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Category: Sexuality

My New Fetish

I am looking for a long term duo queue partner for Overwatch Competitive on PC (US Server) who identifies as a true submissive female, has a strong desire to reach the top of the game, and is willing to commit the time to improving and practice with me every day in the early morning (except Saturdays). I am starting on a fresh account for Season 8. I really don’t care about your past season’s rank, in fact I am perfectly willing to duo with someone who has no experience whatsoever. My game knowledge is really vast and I am a very smart, patient teacher. I am the kind of asshole who doesn’t flex and doesn’t switch, ever. In fact, I will be playing exclusively McCree and Soldier 76. However, I also don’t complain about the teamcomp or my teammates, ever. I don’t rage and I don’t tilt. The goal in the medium term is climbing together to Top 500 while enjoying each other’s energy in the process.

I am not interested in roleplaying, and at least in the near future, I do not want anything beyond a solid, non-sexual symbiotic relationship with you. I am of course willing to play other games not competitively, or doing other things like watching movies or anime, or even just chatting about anything, but do keep in mind that I am going to be very busy these following months so I won’t be able to spend much time with you outside of our morning practice sessions.

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I sexually identify as a Pokémon. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of having my name called and hurling through the air to fight against monsters. People say to me that being a pocket monster is impossible and I’m some sort of deviant for thinking I could be. But I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon change my appearance to that of a puce psionically-gifted cat/squirrel/kangaroo hybrid. From now on I want you guys to call me Mewtwo and encounter me in Cerulean Cave only after you have defeated the Elite Four in the Indigo Plateau. If you can’t do that you’re a Poképhobe and need to check your capture privileges. Thank you for being so understanding.

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Thicc Thursday

??Shalom sluts ? happy ✡?️ Hanukkah✡️ ? spin ?spin? SPIN on daddy’s dreidel✡️ ?????then ✡️I’ll hanuk-cum on yoUr latke? ?OoOooo ?some ??️hano౦kkah ?️sHit is about to go dOwn tonight??? YoU?️ light ?mY ?menorah? and mAke me want to? Dip my ✡️latke iN your ?apple ?sauCE Oooooo ?I’ll wear my?? yarlmu-cum?? and ?pEnetrate ??you like how ?? Israel ?? penetrAtEs?? the ??Palestinian?? territories ?????? ill mAkE u hanuk-?cum ??8 TIMES ? for the eiGHT 8️⃣ days ?puRIFying? the ?HOly Temple ? and I’ll ?SPANK ??you like the ?Maccabees ?sPAnked ??Antiochus IV Epiphanes? in ?Jerusacum ??????

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Mythical Libertarian Woman explores the murky sea doin’ it, banging, making the beast with two backs, humping, the hunka-a-lunka, the horizontal mambo, the old in and out, salting the clam, bam-bam in the ham, balling, amourous congress, attacking the pink fortress, assault with a friendly weapon, beard-splitting, bedroom rodeo, rumbusticating, boffing, boinking, boning, bruising the beef curtains, humpy-squirty, bumping uglies, ferking, hanky, panky, mashing the fat, screwing, monkey-business, shucking the oyster, muff-diving, plugging, etc.

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Happy Thiccsgiving!

Fucking vegans shoving their morals down our throats.

Look, we’ve evolved to eat ass. That’s why we have canine teeth. Animals in the wild eat ass all the time, so why would you give me flack for just going along with nature? I’m not a fucking herbivore.

The human body needs ass to function; if I were to stop eating them, I would go weak. Don’t you get shaky and pale on a non-ass diet? Supplements aren’t enough, and fake ass is disgusting.

At the end of the day, I just think my love of ass trumps the rights of ass. I mean, it’s just ass. It’s non-sentient. I’m an intelligent adult, and so I clearly fall into a different moral category.

Just fuck off and let me eat ass.

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Big Fat Anime Titties

When was the last time you shitposted correctly? When was the last time you shitposted with purpose? It is time to make shitposting great again! We must stop shitposting for nothing and remember its history and importance in blog and forum commenting. By shitposting, we show our fellow community members that we have a cordial relationship and mutual respect. The more shitposts we place under an article, the more respect we give to that contributor. Shitposting deserves to be relevant again; we have to learn and teach how to do it properly.

