not meant to be used as a joke.
“I cannot stress enough that the 999 number is for emergencies only,” Tom Donohoe of West Yorkshire Police told the Telegraph.
It’s good to be the Queen. Laws are for little people.
Hey, if you’re into property rights, monarchy is the way to go! King owns all the land. Everything else is dickering about the rent.
You know how we often mention Canada’s lack of First Amendment? We also don’t have the Commerce Clause*. To the point that even my favorite whipping boy, Neil MacDonald, wrote an article excoriating the fact
*except we kinda do. Sorta. Read the article.
The fuck is up with Neil MacDonald nowadays and his slightly curbed authoritarian and anti-American attitudes? Has he been talking to his brother lately? If he keeps this up he’s going to end up the next Rex Murphy.
It’s weird, he really really has a boner about protectionism in Canada for some reason. To the point that he’ll even grant that Americans are in the right!
And a repost, but every Norm MacDonald fan should read Neil’s article on Norm.
I still love Rex Murphy because he’s his Old Guard, Trudeau Sr. loving Liberal who just openly says “Climate change legislation? Carbon taxes? They’re bloody retarded.”
Must be awkward at the CBC cocktail parties.
A link to this fucking mendacity just arrived in my email.
Come shake with rage with me.
Hmm I didn’t see an option to tell them to go fuck themselves on the page. I am disappoint.
For the last time, you fucking idiots, we already have tiered services everywhere, you’re just too stupid to notice.
Jesus Christ, first sentence!
Like when Netflix has different movies and TV Shows based on where you log in from? Oh wait, that’s not the “provider” you have in mind!
Of course, the obvious solution, to encourage competition and break up the local monopolies, is not even considered. Only the FCC can save us from our own local governments!
The same people I know who will go off about how net neutrality gives you all this wonderful freedom will then turn around and defend CANCON laws. Because massively insecure nationalists.
It’s too late, that shitlord Pai is in charge! He’s not even a real Indian, Uncle Raj is what he is!
/prog rage
“Rodney Stooksbury may be a better candidate than Jon Ossoff, but Democrats should field people who actually exist…”
As far as I know, Rodney Stooksbury is an actual living human being. I have even spoken with someone who has spoken with someone who swears he exists.
Certain people, however, are convinced that Rodney Stooksbury does not exist. This is because, even though Rodney Stooksbury was the 2016 Democratic congressional candidate in Georgia’s 6th District, nobody could ever actually seem to find a photograph of the guy. Or a campaign website. Or any campaign material. Or anyone who has actually met Rodney Stooksbury. News outlets tried to track down Stooksbury, to no avail. According to one investigation, “when reporters went to his town house in Sandy Springs, no one answered the door. When they inquired with the neighbors, no one had heard of him. He apparently had run no campaign, and had raised no money.” Stooksbury, if not a literal ghost, might as well have been one. In November, shortly before leaving to become Donald Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, Republican incumbent Tom Price was re-elected with approximately 62% of the vote. Rodney Stooksbury, whoever he was, came second. He received 38% of the vote.
Fake people are get nominated for US elections? How the hell am I just finding out about this? I don’t recall learning about this in civics class.
Well, if dead people can vote…
Well, fake voters vote in the elections.
I’d be OK with fake govt and fake taxes.
OT: For those of you who cure your own meats, how much prague powder #1 is too much?
I was attempting to make tasso ham (for the first time). I bought half a pork loin (weighing 1.75 pounds) cut it into quarters lengthwise, and rubbed it down with a dry cure mixture – which contained about a tablespoon of Prague Powder #1 – and put it in a covered dish in the fridge. It occurred to me this morning that that amount might be too much, and I’ve always heard that stuff is dangerous if you use too much. I applied the dry cure last night at about 1 AM, and I just now (about 2 PM) took them out, rinsed them off, and put them in a tupperware dish full of plain water to maybe remove some of it through diffusion. I was planning on hot-smoking this and putting it in stews, not on sandwiches or anything, so if it just tastes really salty, that would be fine.
So can I go ahead and smoke this, or did I just ruin some perfectly good pork?
