Weight Loss
Friday Morning Links
You guys have been treated to better links than I could have provided on my best of days. Well, so solly, because I’m back now! So you’re gonna have to live with me bringing you…the links!
Afternoon Out of Office Links
Working between Christmas and New Year's is a double edged sword. On one the side, it is not busy and you can swill coffee and surf the net, waiting for something, anything to come in to the ol' in-box. On the other side...you can only drink so much coffee and take...
5 Minute Japanese Lesson
Wherein straffinrun tries to stretch our brains.
Thursday Morning Urinary Emergency Links
Sloopy is dealing with piss-soaked kids. I will not ask if it’s his or theirs. Either way, I’ll jump in with an emergency stopgap.
Wednesday Afternoon Links
Thanks to Swiss for covering the linkses for me while I was on vacation.
Christmas Food in Romania
Just a short post about some food we eat in Romania on Christmas. A feast for your eyes!
How I Spent My Wednesday Morning: Links
Sloopy: “Yeahhhh, we’re a little short-handed and need you to come in on Tuesday. Oh, and Wednesday, too. Yeahhhh. That’d be great.”
Movie List
What movies should we see?
Winter Wasteland Afternoon Links
Swiss Servator sticks his head out of the pile of blankets to bring you links.
A Deep Dive into Cryptocurrencies and Their Operation: Part 2
We’re going to start here in Part 2 by talking generically about some of the hurdles that cryptocurrencies have had to overcome, then we’ll define some terms, and finally we’ll put all the pieces together into a basic model of how a blockchain-based cryptocurrency works.
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