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Thicc Thursday

Why would they take away our haven?

We have no safe place to chill and be ourselves or enjoy life.

Everyone wants us eliminated or dead.

The fact that violent Chads get hired more than basement dwellers shows how much of a threat society sees us as.

I feel like there is just no hope for us in America.

We get bullied by normies and then blamed for our own deaths.

We do everything right then when nothing comes of it we’re blamed for following the program.

Incels are FINISHED on Hit ‘n Run.

That’s why I tell my peoples invest in There is no future for us on that evil virgin-shaming website.

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Glibertarians After Dark: My New Fetish

I just want to mention that Alexis Texas is a pillar of the community. College Girls Gone Wild was a cinematic masterpiece, and the way she stood up to the headmaster in Volume 2 was truly an inspiration to women everywhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s shown as an educational video by middle schools to young girls entering puberty in the next few years. She showed that not only can women be loving and charitable (as she did during her lesbian scene with Sammy Summers) but also commanding and devoted to her work (shown in Volume 3, when she has to haze the new pledges to her sorority).

Honestly people don’t give her enough credit – as both a character and a person. Alexis has gone through what many young high school girls have. In Pounded On Prom Night, Alexis really connects with girls everywhere. After telling her date no to anal, she offers a blowjob as consolation. Unfortunately she succumbed to peer pressure and in doing so she takes the burden of all young girls everywhere, sharing in their suffering and ultimately growing as a character from it. This is not the only time Ms. Texas would be forced into something in her life, like in Volume 2, where the headmaster strong-arms her and her sorority sisters into pleasing him or all greek life on campus will be shut down. Alexis takes one for the team as the first one to submit, sacrificing herself so that her sisters can be free.

Alexis is an amazing woman and whose example should be honestly striven towards by any young female growing up in the era of masochist oppression. Alexis has single-handedly become the torchbearer for the American feminist movement, and will ultimately lead our civilization to full gender equality.

These are just a few of many examples as to why the greatest tragedy of this century is not trap music, but the fact that Ms. Texas has not yet been given the Congressional Medal of Honor.

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Glibertarians After Dark: Spoopy

It’s ? COCKtober! ?? u?? know ?what? that ?means? ?? Dick sucking ?awareness month?️ ???? time? to remind all ?? that love? that dick ?????? Christopher CUMlumbus day is arriving?! Christopher Columbus?? and those slutty?? pilgrims?? had?? to ??cum?? 2️ America⛵️⛵️⛵️⚓️ in search? of new ???? dicks to suck??????? ? ?? ??????? ? ? ?? ? ?????????? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ? THOT-O-WEEN ?is upon us?? become the tru thot queen??!! BOO!! Sorry did I ?scare ? you?? ??it’s???? Cocktober ?? u?? kno what? that ?means ? SLUT-O-WEEN! back? is the spookiest? slut ?on ? the block!!!! ???? you’ve been visited by the thottie ? ghost‼‼ if u ?? don’t send this to ? other thots???? you will ?get? ❌NO DICK ??✋??? this Halloween ???Spread awareness of this joyous occasion by sending this to ??? 10? of ur closest hoes! Get 1️⃣0️⃣ back: THICC DICC QUEEN ???‼️ Get 5️⃣ back: ??u?? gettin ?the succ? tonite?? Get 0️⃣ back: no? ? succ for u???? ??⚰

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Thicc Thursday

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Thicc thursday The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Heroic Mulatto’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization – his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Thicc Thursday truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in Heroic Mulatto’s existential catchphrase “This is my new fetish!” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic “Fathers and Sons”. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Heroic Mulatto’s genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools… how I pity them. ? And yes by the way, I DO have a tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the thicc ladies’ eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

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Glibertarians After Dark: My New Fetish

The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity, indolence and racemixing. This is done in order to reprogram our sexual desires, so that what we find sexually attractive subconsciously promotes a lifestyle of passive over-consumption, waste and materialism. Who profits from your sedentary existence? Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Soy and other multinational conglomerates all intent on turning you into docile, drug dependent, welfare supported consumers. Also, the typical T H I C C body type is far more prevalent in non-whites. Therefore, this manufactured trend surreptitiously goads the white man toward sullying his genetic heritage. I wonder who could be behind this? Don’t fall for their tricks!

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