Looks like 1 level teaspoon per 5 pounds meat.
Based on this article I probably would start over. Pork loin less expensive than ER. It seems like you might be ok as long as your not going to pig out but why take the chance.
That doesn’t sound very nice.
I have only used prague powder a couple times and followed a recipe. I usually go with prepackaged cures.
RE Huevos Rancheros vs Chili Rellenos the other day. I was having mexican food brain fart. When I reread those comments later in the day,I went to the box and felt shame.
The jar I have says 1 oz mixrd with cold water for 25 lbs meat. I would agree with AJB. If it was me, I would start over.
Ah, Chris Hedges.
We must embrace a despair that unflinchingly acknowledges the bleak future that will be created by climate change. We must see in any act of resistance, even if it appears futile, a moral victory. African-Americans understand, in a way perhaps only the oppressed can grasp, that our character and dignity will be measured by our ability to name and resist the malignant forces that seem to hold us in a death grip. Catastrophic climate change is inevitable. Our technology and science will not save us. The future of humanity is now in peril. At best, we can mitigate the crisis. We cannot avert it. We are fighting for our lives. If we do not rapidly build militant movements of sustained revolt, movements willing to break the law and attack the structures of the corporate state, we will join the 99.9 percent of species that have vanished since life first appeared on earth.
I could give coffee enemas to a herd of cattle and end up with less bullshit.
AGW killed off the critters from the Cambrian explosion, the dinosaurs, etc? Damn, it’s worse than I thought.
“Our technology and science will not save us”
A true science bleever, no doubt.
If these fuckwits would just do Gaia a favor, and reduce their own carbon footprint to ZERO.
file under: must prog harder
Another Special Election Loss – Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?
Poll after poll shows that America is a democratic socialist country.
So why do Democrats like failed Georgia congressional candidate Jon Ossoff continue to run on a Republican-lite message? Is it time for Democrats to move left?
After this week’s disappointing loss in the special runoff election for 6th District of Georgia, Democrats are looking for answers.
Ideas vary on where to go next, but the general thinking – as New York Congressman Joe Crowley pointed out – is that Democrats need to find a coherent national message:
“Typically in this district the Republican wins by 20 plus points and last night’s win for them was incredibly much more narrow than it has in the past as the same in the race in South Carolina. But what we need to do, continue to do, is focus on the issues that would help elect democrats nationally.”
Ossoff basically ran as a Republican-lite. He ran against single-payer, he ran against “wasteful spending,” and he ran against “Washington.” Wouldn’t he have been better off running as a real progressive?
“Another Special Election Loss – Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?”
Why, yes, yes it is. What a stupid question.
Oh, please do!
I heartily endorse this message. Move lefterier. Absolutely. Overtly adopt more cultural marxism into your platform.
Do it.
this is little different from the claims made by Gillespie about how “polls show most people are libertarian”
both require diluting the definition of your pet-[X]-political-orientation to meaninglessness. Its a cheap argumentum ad populum that is instantly undermined by even the most casual glance at *how people actually behave*.
*Insert standard Yes Minister clip about how you can trick anyone into saying anything by framing polling questions here*
The questions they use on surveys to get answers like this include “Do you think everyone should have an opportunity to succeed in life?” and “Do you think that people should have access to life-saving medical services if they’re ill?”
you don’t really need any fancy rigged survey.
every major developed economy is mixed. pretending that because people support a mixed economy that they’re ‘Democratic Socialists’ is misleading because it pretends that that a very-specific left-of-center political view is the
onlyone that is consistent with a mixed economy.its the “Because ROADZ = America is Socialist” argument
it pretends that all economic issues are an either/or question. if you support anything Not 100% free of govt intervention, why, then you support TOTAL intervention, and nationalization even.
*Insert standard Yes Minister clip about how you can trick anyone into saying anything by framing polling questions here*
Do you believe everyone ought to have their say in how their nation is governed?
Yes, I do.
Would you say Democracy is the most effective means of letting everyone have their say?
Would it be reasonable to define Socialism as “humanity pooling their resources to help their fellow man”?
Is it appropriate in some instances to use Democratic methods toward Socialist ends?
If we’re voting to help people, certainly.
Would you personally vote in favor of Socialist policies?
*pause* Well, I suppose it would depend on-
When you don’t want to learn, you’ll tell yourself anything.
1) It wasn’t “A Republican” who held the seat previously, it was Tom Price. He’d held the seat since 2005. Obviously, he was quite popular. This doesn’t mean that the next Republican to follow him is going to be as popular
2) “Incumbent party” doesn’t equate to “incumbent officeholder”. Ask George HW Bush about that
3) Had Jon Ossoff managed 1.9 more percentage points back on April 18th, there’s no story here. He was running against like 1200 Republicans then and still couldn’t close the deal
4) Now that Handel has won and, presumably won’t screw things up too bad, the GOP will go back to winning the district by 15+ points. The Democrat’s moonshot happened back in April, and they missed
(T)Ossoff’s candidacy was a snot-slick attempt at tricking the rightie-connies into believing there was moderate alternative to the tainted Handel. Apparently, some of them went for it, making the election closer than it should have been. I love how the Inside-The-Permiter cabal trotted him out with with the leftie-proggie agenda, and they were removed from sight while he spewed conservatism to the burbs.
His ads hammered at the ‘it’s your tax dollars and we need to curb spending and I’ll work with anyone to make it happen’ angle. For sure he got votes based on that bi-partisan approach.
Of course, once in power I doubt progs would do much of that.
I’m just glad it’s over. If I had to hear about those damned chairs one more freakin’ time…. Now he can go do something useful. Maybe he could make a film with… I dunno…Samuel L. Jackson. He should make an x-rated feature by recreating the mountain scene from Hateful 8. I’m not gay, but I would watch that.
As you can tell, I loathe the arrogant POS.
Woko Haram (centralist troll on Twitter) recently said that the Republicans could dominate politics for a decade if they ran on “a socially conservative, anti-immigration, universal healthcare, cheap college option platform.”
Thoughts? I think Haram under-estimates both the tribal impulses of party ideologues as well as promotes actively self-destructive policy ideas for the Republicans (until unquestioned social justice ideals are rooted out and purged from university curriculum it’s entirely self-defeating to pump more people into getting degrees that do nothing but turn them into insane ideologies. Maybe if it was purely focused on STEM). I also have no idea what the polls are like for public healthcare support, particularly after Obamacare. I don’t exactly know what he means by ‘socially conservative’ either but I assume it’s less ‘go after gay marriage’ and more ‘promote family as a means of getting out of poverty and what-not’.
Admittedly this at least throws of the majority of Republicans’ masks and they can stop pretending to be the small government party.
The day Obama rammed Obamacare through I said America was stuck with it. So strictly from a ‘pragmatic’ angle, maybe he has a point.
I say this because they don’t seem to have the guts to repeal Obamacare and have no idea what kind of a Republican stamp they can put on it.
Conservatives aren’t anti-immigration and don’t know too many who would support that. Maybe he means anti illegal-immigration?
Like my aunt said in the 1980s, where are you going to put all these students in the work force observing back in the 1980s there would be a lot of superfluous courses and Marxist bull shit reaching its heights in the 2000s. Bitch was right.
“Like my aunt said in the 1980s, where are you going to put all these students in the work force?” Observing back…
If Trump’s nomination provided anything, there’s plenty of Republicans who don’t just care about illegal immigration, but actively want to change immigration laws in order for them to be more restrictive. I think you could definitely see plenty of support for a Canada-style points system (which is probably why idiots like Dalmia are freaking out and attacking our system as much as possible). I don’t think throwing out terms like ‘conservative’ are entirely reflective of the current U.S. political climate. Sure, Ben Shapiro is a traditional American conservative, and he’s spend the last eight months battling with members of his own party over what the Republicans should represent. The traditional dynamic of the Republicans/Democrats is dying. Democrats are dropping the mask and beginning to push far left, Republicans are shifting to a more populist platform with a subset of more ‘classical’ conservatives (the socons) and libertarians (Paul, Massie).
i don’t know Shapiro’s views all that well, but i don’t think he fits either a WF Buckley/Country-Club Conservative, nor a Bible-Belt Conservative model.
‘traditional conservative’ would suggest he was representing the same conservative constituencies that previous generations did. He’s not, really. Simply being a conservative jew means he falls into a 3rd category… which does have its own political tradition in the US, but was always really a neither-fish-nor-fowl sort of thing. (see: Neoconservatives)
basically, ‘traditional conservatism’ has a very strong nativist-protestant connections; even if many of the views he argued on behalf of overlapped with some of theirs, you’d find he’d still get the fish-eye from southern baptist convention-types.
And if we go even further back ‘traditional conservatives’ are Jewish-born Goldwaterites that rejected the religious right’s view on numerous issues. Or Coolidge laissez-faire types. You’re drawing an arbitrary line as to what is a ‘traditional conservative’ based on your age. Shapiro is a ‘traditional conservative’ in the sense of the past twenty years.
I realize that it’s not entirely fair to say that when I made a fairly broad statement about him being ‘a traditional conservative’. What I mean by that is socon, theoretically pro-free market/small government, law and order (although Shapiro is slightly different on this with his pot legalization views) and America-as-world-police (not necessarily neocon however).
Goldwater wasn’t at all a traditional conservative, and i don’t recall his fan-base being jewish, even if he was one.
the base of conservatism in this country has always been strongly protestant, and has typically had different cultural branches that were either ‘wealthy and commercial’ or ‘agrarian and religious’. My point was that Shapiro doesn’t really hail from either, and has no real connection to any particular tradition.
Shapiro is your typical pro-Israel Jewish conservative, in my opinion. Probably more well spoken than most. I do admire his ability to shred SJWs with the best of them.
its basically saying, “become 1970s/1980s Democrat populists”
he’s not entirely wrong, but he’s wrong that its the only formula by which the GOP could ‘dominate politics for a decade’
the GOP could dominate politics for the next decade regardless. All the Dems have to do is keep fragmenting between the establishment-hacks whose politics are about serving the interests of SEIU/AFSCME/NEA/ActBlue, etc…. and the Progressive morons who are slaves to coastal-interests and Twitter-psyche progressives.
Basically, as long as Dems continue being complete retards, the GOP simply has to ‘suck slightly less’. And as far as i can tell, that’s their (shitty) plan.
I also personally think nationalized healthcare and ‘free college’ is actually political suicide, but it takes longer to explain why. Mainly because neither are really achievable, nor desirable in any version that is.
We must embrace a despair that unflinchingly acknowledges the bleak future that will be created by climate change.
Good fucking grief. When did the default assumption become, “All change is BAD!”?
Guess what, you husterical dummy- sometimes change is bad, and sometimes change is good.
And sometimes there is no change statistically. These guys may as well be the old cartoon character standing on the street with a sandwich sign that reads ‘The End is Near!’.
random thought
Stalin said every nation imposes its own system as far as its armies can reach. That’s a pretty good summary of govt and is similarly true for religions and ideologies.
If the concepts like individual rights and limited govt are not propagated the way other beliefs are, don’t they risk dying out? What is the best way maintain and expand pro-liberty ideas?
I have no answers yet.
Mars. The new frontier.
Kill all of the stupid people? That’s not right is it? Bad JB.
Yes, they risk dying out. Reagan’s “Freedom is always a generation away from extinction” is absolutely true. It’s why the marxist progs set out to co-opt academia. Letting them succeed was a serious mistake.
The best way to promote liberty is to put a bullet on the skull of every tyrant and sycophant.
Another Special Election Loss – Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?
*makes motorboat noise, falls down stairs*
I giggle like Tommy Udo after pushing Hedges and Hartmann down the stairs.
Wow. Yes, please please move left. You’re already a cunt hair away from Venezuela. Go ahead and and wrap yourself in several hundred pounds of chains and jump overboard. I hear it’s a pretty painless way to die.